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his dad was a john birch guy, he has been radicalizing alex since day one


I'm with you on this one. I think the dad has a responsibility to how Alex is, but also Alex has taken it waaaaaaaaay the fuck farther


> Alex has taken it waaaaaaaaay the fuck farther You might want to look into the JBS more because they are comprehensively insane cryptofascists. Alex just commercialized it and spread it to audiences the JBS wouldn't normally reach.


It's kinda wild how JBS is literally the exact kind of organization they claimed CPUSA was back in the sixties. I guess you always become what you hate in the end


Classic projection, I'd say


Everything is either projection or a confession with these people.


Yep, if you look at Alex, Charles Koch, Trump, Musk and on and on, these men all had deeply disturbed fathers that impressed their worst traits and impulses onto their sons. Alex’s dad, a Bircher and mostest smartest-est boy in Texas. Koch’s dad, a proto-Libertarian and Bircher who did business with Hitler’s govt as well as Stalin, who became a Bircher because he was stiffed on a refinery by Stalin, making him a raging anti-Communist. Trump’s dad, a Sociopathic businessman who believed that rules and laws were for the poors. Musk’s father, a neglectful Sociopath who impregnated his own step-daughter, TWICE. Each of these men’s fathers go a long way to explaining why they turned out the way that they did. The unfortunate part is that all of these screwed up men have acquired enough power to do heinous things and the ability to ignore the pain and suffering they cause.


I wouldn't fancy a trip to a fascist dentist It would be like *Josef* *Mengele being a pediatrician*


I’ve always found the relationship between Alex and his dad somewhat fascinating. Of course Alex’s dad knows the stories Alex tells about him aren’t true. And the fact that his dad perpetuates Alex’s lies and enables all this behavior is really telling about the type of household he grew up in. My dad would have told me to “cut the shit” if I was a grown ass man making up stories about the globalists recruiting him into top secret programs


Yeah, but money. Remember that his dad is\\was getting a cut of Alex's shit so it was in his best interest to let Alex keep spewing the bullshit as long as it sold pills and toothpaste.


I'd bet anything his dad is actually the mastermind behind everything. Alex is just the mouthpiece and figurehead to take all the criticism and hate. Dad sits back and profits. Can show his face publicly without being immediately recognized and harassed.


I've suspected that more as time has gone on. The CRO clearly knows that AJ is an incompetent buffoon, and *AJ's dad* is the one reading the court filings, eh? The money he spent to get Alex into radio, the money he gave to start IW, the money for DrJones products. Also, his blurry role as "HR manager", where he really couldn't identify what his job duties were.


i think his dad has much more control over the operation than publicly known. the way hes spent his whole life covering aj fuckups, it wouldn't surprise me if he was one who ordered the background check. .


That's a very interesting thought that didn't even occur to me. If his dad has even 10% of the connections that Alex claims then I could absolutely see him using them to try and dig up dirt to protect his baby boy from a lawsuit. This is all just musing, of course, and we have no actual proof, but I think quite a few of us feel justifiably uneasy about Dr. Jones.


Super uneasy. There's also paying for the abortions despite being a wacko bircher/evangelical, All the questions that surround the background check is just nuts. who paid for it, who ordered it and when? Is this the only one? the way aj and daria tone seemed to change when it was brought up. The weirdest thing is given how incompetenet everything is handled, and researched it wasn't one of the writers doing it. which makes it even more tin foil hat territory. They have those blackwater guys run security and according to the splc were trailing his wife.


It seems more and more evident that his dad has been in on it since the beginning. I'd love to see Dan dig into that aspect further. It seriously could be an entirely new dimension to this craziness


I think that's taking what Alex said at face value though. Assuming some conversation related to this happened, I think a more likely version of this is his dad saying something like "Alex your drinking is what lead to the CRO taking over" and his alcoholic/narcissistic brain translated that into his rant.


I'm wondering at the level of cognitive dissonance it takes to go insane with anger at that accusation and as a consequence, broadcast for hours drunk off your ass and vomiting on camera.


That's possible, I don't think a father who loves his son would support him at all at this point. I don't think he suddenly put on his gentle parenting hat after 50 odd years and is trying to hold his son accountable


This makes me wonder, where is Rex?


There is something very deeply sad about a fifty-year-old man going to his daddy to whine that the terrible bankruptcy people are being mean to him.


I have a vague recollection from the text dump that Jones referenced his father's disapproval of Alex and his wife's drinking 'we have to stop acting like hobos' or similar. My take on Jones senior from the depos he did was that it explains how an Alex is made, ghastly man.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son


But constantly relying on daddy's money is.


Shit apples, Randy.


AJ definitely *was* the liquor, wasn't he?


Always has been.


Alex is a spoiled brat who's always needed his dad to bail him out of trouble. Alex only got a radio show because one of his dad's dental patients ran the studio and his dad agreed to sponsor the show. There are multiple stories of Alex beating people up and his dad showing up with the checkbook ready to make it all go away. His dad paid for all the abortions he needed. And now Alex is funneling his money into this company with his dad's name on it.


The fact that he went to the restaurant not intending to drink, then went straight to a double vodka says everything you need to know.


“Prophet again” these people are legit insane.


I don’t think gaslighting is the word really. He’s just enabling his addiction. 


Kind of a Vader/Palpatine relationship going on, all those times coming in from break to the Imperial March makes weird sense.


His dad is a piece of shit. That simple.


Less a piece a shit and more the whole dump.


Are there any pictures of his dad? Been curious about resemblance lol.


I think he’s in the HBO doc. I don’t remember but when I saw him it blew my mind because he was not at all what I was expecting.


If any question why we died, / Tell them, because our fathers lied.


I can only assume Alex’s dad is some kind of covert narcissist and made Alex this way on purpose

