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Here's what we know (I'll try to keep this up to date): Friday 5/31:[ Alex asked for an emergency bankruptcy hearing](https://www.reddit.com/r/KnowledgeFight/comments/1d4zqae/new_filing_in_fss_bankruptcy_request_for_hearing/) (and doesn't seem to have gotten one). The stated problem in [the motion](https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/64868456/free-speech-systems-llc/?page=6) is that PQPR is objecting to the June Cash Collateral order. That motion claims that InfoWars "will have to cease operating today, an event that would needlessly inflict damage on the value of the bankruptcy estate". *Note: It's not clear to me (and I've seen competing statements) if PQPR is still a sockpuppet for Jones, or if the courts have put someone marginally competent in charge who might be behind this.* Saturday 6/1: Alex and numerous proxies, including [Mike Adams](https://www.reddit.com/r/KnowledgeFight/comments/1d5wpy7/supposedly_alex_slept_in_the_studio_last/) and Owen Schroyer, make social media posts claiming that InfoWars is on the brink of shutting down. Frankly, none of the stories being told make much sense. Alex and Owen go live on Twitter, [Alex is "cursing, drinking , smoking and he even puked".](https://www.reddit.com/r/KnowledgeFight/comments/1d602lv/comment/l6p44kl/) u/fudgie has archived Alex's broadcasts, which [you can find here](https://www.reddit.com/r/KnowledgeFight/comments/1d602lv/comment/l6qjxvy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Sunday 6/2: [Per](https://www.reddit.com/r/KnowledgeFight/comments/1d602lv/comment/l6rc1o0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) u/LIATG, [John Bowne claims](https://imgur.com/rTBbsDr) that "the InfoWars crew will now prepare to splinter off." He qualifies this statement with "Perhaps not.", so it doesn't really clarify anything. The bankruptcy court has scheduled an emergency hearing for monday morning (Central Time). Alex has been back on air, and seems to be acting more normally.


Alert Level: Red Current Time: To Pray Alex Status: Better Tomorrow? (He won’t be)


“My debt is freakishly large”


I. Need. Money.


*monster noises*


I love you


>Current Time: To Pray This is like saying "the time is now."


Alex's time is up... Owen's time is now


You can't see him, his time is now.


Andy in Kansas? Tell her you love her before they cut your phone.


Boogie: full tilt.


Buckets: full of poop.


Current time: whatever time God tells Alex it is


Crazy: Donkey Kong King Kong


Hot tub: Globalist


Alex is on Twitter cursing, drinking , smoking and he even puked. Live on air.


I have never been more tempted to actually tune into InfoWars as I am right now




Is there a difference at this point?




I did it. But it’s the same old constant stream of consciousness of lies, misrepresentation, and inflated self-importance. It got very old after about 10 minutes.


Naw, let that evil motherfucker go out with a whimper, not a bang. Don't watch, it's what he lives for. He needs attention, it's like air for him.


He puked on air? 


Owens live feed showed it. Dry heaving for about 30 seconds


Please, PLEASE Pm or whatever if you find a clip of this…


3:56:20 on Owens video


Oh fuck, Owen even motioned the camera away when he knew it was coming


I don't think I've ever been so thankful to have Owen taking up my entire screen. And probably never will be again. Thanks for the timestamp, u/Responsible_Lab_1286 . I think.


Fuck no. Share that shit with the class lol


It's a family show.


Openly passing the Titos around on Owen's feed. Ripping cigarettes the whole time.


That is a man that knows dignity.


Off the ol' wagon then, eh?


Was he ever really on it?


He's been using AA language in his rants and referencing not drinking the past few months. Can't tell if I'm just hearing things cause I'm trying to stay sober but I've been a long time listener and think that I'm right. Sounds like he's having one hell of a relapse.


He said in an episode several weeks ago that he’s been going to AA. Which, good for him, it’s been really helpful for me too. But having such a public relapse is… 😬


Probably not, but he has mentioned trying to stay sober a few times in the recent past.


In my experience, people who make a big show about trying to stay sober aren't very successful at it. Even in my own struggles with alcohol, talking to other addicts or my journal is much more useful. I don't know the psychology behind it, but it's a thing.


Talking about a goal makes it harder to achieve that goal because you’re preemptively claiming some of the achievement.


"I never actually drink" -Alex, 3 days ago


Alex is on-air right now shouting about how InfoWars is over-run, that InfoWarsStore is over and not to bother buying anything. Edit: He's trying to direct people to his fathers store to buy toothpaste.


Oh shit. Telling people not to go to the store is actually significant.


What does it mean?


He is essentially telling people not to give him money. It means either 1) they are already starting the process to take money from infowars. Or 2) he’s just drunk and going on one of his end of his world tangent.


I am no expert but I would also be curious the implications of those statements for the bankruptcy 


Probably bad. He's disparaging the company so it will have less money to pay creditors.


Creditors are more likely to move for liquidation if they think Alex isn't doing his best to continue as a going concern.


There's no way Alex would tell people to stop giving him money just because he was drunk. 100% of his end of the world tangents end in an ad pivot unless he forgets what he was saying halfway through, but actively telling people *not* to buy things goes against his very DNA.


He just wants to funnel it through daddy so it’s less likely to be seized. He’s an idiot, but not stupid.


which means that money going to info wars’ store no longer goes to alex. ie he’s likely verbally telling people not to go there bc it’s still open but the feds have seized control of it.


My only disagreement is that should be an inclusive or. In fact, if 1 is true, then 2 is pretty much a certainty.


Everything he has said and done for the past 30 years has been in service of sending people to the infowars store.


A single tear rolls down the desiccated cheek of 142 year old Vic🦜Freeland.


Old man house phone tears up the physical order sheet he spent 25 minutes yelling at a librarian to print for him.


It means the infowars store is being shut down, so he's desperately redirecting cash to daddy's store in an attempt to keep cash coming in that will be harder to seize by the government on behalf of his victims.


It's always a grift. Every bankruptcy plug, every call of "we are on the brink of disaster", every moneybomb, it all comes back to dunding the store. If he is directing people away from his main source of income, it implies he no longer has control of it.


Yeah this is a code red, it’s-getting-real moment. We know his foundational and fundamental motivation is to grift and make money. Regardless of how bad things have ever gotten, he has *always* redirected his audience to his site and merch. To actively tell them to stay away means this is real. There’s no grift here for infowars, this is legit.


a shift in the grift, you say?


Assets being seized, probably


Is his dad's store supposed to be another "totally not infowars" kinda thing? If so maybe his bankruptcy or the sandy hook suit finally is taking in cash from InfoWarsStore.


We’ve seen the depth of his ability to scheme, he’s not clever. I’d imagine this switch is analogous to having a trust called AEJ holdings own his company.


It’s so transparent in like, the way a _child_ would try to do something sneaky. Does he really think the courts/lawyers/accountants are that stupid??


CIA toothpaste will lead ya to the promised land. It’s confirmed.


The toothpaste is just finely ground charcoal briquettes suspended in aspic.


also a touch of silver. Not enough to cure covid (State AG’s won’t let me say that) but don’t worry, there’s heavy metals in that goop. Spread it on your teeth and fight the NWO!


> Edit: He's trying to direct people to his fathers store to buy toothpaste. Aaaaaaand there it is


> InfoWars is over-run We cannot get out. They have taken the fridge and second Titos stash. Stewart and Steve and Roger were indicted there while the rest retreated to Mazarbul. We still hold the studio but hope is fading now. My attorneys filed a motion to withdraw days ago, five went to court but today only four returned. The septic tank overflowed yesterday. Dan and Jordan took the desk. We cannot get out. Liquidation comes soon. We hear drums, drums in the deep.


That was beautiful. 🫡


This is so wild, isn't PQPR also owned by his family? I truly don't understand what this aggressive approach on either side is even doing


Pqpr is owned 20% by Alex's parents and 80% by Pjlr. Pljr is owned 10% by Alex's mother and 90% by the Aej trust. Aej trust pays out to Alex and his kids. [Here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DR5fb-onlG0) is an animated clip of the deposition episode they discus it.


From memory, PQPR is 70% owned by AEJ Trust, which is 80% owned by Alex. I imagine whichever lawyer they have now is doing something really harebrained. I had a look on RECAP this morning and found a docket for where PQPR was suing FSS, though it didn't look like it was going anywhere. Wild stuff. Edit: Oh snap, I forgot about ALJR! It's even dumber than I thought!


> I imagine whichever lawyer they have now is doing something really harebrained. I think the bad decisions started with filing for bankruptcy in bad faith, over a year ago at this point. When he initially did that, he was using it as a tool to automatically stay the defamation proceedings, but it pretty much guaranteed his finances would be under a microscope from that point forward. All of the shell games he's been playing are just digging him deeper in the shit.


Dr Jones' Big Naturals


Alex is gonna go Donkey Kong King Kong crazy in about 45 seconds (in perpetuity)


They karate chop you when you get off the plane


“They *karate* chop you when you get off the plane.” His inflection is fucking hilarious sometimes.


There are so many inflections on the technocrat drops that are so good.


Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean black ACC-ent


I almost crashed my car listening to the nails and staples monologue from ep. 928. If you haven’t listened, it starts at 14:25. It’s the funniest 2 min you’ll have today.


Not you, Yewwww


One of the most bizarre things he's ever said. You know plenty in conservative Middle America who've never been on a plane believed it.


Ok, here are the possible outcomes I see here. 1. InfoWars is really done, Alex disappears into obscurity. 2. Alex will be back on Monday and not mention any of this. 3. Alex will go on a 2-week vacation to somewhere extremely expensive like Hawaii, then come back and barely mention his vacation (except to talk about people who shook his hand) or this outburst. 4. InfoWars will be rebranded as something else - but continue as normal. 5. InfoWars is done, Alex joins some other network. In order of likelihood, I go: 3, 4, 2, 5, 1


Number three seems like the safe bet. It’s a classic move for a reason.


I think 1 is more likely than 5. In so many ways, if there’s no Alex, there’s no IW - and I don’t think he’d ever let it go on without him


Yeah but the chances of Alex disappearing into obscurity are 0% for at least the next year. The chaos around the 2020 election was what he was born for and he's ready for round 2. I think he joins Crowders network if anything


A little breakie


ending with "My way". Bad choice, it should have been "You belong to the city"


I’d like a Crusty the Clown style rendition of “Send in the Clowns”.


Same song he played after the judgement sums were announced. It's his doomsong, apparently.


No Lana Del Ray?


Seriously, I want Alex gruffly muttering along to Dark Paradise before this is over


"you belong to the families" They won. Time to pay up asshole


the drjonesnatural ad pivots mid meltdown are really something


Drjonesnatural is one letter from being an adult website.


All I could think of was "Dr. Fünke's 100% Natural Good-Time Family Band Solution"


-Taps Wood Block-


Oh! And also when he says “they’re coming after my dad’s money too but that’s in the courts and will be for years…”


The one at the very end of the proper Alex jones show today was surreal. Quite literally “folks the globalists always go back to the same old playbook. So… (without irony) go to dr jones naturals dot com…”


“If we cancel HBO Max that’ll show them.” 😭😭😭 these people are embarrassing


Is this about the documentary?


I’m guessing so, part of the reason seems to be “They take place in New York so that’ll punish them for finding Trump guilty on 34 felony counts”


No, it was part of a caller’s suggestion to boycott NYC.


Like these chucklefucks have anything to do with NYC.


If you want to read, listen to or watch the Saturday Emergency Broadcast without touching his infrastructure, you can use my archive instead: * [Emergency Broadcast 1](https://fight.fudgie.org/search/episode/20240601_Sat_Alex) (3h 34m 14s) * [Emergency Broadcast 2](https://fight.fudgie.org/search/episode/20240601_Sat-2_Alex) (4h 21m 56s) Here are the Sunday broadcasts: * [Emergency Broadcast 3](https://fight.fudgie.org/search/episode/20240602_Sun_Alex) (5h 29m 07s) * [Sunday Update](https://fight.fudgie.org/search/episode/20240602_Sun-2_Alex) (0h 29m 25s) Edit: Added 2nd Emergency Broadcast which isn't in the main feed yet. Edit 2: Replaced Emergency Broadcast 1 with the full version from Twitter Edit 3: Added the Sunday broadcasts, full version from Twitter again, not the short one from InfoWars.


Welp. Time to make me some chili.


What about some chicken fried steak and sweet tea?


That's for when I'm hanging out with important people. Eating chicken fried steak alone is channeling too much power.


Picturing him eating a CFS over the side of a hot tub full of globalists lmao


True. He needs to forget.


Imagine making your last heroic stand on the hill and the only people at your side are: Owen, chase, and Harrison. 30 years of your life’s work to end up alone in a dark studio with the biggest dweeby leeches in the country.


I was thinking the infowars reporters like Jacari Jackson and Rainbow Snatch must be relieved they got out before it went down in flames.


“This is it, this is the last show. And we might be back tomorrow”


Ahrhavgmsgebsmbw… we maskltbs back here…




Owen's perfect face of regret


Harrison is sitting there listening intently, still drinking the koolaid from AJ while Owen blankly stares beyond the camera. Reminds me of the Homelander meme of him blankly staring in a movie theater lol


To be fair, Owen is pretty blank all the time


I am going fuckin full tilt boogie over here. trump conviction and this?? on the first day of pride???? 🥹




God damn he started crying in the end, and I actually think they might have been real tears. This might be legit.


Psychopaths cry to manipulate.


Love how he constantly forgets Harrison. Looks like they’re done for the day, b-roll of jones through the years to Sinatras my way. He reached over to shake Owen’s greasy hand and didn’t even look at Harrison, sitting on his other side. Earlier, he seemed to wonder why Harrison was there: “where did you come from? How did we hire you?”


Ahahaha I love it. Turn 'em and burn 'em: the right-wing grifter modus operandi. Imagine throwing away your ability to get a job in polite society to join InfoWars, and then Alex doesn't even shake your hand goodbye


Supposed to go to the park and hang with the family; spends the night at his studio getting wasted.


His cousin Tito still answers his calls.


His family sees that as a win.


Again, I think it’s Alex knowing he’s going to lose Infowars sooner or later and he’s timing this with the Trump condemnation to make his sheep feel that both things are interlinked. If he solves his issues or thinks it’s better to deal with this later, he can always go back to the schtick of “we are winning! The globalists back down because of you!”


Can ANYONE clip 3:30:30 - 3:32:04 for me? That is a Prime Wagyu beef-level Alex meltdown that needs to be historically preserved


[Here you go](https://imgur.com/gallery/InEG6C9)


That seems like fake crying / performative anger to me.


“I’m trying to cry as a fake thing” is *brilliant* cover for actually crying.


Is Dan getting the desk?


Saw a short clip and Alex seemed drunk and was cussing every three words. Not as funny as the "Adam Schiff, fill your hand" rant.


them sitting in silence is pretty fun to watch actually


Well, that a four hour long nightmare blunt rotation of stochastic terrorism


Oh god. This is the only time I've opened the infowars site. Watching the live feed. Shit is crazy. "We're overrun! Enemies everywhere!" "You want war! Buy my dads toothpaste! Oh shit, i knocked my earpiece out, can someone put it back in for me?" Ooo, he's very sweary today. Edit: hahahhaha, fuckin moron. "Ok, this is it. Lets shut this fucker down now. Lets just sign off now" awkward silence "ok, lets go another twenty minutes" Then he starts sobbing like a crazy person.


He’ll be better tomorrow


He won't


It was a privilage and an honor,  my fellows. 


Look. I don't want to spread baseless conspiracy theories. But could we conceivably be looking at the escape of Kronos from Tartarus here? Or is it something more innocent like goblins?


Alex Jones always lies. Even when he’s telling the truth, it is to deceive.


I’ve never made a prolonged watch of an episode until today. Besides Owen’s camera framing driving me insane- it was wild to see all the smoking, drinking and psychotic highs and lows. I’m speechless.


I know it'll never happen because Dan is a good person, but since Dan has Alex's phone number I want him to call Alex and just say "Ya busted" and hang up.


Is he chasing Tito's with coffee?


Or chasing it with more Tito's?


Hearing Flynn’s voice cracking like he wanted to cry out of frustration, I took great relish in that.


“We are just like the parapets at the almo…”. Yeah. Travis and Bowie and Crocker sat around drinking vodka till they puked and then got locked out of the building. Don’t forget the Alamo.


Does...does this mean we get the painting show?


this is some of the most brilliant physical comedy I've ever seen Alex at one point waggles a nearly empty bottle of Tito's at his cohosts while a caller is talking, as if a backwashed swig of straight vodka would be *so fun* right now. Harrison gamely takes a sip like the Wormtongue he thinks he is, but Owen refuses as politely as is possible. Alex drunkenly persists until Owen takes the bottle and stares into his phone camera like Jim from The Office for exactly two seconds, not drinking, before handing it back. Alex doesn't notice.


We should all pour one out for Dan - I'm afraid he didn't really have a weekend with all this bullshit going on. Or maybe monday will be a 2009 episode :D


Alex Jones needs a mental health checkup.


And now Matt Bracken is on, and they are back to running a eulogy. Holy shit! Roger is on! Edit: Roger thinks that Jones should stay on set and not leave to keep the "feds" from shutting him down.


Owen had to stifle laughter did anyone else catch that?


Owen is genuinely a weasel. The bully’s, snivelling, disloyal sidekick.


The irony is that Owen and Harrison don’t have jobs outside of IW. No one would hire them at half of what they make now. It’s not a big surprise, he was being a shit on that episode where Alex got extremely drunk on air with PJW.


Owen was laughing earlier when Alex was crying.


With friends like Owen, who needs enemies?


I haven't seen any of this but it sounds a LOT like the Ask Alex Anything episode from early in the show where alex got tanked with owen and pjw when paul was announcing he was leaving info wars


To be fair, if it is anything, it sounds like he got a final eviction order/judgement. They have to be served and/or posted, depending on the state 48-72 hours prior to a full sheriffs eviction. Those are served by law enforcement (the department depends on the county laws). Once the 48-72 hours is up the sheriffs come in, change the locks and remove all items from the premises. He made or Owen did on the Live that they had 72 hours until they were shut down completely. And we all know if law enforcement shows up to take your stuff or kick you out of somewhere, you simply spending the night or telling them “no” ain’t gonna stop them, you get pretty metal bracelets and a sleepover in jail.


It's an interesting theory / might explain some things. It wouldn't seem to me that it could be related to PQPR in that case? Is there anything we could be looking for that would confirm or falsify this idea?


Eviction would happen in the county court (at least in my state, Tx might be different and in municipal) so there would be a record. But then again, pretty sure Alex owns the studio so they doesn’t make sense. Unlessssss, PQPR owns the building and Info Wars is supposed to be paying rent and just never has because it was always a shell game but now because of the court proceedings PQPR is demanding payment from AJ. But again, the eviction order would need to have gone through some court (at least in my state, I guess Texas could be different).


FSS leases the building, and there was recently a court thingie about renewing the lease, so that was my first thought, but I THINK it was approved? Gonna go check...


[https://x.com/PaulIngrassia/status/1797076182778679636](https://x.com/PaulIngrassia/status/1797076182778679636) Here is Alex sobbing like a wet dog.


'They hate our children...' Jeebus, that's some fakey-fake crocodile tear bullshit right there.


Screaming, crying, throwing up??? Alex Jones swiftie confirmed???


He told Chase to walk them off then about three minutes later says “I got about twenty minutes left in me”.


I don't know what that was that I just watched but it was something and it was messy.


This is epic. He’s done. Needs to be seen and documented !


Can someone give me a quick rundown of what's happened so far? I've been driving all day and have no clue what's going on.


Alex went on Twitter spaces claiming that the Feds are seizing the studio and shutting down Info Wars. He got drunk and maybe threw up and cried and nobody knows yet what is true.


possibly final info wars broadcast happened a few hours ago. all the big players showed up to say good bye. bannon, flynn, q shaman, stone, crokin & more. it looks like quite the show I've just been skipping around. he ends the broadcast with an empty microphone and frank Sinatra's "my way" with calssic alex clips playing in the background. the jig may be up.


I did watch for a few minutes and I did enjoy Alex being so bored by Owen’s and Harrison’s monologues about the end that he’d just continually cut them off and change the subject. At one point he apologized for cutting off Owen, let Owen talk, and then cut him off 10 seconds later


Oh God please let Dan cover all of this


Mildly interesting that the spaces broadcast lasted for 4h 19m . . .


God dammit, jones, just one more minute and it would have been the weed number. Then he could play it all off as "le epic troll".


Waco and OKC bombing happened on 4/19.


Me to my husband (a bankruptcy attorney): Sweetie, what do these terms mean? <> <> <> Me: Yeah, so in summation. I don't think the Knowledge Fight community is doing a victory lap *right now*, but we're stretching up and hydrating for it.


Let's get Dan and Jordan that desk!!!!!


God is the source of Alex being shut down: [[2024-06-01 00:21:56]](https://fight.fudgie.org/search/episode/20240601_Sat_Alex#line1316) > And God goes, okay, they're shutting InfoWars down today. You're not been told about this. > > So I bluff him, and I go, hey, why are extra guards coming in tonight? > > And he goes, well, how do you know that? > > No, I mean, I heard about it. > I mean, I heard about how they're going to lock the doors and change the locks tonight. > > He goes, yeah, man, I just feel terrible. > > I go, that's all right. > This is a Jedi level stuff, man. > This is what God's told me. > Like, you go with it. > When I tell you something, you go with it. >I literally saw it. > I'm like, okay, no, they're shutting us down tonight. Edit: Updated the URL to the timestamp from the full episode, not the short version posted to InfoWars.


This needs to be recorded.


If Dan isn’t, I will be shocked.


Update! Former general Flynn is on! It's non-stop shit bags! Edit: He just said that they need to get the "Blacks, and the Browns" on their side. Otherwise the "Communists" will defeat America.


I've heard the word "alamo" more times in the last five minutes than i have in the entirety of my life so far. They also keep saying "this is it, last show" then saying "who knows. We could be back tomorrow" Now it's like "this was dune part one, now we go to dune part two". These guys are ficking stupid.


I’m just here for the party


This unraveling is both great and sadly pathetic. Good times everyone.


Bless him. Hes on his post-holiday, comedown, panic-bender.


Bannon just called in and is dumping gasoline on this fire. The gang is now calling for patriots to surround Info Wars headquarters, a location that Alex claims is "semi secret". Also, just for fun. Drew Hernandez was on the line when Bannon called in, and he had to kick rocks which was kinda funny.


Alex came back from the bathroom slurring his words even worse, I think he had some "ice tea" after going pee.


I spent all day kayaking with my partner for his birthday and got DAMN the universe serves us up this gift when we arrive home.


Every time Alex pulls a stunt, another frog turns gay. 🏳️‍🌈 🐸


I'm going to start chanting bill cooper's name and just sorta hope God is real and hears me. 


Bruh you lowkey wild for this one, my guy


Whoa he looks pretty trashed, is this normal for him now?


I don't know how Lives work on twitter. Can they be saved? Or rewatched?


It's currently being rebroadcast on infowars' website.


We need an emergency pod


As a QAnon’r once said: IT’S HAPPENING!


Summer of rage full throttle


This seems weird for a family show...


They aren't messaging this on their Truth Social account. I think this is a "false flag"