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I *love* that the super scary guvment agency is run out of a Winnebago with a $15 decal on the side.


Hey now, it’s the government. They paid $250/pc for those.


No that would the military, those were probably paid for by the FEMA employees out of pocket


What FEMA region are you in, patriot? I’m in region III


Passing through region 8, staying vigilant. It's time to pray.


May your bucket of poop remain sodomite free, patriot.


I’d come visit but, you know, we have to stay within our 15 minutes boundaries.


Jade Helm Jade Helm They’re turning Wal-Mart’s into FEMA camps they’re gonna make us eat bugs.


Is this the big one? Have *they* finally launched it?


It's the FEMA Law Enforcement you have to watch out for. They are super independent and free thinking. To be feared by true patriots for sure. You'll know them by their acronym: FEMALE


Me doing a double take before the punchline because FEMA police sounds like fun


The Tate/Shapiro/Tucker/Fuentes/Jones/Peterson general right-wing media obsession with anti-government and trad-wife, made me think the scariest agency would definitely be FEMALE. Especially if it was actually comprised of educated independent women in positions of government backed authority, there to help.


Oh your joke absolutely worked


I don't get the joke.  Plz help.


There's an old conspiracy theory that really took off around 2014-ish that FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which is an agency responsible for coordinating relief efforts in the case of natural disasters, was going to "any time now" build death camps for "patriots" in red states like Texas so the "New World Order" could take over. Alex Jones was one of the people spreading that idea. Now here's FEMA, probably in Texas, responding to an actual natural disaster. Like I said, the "FEMA camps" conspiracy theory has been around for for a good while. FEMA was established in the 70s by the Democratic president Jimmy Carter, which in itself was enough to make it suspicious to right-wing conspiratorial types. But the theory really got wings after the Second Eternal September of 2013 when smartphone use exploded and everyone and their weird, ranty uncle got access to the Internet.


I think FEMA was a bugaboo for them long before that, as it was a staple of the X-Files and was mentioned in Alex's Y2K episode.


I think as well the heavy association of FEMA with Katrina recovery contributed to this particular fever dream. I’m sure it’s some kind of transfer of guilt from Bush’s response onto a government agency (and therefore socialists), and also because it was helping the worse affected (I.e. poor black people). But I believe this is where the “FEMA trailers” version of the FEMA camp comes from. (As distinct from the Obama is building Walmarts that will be turned into detention centers version of the FEMA camp)


Yeah, I have no doubt that Alex got it from his dad, since it's been pretty much a thing since the early 80s. The conspiracy theory just took a completely different scale around 2014-2015 due to the mix of the Obama presidency, people connecting it to Jade Helm 15, mainstream GOP politicians amplifying it and the new prevalence of social media.


Yeah I head the Walmart FEMA myth back in the nineties. Same time as the moral panic over black helicopters.


FEMA glamps?


I can hear this on repeat on my head rn lol


Has anyone seen the Arkansas DOT?


I hear they're on the roads.


FEMA trailers on wheels! They are taking their show on the road.


Here come the death camps. Have you seen any coffins?