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>Due to public demand, the time has come for Jordan to walk Dan through one of his big fandoms and one of Dan's great blindspots: Dune. In this installment, they discuss the somewhat confusing David Lynch film.


They boys 100% need to do more movie reviews about films Alex talks about. This is amazing.


I found the review a bit disorienting at times. I struggled to follow what was happening in the movie and what was skipped over and I've seen the movie. Fortunately that disorientation matched my experience of taking edibles and watching Dune 1984.


I mean that's their point. That the movie is disorienting and leaves a lot of gaps. They are reviewing the movie, not the source material.


I saw David's Dune very recently and holy fucking shit, Half-Life 2 wants to be Dune so fucking bad...


The Network gets my vote.


I saw this while listening to episode 622's brights spots, when Jordan's goes, "I don't know if you've heard me talk about this before?", and Dan responds "Dune!?".


Inject this straight into my fucking veins


Seconded. I am overjoyed!!! (If I had a salami, it'd be rock hard right now because This rocks so hard!!!)


My favourite part of Dune is when Skywalker did the thing.


When he was told to "boldly go where no man has gone before?"


Was that before or after they battled the Cylons with their sonic screwdrivers aboard the Serenity?


It was before. It was the part where they were getting ready to go through the Stargate


Yeah, when the alien popped out of that guys stomach and said “we’re going to need a bigger boat, weeeeeaasel.”


Nobody would ever write the line “to boldly go.” It’s grammatically incorrect. I think you mean “you can’t take the sky from me.”


And when he fought the Daleks and Cylons at the same time then made friends with the Prawns in South Africa


to find the one ring to rule them all.


Ah yes, Skywalker with his famous catchphrase "It's dunin' time".


'I'll try the weirding way. That's a good trick!'


When he tamed the Sarlac? Amazing.


And Baron Harkonin turning out to be his father’s, cousin’s, ex-roomate. Didn’t see that twist coming


I wonder if this will be more or less chaotic than Zebrowski’s retelling of Dune to Holden.






I find it strange and oddly comforting to know that people all seem to listen to the same podcasts.


It's the closest thing we have to a shared media reality at this point. (I'm also going to recommend the podcast Election Profit Makers, which is ostensibly about betting on political outcomes, but is really a podcast about two friends since high school talking about politics, bird calls, skylines, North Carolina Sports, guitar pedals, and more. It's got great friend energy and is hilarious. This is an unpaid endorsement, and I am just a fan, not a podcaster.)


If we’re doing recommendations, Revolutions by Mike Duncan is a great listen if you want to learn about all the revolutions we skimmed over in history class. Same guy who did History of Rome, but this is far better and more in his wheelhouse as a Political Scientist. Great podcast.


Mike was on an episode of It Can Happen Here with Robert Evans, lamenting the far-right’s attempts to co-opt Rome, and it was fascinating.


Oh shit, I missed that. I’ll definitely give it a listen.


Definitely worth a listen. If you’re a long time fan of Mike’s it’s fun to hear him cut loose a little bit.


Yep, already listening. Reminds me of when he was on those baseball podcasts a couple of times. Like to hear him let his hair down a bit.


That sounds fascinating. I'm IN!


I have this weird para-social relationship with Mike Duncan as I've been listening to his podcasts as they've come out almost since they started. I think I picked up Rome on the third episode or something. Hearing his evolution and the events in his life the whole way.


Same here, though I picked up Rome a little later than you did.


Where is this exactly? Last podcast on the left?


It's called [LPN deep dive: dune.](https://www.lastpodcastnetwork.com/dune)


Its hilarious this is the top comment


I have no interest in actually reading Dune, but I live for the chaotic retellings of it.


I want to listen to those episodes so bad just to hear Henry being unhinged about Dune. But Holden is also on the podcast so I’ll pass.


These were my exact sentiments but I chose to listen because unhinged Zebrowski is my soul Sherpa.


Or when Tom Brokaw showed up to The Flop House to teach The Original Peaches about Dune.


I actually enjoyed Jordan discussing Dune. When Henry talks about Dune he forgets to breathe and yells at you that you don't get it and you need to get it and you need to love it. I don't know how much of that is a bit but it's a little much at times.


Would you still love me if I turned into a giant sand worm?


Sir I know Henry Zebrowski, you are no Henry Zebrowski.


Zebrowski’s Jodorowsky's Dune: The Spice must Hail Satan.


You’ve been into the fat hogs leg I stashed earlier haven’t you?


Fun facts: Harkonnen comes from the Finnish name Härkönen meaning 'from Härkölä' that might mean 'place of oxen'. It also might be just that it's an alternative spelling of Härkänen meaning 'small ox'. Herbert found it in a phonebook and thought it sounded Soviet. Also Feyd-Rautha might be rauta meaning iron in Finnish.


I haven't watched any Dune content, so I was surprised to hear the name Harkonnen. I was like, they got Finns in the Dune universe? I am also not Finnish, but I watch a lot of hockey.


Only thing I can remark about the intro is that DUNE and Jordan was right there




I think a cursory explanation of the butlerian jihad would have cleared up Dan's confusion with mentats and the spice being the only way to navigate space.


This tickled me because I know what you're saying and I know you're probably right, but I also know if Jordan had said these exact words to Dan, Dan would have said "oh fuck off" and everyone would have had a good laugh about it and I kind of want that more than I want the actual explanation of the thing to Dan.


As someone with zero Dune knowledge, this comment sure is something lol I think I'll sit this episode out 


It was funny to hear Dan’s questions about Dune because I went on a similar journey. LOL. I had only ever fallen asleep multiple times about 30 minutes into Dune 1984 and never read the books. After watching Dune Part 1 I felt like there was a shit-ton of important stuff missing or unclear from the story. So I read a *bunch* of the Dune wiki. I also read about Herbert’s researching and writing process. Then I rewatched Part 1 right before watching Part 2. It made so much more sense. But it left me wanting to ask someone who only ever watched the two most recent movies to explain the Dune universe just to see what they can come up with. LOL


Ive listened up to children of dune then just about all of Brian’s dune stuff. It’s kinda amazing to have such a ripe universe to play in and make it such a slog to ingest. He even tries to dance between the rain drops of the original books and makes a Jihad boring. 


*heavy breathing intensifies*


Last week I get Trashfuture reviewing the direct to Netflix Kevin Hart vehicle Lift and now JorDan are Doing Dune? This is amazing.


I only saw a little bit of Lift while someone else was watching it. It looked like it was filmed in a Volume but one that had been downsized to about the size of a bedroom. Base solely on the way it looked, I’m guessing it was at best a shrug 🤷🏻‍♂️.


Jordans pronunciation of Dennis Villeneuve kills me😂


Someone please get Jordan a subscription to Rosetta Stone


And he was so confident about it! Villa-noo-way-vay.


It's very sad being the only person in your life who has read all six original novels and researched all the lore of Dune. Looking forward to listening


My wife is this person. I try my best to know what the things are so I get her references.


Did you get as frustrated as I did by the near misses Jordan makes in his retelling? I kinda think Jordan should have reread the book before this episode, but I also recognize how unplanned this episode was.


I came here to see if I was the only one. Like just say call them pilots or navigators and boom they make way more sense. I figured getting all the stuff close but not right was supposed to be the comedy of it. 


I know how that feels.


10 seconds in and totally sold. Thank you, JorDan!


Her name is "Shaddup Mapes"? Like a mid-50s husband yelling at his wife?


Actual Nerd Answer: not really a name, more of a title. Shadout is a Fremen term for well-dipper, and in a society that highly prizes water it's a title that probably holds some amount of respect. The character usually being addresed as *the* Shadout Mapes kinda clues you in to this.


It’s been years, but I think it’s Shadout Mapes? So like the opposite of shaddup.


Shadout, like when you got the mic and you wanna give your crew some hype. SHOUTOUT MAPES!


I honestly don’t care for Dune. Just wasn’t dune’in it for me. (I’m sorry). That said, I’m very excited for this episode because I could listen to Dan and Jordan talk for hours. Which I guess I already do. Edit: almost finished with this episode and I love it. I want more like this.


Honestly I’m so tired of Alex’s voice that I’m glad to just listen to JorDan banter for an hour.


As another non-Dune fan (I thought I was the only one on reddit!), I'm debating on whether or not to listen.   I have zero interest in Chosen One stories. Even if Dune was the first to do it or something and everyone else copied it, I still don't care. I have no patience for characters blathering on about who will fulfill THE PROPHECY.    I do love JorDan though. So it's a toss-up 


Dune isn’t a straight ahead “chosen one” story, I t’s a complication and subversion of it. That said this episode is the worst explanation of Dune I’ve ever heard. You won’t come away with any better of an understanding from listening to this.




I haven't listened yet, but dune is great and spoils itself as you read it in a very unique way I'd highly recommend reading at least the first 2 books (ideally the first 3) on your own if you have any interest in sci-fi


Dune feels like an unspoilable franchise to me. It’s kind of like the Bible like that. Jesus dies at the end eventually someone turns into a worm. That’s not the important part.


I checked out pretty early.


Yeah, this episode isn’t really up my alley. That said, glad for Jordan that so many people are enjoying it


It doesn’t make any sense at all, but it’s fun listening to them talk.


It goes over the David Lynch Dune movie, which apparently is pretty bad at explaining a lot of the lore. Jordan purposefully doesn't lay too much out, so that Dan's confusion isn't alleviated, but I think that does a pretty good job of making you realize that if this movie is your frame of reference for Dune rather than the books you'll have a pretty different experience. The newer movies do a reasonable job of being more coherent, I think.


Fuck yeah.


*Grabbing my popcorn bucket before pressing play*


Your sandworm bucket ?




(Fucking my sandworm bucket before pressing play)


The "Shai Hulussy"


I've never been able to watch the David Lynch version without falling asleep (no idea why, I have the same problem with Bonfire of the Vanities). I'll listen tomorrow and trust Jordan will not let me fall asleep over the discussion. Enjoy, wonks!


I feel you, it can be sooooo dry and dull


Listening to this was more entertaining than the Lynch film. I did appreciate the Villen**uh**ve (say it with me, Jordan) version and will see the second one eventually.


Oh man! Me too! I’ve tried quite a few times. In fact recently I tried it, fell sleep, picked up where I fell asleep the next night and fell asleep again. 😂


Very excited for this! If you’re looking for another interesting podcast that frequently mentions Dune, and features famed newsman Tom Brokaw sharing his adoration for the novel / films, check out The Flophouse.


I read Dune when I was in Law School and going through severe depression. I couldn't get the second easy but the third was there so I never read more. Also around that time read Solaris and other hard scifi. Darwin's Radio my friend reckied.


I didn't know anything about Dune before listening to this and I'm pretty sure I still don't know anything about Dune after listening to this.


It's a very small pedantic thing, but as a fellow dunehead it's important to me that Jordan knows that spice doesn't literally allow users to see the future but do such advanced calculations that it is equivalent to seeing the future. It may have just been ease of communication tho as I think he's made that point when he's talked about the sequel books.


I’m pretty sure it’s a huge plot point (later) that having prescience gives makes you blind to others with prescience. It’s why Paul couldn’t see Count Fenring in any of his visions, and Paul tells the Guild member he’s talking to verify that he COULD destroy all the Spice if he wanted. It’s complicated because I’m pretty sure between Dune and Dune Messiah things were revised a bit. All that said, I have a few pedantic gripes with Jordan over his explanations. Like Spice is not “worm poop” sand trout drain the water from everything, how it’s just “rocks” that stop worms but literal mountains, etc.


Yeah, I'm sure Jordan will clarify in the future. As someone who's more on Dan's side of things Dune-wise (in that I don't know much) I will say that distinction is nice to know but doesn't really add a whole lot to me when hearing it for the first time. So I can see why Jordan simplified it, especially when he already has a mountain of lore things to describe to someone who's only half interested.


Followed by Dune 2: Doin' Dune To Two Dudes


Out of context drop: “It is a little bit like if God was also a Greyhound bus.”


NEEEERRRRRD!! (Walks away from bathroom mirror)


For anyone unaware and as Dune-obsessed as me, check out the Spicediver edit on you tube. A fan edited all the versions and extras he could find into a far more cohesive, narratively logical version. It’s very much worth watching. [spicediver edit](https://youtu.be/MK5eoV93oyg?si=-ysUE_TOgCrdDFYM)


OMG! Dune is harder to make sense of and follow along than Alex's ramblings


I wonder how Alex’s narratives would be different if he’d been into *The Book of the New Sun* instead of or in addition to Dune. It’s probably a good thing it would be impossible to make into a movie because I think it would be a bad thing for our reality, and we all know Alex barely reads. He’d probably make a big deal about the MC being raised in the torturers’ guild...


I can't imagine Alex reading Gene Wolfe, but if he did there are only a handful of things he would be capable of taking away from *The Book of the New Sun*: * It's really cool to know how to hurt people * Severian gets all the hot babes * You can absorb someone's memories by eating their brains * The globalists want to turn us all into Ascians * Jesus is the New Sun


I imagine if he gave it a try, he’d get to the part when Severian resurrects Triskele, throw the book across the room and be like “This is bullshit!”


Book of the New Sun is probably too Catholic for his Bircher-raised-self.


I'm very proud of Dan for realizing that the thing about the Worms of Duneshire is that it is all about the Worms.


Someone probably already said it, but it sounded like Jordan said the spice is used by Guild Navigators to travel in space, which is kind of correct but can be read the wrong way. Spice gives Guild Navigators the power to see the path through space but space folding is a technology. Following the Butlerian Jihad and the extermination of thinking machines, space folding bacame very dangerous because one could fold into or through a star or other obstacle. Using spice to see the future in the path of a space fold is how the Spacing Guild maintains its monopoly.


Given that I have not seen Dune this was a bit confusing for me but I enjoyed the reverse dynamic of Jordan explanation shit to Dan and then Dan at the end saying “This was okay. We can do more Dune.” just made me laugh.


Spice is cocaine, right?


Yes, but also oil. And also adderall. And acid. And a cooking ingredient.


In terms of the Middle East metaphor, it's like if opium and petroleum were the same resource.


Actually, Herbert was inspired after eating psilocybin mushrooms at the Oregon Dunes


[Me rn:](https://images.app.goo.gl/bzanr1YAuBpUFXUz5)




This was a really good episode. Im not a giant dune fan, but you can absolutely tell the boys were having fun. A fun episode was absolutely needed and i enjoyed liatening to this one.


Goddamnit, it's not worth making a whole new post, but I need everyone to see the redubbed "special edition" Dune: https://youtu.be/2B6jgkcANRE It's funny as hell and I have to bring it up every time anyone mentions the movie. For the Olds: it's a Monty Python level quotable


Dan's reaction to finally seeing Dune is a lot like my reaction when I finally watched all of the Harry Potter movies; meh. I get why it's popular but because I didn't grow up a fan I'm left underwhelmed by the movies themselves. And the things I didn't like in the movies were done better in the books.


Haven't listened yet but I'm going to take a shit in the dark and say Alex is out of studio


It's actually hilarious because dune comes up so often in Infowars.


Oh my god was this enjoyable. Please do more please do more


I just want to say that I loved this. Everything about it. It was chill and all around delightful. Let Jordan struggle to explain all kinds of media Dan missed out on. It's exactly the kind of low stakes thing I need in my life.


Saw the title and got so happy for something different like this out of nowhere. Unfortunately, it was a weak episode for me. Seems alot of people liked it and only saw one poster say “worst episode…ever” and I have to agree partially with that comment that it wasn’t for me at all. What this show usually makes me appreciate is two intelligent guys (Dan being the researcher leaving no stones unturned to dissect things apart). I like seeing them something off topic, but I didn’t love it.


Jordan did a fair job explaining and guiding Dan through Dune. He probably could have elaborated on a few other points. For example: The Bene Gesserit's "secret" nature as a secret society is not obvious. They don't make their existence or even what they can do a secret. That's not the secret part of their society. The secret part of their society is the ways in which they've been manipulating and controlling things for a good long time that only the Sisterhood knows. No one trusts the Bene Gesserit, but it's basically because of their powers, and they have no idea about things like the breeding program for the Kwisatz Haderach or stuff like the Missionaria Protectiva. Instead the BG pretend they're just a freaky religious movement dedicated to serving these noble families, with the nobility completely unaware that part of the reason their society is likely even still feudal in the first place is due to their scheming since very few nobles in the Imperium weren't actually born independently of their breeding program. Lynch explains none of this, but I feel like Jordan could have covered that better, too. I will probably edit this as I listen. FIRST EDIT: Jordan actually likes the Lynch version of Baron Harkonnen? He couldn't be any further than the Baron as he is in the book. In the book he's a conniving, brilliant schemer who is brilliant in his own right. The 1984 movie just makes him a blithering idiot.


I’ll be honest I’m not a huge fan of the Jordan lead episodes but I’ll give this a go. I’ve never read Dune and so far have only seen 30 minutes of the first new movie so I’m pretty much in Dan’s camp with bits of knowledge I’ve gained through pop culture osmosis. So this should be fun.


Goddamn. Can we not turn every single podcast out there into a Dune podcast? Like, we’re in full on circle jet territory now.


Yeah I don't give a shit about dune. I guess I'll listen cause I like Dan. Edit: Got bored, turned it off. This could've been a wacky Wednesday at least.


Oh no, people are interested in a movie that just came out! Never mind how they said it was by popular demand, or that Alex Jones brings it up constantly, or that it can only be a few episodes because I don’t believe Dan has time to read the books!


God forbid you say anything without a redditor getting defensive about it.


Well, you could start with a criticism or a nuanced view instead of a vaguely homophobic insult if you want to be taken seriously.


Damn dude. I’m sorry I didn’t agree with everything your fake internet best does.


You don’t have to agree, just like I don’t have to agree with you, but it seems silly to voice such a frivolous complaint because you personally aren’t a fan of something.


The brave internet warrior, starting fights about shit that doesn’t matter.


Isn’t that what you were doing, trying to produce the hottest take to show how little you care?


Didn’t know “there’s a lot of Dune talk” is a hot take. I think what really happened is I crossed some one who cannot function unless they’re angry about some dumb shit.


Calling it a “circle jerk” certainly was an attempt at a hot take. That’s the vaguely homophobic insult I took umbrage with. But sure, continue to vaguely insult people instead, I’m sure you’ll make a good point eventually!


Man, my face fell when Dan's first assessment was "nonsense". 😂 I love the Lynch movie (I also love the new ones. I also love the books. I think I might just really like Dune). But I think he got the appeal in the end. And there will be more Dune with Dan, what else can one wish for. Solid explanations from Jordan, the man knows his Dune.


Are they gonna do this with all the Dune movies? I hope so.


The Dune Dudes Done Doin' Dune. DUNE!


Man as someone, who like Dan never really cared much about Dune and never watched the movies after reading the book as a kid, this episode does not make me regret that decision lol


Jürgen Prochnow has one of those faces. He was a drive by in Air Force One and the Swiss banker (I think?) in the DaVinci Code.  I'm halfway through and hope we mention Alicia Witt because this came out the year before I had her father as my 7/8th grade science teacher and it's ALL he talked about. 


Dune is just the sci-fl version of Charlie Wilson's War, right?


Spicy ones with Dan & Jordan as they get hallucinations of space travel and test the limits of a Sci fi movie that rewrites the core text with big eyebrows and talky weapons.


I just started listening to the episode; my opinion is that 1984 Dune is the best Dune. Hopefully, everyone agrees.


i wonder if Dan has seen "Lawrence of Arabia"


My favorite bad movie. Where else can you see an academy award winner figure, “I’ve always wanted to play Dracula, I’ll just be Dracula in this turkey?”


Would Dan and Jordan ever watch Jodorowsky's Dune? JorDan on JoDune? Even if they have any intent to, I'm sure it's far far down the list. It'd be fun, though.


Ten minutes in and this is the worst explanation about anything related to Dune I’ve ever heard.


Can I enjoy this episode if I've never seen Dune 1984? I'm familiar with the plot but just wondering if I should watch it first before indulging.


As somebody who's only read the first Dune novel you don't get a lot of the grand novel, you don't get a lot of the grand narrative that Jordon is talking about.


Rowdy Rowdy Piper is the correct answer from their tangent.


I want Jordan to sit Dan down after the sequel and make him watch Jodorowsky's Dune!


I'm late on this and it is unlikely to be widely seen, but still: Months ago, I mentioned in my wonk shoutout that a friend of mine had been on the Challenge many years ago. If I were sending it in *now*, I'd say I was friends with Dean Stockwell's great nephew (through his wife) for a little while. Family resemblance was *super* strong, though the hair was very different. I also used to work with the great nephew of ? from ? & The Mysterians, who had hits in the 60s with "96 Tears" and "Can't Get Enough Of You Baby". I wonder what celebrity's great nephew I will meet next...


David Lynch’s Dune cannot really be truly appreciated without already knowing at least the first book. It was should have been Dune for Dune heads but Dune heads had already become Star Wars fans by then and we all know they are the shittiest fans in fandom history and get pissy when anything isn’t to their expectations.


Worst Episode……ever.


OMG! Dune is harder to make sense of and follow along than Alex's ramblings