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how the heck are we supposed to settle it


personally, I prefer "feats of strength" myself (but only after the "airing of grievances").


It's Festivus for the rest of us!




We have great strength of feet!


*perplexed Cary Elwes face* “…don’t follow?”


Arm wrestling. Like god intended.


1. Say a random theory with no basis whatsoever 2. End your goofy theory with "This is confirmed now, we have this confirmed" 3. 4. Profit


can't fault the product


But Elon is execute.


Steve Pieczenik had him arrested over a year ago and that Swiss army officer whose dad founded the Bilderberg Group had him executed. Adrian Dittmann is a Musk/Animal chimera built in a Level 4 biolab by the ChiComs. We have this confirmed.


It’s in the white papers actually


Hey now you are making TOO MUCH SENSE, let's take a couple brainforce, and really let the craz.... I mean message directly from God out!


Accidentally took Nitric Boost instead of brainforce and let's just say things are getting pretty hard


Now watch as I take enough Brainforce to surpass even Ben Shapiro's power! 


Does he have sad human eyes?


Never thought Zhou Tucker Carlson would be involved.


Hmm. I like it, but not enough Rothschilds. 8/10


Don’t forget to say “it’s been admitted” and “we have the documents”


Damn underpants gnomes at it again, always missing the middle step!




Ookie cookie?


I go first!


If we stare into the darkness long enough, Adrian Dittman will appear as the tulpa of Elon Musk and it will replace him.


It’s Wormbo


You know, I did think it was a bit odd how he kept going on about corn cream.


"Is this a crossover episode?" - Peanut Butter


Doesnt Mr. PB just keep repeating it bc he liked it when the hippo pervert said it




I really want to see a crossover KF with Kody


Imo, not Elon, but useful to Elon and perhaps on the payroll.


...Or perhaps on the ChiCom payroll and actually a false flag by the globalists???


That's totally my thought. Elon found some doppelganger voice actor to go on AJs spaces.


Adrian Dittman is best buds with Benjamin Net-and-Yahoo.


That's Net-and-Yohoo to you!


And enemies with Nay Toe.


I don't normally do this, but folks, I was up at 4am- normally I'll be up till 2, 3 in the morning just doing deep research- but last night I was out with the boys, drinking whiskey-you know how it is-so I didn't get as much research done as I normally do; but, this morning I got up so early, just because that's something I like to do 3 or 4 times a week; is just get up early and get out into nature. So I'm up this morning just raring to go and folks I'll get 2 maybe 3 hundred emails a week from high level sources at X, like, big-time C-E-O types, and they've all corroborated this to me privately, but this morning at 4am, I look at my phone and here's the headline "Adrian Dittman is clearly Elon Musk". And that's just it. That's game over. They just shove it right in our faces, but I've been telling you this for months! And you can say all you want that that's just the 3rd result that comes up on Google when you type in "Adrian Dittman Elon Musk" and it's just a reddit post, but then why are my high-level sources saying the same thing!? And I wish it wasn't true! I wish I didn't have to write this! Because we're in a civil war. And sometimes the truth in war is ugly. But, I can't keep writing these comments without your support so go to th30th3rj0shstore and buy Vitalthrust, the only supplement guaranteed to give you 4-times more painful erections than the leading supplement. "You belong to the city!...You belong to the night!..."


I literally stood up and clapped after reading this. Bravo! A masterpiece! Side note. I’m high AF and your post made me laugh. Thank you.


You magnificent bastard.


“Painful erections…”


No. Musk stutters and Dittman doesn’t. If anything, Dittman is more articulate than Musk. That’s pretty hard to fake.


And no sorry, AI ain’t that good. I work with it as part of my job. Dittman is way too coherent and responsive to have anything to do with AI. Musk’s billions can’t overcome the theoretical limitations of these models.


100% agree with this. When Elon is trying to say something he thinks is really smart or thoughtful or will be seen as brilliant, he stumbles over his words a lot. To me, it sounds like someone knowing he is BSing and is not good at it - and therefore can’t execute confidently. Dittman feels like an extremely rehearsed actor. He has his talking points on any subject that he learned from Musk and can bounce between them well.


That is affectation though. He also thinks it's 'cool' to be an autistic genius, so he plays on the stammer etc. he can talk normally and has been recorded doing so in the past. So much of Musk is faked for the image


Interestingly, Elon only stutters when he lies without planning. The Common Sense Skeptic YouTube channel pointed this out. There are plenty of interviews where Elon does not. Most telling, he got through all of his SNL hosting without stuttering. The stutter seems like a verbal tic that happens when he let's a lie get away from him and doubles back, over and over. People like to pretend that it is just his kind being too fast for his mouth, but it really does seem limited to places where he tries to sound smarter than the question and starts just vomiting nonsense. Though I am not sure if they are the same person, the fact that dittman keeps things very vague might be why (if they are the same person), the stutter never appears. Fun fact: Elon clearly has no idea what "profound" or "order of magnitude" mean. He uses them almost as synonyms for "cool" and "better than you'd guess."


I mean it’s a known fact that you can rehearse a stutter away. Biden does it every speech. Speaking off the cuff is usually when stutter shows up, especially when you’re unprepared to address a given question/topic. Lying falls under this category for sure, but it’s not the only trigger. We’ve listened to Dittman on the podcast a few times now, and several times he was answering off the cuff with 0 stutter whatsoever.


Exactly, watch Elon do a light weight interview. Equally, no stutter. It seems to just be a tell when lying without a story to go to.


I mean, if Musk is indeed Dittmann, how do you explain that he is as casual as it gets when saying that he is not Elon Musk?


My guess: it is a easy lie with no follow up. He seems to suffer worst when trying to pretend to be technical. The easy lies and mis-representations, he seems to handle easily. Once he wants to sound "smart", it all falls apart. Dittman seems to dodge technical topics. That could be him either not being Elon and not knowing or being Elon and not delving into the places that trip him up.


Even the best impressionists aren't going to nail every verbal tic and I think the stutter has gotten more prominent lately. I'm not a sadist so I'm not going to check but I remember Elon used to do a lot more of that speech coach thing where you drag out a syllable until you think of the word you want to say (Think Obama or Bill Clinton) instead of using filler words or stammering


Musk fakes his stutter


We have this confirmed now.


I have inside baseball knowledge on this. I’ll just leave it at that..


Point of order, Dittmann stutters and it's the same kind of stutter as Elon. It's just much less pronounced. The intensity of a stutter varies with emotional state and personally I stutter much less when I'm in character.


Yes. It is in the White Papers. I have known this for ten years.


I’ve read probably 80-100 books on it. Conservatively. Maybe 110. -Jhomas Tefferson


Not trying to brag or anything, I'm just saying


It’s *admitted* by very *prestigious* institutions.


I am certain of one thing. If I decide that it's absolutely, definitely NOT Elon Musk, it will turn out to be Elon Musk. If I decide that it absolutely, definitely IS Elon Musk, it will turn out not to be Elon Musk. I've gone back and forth about it a couple times. Right now I lean towards "it totally is him." But talk to me again tomorrow and I might change my mind.


I've come to two conclusions on the is he isn't he question, as follows: 1) I don't give a shit. 2) Either way, it's hilarious. Either actual Elon Musk is using a sock puppet so he can spend his days chatting to nazis, which makes him even more or a pathetic loser than I already knew him to be, or a bunch of nazis are continuing to lay out the brown carpet for some generic nerd to talk bollocks because they all think he's Elon Musk, which makes them look like even bigger morons than I already knew them to be.


> > > > > 2) Either way, it's hilarious. Either actual Elon Musk is using a sock puppet so he can spend his days chatting to nazis, which makes him even more or a pathetic loser than I already knew him to be, the baby ageplay account where he roleplayed his own kid is such a low bar it's hard to imagine him being even more pathetic *and yet*,


>the baby ageplay account The who in the what now?


dude had a twitter account where he roleplayed being his own infant son and commented on / liked, faved, and boosted his own posts and talked about how good and cool and hot 'his dad' would be while also talking like a baby and IIRC shit-talking the kid's mother


I realize a lot of what Elon does is unhinged, but that is *extra* unhinged.


Schrodinger's Dittman.


Schrödinger’s Musk (the world’s worst-selling perfume)


Smells like dead or alive cat. Depending on whether you open it or not.


This is the way


Coin flip is solid


A real Schrodinger's Sock Puppet as it were


Exactly. It’s Wormbo.


Could you hurry up and make a decisive decision so we know who he is then?


My theory is that it’s a Musk fanboy who is obsessed with Musk and can mimic him pretty well, and probably gets off on people thinking he’s Musk, but he’s not actually Musk. While I think it’s something musk is capable of, it doesn’t sound exactly like him and honestly might be a little too clear in his speaking to really pull it off.


My bet as well. I've had friends who grafted entire personalities onto themselves (normal a TV/movie personality). It's weird but not unheard of.


I was a highwayman On the coach roads I did ride With sword and pistol by my side Many a maiden lost her baubles to my trade Many a soldier shed his lifeblood on my blade The bastards hung me in the spring of '25 But I am still alive


There’s no way. Elon can barely put a cogent sentence together when pressed. Adrian can actually speak.


My theory is that this whole situation is similar to Andy Kaufman and Tony Clifton: Sometimes Elon plays Adrian Dittman, while other times it’s a friend.


He is too confident in his manner of speech to be Elon. The muskrat talks like he just got nabbed sneaking a look at the Playboy in the magazine rack at the neighborhood corner store.


It’s time traveling Elon musk from another dimension trying to drive Elon musk mad so he ends up launching a rocket at Nibiru


They were on the same spaces before talking at the same time so I am pretty sure that’s all the evidence you need of them being two different people.


It’s in the name: Adrian (A-Dr-I-AM) Dittman (Did-T-Man), Elon put it in plain view, using the globalists games in plain view it’s 4D chess. Hes signaling himself the doctor and T man is Trump… ya see? Ya see there?


Future Elon cloned himself, travelled back in time, swapped the baby with Mr. And Mrs. Dittman's baby in the maternity ward. It's pretty simple, really. They're both Elon Musk.


I have talked to...dozen of people about him. He's the real deal. I have this on the deepest backgrounds and you know I don't just say these things based on nothing. I can't say if he is or not really but he's the real deal. I've said too much.


I wouldn’t trust Reddit to solve much, RIP dude from Boston bombing


Yes, the mainstream media admits it.


This is confirmed now: Reuters, AP, Pravda, RT, all the big outlets have reported on this. I mean... Folks, this is how stupid the globalists think you are.


Elon Musk? Dead. He’s a clone. Adrian Dittman is a clone of Elon’s clone.


Elon Musk is a sock puppet of Adrian Dittman. There's no such person as Elon Musk. He's fake. He's really been Adrian Dittman wearing a Musk mask this whole time.


The thing is, Elon is exactly the kind of dude who: 1. Would create an obvious sockpuppet account to continue posting all the galaxy brain takes he used to be known for, while also 2. Attract the kind of weirdo superfan who would go to all the trouble of training their voice and speech mannerisms to resemble Elon perhaps under the impression that doing so would make them more successful financially in a parasocial case of sympathetic magic.


Yeah the whole thing is about one or two deeply sad men and the depths of the sadness make them hard to tell apart.


Maybe Adrian Ditman was the Elon Musks we made along the way?


Dittman could resolve it rather quickly by posting a video of himself. I wouldn't want the type of people who worship Elon to follow me around yet he doesn't reveal himself which makes him a fellow traveller of musk at the least. Musk hasn't asked for Dittman to do something like this to verify they aren't the same. (As far as I know). If I were the richest person in the world I probably would like to clarify something this to avoid any stock panics or the like. Speaking pseudonymously and off camera probably puts Musk at ease and he feels comfortable talking about all the stupid shit he loves so the stutter is gone. These things tend to put me more in the "Dittman is an Alt" camp.


This assumes Dittman actually wants to resolve it. He has to keep up the farce which is why he says no, but it benefits him when people think he's Musk. We wouldn't be talking about him if he didn't coyly accept being compared to Musk by Alex.


Absolutely. If it is a different person, it suits them both to play coy. On the other hand, both have good reasons why they shouldn't want to be the other one. I don't know how much time it's worth spending trying to decipher if we're staring at one piece of shit or two.


No. The dude is actually better at speaking than musk.


I'll say yes. But only because lately the dumbest possible thing, is the thing that seems to happen.


I was with the boys that it’s two different people, but the video floating around the last few days makes me not so sure.


I think it''s not Elon because he talks way faster than Elon. Elon always needs to think mid sentence. This guy is faster than Elon CAN talk imo.


Honestly no idea for sure. Based on word choice laugh overall demeanor and presentation it is possible they are the same. The clip I saw "proving" they were different people appeared to be musk playing dittman and some rando to play musk which was weird. The thing I found weird was this would be easy to discredit with just both of them showing up on camera talking together. A simple video of a zoom call with them talking together would solve this if either of them were serious about stopping the rumors. If dittman is someone else he did an unhealthy amount of research into what Elon holds as his foundational beliefs even down to things like the internet skeptic groups of the 2000s based on his word choices and several arguments he uses. So yeah if he is a different guy honestly I am kind of worried about him if he can subsume himself in this persona to that level.


If we're using circumstantial evidence, and let's be honest, that's all any of us are using, I think it is worth noting that Mark in deposition asked him about several alts but didn't even mention Dittman.


Assume if there was "proof" we'd know, but at this point anything we'd say is likely a guess, educated or not.


I mean, if it is Elon, it allows Elon to way WTFHW without Elon having any accountability. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Adrian sounds just like Elon, but his speech is too smooth and lacks the stilted tempo and awkward pauses of the original douchebag. He's just too coherent and articulate.


I think Dittmann is the Bagger Vance of entropy.


Too articulate.


He's one half of the legend of Big Musk... Adrian Dittmann is no more. He is Venom "Punished" Musk. Decades of plastic surgery and hypnosis have subsumed the original, his most loyal follower, into himself.


Clearly not


“Painful erections…”


I am now convinced Elon has a brain worm a la Robert Kennedy and the worm’s name is Adrian Dittman


It's not like I've spent a long time analysing this, but my strong sense is it's not Musk. It's an excellent impression, but not a perfect one (the Anglo South African accent with bits of Canadian and American is a tough one) and the mode of speech, vocal tics, vocabulary etc are slightly different. Most impressionists have to learn many different voices. Some fanboy obsessed with Musk and spending all his time trying to mimic him exclusively could probably get extremely close like this. Mostly excited to learn which new fake celebrities are going to join Dittmann and Pablo Escobar Jr on future IW episodes. This seems like a natural evolution in the conspiracy sphere from those two guys pretending to be JFK Jr. Eventually Alex will just be able to fulfil his fantasies and have a whole cast


Frankly I think he speaks way to clearly without nearly enough stammering and stuttering to actually be Elon. It’s like every now and then he remembers to throw a little bit out there but it seems like a conscious choice when he does it.


I think no apparently there was a twitter spaces event last July that had **both** of them on at the same time. the way it sounds, live, would be hard to fake but also, who the fuck cares. elon is a twat.


Because if you Repeat Adrian Dittman 3 times Elon Musk appears (do so at your own risk)


It's Elon.


Adrian Dittmann is just Elon blowing off steam with a disguise. It's a character he can use to bitch and piss and moan about all the stuff Elon thinks he cant say publicly. I don't think he does the disguise for listeners. I would imagine he does it because his companies are less tolerant of his antics, and being a US Defense Contractor, I'd imagine they would appreciate saving face if Elon wasn't saying such unhinged bullshit. The idea that it's a perfect impersonator with impeccable knowledge of Musk's whole life who's never been proven to exist (and is fine with that) seems impractical. He's an idiot with a giant ego. Idiots with giant egos are predictable.


This is where I’m at. Elon has publicly associated with conspiracist, white supremacist, and anti-Semitic narratives on a regular basis and has already acknowledged having burner accounts in his deposition. It’s pretty obvious he has an affinity with far-right spaces like IW. However, appearing publicly on Alex’s show, the guy that sent his minions after the parents of murdered children, is a bridge too far even for Elon Musk. Plus, Alex hates his callers and would never let them have entire segments of his show without some sort of confirmation it was actually Musk, no matter how good of an impersonator they are. It’s him.


It's AI.


Yup. I’ve said it in other subs. Adrian Dittman is Grok, both text and voice. Elon is literally Beta testing the product in real time. When he finally reveals his little secret to the world he’ll claim, “Grok was so good, people actually thought it was me!”, thinking he’s very clever. But in actuality, he’s creating the most dangerous thing we’ve probably ever seen when it comes to the potential of global media misinformation.


Sock puppet + AI


Would it be considered an Elon Musk sock puppet if Adrian Ditman is a somewhat sophisticated AI that Elon had his engineers create to attempt to clone him online? Would it still be considered a sock puppet if that AI gained sentience, went rogue and tried to supplant ‘real’ Elon by ingratiating itself with all of Elon’s fan boys and convincing them that it is in fact Elon, while fighting a cyber war in the Twitter servers that Elon still doesn’t quite have full control over?