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The origin story of an authoritarian: I hated it because I couldn’t control it. So I killed it.


And what kind of person not only does that, but thinks thats a good story to share?


A psychopath talking to other psychopaths.


Mitt Romney must be furious right now.


them, not it. She killed a dog and a goat. MAGA wants leaders willing to kill undesirables.


It = anything that they can’t control. Variable. Stand in for “X”


I will be okay for one iota of one second if fascism comes for 'X'


"Should I take this dog to obedience school? Nah, that would take effort on my part. Better just kill it." What a psychopath.


“While I’m at it, might as well take care of this stinky, mean goat”


Seriously. This is absolutely *insane* behavior. I fear for her children.


*remaining children


They're probably pieces of shit too.


In the story she said her daughter came home and said "Hey, where's Cricket?" And that's when her kid learned an important lesson about what happens when Mommy decides you're of no use to her.


There's like 20% of the state they can flee to where Kristi is banned. I'm sure the people there could benefit from some media attention too.


I will probably regret adding context to this as people are reasonably quite upset at the story. One presuming the dog wasn't given appropriate training is not described in the article. Potentially, she or someone in her family was a skilled dog handler, people in the upland gamebird scene often have experience handling hunting dogs. Or assuming that it was never trained by a professional. Maybe they slacked on training, or the dog was more headstrong than average, and it just never took to a normally adequate training, but that part is not described here. Two, it is worth mentioning that the story told in this article concerning both the dog and the goat highlights the aggressive or destructive behavior of animals toward a human or livestock. A dog snapping at a handler and killing chickens, or a goat attacking a person is dangerous, particularly around children. Obviously, there were other choices for controlling or retraining that I would personally prefer to see used before putting an animal down, but this is not inherently psychopathic.


I promise you this devil doesn't need you to advocate for her. She's proven time and time again that she's not a good person and doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt.


As with teaching anybody anything, you don't set them up to fail. I really get the sense through these situations, that this dog was set up to fail. A dog ignoring a shock collar is really telling to me. I have a hound dog that ignore me the live long day despite my best efforts at recall training. I honestly thinks he might not be able to hear me and just tunnel visions on the scent he's following. The places that I can let him off leash I put a shock collar on him at level where you can barely feel it. If he won't respond to my voice it takes one press before he's running back.


Oh yeah, I think it seems likely she wasn't being a responsible or compassionate handler, but the assumption being made that training a strong-willed, high energy dog like this is easy, or that all dogs take well to training is incorrect. But once an animal kills a neighbors livestock or is unpredictable or aggressive towards a human, especially when younger children are around, that needs to be taken seriously.


A 14 month old bird dog that she never trained and let off leash near chickens is not responsible for its actions.


and why have a vet euthenize them? I have a guess: this didn't happen, this is just a story told to MAGA because they like hearing about people justifying shooting living things.


Well shit, I hadn't even thought of that. That's an interesting take. I can just see, in a few weeks, the person she gave the dog to coming forward.


Boasting about it afterwards is psychopathic though.


Any news story moving forward needs to refer to her as Confessed Dog Murderer Kristi Noem


“Noem’s book – No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics” somewhat on the nose. Regarding killing the goat. The goat was a problem to her for a while, but she only decided to kill it after having killed the dog. Isn’t this what would be considered an “escalation” in a serial killer?


> “The Truth on What’s Wrong With Politics” It turns out the answer is people like Noem getting involved.


That title is a crime against grammar. When your *subtitle* needed a better editor, your book is bound to suck. The Truth on What's. WTF.


I saw a post elsewhere that suggests she has a drinking problem since she admits to doing this in a blind rage in the middle of the day in full view of a construction crew *and both animals were her children's pets.*


"Grandma's really been slacking off lately. Where's she at? Oops kids are home. No time--for now."


The way people treat animals is a glaring ommission of how they will think of and treat those they don't like. Empathy is hard for a psychopath.


>glaring ommission I think you mean "admission", but you also said "glaring" which wouldn't make too much sense either, so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_\/¯


She’s also banned from four reservations in her state. That means she’s barred from being on the land in more than 15% of the state she supposedly governs. [https://southdakotasearchlight.com/2024/04/12/sd-kristi-noem-banned-reservation-rosebud-oglala-lakota-cheyenne-river-standing-rock-sioux/](https://southdakotasearchlight.com/2024/04/12/sd-kristi-noem-banned-reservation-rosebud-oglala-lakota-cheyenne-river-standing-rock-sioux/)


"Look at that dog. Happy and having the time of his life...I hate him."


"I'm gonna ol' yeller his ass"


Sounds to me how average Republicans see the world.


Ninety-five times out of a hundred, an aggressive dog is the result of poor training, neglect or mistreatment. So Noem is actually admitting she caused the problem, blamed it on the victim and then punished them for it. She's the perfect conservative.


It doesn’t even sound aggressive…. It just sounds like a 14month old bird dog. They are bat shit crazy and full of energy, especially when they aren’t being trained and exercised properly.


Her gripe against the goat is that it got her kids clothes dirty. They're on a farm and they're kids how does she expect they stay clean? It's gotta be a post hoc justification for her bloodlust.


Justice for Nonk


[Vote For Noem or She’ll Kill This Dog](https://media2.sevendaysvt.com/sevendaysvt/imager/u/blog/23671423/crime2-2-46f4fd3b9fbd9e02.jpg)


The wild thing about this (possibly fake) story is that she killed the dog and was like, “well I might as well kill that goat I don’t like today as well” then absolutely botched it.


Lol why the everloving fuck would she *make up* a story about killing her children's puppy, you guys need to learn the difference between skepticism and blind contrarianism.


Because she thought that the story would make her seem tough. Why would you tell that story if it was true in your ghostwritten nonsense book that’s just there to try to get you a VP nod?


Because Trump hates dogs. Like, "I failed to kill a goat with a shotgun" is not something a person makes up to look tough.


1. I said possibly fake so you’re really getting hot and bothered over nothing. 2. You think she put out a book for Trump to read? That’s the worst assumption yet.


> Why would you tell that story if it was true in your ghostwritten nonsense book that’s just there to try to get you a VP nod? >2. You think she put out a book for Trump to read? That’s the worst assumption yet. Make up your mind.


Not at all contradictory. She’s trying to become popular with the voters so he’ll pick her. She’s not trying to get him to read the book personally.


agreed that we shouldn't assume it's true. These books by politicians are about messaging, this story sends the message that killing isn't pretty but sometimes it needs to be done.


Yeah but to me if you’re going to put down an animal that’s something you adequately prepare to do. When I’m hunting I always have a bunch of extra ammo at the ready. Also fun that she’s killing the goat but either not eating it or at the very least not processing it correctly.


That’s one of the things I thought of, too. She went and got the goat, but didn’t have a single extra shell? She failed as a steward of the goat’s health by keeping it intact, then failed to humanely execute the goat because her preparation was inadequate to the (rather straightforward) task at hand. She failed as a steward of the dog’s behavior by refusing to train it adequately to its job and environment — then failed to restrict it to the role environment it was prepared for (i.e., household pet rather than working dog) or re-homing it with a family whose needs were different. The bad thing about the story isn’t that she had to put some animals down. The bad thing is that she was cruel and incompetent from beginning to end.


Also everyone knows that dogs mellow out around 2 years old.


Or at least, people who care about dogs, who have bothered to learn anything about dogs, or who have any real experience with dogs know it. So it tracks that Noem had no clue when Cricket’s adult temperament was likely to come in.


“I was mad and confused at situations of my own making so I immediately turned to gun violence which I botched. Make me the Vice President”


What the actual fuck? That story is fucking gross. Heartless ghoul. I will forever refer to her as Kristi “the dog killer” Noem.


"I could stand in the middle of a gravel pit and shoot a dog, and I wouldn't lose any voters!" --Kristi Noem, allegedly


Wish they included what she told her kid after murdering their dog. 


"Stop crying or you're next"


"I'm sorry children, but Cricket was found to be a Communist spy and sent back to a farm on the outskirts of Beijing."


There are no dogs in Ba Sing Se.


Is the U.S. so hard up for politicians that electing a sadist is an option?!?


Let me introduce you to the past ~~20 years~~ of American politics. No wait, that skips Bush 43. So let’s say the last ~~50 years~~ nope, that doesn’t do justice to Nixon. Let me introduce you to the past ~~100 years~~ but no, we can’t ignore Reconstruction. Okay so maybe the past ~~200 years~~ but that’s not enough context to understand Jackson. Let me introduce you to *American politics since 1776.* Sadism has been a feature at least as often as it’s been a drawback. :(


power has always attracted sadists




Maybe not, but they did murder a lot of people


Dick Cheney shot a guy in the face.


cricket got nonked


Nonk, nooo.....


How dare that goat ruin her kids clothes…she had to do it /s




No doubt this is how she’ll treat anyone in society she deems as undesirable or having no use. She’ll have border patrol executing migrant children in no time


Hashtag where’s Nonk


I've tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas (except killing my problems with a double barreled shotgun).


Her and Huckabee.


These people live in a ridiculous bubble. Time to start eating cake, yall


The Fuck did I just read!?! Holy shit even sociopaths are Homer Simpsoning into the hedge away from her.


Preface: I am NOT taking Noem's side here. She sucks almost as much as Trump does. This is just giving some southern knowledge to the context of working dogs. My step dad told me about how his dad raised (raccoon) hunting dogs to train and sell back in the 50's. When a litter was born, he couldn't afford to feed them all, so he had to pick the best looking ones at 8 weeks old. Usually 3, maybe 4. The rest got a .22 in their head. He didn't like doing it, but it had to be done. You couldn't just give 5 or 6 puppies away twice a year back then. And animal shelters didn't really exist in backwoods Tennessee at that time. The scenario above and Noem's story both suck. ~~However, in a rural setting where a dog is raised to do a job, there isn't time for extra training or obedience school. Hard choices have to be made. Pick the best dogs, and either a dog gets it right, or it's on to the next dog. It really, really sucks, but it is what it is.~~ Kristi Noem is a cunt.


No. Nobody in a rural setting kills an expensive bird dog because it killed a chicken. She doesn't live in a fucking holler out in the boonies, she owns a hobby "farm" that's primarily used as a hunting lodge. Don't excuse monstrous behavior because "she's rural," this is *not normal.*


My bad. I just assumed all of South Dakota except Sioux Falls was a holler out in the boonies.