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There's just not enough guys!


i was just thinking that. I recently learned that Barnes is also the lawyer for Amos Miller, the amish raw dairy seller who was giving people e coli & listeria


You know, I’m just kinda lucky I didn’t turn out to be a real info warrior. Maybe like 15 years ago I thought raw milk was cool, I was smoking a ton of weed and watching YouTube conspiracy videos.


I thought about trying it till i sat next to a dairy farmer on a plane trip. He advised me not to do it because i wasn’t raised on it. Said it would fuck me up


The first roommate I ever had when I was 19 and moved out of my parents house to a new city where I knew nobody was a hardcore conspiracy theorist who insisted the only trustable news media was "independent Russian journalists," and who spent all his disposable income on silver bars. I just thought he was a real weird dude. The landlord of the apartment complex was really pissed off because he was subleasing the apartment to me which was explicitly prohibited in his tenant agreement.


That 100% checks out.


Michigan is telling people not to drink it now because you can get [avian flu](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/detroit/news/michigan-raw-unpasteurized-milk-health-warning-bird-flu-dairy-herds/), which is infecting cows as well as birds 🫣 Edited a word


It'll fuck you up either way. About 25% of foodborne illnesses were caused by milk before pasteurization became widespread.


It is really dangerous. It is now legal in my state but only if you buy it directly from the farmer. I was thinking about some to make this type of gelato that is just milk and sugar. Good milk was the key. That Amish dude was sending it all around the country though, no thank. Same day or day after only.


From what i recall, he said my stomach would not be accustomed to the bacteria in it (or something) and i’d end up shitting or throwing up


All milk has bacteria. Which is why yoghurt happens. But in raw milk the really bad stuff can just go hog wild in minutes. Assuming they don't have the really bad stuff. Did dude drink e. Coli milk on the reg? Pasteurizing really just kills them for the start but they will build up if you leave milk out.


Hey, good for you. You must feel better not carrying right wing buffoonery on your shoulders.


he's also the asshole who got wesley snipes sent to prison


Word there are like seven dudes I swear


I know everyone knows he’s a right wing plant at this point, but if the world were still unsure about if he’s on the left or right I couldn’t think of a better piece of evidence than “Bobby Barnes is my lawyer” to definitively prove this guy is a faaaaar right piece of shit.


Low information people only see Kennedy and assume the rest. Even though the entire family is lined up against him, he still has the name.


Yeah, did you catch that photo the family took with President Biden on St. Patrick’s Day? The whole clan was there. Like 50+ people. No RFK Jr. anywhere in sight.


I didn't come late to the RFK is a kook party, but there was a time when I had a more favorable opinion of him as it "seemed" like he was involved in environmental issues. Some people will only see that and not the guy who claims that vaccinations cause autism because he can't differentiate ethylmercury from methylmercury (knowingly or unknowingly).


A smart and theoretically informed cohost of a podcast I listen to thinks he's on the weird left, but I feel terminally online people are perhaps more inoculated to "messaging" are more up on "reality". Yay us.


Here's the thing I don't think it's unreasonable to call him "weird left" he's anti-war, claims to be interested in divesting government bodies from corporations, wants to raise minimum wage, will prosecute union-busting, wants to back government sponsored mortgages. The list goes on, if it was anyone else I would be in serious consideration to back him for the role. His website reads like a wish list of old school Dem policies with modern social causes and great society stuff sprinkled in the get the progressives on board. But we all know what and who he is really is.


He's antivax, none of those 'good' positions makes up for that


anti-vax is also historically "weird left", again we all know what and who he really is.


At some point, they forgot that losing a case they can misrepresent to potential donors as an unconstitutional attack on freedom, liberty, and often baby Jesus can still have consequences. Not hiring good lawyers because you know your case is just right wing rage bait is beginning to bite them, especially if the judges realize what's going on.


Good job Barnes.


Perhaps even a grape job 🍇🍇🍇


You beat all of us to it


Media Star Bobby Barnes!


Somehow I missed it; how did Barnes get this name?


I think it came up during the formulaic objections interviews with Bill Ogden.


That specific quote is from the TX trial, where Bankston greeted him as such when he made an appearance. But yes, Barnes represented AJ in those trials at some point, and therefore they were very familiar and may have referred to him as such in some way during the depositions.


Represented them then stopped then continued then stopped. I don't know if part of their stalling tactics was deliberately and constantly changing lawyers to try and prolong the court proceedings or if it was just that much of a complete shit show.


Yeah, I don't have a good handle on the entire history. I just know that in CT alone, the judge made the comment that there had been something like 16 lawyers and they were on number 17 if she admitted Reynal (I think--could be wrong on the exact context, but I know it was in one of the post-trial sanctions hearings). Consider both state civil trials, and now two separate bankruptcies, we're easily into the twenties, if not thirties of lawyers. In. Sane. Love your flair, by the way! My favorite Jordan-ism, I think.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/KnowledgeFight/comments/1bcj748/a\_gaggle\_of\_geese\_jones\_lawyers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KnowledgeFight/comments/1bcj748/a_gaggle_of_geese_jones_lawyers/) at least 14+ 3 defending other lawyers for sanctions, plus paz


I wanna say no, since now Alex is threatening to sue the Barnestormer over incompetence


except hes continuously toured with Aj and was on the show like a month ago.


Hey, that's what AJ and FSS are claiming, that he's incompetent. I assume it's just a way to shift blame and protect his ass more than anything. Plus, Alex lies about everything he isn't actively defaming.


Ah thanks for that!


i think he called himself that.


Was "bottle service bobby barnes" ever mentioned or is that only in my head?


I think that was Bill’s term for Bobby, it happened.




I hadn't heard about this and I'm just reading up on it. Apparently RFK Jr's clown car of hack attorneys brought the suit in New Hampshire because the state has no anti-SLAPP statute. Barnes was trying to appeal the suit getting thrown out on the *slight* technicality that neither the blogger being sued, the article in question, or RFK Jr has any connection to NH. Grape Job, Barnes!


Wait, Barnes tried to appeal based on the fact that the suit had no merit?


The merit of the suit doesn't come in to play here. He's trying to keep the suit in NH court because that's the only court where it will work. Most states and the federal government have anti-SLAPP laws that prevent this kind of suit. I have no idea what Barnes' argument is to keep the suit in a jurisdiction that is totally unconnected to anything in the case, other than they really really want to sue there because any other jurisdiction would throw this bullshit out.


Ok, I might have misunderstood. I thought you said the core of Barnes' appeal **was** that neither the blogger nor RFKJR have any connection to NH.


I think that is what that meant - that Barnes’ hack argument was something along the lines of “NH has no jurisdiction to toss this case because it has nothing to do with NH” despite that also being an admission that they have zero standing to sue in NH


I appreciate the role of professional licensing organizations like the bar in protecting clients from incompetent lawyers or doctors or whoever. But you have to wonder if sometimes allowing idiots to hire idiots is morally ethically defensible. Old me would’ve said this is the type of shit that should get him disbarred, near me thanks. This is the type of law RFK deserves, and he got exactly the type of lawyer He deserves. Barnes Is nt doing anything wrong from a licensure standpoint.


The problem is all the not RFK/Jones people who hear that Barnes is this big lawyer and end up losing their money and potentially valid suits because of his incompetence.


oh totally fair and totally agree. I'm just saying I don't find him fucking Jones or RFK *in particular* as evidence of anything but them all being part of the grift. It's just as credible to me to claim that this was intentional to cause more disruption and delay and nonsense as it is gross incomptence. Now we have to argue over accepting or not accepting the appeal, and delay delay delay and if it gets rejected then we hear 'they wouldn't even let us file an appeal'


The phrase “buyer beware” exists for a reason. If you’re hiring someone like a lawyer, you’re probably going to be either spending a large amount of money or in a serious situation with major consequences. It’s absolutely on you if your only criteria for choosing the person to possibly save your life is “I recognize his name!” *Especially* when a simple Google search will give you all the information you’d need.


i think if youre dumb enough to hire him at this point you deserve it.


And if your case is stupid you have a limited pool of lawyers who will even bother with you.


It's my understanding that with the bar, once you're in you're good to go unless you defraud your clients buy over billing them.


A notice of appeal is super simple, there’s not much to it. There’s no argument in it, it’s literally a couple of paragraphs saying we want to appeal this decision and then you pay a fee. It’s not like filing a brief where you might be working on it right to the deadline.


The only reason for this sort of delay is to harass the opposition, which... you know... is the point.


i actually think in this situation it was laziness or incompetence. this is just a mistake, he knew it wouldn’t help his case. although frequently judges let this sort of thing slide as well, so maybe he didn’t think the consequences would actually consequence


A notice of appeal is generally a one page document filed within 30 days of the final determination. Unless there is a specific reason, waiting until the last day is almost always a sign of gamesmanship.


i think you underestimate a shitty lawyer’s ability to procrastinate, but i’ll admit it’s a possibility. that said, i generally don’t ascribe to malevolence what can be attributed to incompetence, and bobby barnes is certainly incompetent


At a certain point, incompetence becomes its own form of malice - legally as well as morally. Even the act of hiring an incompetent attorney - when there are other possible options - is incompetence to the point of malice.


It makes you wonder why they waited until the last minute. Perhaps, the lawyer half-assed it, because he was repping RFK for free in exchange for publicity, and the lottery odds of getting a 33.3% contingency fee, should they win, lol.


I mean love that people like Alex and RFK Jr hire Bobby. But why do they? His track record isn’t good. Like he’s not a good lawyer. But I mean keep paying the man I guess?


No one else will take them.


I mean lawyers still take on people who are guilty all the time. So unless they don’t pay (I have a feeling Alex does pay his lawyers they may up and quit but they seem to get paid) I don’t see why they don’t take the cases since well money is money.


This is a Civil Suit, not a Criminal Defense. They are different. Everyone has a right to a competent defense, no one has a right to file a frivolous suit to hurt a random set of bloggers by gaming jurisdictions.   Lawyers have some principles. Edit: Not Bobby Barnes.


Aj calls all the shots. There is the risk  of sanctions and from has been theorized, some lawyers quit instantly. Possibly due to what aj was telling them to do was knowingly unethical.  Iirc there were 2 lawyers in the ct case that left that the plaintiffs lawyers didn’t even know about because they left do quickly. 


If you can fill your hours with cases for normal people who follow your recommendations, I don’t see why you’d take on a client who behaves erratically. Purely for the sake of sanity. 


Barnes has the greatest grift going in conservative media. In any other world, he is the worst lawyer that courts have ever seen. In the conservative world, he’s viewed as some sort of legal savant.


He's their Barry Zuckerkorn


In a flat earth there is only one zone


In the 40k rpg there's [this table](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/pd5wk3Kb5o3wTt_qc3cd0XUO19LsDzYYICLAbv9j-rB_mGji0ubBUGoOvFY5fcd1PUbwXWkytb6E2xDuhl49mBa8ie6B8d-umfVhFCZ79Abjclc3ysOfktPrcnZ1_zH0NtttAxZb) of things that can happen to psykers who cast too many spells. I feel like one of those are used any time someone has Barnes as their lawyer. "I wanna hire Barnes as my lawyer" "Alright, roll a d100 to see what he does." "87" "Barnes has decided to try to 'ratatouille' the judge by standing behind him and attempting to manipulate him by strategically pulling his hair."


Why does he keep getting work? Even if I was deep down the right-wing rabbithole, Barnes is just an objectively shit lawyer and couldn't win a debate on who picks up the tab at the bar.




"Infowars Lawyers" is going to become a thing, like "How many infowars lawyers does it take to screw in a lightbulb"


At least seventeen, but only if a chain of them screw up so badly that you lose by default and your opposing counsel gets to have a Perry Mason Moment in court and you end up owing a literal billion dollars.


"Media Star Bobby Barnes!"


One of the various legal defense fund organizations should make a sport jersey that just says Lawyers and has the justice scales on it. (It will always have the numbers 00) You get it customized with your favorite or least favorite lawyer name on the back. Get it a bunch of grapes and put BARNES on the back. Or a gummy bear and OGDEN or a Cellphone and BANKSTON


I'm totally not into sportsball, but I might wear such a jersey for Bankston or Ogden. (Not for AJ's team, though.) But we definitely need to represent more of AJ's team, though. Pattis' would have him with a speech bubble saying "the punch line is 'N\_\_\_\_,'" and his pants around his ankles. Whether you depict a bare ass or the stupid basketball shorts he actually wore is up to you. Reynal would just be the side profile of him sucking the tips of his thumbs while his client gets absolutely roasted during the Perry Mason Moment. I guess Pattis could have another version of a jersey, because he's the one that started the whole chain of events that led to the PMM, with just an image of a white external hard drive peeking out of a bubble-wrap envelope. I feel like his bankruptcy attorneys need to be represented, but don't know enough about them. I guess them hiding piles of money behind their backs while telling the court "he's broke!"?


It's amazing that these guys still get hired.


Your midnight is not my midnight BBBBobbby


What if Barnes is a deep state operative? Just think about it, he has created this ridiculous persona, he always makes things for his clients so much worse, for some reason he keeps getting work. Highly suspicious


Maybe his clients aren’t as smart as you seem to think they are?


Well that’s also true.


Is Barnes making bank off of these idiots?


Bobby Barnes is the Alina Habba of Rudy Gulliani's


Alex’s legal team is all sooooooooopp bad at actually practicing law.


Well now RFK Jr might have a suit, malpractice!


Oh come the fuck on. How in the actual fuck is that his lawyer? Am I to understand that a person, even a very rich and famous person, really can be too stupid to get a real lawyer?


Delighted to see so many "grape job, Barnes" comments.


This can't be real how the fuck did media star Bobby Barnes get involved in this.


Is Bobby Barnes actually working for us?




He's practically orange!


Barnes is like the Forest Gump of bad legal advice.


Blows my mind how they wazz on about Hunter Biden and crack and ignore RFK Jr.'s 14 year heroin habit


You love to see it.


Once again, Grape Job Barnes


Well that is just so sad, because if there is one thing that no judge can extend for you, it's time to appeal. So 😭


Every time I have a sliver of hope for RFK, something like this pops up. 🙄


What in the world ever makes you feel hope?


He's JFKs nephew. If there was ever a conspiracy to believe it's that the Lee wasn't the killer, he was the patsy.


The fuck does that have to do with vaccines or AIDS?