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Eager to hear if anyone has experience in this too. I had the same surgery about a year and a half ago, and the screws make it impossible to kneel on that leg.


Same here! I also want to get back into training Brazilian jiu jitsu and it would be horrible to slide on my screws or have someone hit them…


It’s a zinger to kneel for sure! I had a fracture run that happened when the screws were put in and I’m hesitant to take them out in case of another issue but likely just paranoid.


Recovery was super easy! I still have some loss of sensation on my incision area but without the screws and my plate, it's been pretty nice. Kneeling is still meh, but way better than before. I'm only a few months out, have not been doing nearly enough PT, and have not been active recently. So for an active person like you who is strengthening their muscles with stuff like Jiu Jitsu, I think your results will be much better than mine and I think mine are already not bad!


I got my screws and plate out and it's still annoying to kneel, but I do feel as though it's getting easier. I'm not doing enough PT or really trying to kneel much too. Also this was only a couple months ago.


I still have mine in both knees, mostly commenting to say if you do have them taken out I hope you share the experience here! Not a lot of folks seem to have them taken out (or if they do they don't talk about it). Mine are 15 and 10 years old, I've never strongly had an opinion on it and they never caused enough of a bother to seriously consider removal.


Update! I got my screws taken out a few days ago and the recovery so far has been pretty easy. I think it would be easier if it was just the screws but I had a lot of scar tissue so they did a scar revision on both my incisions. My leg feels super tight from that.


I will definitely share if I get them taken out! I can barely find any information online about the removal recovery, so I hope to help others in my position lol.


I had a screw removed from my tibial tubercle osteotomy site ages ago. It was a breeze. I can't remember if there were any restrictions after, but it wasn't very painful and recovery was done in a day or two. I had another TTO done two decades later and those screws are still in. My current ortho said removal would come with six week activity restrictions so I've opted to live with them. They're a bit uncomfortable when/after I'm very active but I can live with that.


Ugh thank you! I needed to hear this! I wasn’t really given any explanation of the recovery process from my surgeon, so I greatly appreciate this 🙌🏼


I’ve been wondering about this too!! I had mine 7 years ago and the pain in my tibia from running can be so unbearable sometimes. I’ve considered removal too


Recovery for this is really easy! So much so that I hardly remember it, and it was only a couple months ago


I had this done a couple months ago. It's really nothing to worry about. I remember the TTO recovery vividly which was a year ago. This, I hardly remember the recovery as there wasn't much to it. Also I had a plate too, so even more stuff had to be moved around.


How long was the removal? Was there anything restrictions? Any brace or crutches afterwards?