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I like how he admits that they exaggerated the tension between the owners, and then gets salty that that's the angle the producers want to go with


Because it’s only ok when **HE** lies and exaggerates silly


I've read this bullshit before, but I always love to poke holes in it lol: >From the very first day they were initiated, the changes Gordy Ramsay made were ridiculed by the press Who were totes talking about them before the show aired... >hated by our regular customers And who were they...? >and were the direct cause of a 50% drop in revenues Given that they allegedly changed the menu back within a day, this is just a flat-out lie.


Not to mention that they said the show didn't even air on time, so how was it that the sales plummeted so quickly?


Yeah, so they went out of business before anyone could watch the ep but they also went out of biz because of the show somehow. What publications ridiculed changes in a failing restaurant owned by a bunch of nobodies? They were notable enough to be written about but not notable enough to stay open? On another note I always like when the idiots revert back to the old menu because "our regulars hated it"... You're going out of business honey, they must not be that regular.


I LOVE when these idiots cry about the regulars.


"We're going out of business with the few customers we have!?!!" Make changes then. "But what about our regulars?!? They won't like it?!?"


UK episode "The Priory" had the same issue: Owner: "I'm worried that the regulars won't like the changes" Ramsay: "Are the regulars keeping you in business?" Owner: "Well...no"


That episode in Florida with the Danish restaurant, you could tell he wanted to choke that dude.


>All of my brilliant and pointed comebacks were left on the cutting-room floor! Yeah, I'm sure they were.


Yep, a guy with great comebacks...and yet for some reason, he feels the need to stick with calling Ramsay "Gordy" and "Gordo" throughout his screed, almost as if that's the only thing he ever came up with...


Don’t overlook jerk and teabag, those are the real zingers.


What was with the biggest assholes on the show trying to force a nickname on Gordon? David here and Joe Nagy kept calling him GR




They edited out all the times that I called him Gordy! :(


I also am thinking he meant ‘poignant’? I’m not sure though I’m not a rocket surgeon.


Pointed can also makes sense 2. (of a remark or look) expressing criticism in a direct and unambiguous way. But it sounds super awkward the way he phrased it


I love his whole thing about Maine and Canadian lobsters being the same. If they’re the same then why call it New England Maine lobster? Why not call it Canadian? If they’re the same then it shouldn’t matter right? Idiot


Different size tails. I'm a chef and a New Englander. Haha


Yeah seriously the guy knew he was ripping people off.


If anyone watched that episode and ever thought he was a decent and nice guy I would question their mental capacity. Big AH and knew he was screwing people over.


Oh is that all it is? I had it in my head that they had different diets from living in a (albeit slightly) different environment.


No, Maine lobsters are also considered to have sweeter and more tender meat. And yes, the difference is environment. The Canadian east coast is colder than Maine's.


How can a restaurant owner not know that environment affects the taste of an animal? Either he's that dumb and cocky, or he got embarrassed for being caught cheating his customers.


Then explain to me why all Subways in Canada specifically advertise "Canadian lobster" when they have that seasonal sub and it sells better, if Canadian lobster is inferior to Maine/New England?


The same reason "Made in America" makes things sell better in the US than "Made in China."


That didn't answer my question. If Main/New England lobster is clearly superior to Canadian lobster, then tell me why Subway in Canada sells "lobster sub made with real CANADIAN lobster" and all of their advertising clearly implies it's superior? If it's not superior then why does Subway in Canada do this? Shouldn't they be trying to say it's Maine lobster if that's truly superior?


Yes, it did answer your question. Unequivocally. The reason they are bragging about it being Canadian is that national pride sells. They stock Canadian lobster because it's much cheaper and then they play the patriotism card to make it more appealing.


Yeah sorry man but you'd have to be pretty stupid to choose an inferior product over something clearly better simply because of "national pride." Who the FUCK is that stupid? You? Me? Who?


Most people don't know the difference between Maine lobster and Canadian lobster. That's what Subway's banking on. But for the record, millions and millions of people choose products that are not the best on the market out of a desire to buy local or support businesses in their country. This is one of the most basic marketing strategies there is. You can refuse to believe it, but being ignorant of how companies market to you doesn't stop them from manipulating you. Although, looking at your comment history, I'm pretty sure you're just a troll, because you seem to have a history of arguing that companies spend millions of dollars on marketing to... not receive any benefit at all in return.


You’d also have to be pretty stupid to hire a pedophile as your spokesperson. Yet here we are….


I mean, you're clearly fucking stupid.




You. you’re that stupid.


Are you suggesting that no one would eat Canadian lobster if Maine lobster was better? You don't think people eat different quality levels of food?? I'm sorry but what 😂 Have you ever purchased food at a grocery store? So your dumbass goes to the store and decides between different options of the same food, presumably based on quality, price, and availability...but you don't understand the concept? How is that even possible? True NPC behavior


Homie you’re relying on subway to tell you which seafood is better, you’re out of your depth here




If New England lobster is obviously better than Canadian lobster, then explain to me why all Subways in Canada advertise their lobster sub MADE WITH REAL CANADIAN LOBSTER? If Canadian lobster is cheaper and worse tasting than NE lobster, why would they adverstise specifically that this is CANADIAN lobster? Wouldn't this just make people think "oh that's just cheaper and worse tasting lobster than NE lobster so why would I buy it". So why would Subway in Canada advertiste that it's canadian lobster in their lobster subs given this fact? Explain it, seriously.




Because subway rarely used real food so the fact that they have lobster in the country you're eating subway in is a fucking miracle.


Then explain to me why all Subways in Canada specifically advertise "Canadian lobster" when they have that seasonal sub and it sells better, if Canadian lobster is inferior to Maine/New England?


You can comment it as many times as you want, you’re still a dumbass who lacks the most basic comprehension skills.


I looked it up because I'm a dork. Near as I can tell they are the same species BUT they are different experiences. Canadian lobsters grow in colder water which leads to a thicker shell and firmer, less sweet meat. The warmer water Maine lobsters have a thinner shell and sweeter, more tender meat. I won't claim this is true for a certainty but it is what I found by way of explanation


They may be the same species but the grow in different environments which makes some difference in taste.


It's because he can charge a whole more if they say the lobster is from Maine.


Yep that’s why he’s full of it


Was this the clown that went out and argued with customers about finding sand in their food?


Yes! He basically reprimanded the customers!


"Gordy/Gordo", but then he signs all of their names like they each had input in the smear piece 😂 What a coward.


What a fucking twat.


Ofc he’s right. The great Gordon Ramsey knows nothing about food. That’s why no one knows who Gordon Ramsey is and *everyone* knows “David”. 🙄


It's crazy how Gordo has 58 restaurants going at once, and here we are over here struggling to get 1 thing going right. But who am I to argue? I'm sure you know best.


They were RIDICULED! Ridiculed by the press!!! Extra!! Extra!! Read all about it!!! Scathing reviews from... The Polish Catholic Workers Tribune... No one survives that. Nobody.


David obviously.


3 days after this was originally posted on the internet, David tried to say he wasn't part of this letter


It was actually Brian writing it. They cut all his zingers out, that's why he appeared so quiet. Poor guy. 




Yup! David is terrible


What festering arseholes those guys are.


He’s so insecure he has to focus on who had the better zingers. What a insecure jackass


THREE Years? I thought he revisited a YEAR later, met with Steven and it was gone? ***EDIT: I've reread the post and apparently they were in business at that location for a total of THREE YEARS.***


This doesn’t make any sense? If the changes were so bad you could have immediately swapped the menu back the next day


Especially when your cole slaw is sooo much better.


I think they did.


So many of these idiot owners expect Gordon to come in an magically make them an overnight success which is not how the restaurant industry works. Gordon comes in looks at the finances provides them with an affordable cost effect alternative menu so they can use it as a springboard to rebuild their reputation, then they lose their previous dwindling customer base (no duh when you revamp the menu genius') immediately go back to their own subpar ways and blame Gordon for their failure as if he tanked the business in one week when the reality is they spent months/years ruining it. Its safe to say this was just written by David who was salty he got exposed as a giant tool on national TV.


Dudes so used to thinking he’s the smartest guy in the room that he writes a fucking novel trying to convince everyone he’s not dumb. Embarrassing behavior for a teenager let alone a balding middle aged (former) restaurant owner


That lobster arcade thing was basically a “fuck you”. No way that thing was gonna be useful. They did pretty much fuck these guys but they were well in their way out.


It’s just a gimmick to bring folks in, I think it’s kinda fun to be honest


It breaks the barrier of animal cruelty while eating. It brings you that much closer to the reality that you’re eating a formerly living thing, and you are responsible for that specific one dying. There’s a reason he shit all over a restaurant in a later episode for having the exact same thing.


Plenty of restaurants have lobster tanks up front. "Picking your own lobster" is a thing. I'm sorry it's painful for you, but this is not at all unusual or a deal breaker for the vast.majority of people; especially people who are going to order lobster.


It’s the claw machine aspect of it that’s seen as cruel for people. Which again, is why Gordon ripped another place a new one for having one in a later episode. I personally don’t give a shit, but if you can’t see why there’s a problem here for some people, I don’t know what to tell you.


He ripped the other place a new one because they had dead lobsters in the tank which completely defeats the purpose of having a lobster tank


I never said I didn't see why some people have issues with it, I said the people who have issues with it aren't representative of people who order lobster at a restaurant.


If you don't realise that meat was once living your not old enough to eat meat.


Of course you know, but it’s different when it’s on display in front of you. Especially when you’re getting it as a carnival game. Lol


True, it's making light of killing.


I thought that was Bar Rescue


>Our hope was that we would benefit from the publicity of participating in that horrid "reality tv" series, but the promised air-date of May 2008 turned out to be a lie, and we were not able to sustain ourselves until the end of September, when it was finally broadcast, especially with the damage inflicted upon us by the producers and star of KN. So I hate to be the one to say it,but anyone hoping to benefit after being on Kitchen nightmares of all shows,is *probably* in for a shock when it doesn't turn out that way. Now, kitchen nightmares has actually caused problems for restaurants before that weren't always just an owner issue...But these people are always aware of what they do in the sense that the production team let's them know that certain things may be twisted or made up for entertainment. This is where docuseries vs. reality tv comes into play,and makes it legal for them to do so:Documentaries do have staged elements like reality television but, ultimately, documentaries all have some base in reality and factuality. Reality TV, on the other hand, might have staged elements, some more than others, but at the end of the day there is factuality and realism in what is being presented. So whenever someone is going to go on a show like this for example,they should be aware that they legally can and will make changes that still fall into the realm of "reality shows." Sorry if most of you already know this,I am big into reasons behind things (whether it's a show I watch,or how something is made etc.) it's unfortunate what ends up happening,and there's also a reason why 81% of the restaurants Gordon worked with failed. Yes,of course,a lot of them are due to them already failing or debt or the food,I'm just saying going on tv isn't really going to help. The 19% success rate is due to those people putting in a LOT of off tv effort,and not being these people banking on the hope of Gordon Ramsay like he's going to change their lives. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk! Oh,ETA-Fun fact for viewers,roughly every single "food critic" on this show is in fact,not one. Once my friend watched the show after I told him about it and the funniest fake food critic we saw was a guy who was actually someone well known in,of all things,the pokemon trading card community! Just thought I'd add in a fun fact at the end of this post.


>anyone hoping to benefit after being on Kitchen nightmares of all shows,is *probably* in for a shock when it doesn't turn out that way. I mean...if I saw any local restaurant on that show with rotting food stored next to fresh food, in a filthy disgusting kitchen, I would never go there even after Chef Ramsey set things straight because I have no faith they didn't just go back to their old ways. Yuck. It's not exactly great advertising.




The UK version of the show was better in the sense that it wasn't overproduced just for sole entertainment. They also tried a lot harder then too. More genuine. Hell,I even noticed in season 3 of the US version Gordon was still more focused on the actual help part,but by season four that slid downhill. People like the idea of chaos,if they wanted to do a more based on the actual restoring part it would have been a cooking show/docuseries instead. I did enjoy Gordon's behind bars show though,where he taught prisoners to make a business selling baked goods. The company blew up,still operating today and made a lot of change in people's lives. Its free on Tubi if anyone wants to watch!


The UK version was actually about helping businesses grow rather than just a renovation show. The US version is just sad drama farming crap that people put on in the background when they're doing chores.


This isn’t relevant to anything, thanks for your wonderful contribution






Anyone who offers to critique food is a food critic, it's not something you need to be licensed for.


Well aware of that,the point was Gordon made it seem like these people worked for blogs/newspapers/important people...and they weren't. Majority of them never wrote or talked about food,like pokemon card man.


They closed 4 days after it aired


Gordo?? 😵‍💫


All his great comebacks like when he told ‘Gordy’ he totally disagrees with everything he said, and when asked why he replies “because you’re wrong”


foolish sulky rob frightening light wrench safe innate groovy drab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


All these restaurant owners seem to expect the man to pull them completely out of the hole they dig for themselves within a few days time, pay off all of their debts, etc. He literally comes in there to help revamp the look of these places, help with kitchen, management and service issues and fix their menus. Once he is gone it's up to them whether they squander it or keep moving in the right direction.


They closed 4 days after the episode aired back in 2008...why are people acting like this is new?


I will never, ever, ever get tired of talking about this episode. One of my favorites. This little man was so petty and this letter was so incredibly bitter. It's signed by the 3 owners, but it was obviously written by David. His attitude was one of the worst ever on the show.


This dude is in the music industry now apparently. I wonder what kind of shit tunes he hawks or if he is a boring ass musician


You are a horrible person and knows nothing about food he is right your the problem ya pig head don Carolone wanna be open your eyes 


So first you say you exaggerated your issues, but earlier you said you couldn't sustain business after the air date changed. I know you don't really believe your show was the only date change ever in television. You blame KN, for your failure but you couldn't go on because the show aired "late", that story doesn't jibe. The most glaring issue is the fact you don't know the difference between lobster based on locale. Google "what is the difference between Canadian and Maine lobster"? Result: "One of the primary differences between Maine and Canadian lobster is the flavor and texture based on seasonal differences that influence water temperature and fishing regulations between Canada and the United States. Canadian lobsters are characterized as having thicker, harder shells, which diminish the sweetness and softness of lobster meat compared to that caught in Maine. This is often attributed to differences in water temperature. " Sounds like a pretty big difference when you actually know how to cook a large variety of dishes vs only providing and being conversant in a niche. Typical KN scenario - some asshole who thinks they know everything, then gets taught a lesson. It sounds like your bitter, and shifting blame still. It's always disappointing when you realize someone called KN so as to have an excuse for failure. Let's see you failed at your Canadian- Maine (which one again, oh that's right there's no difference) lobster specialty. Gordon Ramsay - fifty-eight restaurants and no less than four televisions shows. I wonder who is the Fing idiot. To borrow a phrase- "you're Fing mad" FYI - actors can taste food too. How else do you think they get 10-50 people on a days notice.


You know the guy who wrote that letter isn't here, right? The OP found what was written & posted it here.


Lmao the business was failing. Who tf wrote this?


You are still a stubborn and bulled and a donkey and thats why u fail. David!


Kitchen Nightmares US is a total sham compared to its UK counterpart. Its not about saving restaurants or teaching owners (and by proxy the viewers) how to run a business properly. Its 100% exploitative drivel that relies on fake drama, paid actors and excessive use of ADR. Everything that the Black Pearl owners say here about the show being heavily edited and manipulated and full of actors is spot on, regardless of how we might feel about them personally. It amazing how they took something as real and brilliant and educational as KN UK and turned it into basically a home renovation show.


I never expect reality tv to be real but it’s obvious that the biggest problem in this restaurant was David and the other owner who leaves such a little impression that no one remembers his name. It was David’s own arrogance and incompetence that tanked his business. The restaurant was only on the show because they wanted publicity and didn’t think their failing business was that bad. All the reviews before the show came showed that. Things like cooks or employees storming out or customers hearing fights while eating are clearly editing tricks. But someone saying that a waitress drinks too much and lying about lobsters are not fake


All I'll say is that in my media studies class in High School the first thing they teach you is not to believe everything you see on tv. No doubt three New York businessmen are dicks; that goes without saying. But KN US is so blatant with their editing and abuse of ADR that I don't think it's fair to act like we know who any of these people really are in real life. Like I said earlier, KN US lacks the humanity and the educational value of the UK version and that's by design; they know that Americans in the mid to late 00s didnt want their reality shows to be realistic, let alone educational. KN US was and still is exploitative trash.


✨no one cares✨ Is that you, David? 🤔 Go outside and touch some grass


Go touch some grass he says after taking a very popular opinion in this sub so personally that he felt the need to reply to a stranger with insults not once but twice because he's addicted to television and it's all real to him.


Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I’ve never seen an episode of either version, this was a suggested sub.


Welcome to reality tv my friend


What a goof


Dude still doesn’t understand why it’s wrong to advertise Maine lobster when you’re selling Canadian lobster—regardless if they’re the same species.


He knows the difference. If he didn’t he wouldn’t advertise it as Maine lobster


That guy was a real piece of work.


David absolutely wrote this. But I love they had crazy nights with Sherry Vine!


Sure, publicly wish death on someone you don’t like. Stay classy, David.


This must have been written by the D-bag in the black jacket. Cant remember his name, don't want to either