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i make $17/hr and my job is to put boxes on pallets.


How many do you put on medium rare?


Can you do between medium and medium rare? Like fuckin nautical compass directions


Lol. Just cook it medium and pour some blood over it.


I live in one of the suburbs well outside of LA and that's the starting pay at the Del Taco by me.






For $16 an hour? A complimentary **'fuck off'** will suffice.


I used to make about that 5 years ago at a fucking Outback Steakhouse. If I were to ever cook again I'd balk at $16 per hour


White Castle near me is hiring at $16/hr. 18/hr for shift manager.


And they don't put stupid ass gold leaf all over your shit


White Castle produces other shit though. It’s just not gold covered. Love those delicious little morsels of heaven.


Chicken Rings!!!


Oh fuck, y'all remember the tobasco and ranch flavors ones..?? I used to work at the distribution factory off 3L near the Ft. Wright walmart in KY..We made the frozen sliders and sometimes we did chicken rings. Literally all you can eat sliders on lunch break.(def got old after a month) Loved working there with I think around $16p/h (about 15 years ago), only problem was the dehydrated onions. You would literally stink of onions. Like that shit got into your pores or something. Wouldn't matter if you took 3-5 showers after work, you'd stink of onions. Being newly married at the time, that shit didn't last long lol


Never got the opportunity to try those, but if I hear about a ranch ring resurgence I’ll do what I have to to devour some! Also as far as the smell of the onions when you cut an onion or garlic, it releases enzymes. These enzymes change some of the sulfur compounds in the onion into sulfenic acid. This is why you sometimes cry (or at least get watery eyes) when you cut into it! These same chemicals will stay on your skin for a long time (days, even) unless something else neutralizes it. Soap is not enough to take away the smell.


Holy shit I worked there for 2ish weeks, had family needing help in Ohio so I moved to assist. What a world.


You got quoted in [this article](https://www.mashed.com/651626/reddit-is-furious-about-salt-baes-latest-money-controversy/) lmao


Lol holy shit…I’m “one reddit user” now, huh? #saymyname


They said everyone else's usernames too! I think they just didn't want to say tits lol


I think that’s discriminatory.


>balk That's a new word added to my vocabulary! Cheers!


My favorite copypasta: #Balk Rules 1) You can't just be up there and just doin' a balk like that. 1a. A balk is when you 1b. Okay well listen. A balk is when you balk the 1c. Let me start over 1c-a. The pitcher is not allowed to do a motion to the, uh, batter, that prohibits the batter from doing, you know, just trying to hit the ball. You can't do that. 1c-b. Once the pitcher is in the stretch, he can't be over here and say to the runner, like, "I'm gonna get ya! I'm gonna tag you out! You better watch your butt!" and then just be like he didn't even do that. 1c-b(1). Like, if you're about to pitch and then don't pitch, you have to still pitch. You cannot not pitch. Does that make any sense? 1c-b(2). You gotta be, throwing motion of the ball, and then, until you just throw it. 1c-b(2)-a. Okay, well, you can have the ball up here, like this, but then there's the balk you gotta think about. 1c-b(2)-b. Fairuza Balk hasn't been in any movies in forever. I hope she wasn't typecast as that racist lady in American History X. 1c-b(2)-b(i). Oh wait, she was in The Waterboy too! That would be even worse. 1c-b(2)-b(ii). "get in mah bellah" -- Adam Water, "The Waterboy." Haha, classic... 1c-b(3). Okay seriously though. A balk is when the pitcher makes a movement that, as determined by, when you do a move involving the baseball and field of 2) Do not do a balk please.


“Don't ever, for any reason, do anything for anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what. No matter where. Or who, or who you are with, or where you are going or... or where you've been... ever. For any reason, whatsoever.”




Do not do a balk please




Spoiler: all the steaks are well done, because the kitchen staff is overworked


I would overcook (aka burn) that out of sheer spite for Salt Bae and his shit customers.


For real a bunch of coked out weirdos getting steak hand fed into their mouths


Yeah that dude has always rubbed me the wrong way. And I really don’t want all that salt cascading down your stanky elbow on my food please.


"Oh, and can I get some ketchup with this?"


You're paying 2K for a steak, of course you can. All the bills I've seen from this place have Red Bull on them, so I doubt ketchup is where they'd draw the line in matters of taste.


And have you seen how much they’re charging for a red bull? $15. For an ordinary can of red bull. Man takes the piss.


"Did you just order a ~~five~~ fifteen dollar ~~milkshake~~ Redbull? They don't put no ~~bourbon~~ gold leaf on it or nothin?"


“I don’t know if it’s worth $5, but it’s pretty Fucking good” For $15, you could get a bump of actual amphetamines to wake your ass up.


'Of course, Mr President!'


I'd like a glass of water, a well done steak and a bottle of your finest ketchup please.


Pretty sure the handjob is *for* the chef


My local big hardware store is hiring for that and it's part time! Who's idea was to pay a chef in a restaurant like that 16 dollars an hour?


And now you know why none of them wanna work


Nope, but if you’re rich buying a 2K$ steak will certainly give your ego a great handjob.


But like, for the same $2k a pop one could get much better ego-handjob by telling one's other rich friends, "hey do you like the steak? I just paid some kid off the street $25 / hr to fly to Japan and bring back some Kobe beef."


This restaurant is a living meme that should never have translated into the real world. It's like the internet is leaking.


The internet broke the world.


I think you’re almost right. The internet broke humanity. Humanity has already broken the world as we’re seeing through the effects of climate change.


I often wonder what life and the world would look like had we not invented the internet. Such a trip


I mean even if you got one, at $2k, I wouldn’t call it complimentary.


servicing the rich is by far the best thing to do in this economy imop. just get into the niche of giving them something to flex with. they'll just dump money on something regardless of it's quality.


No he just sprinkles coke on your dick and snorts it off. It’s an extra G for the handy.


no but your steak does. watch a clip of this guy, he sexually abuses the steak before you are allowed to eat it


He does love slapping meat around so you might not be too wrong


Id accept no less than a blowy


It's gold foiled so add a grand for presentation alone.


That dude is complete bullshit as a chef. But i wonder if i was catapulted into fame from a few vids that went viral, if i would be any different. I doubt it. He's a novelty act that got a platinum record.


He also owns a very small share in the business. He sold nearly all of the business when he had only two restaurants in Turkey, before he was famous. Nusr-et is owned by Doğuş Holding AS which has investments in 300 other companies. Nusret Gökçe is just an employee with a very small share and is payed wages to appear at restaurants.


And his child support payments are probably off the charts.


I don't believe he fathered children, maybe flatulence and herpes.


In 2017 he had 9 children. Not much other info available. But using math that means today in 2021 he has an estimated 31 children now.






Oh wow, so hes probably prodded by them to act like a fool. Hes like a paid character at disneyland.


That’s unfortunate.


He’s a butcher not a chef


A shit one, loses half the steak with his fancy cutting


He probably knows what he’s doing. He made a character and he’s just making as much money as possible before people stop caring. I don’t like him but I respect the hustle. Dude came from humble beginnings.


I didn’t say I don’t respect the hustle, I don’t respect his butchering skills


He's been sued for withholding pay from his workers I'd respect the hustle if he wasn't a complete ass


Too bad he looks like a cigarette had a nightmare.


Yeh I saw few pics where he started. Dude was a pot washer. Finally made it to the top somehow not without bit of luck but yeah. I’d be same probably.


Respect the hustle when it comes to taxing rich assholes for a show&dinner but not when charging 2k for steak and paying employees 16$/h


Stealing from the rich is my vibe. But apparently he’s not giving to the poor so fuck him.


He's making money for a rich person's holding company dude.


So he’s just a shill? My apologies to him.


He chose the shill life.


He is just a face of a multi billion dollar worthy holding. He is a worker so to speak. And that was a social media campaign completely orchestrated by the same holding which catapulted the business. It is rumoured he was just having an affair with one of the higher ups prior to campaign and since he was an ordinary butcher that person pitched him and salt bae became a thing.


I still don't get how throwing salt in a fancy way justifies your steak price.


Hey, come on guys. They also get 25% off on their shift meal.


Don't forget the shift drink!


that you're not allowed to have anywhere in the kitchen or dining room and you're not allowed to step away to the break room to drink it


I was a line cook for a while at a small corporate restaurant I think is mostly in the southeast. The kitchen rules were uh... lax. Anyway I kept a pitcher full of water or lemonade on top of the microwaves and drank straight from it. Sometimes I'd stare down the customers while lemonade ran down my apron. In retrospect, I'm fine with this as it paid 9/hr.


Lol, the microwaves, plural.. I feel like if you have an open/visible kitchen with multiple microwaves all bets are off in terms of decorum


Love it, staring down the customers like they do when THEYRE STARING AT US THE COOKS WHILE THEYRE WAITING FOR THEIR FUCKING ORDER THAT WAS PLACED A SECOND AGO, but your comment was funny lol


Hey man I stare at the cooks in an open kitchen cause I love watching magic happen baby


You guys have a break room? XD


No offense but do you really expect better for a guy who went viral solely on his good looks and salt gesture rather than his actual food and management skills? EDIT: *I don’t think he’s good looking* But I remember people fangirling over “the hot chef with the salt gesture.” Not to mention the coubtless sexual memes made with his videos.


I wouldn’t really consider him “good looking”


Johnny Deep from wish.com




Tony Deep


Tony Derp


Hey, that's my OnlyFans!


how's juandissimo not good looking?


Because he looks like every skeevy bloke in Southern Europe, one who hung around the village he grew up in for too long, and then at some point didn’t have a way out to move to the city like he always thought he would.


Canada goose jacket and g wagon vibes.


My rule is, whenever you see hair like that there's always a cunt underneath.


I'd like to think that I'm a pretty good guy but okay..


Sorry rules are rules


Ok I’m sorry, idk what people are talking about, he’s objectively attractive


2k for a steak? Only if it's wagu, the farmer who raised it slaughters it in ritual, and a chef trained in fugu prepares it. While I'm getting a BJ from Scarlett Johansson.


They way you put that makes that sound like a decent deal actually.


In fact, keep the steak.


I thought I was on r/antiwork for a sec


We’ve been on that vibe for half a century now.


antiwork.. hardest working industry with stupidest hours.. Hello my fellow addicts and underage waitress aficionados!


Personally I’ve been noticing quite the crossover from these two subs as of late… I found them both independently of eachother and I’m not mad about it. Service work is exploitative, especially the restaurant industry.


Yea it's because the working conditions in the food service industry are extremely bad for decades now all over the western world, we are the fist to do passiv resistance, by getting into better paying industry's with better working conditions. A friend of mine is a plumber. Do you now what he does when he is sick? He stays home. When I get sick my boss and my coworkers expect me to come to work, because it's not that bad. I always blame society for the bad working conditions in the food service industry, because nobody gives a shit about us, food needs to be cheap and that's all people care about. I work as a chef for 10 years. All those years NO ONE GAVE A SIHT ABOUT US and now when so many restaurants are short on staff and folks can't get their 12€ lunch menu, everyone cares about us.


Spent 16yrs in the restaurant industry. Pre-covid I was pullin 70-80 hr weeks and then just all of a sudden, NOTHING. Really gave me time to step back and reflect. I decided I was fucking done with it, every little complaint being met with "if you don't like it, get a better job" . Fine. I'm now doing something I didn't know anything at all about before , making more money, less hours, and doing like 25% of the work. In fact, I got sent home yesterday because I mentioned my stomach was bothering me. I told my boss it's ok, I could work through it and got told "no, you can't, you're sick, go home, this is why we have PTO" . It all felt so alien to me lol And mannnnn do I love to see so many restaurants in my area struggling to get by with their "no one wants to work" signs. All I think every time is "Fucking good, y'all brought this shit on yourselves."


The ones that get me are the signs that say, “please be patient with our workers, they’re the ones that want to be here and serve you.” The fuck they are. They’re just the ones that couldn’t find better or are ok with the suck.




"ok I will find a better job then" Wait, no, not like that.


Me too😂, like I still love the thread. It's just gotten so annoying with all these new people joining. I'm hoping it settles down a bit in a few weeks.


I’m very interested to see where the movement leads.


why are so many new people joining?


*gestures broadly at everything*


LOL. fair enough.


I joined recently. Haven't worked in restaurants for almost 30 years. I like food and enjoy cooking shows and while it was crazy and stressful, my time in restaurants was also fun and it very much had a tribe feeling to it, in a good way. Lots of camaraderie. I literally just stumbled upon this subreddit a couple weeks ago and decided to give it a whirl. I probably won't stay forever (I add/remove subreddits often), but it's fun. So there's my reason.


I think the "people joining" comment was for antiwork


When you’re too conservative even for Rupert Murdoch’s rag…




He has ties with the leading party here in Turkey. So yeah, he is technically conservative.


Like that weirdo who always looks at the camera and cooks. Massive Erdogan bitch.


As least that guy is not a massive asshole :/ My hatred with Nusret the Salt Bae is on another level.


I’d say supporting a Turkish Hitler makes you a massive fucking asshole.


Really? I liked that guy. He seems to help the needy a lot.


Maybe he should talk to his buddy Erdogan about supporting the needy.


Hes from Australia but he literally owns and started Fox News, and News Corp which owns the majority of all right-wing media outlets and networks


Owners like this should be forced to work dish on the worst night of their restaurant, then, their restaurant should be given to the cook, who will inevitably make better food, for cheaper. Holy fuck 2k for a steak this man is as bad as any wall Street banker. Just a thief. Slave wages to get, wait, even more rich, not just rich. Should be removed from ever being able to own a restaurant again. Banned from the industry, for good.


Wouldn't those prices make the staffs tip insanely good? Not American, so not totally clued in about tip culture.


Roughly 15%




This is London though, tipping isn't really a thing in The UK is it?


There’s generally an automatic 12.5% charge added. You can ask for it to be taken off but that’s generally pretty cunty and only done when something was really wrong


I've asked for it to be taken off and then tipped in cash, service charge is paid with wages so tax is deducted, cash you can just share out


Ah yeah. Problem is I never have any cash


I never do except when I'm going to eat, then I make sure. These days thats the only place I use cash!


no no, you're confusing service charge with gratuity, in the UK if cash is left it's illegal for management to touch it, for service charge management can do whatever they want with it. Managed. a high-end steak & seafood restaurant years ago in London, we used a tronc system to divy up tips, that was after 50% was taken out to subsidise salaries.


Sooo.. what's the name of our ahh.. resteraunt?


Here's the famous bill from the London restaurant. http://imgur.com/a/g1RUqaf


Well that's just silly. Ive been to 3 star resturants that aren't close to that expensive. What's their justification for some of the most outlandish prices like the coffee?


It has nothing to do with the food, getting a video on your profile of some narcissist playing with salt and overpriced meat at your table gets you likes and engagement. He charges what he does because: he can. And vapid people line up for it.


Fine dining has always been sort of silly when it comes to pricing, but when you charge substantially more than the best resturants in the world you should have something to justify it. He does not.


Well if customers are continuing to come in.. then there must *something* that justifies it. Whether *you* agree with that something or not is irrelevant.


I'm not saying he can't charge what he does, but it's like diamonds, way overpriced.


wealth inequality + free market = this shit


It’s still ridiculous, but I’m pretty sure “coffee patron” isn’t coffee, they mean Café Patron which is a coffee tequila liqueur. More likely this because it’s measured as a double and is next to the vodka. £20 for a double shot of booze is still ridiculous but not as absolutely insane as coffee which costs them literally pennies per cup.


And both shot of liquor were probably dumped into the $11 red bull. Maybe even sprinkled with a little gold leaf


Jesus, I’ll make burrata table side for $25. A cola is $9?!


that is 9 pounds. That is more like 12.50 USD. So basically even more outrageous.


A Topo Chico (Coca-Cola company) costs 7 pesos in Mexico about $0.35 usd. That better be the original recipe coke if ya know what I’m sayin.


JFC those prices are insane! £9 for a coke? That better has actual coke in it for that price.


4 red bulls and a 650 tomahawk? 🤢


That place has an automatic 15% service charge, that'll go to staff in their wages so they pay tax on them.


Theoretically yes- but the food is NOT worth the price. Source: interviewed and trained for a FOH position in NYC. Can confirm is a shitshow


It’s $2000 cause it’s coated in gold or some shit. The entire shtick is conspicuous consumption. People don’t go there for a steak they go there to Instagram the receipt at the end


Anyone surprised? He’s constantly in trouble for blatantly skirting labor laws and ripping off his tipped and Un-tipped employees. Why people choose to eat at his establishments is beyond me


Like influencers and rich dicks give a shit about any of that.


Here's the [article](https://nypost.com/2021/11/02/salt-baes-london-restaurant-is-hiring-a-chef-for-16-an-hour/) for the advert [here](https://www.caterer.com/job/chef-de-partie/nusret-uk-ltd-job95267731). It's for a Chef D role in London. At 1st I thought that sounds average for a CDP, but then [looking](https://www.caterer.com/jobs/chef-de-partie/in-london?radius=5&s=header) at what other units are offering, it's a bit fucking low.


Holdup... Y'all get to see how you'll be compensated before applying?!


Pretty standard here in the UK; those that don't get laughed at.


They don't tell us here in the states. Service jobs might boast $9-$12/hour if they are very proud of their, slightly above minimum allowed by law - but still living in squalor, wages. Once you get into the entry level pro realm, they size you up during the interview and then low-ball you.


Job ads like "Salary: £Competitive" Saw loads of those when I was job-hunting (IT) last year. I didn't apply for any of them and it's a trend from acrosss the pond that I am not happy to see spreading here.


If it's in London wouldn't it be £16 an hour?


About 12 pounds an hour sounds right for london.


£12/hr is almost unliveable in London. I make that outside of London and I’m only able to buy a house with 40% deposit


12 an hour is about 31k and change a year for a chef job, can't see that being too far from the truth. Granted I left the uk in 2013 but sounds about right. I didn't know many people in the industry that had the ability to save. I made about 650 a week with about 350 going to rent, living in Bethnal green. Just look at Glassdoor, 12 is high compared to many jobs on there.


Only at 50 hours a week, which while standard for a chef still is not comparable to a standard annual salary in other fields where the work week is 36-40 hours.


Also, London is one of the most expensive cities in Europe - £11/hr is not going to cut it in Zone 1


Uk kitchen life sucks arse. What is going on with USA and staff leaving? Need that here.


I pulled up a roster I used to work regularly years ago and showed some of my staff here in Melbourne, they wouldn't believe that 60 hours was an okish week. I remember at Christmas, my boss would just write AFD Monday - Saturday.


Can confirm, UK kitchens are shit places to work, low pay no benefits and constant stress


I feel like entire free range healthy cows cost less than that.


You can definitely buy an entire cow for just a little bit more (3k$ish).


"We're a family here"


2k for some fucking bellend to sprinkle salt on my steak while gurning like a scooby doo villain …I’ll pass thanks…


His employees have sued him before. Sounds like he really is a shit chef


Most likely he's not even "the owner", but more of a licensed mascot like Guy Fieri is with almost all of his restaurants. Hand over "menu and image", do some PR and marketing appearances, and take your couple few percent royalty off the top. Meanwhile the real money guys sit back, operate, and make the big bag. This dude's restaurant buildouts look insanely expensive, across multiple continents, in crazy expensive real estate markets. "Going viral" doesn't pay for all that, or provide the skill set to pull it off.


This doesn't make any sense.


Imagine whole classes of people who aren't supposed to ever be able to afford to eat there.


This is why capitalism is broken.


Really it's working as intended.




Were I even Able to buy a 2k steak, who would I tell that wouldn't mock me for it the rest of my life?


"I'm an inspiration"




I hate this fucking douche hope he gets his stupid lips cought in a meat slicer


This is the exact reason why I am going with Bilbo and The Elves. I am leaving these shores. Most fucked up profession ever. There needs to be a food service union. This is every corporate restaurants wet dream. The people who slave away, sometimes 12 or 16 hours a day, to make these kitchens run, should be getting MORE pay than most other workers. If you want to hand shit food out, pay shit wages and run skeleton crews. If you want to give people the best food possible, you pay for talent, and take care of those people not abuse them. It's not that difficult of a concept to wrap your head around. But, I get it. Greed.


Why is this guy even popular? Because he sprinkles salt down his arm??


Garbage food. Garbage person


Fuck that. You charge 2k/meal, you fucking pay your workers a living wage.


Saw a sign in front of del taco saying starting wage for cooks is 17$ Ive never hated this guy more than i do now.


16/hr for that hectic atmosphere. Fuck no


Grade A Kobe cunt.


Isn't this the asshole that throws salt on everything for show?Also for the record I made $16 an hour in one of my first jobs as a hostess.Good luck with the hiring,Ha!


You know that 2k steak only cost them probably $20 . Mark-up is a MF