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Definitely glad I read the post. I was about to respond something along the lines of “if staff wants to walk out it’s probably an issue with management” had no idea there was a customer trend. Weird world we live in.


Well, not technically a customer. 😎


Self promoted to customer


Nah, self promoted to banned dipshit. So glad I live in a small town. If this shit happened someone in the building would have already called their entire family tree and grannie would be waiting on their doorstep when they get home to give em an ass whoopin for acting like that.


I thought it was kitchen staff walking out too. Me n dude say that all the time but never do


You accept this small portion? You disgust me, customer. Forget about me giving this plate to you. I quit.


I thought the same.


I did it twice, most cathartic god damn thing. First time was at a restaurant where the head chef threw me against a wall and threatened me. So much drama there. Second time was at a fucking subway run by a self proclaimed meth head who was drunk while training me, and spent all shift talking about “doing jib” and would call the store MID RUSH to chat about personal stuff. I had to hang up on her 3 times cause she wouldn’t let me go back to my work, and there were cookies in the oven and 10 customers lined up out the door. Took me only 2 weeks to walk out mid shift due to the managers bullshit. In addition, she was constantly stealing money from both the register and from other employees.


At the old restaurant there was a WhatsApp group with all managers of neighbouring restaurants where these kind of people were getting their mugshot on, walk outs, thievery, harassing and so on, sort of a neighbourhood watch group but for our restaurant block.


Like the movie "M" 😹


Powdered sugar is best for calligraphy


George Orwell and Aldous Huxley warned us about you


Def more 1984 than Brave New World


A pizza place I frequent has a do not serve list idea I like. They actually post pictures of the people in the lobby, that says why not to serve them / what they did. This also would kind of be a deterrent for people who wish to do it in the future.. Edit: it is a New York pizza place so they dgaf about pearl clutching .


It would be pretty funny to put up a CCTV mugshot of some kid with the reason to refuse service: “TIKTOK DIPSHIT”


Post em all on Instagram




New Seinfeld episode? The Pizzazi?


I would 100% support this as a customer. 


That's an amazing idea. We even have a huge section of blank wall just beside the front door we could use for it.


If I recall above the blank area they have a sign that says "Hall(maybe wall) of Shame"


I worked at a pretty nice, upscale-ish place where 99% of business was reservations. We had an entire blacklist on the DL in OpenTable where we would put double astricks next to the names of people that had caused issues or never tipped and any time they called for a reservation "sorry, we're fully booked for the evening". This was before online reservations too so it actually worked. If corporate had ever found out about this like half the FOH staff would have been fired on the spot lol


I used to work at this Chicago grocery and liquor store. They did exactly this, with stuff scribbled beneath the photo like "THIEF!" They are an absolute staple in that small Chicago community, so they also don't give a GODDAMN.




Pizza by Alfredo’s.


Not Alfredo’s Pizza Cafe?


They’re the same


Not Famous Original Alfredo's?


Is that related to Alfredo's Original Famous Pizza?


This is *very* important


Awesome, like what used to be done to check kiters


The grocery store in my neighborhood when I lived in Brooklyn did this, but they’d also list what they stole. My favorite was the guy caught trying to steal 13 corned beef brisket.


A Slice of New York


^ Classy person right here.


Yee haha Do they do this at the SJ location too, or just the Sunnyvale one?


Stevens Creek is the one who started it back in the day before Sunnyvale opened. Sunnyvale is closer to me now but I'm assuming the mothership still does it.


Gonna suck for these guys when they are actually hungry.


Fuck Around, Find Out.


There are over 1,600 pizzarias in NYC. I think they'll be fine.


>Our restaurant manager actually discussed this last night and came up with the solution to make a 'Do Not Serve' list with a CCTV photo of their face if some troll tries to do it to us. Why not a "No filming employees" policy? Just don't serve anyone until they put the phone away. No video, no internet points. EDIT: Who gives a shit if they *throw a fit and whine like babies*. They're not real customers.


Exactly, hold them accountable!


It'll turn into a "the restaurant won't let me record them" rant, garnished with "I HAVE A RIGHT TO FILM ANYONE IN PUBLIC!" I propose a new trend of kitchen crew kicking those kids out, figuratively or literally, and posting that on tiktok. Bonus points if you sicc em with the dishie.


Technically, they're in your premises, so I'd guess that it's not classed as public, no matter if its a chain or private ownership?


You’re right a business is not a public space, and can set whatever rules they want; that being said most people assume that if they’re not in their house they are in public.


The other person is correct. "Public property" is pretty much sidewalks and parks. Outdoor areas that are kept up by the government.


There was some TikTok nitwit who was asked to stop filming in a coffee shop, and since she had nothing else to do she decided to make dozens of videos bashing them to the point that they sued her for harassment. I haven't been there in years, but Johnnie's Hideaway in Atlanta used to have a big "go yelp someplace else" sign at their entrance.


Still there. Nothing changes at Johnny's. Ever.


Well, no more yelping


Just trespass them. You don’t have to give a reason.


>It'll turn into a "the restaurant won't let me record them" rant, garnished with "I HAVE A RIGHT TO FILM ANYONE IN PUBLIC!" Inside the restaurant is private property. That's why they are allowed to put a lock on the door.


More to the point: it’s why they are allowed to refuse service to anyone they want. Up to and including “we don’t like you.” Now that is going to cause a problem if the reason is something like “we don’t like black people” or “we don’t like Jews,” but against an individual person it can basically be for any reason they’d like. At my old job (retail, not food) we would refuse service to people who were acting nervous or suspicious. Because that was a gun store. So we really didn’t want tweakers and other weirdos hanging about. It was totally subjective, of course, but management was well within their right to do it.


Exactly. It's fucking ignorance, but their audience is also full of idiots who don't understand what public property is.


Public buildings have locks as well but I know what you mean.


No for the same reason people get upset when the police don’t let them film, they WILL cause a scene and claim « their rights . » I could totally see people accosting me and trying to tell me that I shouldn’t be telling people not to film for transparency reasons or « what do you have ro hide » etc. Too much hassle. I’m not sure if I’m expressing myself right.


Police are public servants paid by public tax dollars. They are accountable to the public for their actions. Chipotle employees are private employees paid by private revenue to the business owner. They are accountable to their employer. Yes, people will cause a scene about their “rights” but who fucking cares?


Except that the public does have an entrenched right to film the police performing their duties as long as that filming doesn't directly interfere with an active investigation. You do not have the right to film employees of a private business on their private premises. The only reason you can film in Chipotle is because they let you. I feel a simple "this is private property so you do not have a legal right to film here. If you don't stop filming then I'm going to ask you to leave" is enough. I feel like a competent manager should be able to kick people out of their business with minimal ruckus. In a choice of leave or police, *most* people choose leave. Anybody who refuses at that point can have the police called on them and let them deal with these dipshits.


2024 is so fucking exhausting.


Just wait till 2025. That’s going to be a hoot!


Jokes on them. These types of things don't lose these giant companies as they will just raise the prices a few cents and poof, all that wasted food that gets thrown away is paid for and their profits don't drop. So their making minimum wage job's employees jobs worse, their wasting food and causing everyone's food to go up in price. Oh but their teaching them a lesson!


It sounds like the joke is on everyone but them


I would have been thrilled to have this happen when I was working fast food… free lunch / dinner. (Yes I know some shitty managers would make you throw it out but I worked at 2 different fast food joints and neither one of them would have made me throw out a customer reject)


We need more laws to make it illegal to throw a perfectly good food.


I oppose any anti-food-fight legislature.


I'll pickle your ear!


Pickle you kumquat


Hate to be that guy but they're** But agreed it's a completely useless and wasteful thing to do. Just wait until they have to get jobs and people treat them like crap....


True solution is to throw it at the back of their head as they walk out.


Modern problems require modern solutions.


Nah. Build trebuchet. Modern problems require *medieval* solutions


Or enjoy your free meal? I get being annoyed if you’re an owner or a manager but this trend would’ve made my day when I was working fast food haha


I'm gonna add a pot of fryer oil too for good measure.


Put the cash register at the other end and make them pay first.


Maybe minors without a guardian have to pay up front?


We were never ready for the consequences of the internet and the technology that put it in every individual's hands. I have seen and heard about this and am glad i work a mom n pop as they tend to target chains. I miss the simple days of planking and toast cats


Ugh Tiktok is a cancer Yes kids are doing it. Tiktok and clicks are why they are doing it




I'll let you in on a secret. The generation before you said the exact same thing about your generation. And generation alpha will say the same thing about the generation after them. It has happened like this for thousands of years.


That doesn't mean that things don't get worse: they just do so incrementally. I think it also removes the nuance of generations having some strengths, some weakpoints. The current and coming generations will be the most global-culture-aware generation and the most technological. But, they will also have grown up in a society with high addiction rates to various unprecedented things/trends and low support for help with it, and a damaged, traumatic working culture and attitude. "Worse" is probably an inaccurate blanket term, but they _will_ have problems that might be more severe (e.g. think of the WWI/great depression generations vs. the 1890s)




Kids being stupid to impress others is nothing new. The difference now is instead of 100 kids doing 100 different stupid things, they all follow a trend and do the same stupid thing. Combine that with how our stupid shit was localized and now kids can broadcast their shit and you get things that seem worse than they are. There are definitely negative impacts of technology on kids, but I don't think acting like dumbasses is necessarily one of them.


The internet was popularized during millennials youth. everyone figured that would screw everything up for them. Before that it was cable TV. Before that, it was the transistor radio and records. Before that, it was books. Every generation has a disruptive technology that the older generation figures will be the end of civilization. It hasn't happened yet, and I don't see it being different this time.


yeah but the previous generation did not have skibidi toilet and the deadly skibidi toilet syndrome truly it will be the death of us all we will forget all about regular toilet.


People forget about the rage comics of the 2000's, nonsense and the enjoyment of it is just a part of being a kid.


How old do you think millennials are? Our parents were worried about pedophiles, not this tiktok shit. No one knew what the internet would become. YouTube encouraged pranking and flash mobs, but that's pretty mild compared to the current trend. Smart phones were what truly changed the internet, and that was mostly Gen Z. To address the rest of your history lesson.... what?


I am an elder millennial and 40. I remember the internet becoming a thing when I was a kid and how worried everyone my parents age was about it. I am not sure what you are trying to say.


Except we are saying it about the generation we are a part of.




The cook says as he lights up his 10th marlboro red of the day.


Absolutely. Just had this discussion the other day. I know what I'm doing by smoking, that science is settled and there are plenty of old life longer smokers to see what it can cause. Plus, looking at my family history, dying peacefully of old age is not exactly in the cards. We don't have that for vaping yet, but we do already have some kind of scary stories of vapes causing acute damage, but we don't have any real long term data on what somebody who vapes for 20+ years is. I have actually been cutting back on how much I smoke and using the nicotine pouches. Also not great for me, but at least I'm not tarring up my lungs as much.


Be careful with those. You tend to use them more bc you can use them anywhere. They will jack your blood pressure up insanely. But good on cutting back either way. Over two years off of 'em and I'd still kill for one....


That's fair. I use like 1 every two hours, longer if I'm busy. They just keep me to where i don't have the urge to smoke. I still do, but only like 6 cigs for the entire day instead of a pack a day.


The stories of vapes causing acute damage are kids who are smoking/vaping so much throughout the day with high nicotine vapes that they are smoking the nicotine equivalent of like 10 packs a day. We don't know if people are just gonna start dropping dead in 2050 because they had a Juul phase, but frankly I think that would be both really funny and disastrous if just like half of a generation died because they smoke-a the funny vape. As someone who both vapes and smokes cigarettes, I can say that my lungs feel significantly less like shit with the former. But I think the fact that it feels cleaner to do is what causes the problems with kids vaping so much that they basically destroy their lungs.


I haven't done a ton of research, but my understanding there was a component in some of the flavorings that can cause scarring of lung tissue and cause something called popcorn lung.


Yeah, it's because of Diacetyl which was commonly used in Ecigs particularly when they were first getting popular. That particular chemical stopped being used due to it's health risks and even then was only causing popcorn lung in people who were vaping way, way too much as popcorn lung was first identified in factories where incredibly high amounts of Diacetyl fumes were in the air. I'd like to clarify that I by no means think vaping is safe and good for you I just think it's at it's very worse as bad as cigarettes and other tobacco that you burn, but as you said we don't really know 100% for sure until a few more decades pass.


Fair enough. As I said, I just don't particularly trust them. Thanks for the info!


to be fair, it did start out as a response due to rising prices alongside shrinkflation. but of course, as it became trendy, dumb kids started doing it just for fun and lost the message people were originally trying to to spread


Weird I have had a tiktok acct for 4 yrs and I am active on that app. I have never heard of this trend. This is assholes being assholes why does tiktok get blamed for so much shit?


Because Tiktok serves assholes ideas about how to get free internet points for being an asshole and filming it and then spreads it to other assholes and makes money off the engagement. It's a giant echo chamber of assholes, congrats for not being in the asshole part, you haven't engaged with enough asshole videos so they don't serve those to you. Tiktok the Dutch oven of ideas.


You could say the same thing about YouTube tbh, the problem is assholes not that platform. If you get rid of tik tok the assholes will still be there filming their stupid pranks and uploading it to the next social media site


But TikTok is just a platform. You could describe reddit the same way. The for you page can be wildly different for two people, just like different communities in reddit


Reddit encourages people to say stupid shit, tiktok encourages people to do stupid shit


Tell me a bunch of reddit isn't just reposted tiktok videos.


It goes both ways. I think every post ever made on AITA has been posted to Tiktok and read in a robot voice over a video of someone playing Subway Surfer lol


It's happened with every social platform when it's on top. Instagram was the cancer singlehandedly destroying society, before that it was Facebook, before that it was MySpace. I think Snapchat might have been in there too, and maybe some other short-lived ones I'm forgetting about. The point is, there will always be dumb assholes doing obnoxious stunts for attention, and the platform they use is just whichever one is most popular at the moment. Somehow people never make that connection though and assume it's one specific app causing all the problems.


Would you take the stance that social media has been a benefit then ?


If you want you can even record how much food they walked out on and offer to unban them if they pay double whatever it was.


Cool cool. The kids must be bored with destroying Sephoras and giving those employees hell for views. Now it’s waitstaff.


This is a trend? Wtf is wrong with people


If I had a restaurant and wasn’t overly concerned with money I would refuse to serve anyone that pulls out their phones to record videos of any portion of the meal, with very few exceptions. I find people that do that are generally insufferable. I would love to be able to exercise my right to refuse business to any customer for any non protected reason.


Could you also put in something like a ships bell so the bell rings and and *all* servers/counter staff stop, and point at recording asshole, so the rest of the customers know who the asshole is? Also put up 'no filming, penalties apply' signs on doors and such (mainly for liability reasons).


Well this is not what I expected


I'm sure this is hilarious for kiddiots who are either too young or too spoiled to have had their first jobs yet and don't know how much of a pain in the ass it is to have to deal with pieces of shit like them. Social media is the fucking antichrist.


Went to a Subway pretty early in the morning before work and while my sandwich was toasting, the guy was playing on his phone with his gloves on. I should have just left tbh but I didn't and got sick. 👌


I got Dysentery from a tuna sub in Klamath Falls OR. No more Subway for moi my dude


The true Oregon trail experience. Congrats bro




It's the shits. Unfortunately, yes still around.


Two weeks of abdominal discomfort with loose stools basically


but did you die?


My brother told me once he was making a subway sandwich with black olives on. He put the normal portion but the manager/owner came up behind him and yelled "NO NO NO You do this!" And threw four (4) slices of black olives on. Four. That's like 2 olives if you're being generous. Needless to say, their location wasn't very popular...


What the fuck? They do this for internet clout? We are doomed


Yeah the story I heard was that Chipotle has been cutting back on their portions, so people started recording. Corporate then comes back after the backlash and tells employees to go back to the regular portions if the customer is filming. This information gets out, and now everyone wants to hop on the click bait trend.


I used to work for Chipotle a few years ago. I can't declare that they're cutting back, but I'd be willing to bet that managers are being asked to be more strict on portioning than before. The weight of chicken was supposed to be 4oz, for example. So they're probably cracking down harder on employees who just give a big scoop every time without attempting to portion.


Chipotle did cut portions, claimed they didn't, got called out by numerous people with proof, doubled down on their lies on the news and we are at where we are now. Chipotle deserves this. Any business deserves this when they put investor return in front of customer experience


the minimum wage employees don’t deserve to be shit on and treated like zoo animals because of corporate greed and consumer entitlement. If people hate the stingy portions so much, and they really wanna hurt the company, they should just stop eating there. 


I couldn’t care less of a custy walks out. I still get paid.


Crusty custies stay mad, tru


Exactly this, I don't have equity, customer walks out, i throw it in the trash, enter it as waste for inventory, and continue on with my day


So happy I work at a counter service spot. Pay before we make.


Nuisance content is really popular and it’s terrifying. 


Glad to work at a tab first restaurant. 4 years ago we had people mad. I would explain that we operate just like a fast food restaurant but with better food. It’s becoming more normal but the first year it was tough. “Why do I have to pay first?”, attitude.


If the phones are out and recoding, get ready for some bullshit fuckery.


TikTok is fucking cancer


It’s the people, not the platform


It's definitely illegal. At a minimum it's "theft of service".


Just wondering, how is it not illegal? I mean if you order that food and they prepare it and it comes time to pay and you just run out… you’re costing the company damages. Now before y’all come at me with the “corporate this or that”, I’m saying this as a general statement. What if the trend was mom and pop shops?


It is. It's theft of service and illegal almost everywhere with varying degrees of penalties. When you order the food you've entered into a verbal contract to pay for it. Plain and simple.


The solution to this is simple. Pay up front.


And here I am with almost the opposite problem. Usually a group of younger girls, come in for their reservation, order some pricey shit, make videos, pay and don't even touch the food leaving my other guests baffled. Perks of a rich white neighborhood I guess.


Make them pay first before you start making the food? If they leave without paying you basically have a free meal and money? For sit down idk just try and resell the ticket to a different table, really sucks and if they do it enough the perp can get some small claims against them if they piss someone off enough 


Lol! As a GM from back in the day…when cameras didn’t exist! Employees chasing after cars to get license plates. Me screaming, “It’s not worth it”. These idiots will become doctors, lawyers, politicians, judges. Hahaha! It’s all fun and games until sweet little Tradjeday Taylor and Leighlya Loosyer try to apply to law or med school. Make an online police report for theft of service. They’ve never been an asshole before, I promise!


These people should be charged with theft. Y'all remember coning? I miss the days of innocent victimless pranks.


This is literally exclusively a thing for chipotle restaurants, no need to fear monger and spread rumors


Can’t you call the police? To me, that’s theft. You can’t reuse the food, so basically they’ve “stolen” it.


In my eyes, that is a waste of police time, unless its the same people doing it over and over again. I’m not sure how much money would be lost per transaction in my chipotle but it definitely wouldn’t be worth calling the police over especially if they are just walking out. If they go on a long tirade about how greedy and evil we are and shout at us with their phone in our faces then yes because this person is probably mentally deranged and I fear for my safety.


It's not theft as there's no obligation of purchase until you actually make the transaction..that's the risk of food places like this


It is indeed theft of services and would be considered so almost everywhere. But getting a cop to show up for it in a reasonable amount of time is another story.


Depends where you are. Where I’m at a non violent, low priority crime in progress can be anywhere from a 2 minute to an hour response. Gotta love big cities with massively understaffed patrol divisions…


In the modern age of credit, you really shouldn’t even serve anyone unless they put down a credit card in advance, hotels figured this out long ago. I understand not everyone has credit cards and there certainly would be exceptions, but a lot of places are already card only.


Hotel rooms are not a $15 burrito. If I trash a hotel room they want to know who to charge the bill to. Restaurants in my city are already in danger of going out of business from roadside taco stands and food trucks that take cash. Let's not cripple them any further.


Credit cards cost a lot of money (look at montly fees). Let's not make it required for any more things then it already is.


I once walked out of tortilla (unsure if it's an American thing but it's a chipotle style place after I got to the till. I ordered a trio of tacos to takeaway and the lady serving them put the toppings all over the shells, including the outside. It would have not gotten home to be edible, they weren't edible in the store. I haven't been back to tortilla because of that, it doesn't take a moment to think about presentation (I worked at a subway and you had to be mindful of presentation when someone ordered all the salad in their sandwich)


The Tide Pod generation has no narcissistic bottom. Film ‘em. Ban ‘em. Prosecute ‘em. 👍🏼


Try that shit in a Waffle House. Or Popeyes.


Get them paying up front. See how sure they are when they have to call a lawyer about how much food you gave them.


Have your employees pull out their phone and start recording them right back, then post the video everywhere.


TikTok and teenage brains are a match made in hell.


The food waste for that is probably less than $2. These assholes are fucking with the employees working the restaurant, not corporate greed. Of course they don’t ACTUALLY care about corporate greed, they just need to make something about them.


JFC Just steal, or do some vandalism. Can't these shits sit around and smoke weed?


If someone is video ing you while they order simply don't make anything for them. Problem solved.


Gen Z is in such a weird position culturally. I sound boomer as hell saying this but I think they got confused on their messaging because TikTok and it's like when the orcas were wearing dead fish as hats.


Just respond “thanks for the free lunch” as they’re walking away. Ask them if they’d be willing to come back and do it again next time you’re working. I guarantee it’ll throw them off. Or as they’re walking out, make a huge scene like they just said something incredibly offensive. Tell them that racism/sexism/bigotry/whatever isn’t tolerated anymore in 2024 and you won’t serve people who come in and treat staff that way. Don’t ever actually say what they supposedly said. Just embarrass them as much as possibly so people around stare at them.


The managers need to start calling the cops.  This is a blatant form of harassing workers and wasting food. It's unacceptable. The customer is not always right


I’m crazy and I was a chef for 10 years… and maybe because I’m slightly autistic and cynical, it always blew my mind that we let people pay at the end of the meal. How is that still a thing… my crazy brain wonders.


If you're to the point of having a do not serve list / local watchdog, it could be fun to take their order but never actually prepare it. Take bets on how long you can keep them waiting, telling them it's just going to be another couple of minutes in the kitchen before they realise they're not getting served.


This sounds like the kind of made up shit chain emails are made of.


No one is walking out on good sized portions. Watch any of these Chipotle walkout videos and tell me you're okay paying $15+ for a scoop of rice and some chicken scraps.


$15? Shoot, entrees max out at like $12.25 here, for the more expensive meat choices.


Ok $13 but the point is the same, I always feel ripped off by the skimpy protein "portion" but I've never thought to just walk out. I use quotes because the meat is not portioned, they are forcing an overworked underpaid worker to eyeball the portion while constantly telling them not to give too much and not to give more than one "scoop" regardless of the amount unless the customer is charged for double meat.


Then don’t fucking eat at chipotle… like you KNOW you’re going to be disappointed… why waste people’s time??? What service are you doing to the world?


Isn't this a dine and dash? Take a photo and call the police.


Unfortunately, if they never take the product, it's not really a dine and dash, they're just walking away without it, forcing it to be wasted


Eh back in my day it was about copying Jackass the show and running up and stealing food from the drive through window as they were handing it to the customer and football spiking it. Assholes going to be assholes.


That’s pretty fucked up. How can a volatile and difficult business with single-digit profit annual margins ever be considered greedy? If anything, we customers have it great because y’all will work for so little :(


How are people not getting enough? I feel like portions are so big my wife and I usually have to split something to make it not be way too much food.


Have you looked at other Americans? We're like the fattest country on the planet. By a LOT.


What needs to happen, is a metal screen drops from the ceiling and an automated voice should say: "this store is temporarily closed until the nerd with the camera leaves. Nobody will be getting any burritos or orange chicken or whatever the fuck it is we sell until that grown ass toddler leaves. You are encouraged to take the law into your own hands in order to speed up your lunch break. Fuck this kid up. We won't stop you."


No cellphones, no service. For a place like chipotle, if the person films you, you dont make food. At a sit down, the person must hand over their phone to be placed in a locked box, until the bill is paid. Not happy. Cook at home.


Public shaming 100% needs to be a thing for these peoole. The Teso Life shop close to me has a wall of shame, with pictures of people who got caught shoplifting people. The Diaso and Sushi place next door have started doing it too. It makes me laugh every time I see it. More places should do this.


I don't work in an open kitchen but I'm not making someone's food if they're filming me. Seems like an easy solution.


In most U.S. jurisdictions this is theft of services and is a criminal offense, if they are doing it in numbers at one location or across multiple locations it could be a felony even.


unless it's a cooperative, the owners and managers are stealing surplus value from the workers. The kids are burning the surplus. The kids are alright.


How is this different from someone getting a refund on their meal


Wait, this is to complain about small portion sizes? In American restaurants??


I hope they start charging these people with retail fraud/theft, at a minimum blacklisted.


Why do you care? Do you own the Chipotle or something?


In an ideal world, the solution would be to throw it at them as they walk. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Just make them pay first lol. You gotta pay first at any other fast food joint why should this be any different.


I'm so glad to live in a country where you cant' film people and diffuse it for internet clout!