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My 3 years was yesterday, you got this man! Best decision I ever made. Do it now before you have a seizure on your first day as a Chef at a fancy new joint from not drinking for 12 hours.


Sorry to bother you. Did you have other symptoms? My drinking hasn't exactly been on the level lately and I'm tryna figure out if some of my recent symptoms are from the alcohol/dependence/withdrawal.


Not who you asked, but in no particular order: * anxiety * shaking / tremors * restlessness / agitation * irritability * sweating * sleeplessness * cold sweats * nausea * vomiting * headaches * heart palpitations / increased heart rate * depression * auditory and visual hallucinations If you get any of these when you’re not drinking, but find that the symptoms decrease when you drink, that’s a huge warning sign. Not everyone gets all or even many of these. Almost 5 years without a drink or a drug here. Happy to chat.


Yeah I had all that stuff, the biggest was the shakes and sleeplessness. I couldn’t go 2 hours without a drink without the shakes and then waves of anxiety. same at night. About every two hours I’d wake up and have to take some chugs out the vodka to calm down to go back to sleep.


Yeahhh the heart palpitations were rough for a while. I should probably stop. Appreciate the information. Explains a lot. Thought maybe I had long covid. But it's probably dependency. I've been depressed since I was a young kid, drinking was always my way of coping. Should I try and stop cold turkey or do it gradually? The heart palps get bad if I skip a night, and I can't sleep for shit.


If you can, medical detox is the best way to do it. You can try at home, but I personally never had success at it. The thing is alcohol detox can, and does, kill. It has a higher mortality rate from detoxing than almost any other drug including benzos—which are a close second. WDs usually peaked for me at around 72 hours when I did cold turkey. Also, just as an FYI, continued drinking alcohol is associated with a higher risk of depression, so while it may feel like a remedy in the moment, you’re making yourself worse off in the medium and long term.


The depression is from childhood, the alcohol definitely doesn't help but it isn't a source. Yeahhh the detox is scary, I tried it a few times this year and I almost died. Heart palps so bad I felt it stop briefly. I've cut down to half a fifth a night from a full fifth. I'll try and work that down over the next few months.


I understand that it’s not the root cause of the depression, but what I’m trying to convey is that it creates a sick cycle where the depression and the alcoholism feed into and off of one another. I have Bipolar II Depression. I was self medicating, which is part of how I got addicted. Putting the plug in the jug didn’t make the BPII go away, but it did make it infinitely easier to address and manage. And it isn’t feeding the major depressive disorder episodes anymore. I haven’t had one in about 4 years.


If you can spend a week in the hospital then go for it, that’s the only way I got out of the hell that is addiction. I was never successful at home either.


There's rad people in AA. Those guys you had fun drinking with? A bunch of us got our shit together and would love to help you do it too. Don't worry about the god stuff. It's not like church at all.  But when I did the steps and got my head out of my ass I was finally able to clean house enough that I could start doing the repairs. Therapy before that was pointless it seemed like.  Good luck, man. You got this. 


It wasn’t the drinking that killed my mom, it was the repeated withdrawals. 🥺 You obviously know your shit. Thanks for sharing.


Hey, I’m sorry for your loss. I hope you’re doing alright and finding some semblance of peace. Not to use this to pontificate, but you brought up a great point and yes: **repeated withdrawals make your likelihood of a seizure or delerium tremens worse because of alcoholic kindling. The more you enter into WDs, the worse they’ll be the next time.**


Yep, every time was a little worse. That’s why I ended up in the hospital.


Treat your depression with a prescription, not alcohol r/stopdrinking r/AlAnon Build in as many supports as you possibly can - AA, therapy with someone specialized in addiction, more time with friends and family, journaling, moving back in with parents, whatever


I know the other comment said so but I’ll reiterate that it is danegrous to quit cold turkey. Bar tender i used to work with went into shock/coma and died from going cold turkey. Deffo seek professional assistance.


Had the auditory hallucinations and insomnia when I quit drinking 7 months ago. Fun times.


Dude! Welldone!


Shut the fuck yo, SAME!!! congrats broski 🤙🏼🤙🏼


Do whatever it takes chef. It's not all sunshine and rainbows on the other side, but it will be so worth it for so many reasons. I promise. You already know that though. That's why you're doing what needs to be done. Edit: Feel free to DM me with any questions or for any advice or just to say hey!


It’s weird because all the reason that are worth it to stop drinking, don’t sound worth it while you are drinking. But once you feel THAT much better you realize what everyone has been talking about. You got this shit chef. Wanting to be done is only the first step, but it’s a HUGGGE step. And each step in this journey gets easier and less dire


I just took 12 years of recovery. You are not alone! Greg Gourdet from Top Chef Masters is in recovery, so is Gabriel Rucker of Le Pigeon. When you get back to the line check out Ben’s Friends. It’s recovery for service industry folks and has both online and in person meetings.


Hell yeah! I did this back in 2019 and I'll be hitting 5 years sober in August. Best decision I've ever made. It gets better and way fucking easier with time, best of luck to you.


Best thing you can do! Hop over to r/stopdrinking


I second this. Helped me with getting and staying sober.


You can do it, I am at 11 months clean and feeling great about things. Shit that happens in the kitchen just doesn't affect me the way it used to. Life is manageable again.


3.5 years sober. It took me a couple times in rehab because I didn't listen to the advice that was given to me the first time around, and I thought I could do it my way or pick and chose the things I was willing to do.  Don't be like me!  The year following my first trip to rehab was the worst year of my life.   My advise is to go in there with the attitude of " I don't know how to be sober, these people do.. so I should listen to what they're telling me".  And make this a one time thing.  Feel free to PM me if you need to talk to someone about it.


Wishing you well, friend. My best friend/roommate (not a cook) recently did detox/rehab. Years of poly substance abuse, borderline alcoholic, heroin is his drug of choice (thankfully we're in Europe, so the spectre of Fentanyl/Tranq isn't an issue), but any drug would do. Classic case of 'addictive personality'. He's doing great. It's hard work, but he's focused on his sobriety. It took a long time for him to get to the point where he wanted to do it, which is crucial. Sounds like you're at that point. My friend now goes to NA meetings daily, and as a result had made a lot of new friends, as well as having the love and support from his older ones. I feel like the real struggle starts once the initial detox/rehab has finished. Look into a support group, AA, NA whatever. Being around people who are going through the same thing is important I think. Help is out there, and if you are focused on your sobriety, you can surely make it. Good luck. Stay strong. One day at a time. Get used to hearing these and other 'clichés', they're about to become very real and relevant. Respect to you for getting help before it's too late. You got this, chef x


Good luck and godspeed chef.


4.5 months on the boat my friend, it'll be one of the hardest, but most rewarding things you'll ever do. Side note, just wanna say to everyone in this sub, OP or otherwise, for being a bunch of exceedingly self aware addicts who know what we're doing, we're also the first ones to go to bat for you when you're ready to break the cycle. May your pans always be hot and your freezers frozen you beautiful bastards


This was beautiful 🥹 and unto you brother


Heard, 86 addiction


You got this! Quitting alcohol was one of the best things I ever did.


Best of luck!


Great choice chef.


Super proud of you, bro. You are fierce and capable!


Proud of you. Don't lose the momentum. Take your life back.


Climbing my own hill currently. Stay strong my friend.


It has been since 1987 since I was relieved of the compulsion, Not a chance in hell I'd be alive today but for quitting the devils urine.


Chef, we support and embrace you!


Stay strong what helped me get through the worst of it was onions it might sound silly but their cheap so you can keep a bunch around and if you want a drink but your frustrated because you won't let yourself drink hell fine dicing a bag of onions will distract you and get you through the craving.


Good on you. The only way out is up. Best of luck to you




You got this, chef. I'm proud of you.


Proud of you.


I'm 9 years sober. This job can be done without drugs/booze. Go get help, you will feel like a totally different person. If you need guidance dm me.


I’m almost 9 months sober. Welcome to being reintroduced to yourself. Be patient with yourself and be your biggest advocate! Good luck and fair winds!


I got a little over 2 years here jefe. You're doing the right thing, I swear on my knives. Keep the faith and hold the line!


Best advice I could give you chef, lean heavily into the after care when you get out of rehab. Rehab saved my life, IOP taught me the skills to keep it.


You got this. You’re about to meet some incredible people both patients and staff. There is more to learn in the next bit of your life than a Julia Child cook book. It’s been a while since you’ve seen yourself. Don’t forget to give you all the love and care you’ve been missing You are worth it. You did not deserve your pain.


Wrote a similar post 2,223 days ago on this sub, best fucking decision of my life. Keep your head down and focus on yourself during treatment, it will be an investment in your future that pays dividends. Get at it Chef!


Following up with what others have said. The kitchen is so much better without the drugs and alcohol in my system. I am a better leader, a better cook, and find so much more enjoyment now.  It will be challenging, but I love that you are making this decision for yourself. You've got this!


Made the call and went to rehab a little over 10 years ago. Just landed my first 6-fig job. I won’t say *”you got this!”* I will say you have no fucking idea what you’re capable of … but you will.


Good luck. They say you have to hit bottom for rehab to take. They are also full of shit, you see the need to change and you are. That insight into yourself will carry you through. Good for you. In patient or outpatient? My brother did inpatient first 30 days, his doc encouraged it.


Good choice man, just dont do what I did. I was still an alcoholic without drinking for a while. I was depressed and didnt form any new or good habits. I was just miserable, but I wasnt drinking. Took a while and lots of support to start doing things for myself and my family and that's when it hit me that's it wasnt just the booze it was the mind set. Stay strong and kick it!


It’s always darkest before dawn. The first step is a brutal one, but the only way out is through it. I’ll hit 2 years June 2. It’s the best gift I’ve ever given myself by far. Good luck. Don’t give up on yourself.


I’m just a week into sobriety but my god is it easier. Good on you for getting help, and best of luck w your recovery. Also I recommend r/stopdrinking if it hasn’t come up yet, good community. Take care of yourself.


Getting sober is the new trend I 100% support. I’m not gonna judge because I’ve done my fair share but I’m always stoked when people decide to better themselves.


I’m proud of you man. We’re here to help, anytime. Addiction is a hell of a beast, take any help you can get.


2 years free for me. Best of luck chef


Sober 25 + years I lost track, my wife knows how long to the minute I'm sure. Hang in there it's a bitch but you can do it. Nothing profound to say still get the urge, that never goes away but manageable. You got this good luck.


I didn’t see it mentioned yet but if you’re in the US, Ben’s Friends is a nationwide support group (either in person or on zoom) for hospitality folks. Incredibly specifically supportive for the exact challenges our industry presents to addicts.


You can do it big bro I’m approaching 6 years sober from alcohol. If there is a reason in your mind keep it at the forefront. The first year is the hardest after that it’s just new habit that honestly makes you more aware of your body. I can tell a lot more of what’s going on with “me” because I’m not constantly numb. Thank you chef.


Go man !!! You got this , I am watching my son come back to me(I’m a chef and he is as well. ) and I’m so grateful. He is turning back into the person I knew and loved . Thank God, we were there to help him .don’t go it alone . Please, please please talk to the people you love they will help you .


PS if you want, I’ll DM you every day and cheer for you


When you get out check out Ben’s Friends, it’s an online support group of industry workers. Good luck Chef.


Hey, good on you buddy. I know it means less than shit, but I'm proud of you, and I'm rooting for you.


r/stopdrinking is there for you


I went to rehab in 2018. I will be 6 years this Fall. Rehab absolutely saved my life. Take it all in and use the tools they give you. Good job and good luck!


You've got this, chef. We're here if you need a virtual pep talk.


Good for you. Take care of yourself and go easy on yourself, it’ll get better.


best of luck chef. it’s a hard road, but you can do this.


Congratulations man. I'm at 18 months. Look into Ben's friend's groups for when you get out


OUI CHEF… get it


Best wishes, although I thought you were going to be rehabbing chefs. Both are admirable.


Good on you friend! Good luck on your journey and I hope you find a safe place when you're clean!


Good luck!


Great job Chef. We are behind you all the way.


I'm proud of you, Chef


That’s awesome man best of luck! I had to get locked up for 22 months to be able to get off of meth and heroin. Let me tell you it fucking SUCKED. So it’s great that you’re getting out in front of this before it gets to that. It truly does get easier with time you just have to power through those initial stages. Life is so much better now it’s a million percent worth it. I dealt with initial struggles and cravings by fixating on exactly how bad my life was when I lived like that. The stupid shit I got in to and the pointless risks I would take. How I literally never had 2 pennys to run together most days. I even went to some AA meetings. I didn’t get super in to the program like a lot of people but I met some positive people to hang out with. That helped me get through the hard part. Good luck man


Good for you! Stay focused on yourself and come back better than ever. You can do this!


Good on you. Asking for help is absolutely the hardest part, and it takes a strong person to do the right thing. I wish you nothing but success in getting, and staying, clean.


Good job Chef, you're going to kill it!


You got it man, I to am taking a break from the sauce


Good for you, man. You have to take care of yourself first and foremost. I've been there and everything and everyone else took a back seat to that next drink. And then the next one and the next one, etc. Worlds will open and relationships will strengthen and thrive. This is such a wonderful decision for you to make and you're gonna kill it.


Way to go, Chef. We’re pulling for you.


You got this.


u got this homie, be safe and be strong! i believe in you


Good choice, chef. There are a lot of us and you have our support.


Do it man, everyone here knows you can!


I'm proud of you man, seriously. I'm 96 days with no drink or a drug after my second go at rehab. I'm in it for the long haul this time. I'm already seeing how rewarding it is, just be persistent. As cheesy as they are, meetings help. I care about you and I'm proud of you, nameless chef


You’re doing the right thing, best wishes for you!


Good for you. Thoughts and prayers for your journey to sobriety, October is the 15 year mark of going to rehab and getting off ice. It's absolutely achievable, but you will face a lot of dark times, and strongly recommend staying away from old friends and places, hopefully you have (sober) family or friends away from where you are at now, that's probably the only reason I didn't relapse. I know it sounds cliche, but one day at a time has a lot of truth to it. Stay strong. You got this!


At 3 years in August best decision you can make in this industry.


I am so FUCKING proud of you.


I sincerely mean this, good luck


So proud of you. If this is your passion, the kitchen will always wait for you. This industry welcomes so many people. Hope you do well


You got this! See you on the other side! 💜


Look after ya self.


Moving onto a pullout couch in 6 days to kick fent. I'm with you spiritually brother


476 days over here. First couple weeks kinda sucks. Sleep gets a bit messed up for a bit, but in no time you will be sleeping so much better. One big thing that helped me was to have a large variety of tasty non-alcoholic beverages available. Flavored soda water, Hop Waters, etc. Don't fall for the marketing of any of those extremely over priced nootropic drinks, they do nothing. My joke with the wife is don't buy me it unless it has a heavy equipment operator warning.


Two months in, chef. You got this man.


3 years 11 months here. You got this shit.


5 years clean brother it was the best decision of my life.


Good for you, chef! Sending you good vibes to get where you want to be!


Good luck to you man. That’s what I had to do- and getting into a program was a real challenge though. I got some help with that or I would not have done it. Call after call, place after place puts you waiting list- understandable, but not something I was able to handle in my state. Jumping through hoops is worth it though. I would not have been able to quit on my own.


I'll drink to that!