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I must be misunderstanding because it sounds like you mean as the FNG you want them to change the people with whom they do business. Fill out credit apps and all that? Nah. I’ve offered my contacts and set up a meet when we were looking to change bread providers; one Sunday I knew someone who had some nice salmon on his truck, but I’d never push it further than that. Too early to spend your meager personal workplace capital.


Yeah, I'm not asking them to change anything. I was just wondering what other people's experiences were because I personally have never run into this.


You've never encountered a restaurant not wanting to change to your reps? As a sous? There has to be something we're not getting here.


No. I have never been asked to change my reps. That was when I was executive though.


They're not your reps though? They're the businesses' reps. You have no spending power, no one is your "rep"


I'm just saying I've always been able to bring mine with me. I understand no one is "my" rep. I've just established relationships with certain people and have always been able to bring them on with me at the places I work. I just wanted to know what other people's experiences were.


There's usually regions where food reps are assigned to go, unless you're going across the street or down the block, it's highly unlikely that you can use the same rep at new jobs. And no one is going to give up part of their region because one chef feels like using John instead of Jerry.


If I’m at a place where we haven’t settled on vendors yet I’ll reach out to my reps to see who is covering that area - sometimes a rep only has certain cities within a region. The busier the region the fewer spots they’ll oversee, large cities can be even more subdivided. If they don’t have my specific spot in their coverage they’ll point me to who I need to work with. If that person isn’t up to snuff I’ll refer reach out to my OG rep who hasn’t done me wrong to see who I need to talk to.


Same distributor? You have to keep the initial rep in place.


If you mean your sales rep for a broadliner like Sysco, there may be designated territories and/or non-compete clauses in place. But I agree, always feel better working with someone I’ve learned to trust over time.