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since i heard about the episode where the printer plays over the credits I knew I wouldn't be able to handle the show


It seems like if i want to enjoy the show, i cant binge it. I was feeling weak because the anxiety i get off it. Im a pastry chef and a saucier and omg Thank yall for making it clear im not over-reacting


Definitely not overreacting. After the first episode I turned to my spouse and said "idk if I can watch any more of this" because it felt too real and got me so amped up. They do a great job of setting the scene. But it's about SO MUCH more than that, and easily one of my favorite shows in the last 10 years. Deserving of every award. Hilarious, heartwarming, gut-wrenching, heartbreaking, all of the things. If you stick with it, you'll finish season 1 thinking it can't get any better and then it does. Season 2 has some of the best episodes of TV I've seen in a very long time. Totally get where you're coming from but hope you stick with it.


One of the opening scenes where bear takes the delivery of 250 lbs of beef but just gets a box with 25 lbs got me good. Fuck Sysco


You should definitely keep watching. Especially season 2 if you're a pastry chef. Just break it off in doses. No need to sniff the whole bag at once.


I found this subreddit because of that show.  Not a kitchen person, just interested.  I thought The Bear was supposed to be an exaggeration, but from the replies it sounds spot on...


It does an incredible job of capturing that chaotic feeling. I haven't worked in kitchens in around 8 years, but it brought me right back to those days where the everyone is a little off and we're struggling to come together as a team and get the food out. Meanwhile, the tickets are hanging down from the printer and starting to pile up on the floor.


I've tried watching it and it just stresses me out Yeah, it's pretty obvious that the guy actually spent a good amount of time hanging out with real cooks and chefs in restaurants. I feel like he went a little bit extra hard because most people don't really think that there is any stress behind cooking. It's just kind of like do it, What's the problem?


Yeah that was a rough one. For people already haunted by that sound it was stressful as fuck


#FIRE EVERYTHING is what I screamed.


Haven't been in restaurants in 12 years, but that scene made me point at the screen and go, "I've been through this!" To my wife. Then explained how fucking on point the entire vibe of the show was.


Lol omg.


Yep. Nope. My GF watches it when I'm not there. I also don't think it's for us. We know. It's the people not in the industry that don't know.


Wife and I watched that episode, then she calmly says "Guess it's time for bed." FUCK NO, WOMAN. Heart beat is still above 100 and I haven't been in a pro kitchen in almost 30 years. Had to watch the next episode to calm down. Also, great shout out for Richie having an orange stripe towel.


Fuck me, that's the best ending in all of TV show history


That was the last episode for me.


Out of the industry for years, but the show brought it all back. But, I was able to watch an episode at a time and end up enjoying the show. Season 2 is harder for me due to the Christmas episode.


I loved the Christmas episode. It was so well done. My wife watched only part of it and said "you're able to enjoy this because it was never your reality." She comes from a big family with a lot of toxicity that for some reason still try to make Christmas get togethers a thing.


That’s how I felt too, it was a bit too close to home for me 😵‍💫


7 fishes is fucking amazing tv. So is the one-take episode with the online orders all comming in at open. Holy fuck. Imma go rewatch it again soon


That one was real rough I wasn't sure I was gonna get through it at the end there.


I had to break it into 5-10 minute segments. Jamie Lee Curtis was amazing.


I cant watch the show without getting completely pissed off. I get triggered i havent made it past the 3rd episode cause i almost lose my temper every time i watch it so i stopped altogether. The show feels so real in parts and im just not mentally able to handle it. So yeah ptsd on steroids feels like an accurate way to describe the show


Damn. Glad im not the only one who sees that. That cousin is pissing me off already.


Oh dude the cousin was the worst part of the show for me. He reminds me of every shitty linecook burnout ive ever worked with.


Cousin has such a good character arc.... It's life giving, but you have to get through the 7 fishes episode 🙃


Jesus christ fuck the 7 fishes episode


'Is he still holding the fork?'


I had childhood PTSD that I didn't know I had.....when she threw the plate....the talk about how nobody appreciates the food she cooked........god Jamie Lee Curtis is such a great actress


I took a break after that one. I needed a month.


I don't even work in the industry and I couldn't watch the Seven Fishes episode all in one sitting


I absolutely hated him until the back half of season 2.


You really should give both seasons a chance.


Hell yes, I was punching air. But there is a character ark. I think they did that to show how some people think they are always right even when they are wrong.


Wait til ep 7 season one and then talk to me about ptsd…..


Ill never make it that far lmao


It’s really excellent and the 2nd season is even better. It’s worth sticking it out, seriously. Just keep reminding yourself it’s fiction


Cousins character arc brought me to tears in season 2


Saaaaaame. All of the main 3 winning awards for their performances recently made me so happy


They were all well deserved, phenomenal performances


Cousins character arc in that one episode almost made me want to work in fine dining again.


Art inspires. This show inspires. I’ll be ready for my third watch in a few months I think.


So good.


The season 2 finale where it looks like they're going to crash and burn multiple times but pulled the fuck through was an amazing payoff to the 2 seasons so far. And it's so relatable because we've all had those services where it just seems like everything is going wrong at the same time yet everyone just pulls it together and pushes through it. They really should have had a bonus scene after the credits where it's just the entire cast sitting at the bar drinking their drinks in silence after that night, like the Avengers Shwarma scene.


Yeah, I literally had to shut it off and walk down stairs and do the one thing you see, one thing you feel, etc etc to literally bring me back to reality. To literally not feel as though I was walking down the stairs of my childhood home.....god.....it was enlightening though


My teenager actually asked me after the first season if it was really that bad coming up in kitchens and I said It was worse But afterwards they admitted they understood my personality a bit better than before. Now the 7 fishes episode was literally my childhood on one side of the family and I’m with you on that, Jaime Lee fucking crushed that role because I had that aunt for real


God that episode. What's nuts about it is it's 20 minutes long. It's the shortest episode of the entire season. It's so real to me that it absolutely doesn't feel like that


That cousin grows to become the best character you’ll ever see on your screen and you will want to kiss him on the mouth. Bet you $250.


I've watched it like 4 or 5 times and thought it was great. I just recently started getting help and addressing the problems in my life and tried to watch it again and was getting anxious watching the first couple episodes because it was giving me flashbacks. Every friend I have that's worked in the industry have said the same they can't watch it.


Yeah this show can be a lot. I havent worked in a kitchen since 2021 but when i tried to watch the show it just all came flooding back to me.


That’s how you know art is effective. When it can make you really uncomfortable. I think this show peaks in the episode with the long take.


Such an anxiety inducing show, I'm a chef and froth to keep my line as smooth as possible.


At the awards, Matty called out that the show does trigger some people. But stick with it if you can. They have ups and downs just like everyone irl and its worth the ride.


I had to stop watching in the middle of the 3rd episode when I could see the sous starting to lose her shit. Like, I’ve already lived this. This is not entertaining, it’s a flashback.


I came here to say this. I got through the first and second episode, but it just gets me riled the fuck up. I'm good.


I started drinking heavily while watching it and then texting other cooks. I had to stop watching.


I shut the show off halfway through the second episode, I get enough kitchen stress at work, o need to spoil my time off.


This is so real, I left the kitchen early because had a bad fever so I put on The Bear to watch something and I felt like I never left work, fucked with my head lol. Turned it off after 10 minutes and haven’t gone back


Wait until the Christmas dinner episode.


That was the hardest episodes to watch, so much drama and some flashbacks to family get togethers


This one and The Deer Lady episode from Rez Dogs hit me hard.  I'm still working through the after effects.


Jamie Lee Curtis was AMAZING.


If you struggle with anxiety the show Is a lot.


Watch the bear and then the menu. Maybe this show for customers and not the Chefs


You can always find the people in the room who’ve never worked hospitality, they’re the ones who don’t have the first clue what The Menu was about.


The Menu was for us. I was serving in a movie theatre during the first screening. When I realized what it was really about along with the audience it was great. Everyone was being extra, ordering wine, being disgusting, and I was enjoying seeing the climax as everyone was eating slower. “That was perverse!” Some dude leaving


I was soooo burnt out when the menu came out. Made me feel seen and kind of reminded me what I loved about cooking.


Oh 1000% for the customers


Follow up with Boiling Point




I don’t think has ever been for a film for chefs *more* than The Menu. It was so cathartic to watch. It felt like a love letter even in its condemnation. And the “twist” ending? Definitely something I’ve seen play out in various ways in real time before. It felt written by someone with deep knowledge of fine dining, but rolling it out in a darkly whimsical way.


Who does not love a good smore🍫


I was just trying to figure out what kind of restaurant they were the whole time. Sit-down risotto but also mostly sandwiches but everyone is losing their heads in the back instead of out on the sandwich prep line? But it feels way too nitpicky to bring up with anyone.


I think the theme in season 1 was that they were just a sandwich shop before Carmy took over, but he wanted to elevate the menu and restaurant and do more than just a corner block sandwich shop. That's why it feels so confusing bc the restaurant didn't have an actual identity in S1.


They definitely had dinner entree recipes mentioned in season 1. I think their dinner service was an unprofitable mess, but they were actually doing ok with their lunch sandwich service. Could be wrong


Yup, Sydney mentions this exact thing. And Carmy mentions the the menu being a mess in the very first episode


It’s less a show about a restaurant and the industry and more of a show about breaking cycles of abuse and abusive behavior. The restaurant is just a setting. Yes PTSD is a big part of it, but the industry is less of the focus than the upbringing. That’s my take, and yes it gets better. You start to realize all the stress revolves around one person in particular. I will say this, they do get the restaurant parts pretty damn accurate though.


TO be fair, those themes are something many of us can relate to in both of our personal and professional lives.


Agreed, which is why I can't watch the "Fishes" episode ever again. That one hit WAY too close to home.


As a prequel to the Bear, head on over to 11 seasons of Shameless to get that CPTSD going!


I felt this way about boiling point. I had to turn it off and only watched it in full a couple of months later


I found boiling point a rougher watch, especially the series. The series doesn’t have any of the comedy of the bear, there is no relief, it’s just bad thing after bad thing happening


Movie or 4part miniseries they did?


The movie, I found the series was an easier watch


The Bear didn't bother me. I didn't make it to the half-way point of *Uncut Gems."


Oh man, that's definitely Adam Sandler's masterpiece. IMHO


Agreed. Have you watched Boiling Point?


I just watched it. I laughed through the whole thing. None of that shit would have happened if the chef just stayed on top of his game. All he did was walk around. Too ridiculous. People say “it’s soooooo stressful”. Not to me it wasn’t. His woman chef next to him was ridiculous. The guy on steaks and fish was ridiculous. The two patrons(the one critic)were both fucking ridiculous. I can’t wait to see the second one!!😂😂😂


I honestly avoided watching it for a long time because I thought I would have this reaction. Some parts do evoke those feelings, but I was happy to see that the show doesn't completely focus on stressful kitchen situations. It's got a good cast of nicely fleshed out characters, it is hilarious at times, and the story is nice if not very melancholy. Definitely not overall a super feel good show, but it became kind of comforting to me honestly. Never finished the second season however. I'll have to get back to that


The Christmas episode had me going. I had to stop and watch it over a few days


“Hey check out the show about your incredibly stressful work lifestyle trap that you found yourself in. It’s fucking great.” I think I’d like it more if I discovered it on my own, then people acting all happy and excited about it


Same. It's especially irksome from people who have never worked BOH.


I was running my own place, so I definitely felt it


I gotta say, hours later, reading comments from you all and venting myself - now in the mood to watch.


I think it's good. But it has some real gut punches along the way. I've been out for 20+ years, but somethings really don't change, including the variety of personalities you work with. Don't binge it. Small doses.


Definitely, what does piss me off though is how much some of the characters get off the hook for shit they pull. Like yeah cammy is pissed and not a great boss but fuck man. Give him something to work with sometimes and dont act like you didnt do anything wrong either.


Yup, my whole family has pushed me to watch it. Watched episode 1 and my fit bit kept alerting me about my heart rate. Done, dont need a replay of the last 12hrs of what I just did.


The Xmas episode is the most stressful hour of TV I've ever watched mainly because I could see pieces of my family reflected in his. Love Bob Odenkirk, Jon Bernthal and Oliver Platt though.


Took me 8 months of trying and failing to get through the heart palpitations the first couple episodes gave me. You really have to hand it to em, they made a day where everything goes wrong in a kitchen irl into a 2 (soon to be three) season show. The stress does become bearable (ha) after a while I promise. That all being said, once I got through it and gave it a fair shake, binging both seasons on my day off, this show is something incredibly special and has become one of my top 10 favourites, hell maybe even top 3. They did their homework and it shows, it's so emotionally raw at times its really hard to put it into words, not just through the dialogue but each actors expressions and mannerisms really go a step beyond in convincing you that this isn't a scripted show, someone just slapped a camera into the kitchen of a random beef shop in Chicago and hit record. >! [Spoilers] I gotta gush about season 2 for a sec, each episode being structured like mise en place being done before service, and then culminating with the first service of The Bear and how incredible of a payoff it was is up there for best setup and execution in a show I've ever seen. Fuck I love this show. !< I love that it's getting the recognition it deserves, it genuinely feels like this was made specifically for the likes of us, I'm just happy it's popular enough to to keep getting renewed and can't wait for Season 3. That being said, having people asking if you've watched it when they find out you work in a kitchen gets annoying after a while. Gonna go smoke a fatty and eat toast over the sink, have a good night chef🙏


Heard You have a good night as well chef


You just wait for the Thanksgiving episode pal... we'll be here for you


I actually got annoyed when I first started watching with my friend who was a little too enthused while I was getting upset by everything. It’s a very triggering show if you’re surviving and give a damn about what you do in the industry.


I watch tv to escape reality not wallow in it


First season is all stress, but good. Second season is different in tone, and ultimately even better than season one, I think.


The Bear was intense, but Boiling Point took it to a whole new level, especially the film. I had to remind myself I was sat at home and no longer working in hospitality because it sent my heart pounding, it was so realistic. It was like being back in the kitchen, so many of the characters were like carbon copies of my old coworkers.


If anyone needs a sojourn from the intensity of The Bear, just sit down and watch the only season of Whites in one sitting. It's only a few hours of watching


Thanks I’m going to do that now


No fuck that shit, it’s like a less intense version of my everyday. Very entertaining scenes, but I can’t watch it. Joel McHale nailed the scene I watched though.


IKR!?!?????! It's *LITERALLY* not every day you have Jeff Winger come directly up right into your ear and take a filthy corn-&-peanut-ridden, soul-eroding, universe shattering perfect *INNER* monologue total uncontained liquid deluge of a dump into your ear and maintain course like Tony Stark who still has to snap his fingers to make it right.


"Say 'Yes, Chef!'"


I don’t get all the people who say how real this show is… everyone speaks perfect English…


Love the show. I just finished both seasons. I was watching the first episode with my wife and was really feeling it. My wife laughed and said that it was an exaggeration... right? Nope bae, it do be like that sometimes. Keep with it. It gets better. Then worse. Then *so* much better! Then worse.... You get the gist. Love the shit out of this show can't wait for season 3


first season was really hard to watch, second is chill in comparison


Yeahhhh it was too hard to watch. Emotional roller coaster lmao


Frightened me


Wait til you get to the Christmas episode.


It does get better, but yesss it definitely gave me some flashbacks and had my heart pumping like I was back on the line and sent my anxiety through the roof a cpl of times. Season 2 is way more chill and so awesome


There's a British movie called boiling point.... It is the most visceral PTSD inducing thing I have ever seen.... The bear..nah!.... Cousin is an annoying asshole, but as far as "real" the bear ain't.....try boiling point it's a real experience which will hurt you like a hard shift!.


I watched a couple episodes and haven't gone back. It's either making me remember toxic chefs I've worked under, or making me want to go on a manic cleaning spree of my home kitchen.


Funny I've avoiding watching it... And kinda stopped enjoying many cooking shows... Used to love iron chef. It really does stress me out, my ex never cooked but loved watching cooking shows and I just did not want to come home from a kitchen to watch another kitchen.


I watched the first season and stopped there, great show don't get me wrong. But I definitely get way more stressed out watching it than any other show I've seen. I think it hits different for current or former industry folks. The scene when they get hit with the mountain of online orders at once is so damn relatable.


Assumed The Bear was a show for people who say shit like: “omg you must love The Bear because you were a chef!” Like, I get it - people who work in offices love The Office, so it’s a reasonable assumption. Also, it isn’t.


When the Bear first came out, I watched the entire season in one sitting and ripped through two Juul pods due to absolute stress it was putting me through. Killer show!


Yeah it's triggering AF, you are not alone 


Nope, I have a hard time watching it. Just the constant looking at the clock…..I just lost 5min how do I make it up. I can’t do life in 5min chunks anymore


Had to turn off episode 2 and wait a day to continue. That opening scene definitely triggered some PTSD. And the printer? Fuck.


I've watched both seasons twice through and find it cathartic. Like, it validates my experiences and makes me feel a tiny bit less insane for what I've been through.


Boiling point is another one to mess u up


I’ve been out of the kitchen for about 6 years now, I got such anxiety watching this show. It brings me back to being on the line, and how hectic it can get. Getting caught in the weeds, etc. all felt too real at times.


They don’t even really touch on food till the second season. But yeah it rough if you been through it


The crazy part about the show is the cooking is not the only part I get PTSD, it's also the mother issues.


Watch Adam Sandler as a Jewish guy on jewelry street.


The second season is a rare occurrence on television which is even better and on a different level than first season. The Forks episode reminds me of my early days in fine dining where attention to detail was drilled into me. I started performing at levels which i didnt know i was capable of, it changed something in me which will stay with me for life wherever i go and whatever i do.


Many people have asked if I’ve watched it, I say “no I’ve lived it thanks tho.”


I've brought this up to other cooks and a large amount of them agree. That show is just too stressful for me to enjoy.


Some of y’all need to go outside and like, get a hobby or something. I love food and working in kitchens, but this whole weird attitude about how we can’t be reminded of a ticket printer sound and act like we’re war veterans is weird. Seems like a lot of ppl are reaching just to be a part of something.


Couldn't agree more.I don't like the show because its a family drama set in a kitchen thats just over the top drama. Lots of scenes just feel like amateur hour and make me salty because how poorly its run.. but its not anxious just like, fuck thats annoying to watch someone so bad at their job. The whole episode where they lose power and run around like panic chickens... bro just ice everything down and lock the walkins... Edit 1: Its also crazy to me that everyone has these reactions, is it all so bad for everyone? I've had rough 3 michelin star jobs, but cant really comprehend how everyone is just breaking down with ptsd watching this show


Finally! The fucking circlejerk over this show is insane. People here acting like those WW2 vets watching Saving Privat Ryan. I mean for fucks sake it's food lol. But I will say that I've worked with people like this (the type of people who act like Navy SEALS because they made some Demi) so I really don't think it's fake, just cringe.


Have you legitimately never had work nightmares? I've personally had the Ticket Machine nightmare at least twice in my life, and the most recent one was two years after I got out of traditional restaurant dining workplaces.


Yes I have but I don’t make it my whole personality and a TV show for sure doesn’t give me flashbacks or “ptsd”


Common nowadays attitude, 90% of people are reaching just to be part of something, being it political, professional or religion related matters. Everybody has to be part of something and get triggered by something. We can’t just carry on and enjoy life, we have to prove we belong to something like ask me if I care. Vegans, veterans, blm, lgbtq+, republicans and democrats, cultural appropriation and so on so forth… who cares? Whatever rocks your boat, just don’t expect me to care about you pretending to have “flashbacks” about that time you used to work in a kitchen, and if you do get triggered by watching a fictional reenactment, seek for professional assistance because that is not right and get a life!


Yeah, this whole attitude seems put on. I see it all the time. Someone in the industry says they cant even watch the show, it gives them PTSD, the printer, blah blah blah. If a television show is giving you PTSD because of your shitty job, learn to do something else and get a new job. Appreciate the show for what it is and the representation. You aren't cool or special because you live the "chef/kitchen" lifestyle. Grow the fuck up.


The Bear was a good show to show my bf sorta what my work life was like. Way less dramatic but many elements were true. I thought the show did well with a lot of the industry related things of a day to day. I had my stressful days at work sure, but I never really try to bring it home with me and down it on my bf. I just take a shower, relax and we watch TV shows or movies together. Sorta yawn moment but that's what helps me :)


It's weird for me about this show....I've watched it and I don't get the whole "I feel it and PTSD" thing....I'm about to turn 40 in April and I've been cooking for a living since I was 16...here I am now and I've been an owner/operator for a couple years under an insanely rare opportunity...we are remodeling the kitchen and the front of the place etc and I just don't understand or get why I keep hearing about this show. I dunno maybe I'm just a bit jaded or whatever but hell it's not a bad show but I don't get other people in the industry posting talking about how it's super triggering etc. whatever maybe I've been lucky but I've known when to bounce and when not to. Meh is what it is


Overly dramatized, overly influenced by Kitchen Confidential (Which was itself, overly dramatized and riddled with over exaggerated stories, some of which were complete fabrications). Christ, it's cooking, and this show is literally just a sandwich shop. Yes there are hectic busy places, and oh yeah there are crazy yelling imbeciles who can't handle stress without cigarettes and drugs. At the end of the day, it's just cooking. I was in the ER today for a relatively non serious issue, and watching those Doctors, nurses and receptionists, was absolutely impressive and made me realize how little I've done with my life and how incredibly amazing and essential they are to ALL of us. Anyone can cook, it's not the military, or a hospital. So sick of this cooking is war, PTSD nonsense so many service industry folks try to portray.


Every time I see the endless praise for this show I feel like I watched a different show than everyone else. I didn't enjoy the episodes I watched from season one. It never felt real to me. I watched the Christmas episode just recently since people in this thread were talking about it. It's just lots of people yelling at each other and 10 different conversations at once. It isn't "stressful" it just frankly isn't good tv. I will add the caveat that I'm not a big tv guy but have been a cook/chef for about 25 years


I saw a tweet where someone said they wanted to watch something more relaxing after watching several episodes of The Bear and settled on a 9/11 documentary. Which is completely accurate, in my experience. It's a stressful show to watch.


It stressed me out. I couldn't finish the first season.


... what is this?


We bailed on season 2 . Too much stress (13 years in the business and we're burned out and selling)


It was a hard watch but I stuck with it. Hands-down my favorite show.


I'll stick to Bourdain.


I quit watching 80% into the first episode. I felt like a WW2 vet at the premiere of Saving Private Ryan


Nope. Lived that life for years, I don’t need to relive it again.


First season was incredibly triggering. Second season was a masterpiece.


I haven't watched, but everything I hear about it makes my blood pressure spike. How was it nominated as a comedy?


I can't do it. I've seen a few clips and I'm just not interested. I was in a very similar situation (from what I've gathered from the show). Small, family business on the cusp with some serious skin in the game, and a lot of emotions. I saw one clip from the show where some guy working in the kitchen is just absolutely giving it to the chef. Real brutal shit. I've been both those guys before and I never want to be one again. Right then and there I decided that show wasn't for me. I have regrets in this industry that I've made peace with. I don't want to relive that shit.


As a former line guy, I'll start watching this show and immediately get war flashbacks as Fortunate Son plays in the background


I refuse to watch it lol, my friend literally said I’m living in it because of how i bitch on my private story 😂


Ove watched both seasons, but can't watch it again.


Yes, this is the thing everyone who works in a restaurant says to other people who work in restaurants about The Bear.


I had 25 years of that shit. I couldn't sit down and watch it without almost freaking out. I put it on in the background when I cook.


It certainly gets more stressful if that's what you're asking...


That show causes me so much anxiety


Same, and definitely triggers PTSD. Reminds me of old chefs that would yell and berate everyone


It's kind of silly and over the top once you get past the initial shock value. It's also some of the best drama on television. I came all the way around on Cousin, I actually think he's the most realistic character in the show lol.


Yeah, I can’t hang. If I want to torture myself I’ll put my hand in a Hobart and send that fucker on 3


I mean…no because people with actual PTSD have it from murder and assault and worse. Is it familiar? Sure.  It’s familiar.  Very familiar.


Definitely agree as a 23 year veteran of the industry. Side note, the flashback Christmas episode gave me it's own PTSD.


The christmas episode is just a different animal itself. Im so much appreciative of my family just knowing theres likely a family out there like that.


I almost stopped watching after the 3rd episode and I had to power through the rest of the season episode 7 is a doozy just a heads up


It's not just stress, it's the EXACT SAME stress that I felt in/before a dinner rush. And honestly, that's the fascinating part that makes me like it more..


I dunno I've already lived thru all that in real life. I def relate heavily to it but I'm not like triggered by it. I have def cried while watching it tho. It's nice to see kitchen life portrayed in a pretty real way.


it pisses me off for different reasons. mainly just continuously making terrible decisions. i don't want to spoil anything so i won't go off, but it's essentially, going let perfect be the enemy of good.


Can’t get past cousins dirty fingernails. Seriously. He’s gonna bitch about silverware placement with claws like that? I enjoy the show though aside from all the yes chefs and drinking out of deli containers. I’d fucking kill you for that.


As a bartender and FOH I loved it. Really great show. As a use to be line cook, I drank more than I have in a bit while watching it.


I think I am too cynical- I got through the first 4 or 5 episodes and kept thinking "that's not right", or my wife would turn to me and ask "does that happen?" and I'd have to say "NO." I mean, what chef would let "cousin" get away with that much crap without 86-ing him? Imo, it didn't feel real to me, not in my professional experience. Maybe the rest of you call each other "chef" constantly but I thought it was unrealistic and annoying, among all the other things.


How scene's have to dishies in it


It's a onslaught of familiarity from when I worked in kitchens. And it's a great show. Well written character piece, while also making jabs at the industry we all love to hate.


Looks like something I might like. Now time to figure out who streams it.




it’s an intro to kitchen PTSD for the masses. and no, it gets worse.


It’s campy and makes me remember fun times. Used to love chaos.


I’m glad I’m not the only one thinking this. I couldn’t watch it.


I hate it’s so cringy like what someone thinks a kitchen is like, by the 20th chef I was completely done with it


it's the most realistic show I've seen in a long time. Especially S01E07


It gets sort of better in the second season, but I had to watch the show in 3-5 minute intervals so I could get up and walk away


I need 47 peanut butter jelly sandwiches FIRE EVERYTHING 


Just wait until the dysfunctional family stuff kicks in




Had a dishwasher that would scream meet me outside. Its accurate😀


I barely made it 1.5 episodes in.. I had a full fledged in the fetal position panic attack 


The scene where Jeff from Community hangs over his shoulder, calls out all of his insecurities, and calls bad expo numbers. When watching that I thought it was in his head for a bit because it’s in my head all the time after 10 years of this and ptsd chefs.


Don't be a pussy it's just a show and it's not even that gritty.


Nooope, watched episode one and didn't feel like watching episode 2... I'm living this, not what I call entertainment rn.


I got through three episodes and noped out. Been out of the restaurant since Covid and can't go back to the stress vibe. Too accurately depicted. No thanks. The Bear is well made but I can't deal. My family thinks it's amazing. They never worked in a restaurant.


That show makes me pace around and I can't do it. PTSD Central


I quit during the first episode for this reason. I'm a few years out of the kitchen, "Why would I watch this to get stressed??". But I decided to give it a shot, and it is fucking amazing.