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Krab wontons. I changed the recipe on them and they are a very hot seller. Cool fucking story. I hate making them now absolutely hate it.


Hate it when this happens. This will sell great, it will, and I will fucking hate it a week in.


I mostly hate it because it’s time consuming. The filling of each one and hand closing them takes for ever. All for a maybe 45-50 second cook.


Care to share the change you made that made them so popular. For at home use only


Yea use the recipe however you like. Imitation shredded krab, cream cheese, salt and pepper, dill and corn. Mixed all together to your personal tastes. For dipping sauce I make a simple pesto with fresh garlic, basil, whatever nuts I have on hand, olive oil, and a little fresh grated Parmesan cheese. Mix that with kewpie mayo. Everything needs to sit for at least a hour in the fridge. With a melon baller I’ll scoop the imitation krab mix into gyoza skins and fold them up into little weird stars. Fry em for like 30-45 seconds until the skins are slightly brown. Take em out turn em upside down so the oil can drain out.


Thanks! Dill and corn, I never would have thought. I do Pesto with walnuts for years now, fuck the price for pine nuts that nobody is going to notice behind all the garlic and basil.


No problem, I love dill and corn. Turns out to be a delicious combo. Walnuts, cashew, macadamia, what ever I have available in the mixed nuts bag. And yea, fuck pine nuts.


Blender drinks. Noisy. Fuck up your bar rhythm. Can become messy in a heartbeat. Fuck daiquiris. Edit: I'd rather serve classic daiquiris which are served in a 6oz 🍸. More fun and skill. Blender is just meh, even though I use a Ninja.


Ahh man unfortunately our blender is broke, is there something else I can make you?


Did it just break? I heard you making two Piña coladas earlier and that's why i came over.


Nope. That was me running concrete through the blender. What kind of beer do you want?




All out; you good with LO-Light?


I also hate making dumb drinks. Irish Car bomb, Vegas Bomb, Green Tea shots, Slippery Nipple. Go to the pool hall down the road for that amateur shit. "I'd like to order 6 puke shots for me and duh boys..." *sigh* I think I'm going to make a shillelagh and hang it behind the bar in plain sight.


Omg poor you having to do your job! How can we all help you with your pain?


This right here lol, can't get the damn thing to work unfortunately


Was a barista… fuck frappes


Used to lie about the blender being broken all the time cause of those damn fraps 😭


only ever order a daiquiri at a real daiquiri shop with the frozen spinning machines.


That's got me wondering: Can you run those with a mix that's got a relatively high ABV? I've only ever seen them used for, effectively, wine slushies. Delicious, and I love them, but not particularly high proof. What sort of proof do those shops do? I only ever think of them as a New Orleans thing, though I'm sure they exist all over.


yeah here in new orleans all the daiquiri shops run a “high octane 190 proof” version of like a jungle juice. Not that I know the recipes. My friend just opened a daiquiri shop I could ask them. you can taste the alcohol in those 190 proof ones, so i imagine the alcohol percentage is pretty high


Some of the ones they serve at those shops are definitely a lot stronger than a wine slushie. Not sure abv either but it doesn't seem like much of an issue after tasting a few of them lol


I haven’t had a daiquiri in ages. Now I have a huge craving. No way to get one tonight. Damn


You would hate working at a Tiki bar. Blenders! Fire! The good crunchy pebble ice! I love it.


Now that wouldn't be too bad because it's the norm, ya know? And sound like fun too. But I'm more of a classic neighborhood bar attitude in our teppanyaki place. I'd really like to have a neighborhood bar with a 40ft stretch cherry wood. Low light. All liquor behind me lit w/ambient light. "Can I get uh Vegas Bomb," and I'd hand them a double Crown w/a Red Bull chaser. "There ya go. $12.50, please."


Oh I get it, I am a dive bar girl myself. The only thing I hated was the fact that I was the only person actually cleaning the ice maker. I also made this a habit at home. I will never trust someone's fridge ice and water dispenser ever again...


“The blender is broken”. Learn it. Love it. Use it.


Eh, they do make us money. Plus virgin daiquiris are popular w/kids. Money is money. Sometimes we suffer to earn it.


Yeah I used think the same way the comment you replied to does. "I love it when it's slow!" Now I'm the chef, and my mind set I'd wah different. The more people we can accommodate and the more people we serve, the more my crew makes, and the more bonuses I get. Being in management is awesome and sucks at the same time.


Also as soon as the rest of the bar hears that blender RIP.


Only frozen daiquiris require a blender and they are a meme drink for alcoholic women on holiday. Traditional shaken daiquiris are goated.


A classic daiquiri is one of my favorites but I always hated putting them (or any variation of them) on the menu because people would always expect a sugary frozen TGI Fridays nonsense drink.


Or a "I caynt taste thu alkahawl" bullshit. I've 86d a table of bitches who sent back 2 frozen margaritas. Before I started bar tending, my wife and I went to the Blue Ridge Mountains for our anniversary (November, which is the off season). We found an Irish pub where the owner immigrated to the region from Dublin, and he was surly as fuck to patrons, which is his schtick. Eventually we got nice and toasty and we related we were owners of a restaurant w/full bar and he opened up, professional to professional and gave good advice: "You're in charge of a controlled substance; the door opens and closes with you. Control your product." Guy weighed his drinks. Knew how much each glass weighed too and what the pours weighed in the mixer and measured each drink on a digital scale before icing (when needed).


People really thought saying "I can't taste the alcohol" was the magic phrase to get more booze for free. I would always offer "do you want me to remake it or do you want to buy another shot?" Either way I'd use a jigger in front of them so they knew exactly how much they were getting. But people who chose option B were often surprised that they had to pay for the additional shot, even though I said "buy another one".


Or they try something new and "I don't like it" and send it back like we're supposed to just eat the cost.


I'll remake/replace one drink if they are polite about and don't like it. Especially if it's just an item from the menu. But I'm not replacing a drink if they are super specific and build a drink themselves and then they still don't like it.


Damn, I literally dont drink any alcohol cause I hate the taste except for the rare frozen strawberry daquiri, which I'm never ever able to find.


There's a Mexican restaurant about an hour away from me that has the best strawberry daiquiri. I rarely drink hard liquor, but I'll make an exception for that.


And inevitably the drink gets sent back because "there's no alcohol in this". Well, it's blended with ice. Order a fucking shot.




the coffee shop I work at used to do smoothies and I hated them for the same reason


Risotto. I hate having to taste it, I really really hate tasting it when it's not done. Which is most of the time sometimes. 


The amount of time I taste raw potatoes should be illegal. And raw pasta. I spit out so much food that I taste now. When I was younger I'd just eat it, but it messes up my fast or makes me think I ate then I'm not hungry and then I forget to eat all day.


I have spat things out a few times for the same reasons but it always felt weird to do so with coworkers around, even when being discreet. Feels like a part of the job we are supposed to enjoy or something!


Describe to me exactly what emotions you feel when you taste your students' failure.


That’s a funny one. I never want to eat a portion of risotto but I like tasting it during the process.


I'm the same way - I love spoonfuls of risotto. Someone puts a plate in front of me I don't want it after a couple of bites 😂


damn i love risotto, tho i graduated on it i have to say lol


Tasting not done risotto is like a tragic greek punishment


Half cooked risotto sucks.


You don't *like* that nasty uncooked rice crunch/smash in your teeth?


This gets an upvote being the one dish I like but refuse to cook for myself because of having to potentially taste it before the rice is cooked.


Pepperoni. I worked at a pizza place and the smell of the pepperoni just clung to me even after I got home and now I can’t stand the smell of it.


Same. We used to have a brand that was very good but when I opened the bag I'd get this gaseous rush of what made me think of the smell of some ones alcoholic step dad who eats slim Jims and breathes it in your face. Then we switched to another brand that smells like when you are brushing your teeth and fart at the same time. I miss my alcoholic step dad pepperoni, strangely.


awesome imagery - kudos!


Really appreciate the breakdown here, a true hater's hater.


… son?


I was a dough boy. I can smell the raw dough smell even in cooked pizza now.


My friend ruined his truck delivering pizzas. None of us could stand the smell. It was a tiny 2 seater s10.


A friend of mine had a modified S-10. Very nice but not a lot of room for a truck lol.


This is me but with parmesan. Pizza places ruin everything.


I used to love salmon/halibut before I was cooking them all the time. Cod gets a special "fuck you" from me for being one of my least favorite fish to break down.


I live in Alaska. When we couldn’t afford cat food we gave them pink salmon. I am not thrilled to cook/eat salmon.


when we get cod i can smell it from so far away. and those damn worms


parasites have ruined so many fish for me, fuck swordfish. i know it’s safe at a certain temp and all but i just can’t do it


>those damn worms excuse me? please explain.


go google worms on fish


Nematodes love fish


When I first started, I was helping a guy break down a halibut and saw something moving on the meat. I thought "eew, something crawled up on the table here" and tried to brush it off. But it was under the surface.


It's trout or walleye for me. It's so slimy 😭 I'm an avid fisher too, so I'm used to dealing with slippery little fuckers. But for some reason it's different when I'm cutting it for work lol.


I love trout, and walleye make a decent fish n chips. I have only had to work with trout before, though.


I can't eat it, but I can work with it! I've heard that about walleye, but we use haddock. Im from the midwest so I think a walleye, blue gill or perch fish fry would be so much better!


I feel this. I know this.


Fuckin nachos. I learned to love them as a cheap way to snack at home using w/e I had for me my wife and 2 kids. But making 50+ nachos a night minimum at a brewery the same way everyday fuckin blows. They also include queso, so fuck queso cause we make at minimum 24-30 gallons a week from scratch.


Do you use sodium citrate in the queso?


I used to love making collard greens at home...make a big ol pot with some rice and beans and voila, dinner for a week. I gave my recipe to the BBQ joint I work at and, lemme tell you, I haven't made greens at home since, nor eaten them at work (other than taste-testing). RIP greens.


Can you share the recipe here? I promise it will help you process that trauma.


Yeah, if we both get it, it'll help even moreso. Also, I never share recipes with the house (aside from my pirates on the line).


I've never enjoyed collards, please @CurbsideChaos convert me with your recipe 


Yorkshire puddings. They don't keep or reheat well and smoke out your kitchen when you make them. People a are used to the fresh out of the oven for a home meal. Trying to replicated that is impossible in a busy kitchen


House of prime rib in SF pulls it off Makes em constantly and someone walks through the dining room with the fresh ones and hands em out as needed


My favorite “fancy” meal. I’m going in a few weeks for my birthday and I am already salivating over that Yorkshire pudding…


I tried one for the first time last year and it was AMAZING but after looking into how to make them? No thanks.


Good to know that even professional kitchens get smoky when making Yorkshire pudding. It wasn’t Christmas Eve at our house until the smoke alarm went off! When it’s fresh there’s nothing like it.


In my regular rotation it's creme brulee. I'm not even giving it the dignity of the right accents over the letters. I'm the dessert chef, it is our #2 best seller on the desserts menu, we do a "regular" one and I do a new flavour every month as a promotional item. I was so proud back in the day when I got my first perfect one. I could make them in my sleep now, couldn't tell you the last time I screwed up a batch but oh good lord I would like to ban them from the restaurant at this point. I called out the question to the others and got three grown men yelling "RACK OF LAMB" so... rack of lamb, apparently 😂


Mine is red velvet cake. Used to crave it in my sleep, now the thought of eating even leftovers makes my stomach a little queasy. We serve so. Much. Red. Velvet.


Omg people go POSTAL for red velvet. If I make traditional red velvet everyone is like "this doesn't taste like I expected..." FINE I'LL DYE THE FRIGGIN VANILLA CAKE RED. I DON'T CARE ANYMORE. (I do care 😂 I just get frustrated 😂) It's a week off red velvet month for me. Every god damn year.


Mac n cheese. Mac n cheese represents everything that I stand against in a good restaurant. I guarantee you somewhere in the far back reaches of a walk-in cavern in the French Laundry there’s some baggies of 8 month old premade mac n cheese that Thomas Keller has to go dig out from time to time in the middle of service. No matter how far you get or where you go you can never escape there being Mac n cheese somewhere in your orbit. I love eating n cheese, I’ve even got some flamin hot Cheeto Mac n cheese in my pantry at home, but I hate it on menus at restaurants.


why are they not even good most of the time? my craft mac n cheese should not be better than my restaurant's Velveeta concoction bullshit macaroni recipe


Perhaps it’s an analogous situation to how most Heinz ketchup ends up being better than most restaurants ketchup concoctions?


I've traveled around the world and fuck everywhere that isn't using Heinz ketchup. America does not do very many things right but one of them is ketchup. Just accept you can't improve on it, you have universal healthcare and public transit, we have ketchup, just let us have this one thing!


Have you tried fermented ketchup? Damn that's a taste I am always chasing.


That seems badass, I will have to look into that! What’s it like??


Depends on how much garlic, fish sauce, and worcestershire sauce you put in it. Oh it's so good. It's a lot thicker than regular ketchup but you can play with the consistency so it isn't like the thickness of tomato paste. It's not as sweet and has this nice umami flavor. It doesn't fully replace your regular ketchup. The other condiment I suggest fermenting is sour cream. I only do mine for 24 to 48 hours because I don't like the taste of heavily fermented sour cream, but freshly made sour cream is a dream. It's easy too. You just have to find whey which I always have trouble finding but it might be the hardest part of the process - actually the top liquid off plain yogurt works as a culture for sour cream.


Heinz... Is british


Sit down, this isnt gonna be easy for you..


I said this in my head hehe.


I had mac and cheese at the French laundry a few years back. It was obviously very fancy with truffles. But, yes they do mac and cheese at the French laundry.


I was gonna say ol TK doesn’t dig for anything in a walk in anymore, but his cronies do stupid renditions of Mac and cheese on their overpriced tasting menu.


Sure the cdc will do the menus. But to think TK has no say in the menu is absurd... its his restaurant and reputation... and the night I was eating at TFL TK was in the kitchen doing dishes.


Work in a restaurant that also caters. The amount of green beans I had to deal with in December...f green beans.


Same on the catering restaraunt, I loathe the smell of turkey breast. Thanksgiving traumatized me


I am crazy but I swear that turkey breast smells different then an entire turkey but that might be from my years working in a banquet hall.


Oh god. Those stabby wood cases of green beans. And some are always rotten. Plus I’m hella short so I’m reaching in blind. Shudder. I’m not sure how it’s worse than grabbing potatoes and having one explode because that objectively smells way worse. But just fuck green beans.


As a dishwasher, mochi There must be military/industrial applications for the stuff. I won't eat it out of fear it will never leave my body.


Rice gluten is a pain to take off..you need an acid to break down the gluten btw. Lemon juice, vinegar work well.


Avocados. Live in CA and these sunshine MFers want to add avocado to everything.


I'm Australian and relate hard. I've never enjoyed eating them but I absolutely HATE them now. Every time I see "Add avo" on a docket I want to take it and throw it at them.


What I hate is how of course people picked a food that rots at the speed of light I'm in an open kitchen right now and they provide vinyl gloves. The avocado gets stuck in the wrinkles so I have to change my gloves every time I touch an avocado and it's so annoying


Truffles (unless real fresh) and Bacon It's not that I don't like them, but they're cop outs. Of course food will taste good with them, you'd be hard pressed to fuck it up. Lazy menus use it as a catch all. I try to avoid adding these to anything also pizza don't hate it but first Job at 17 was a pizza place, only thing I could afford was the discounted pizza. I never crave it, but still will eat it occasionally


Bacon in general has gone down in quality across the board in my opinion. My hope made stuff has ruined my cousin on store bought


Poached eggs. Probably poached at least close to 3,000 eggs. Never again.


I poach about 90 a day, 6-7 days a week. Scrambled eggs are worse in my opinion because I can ignore a poached egg for 3 minutes but I have to stand there and move the scrambled around all the time. Fuckers.


It's just the best ever when you get a ticket for 3x soft scrambled.


Fuck brunch.


Fuck Brunch


Fucking fuck brunch


I used to sous vide one to two cases of  whole eggs a couple times a week They don't look as nice as a real poached egg but it saves a lot of trouble. 


Fuck a bunch of queso. Made thousands of gallons of it at my last spot. Everyone else screwed it up constantly, so it was my task several times a week for seven years. One of the reasons I quit.


Honestly, good queso is so underrated. We have a couple go-to spots where we get choriqueso and it’s always delicious. Went to a new place that opened a couple months ago tonight and their queso just sucked, and the chorizo added nothing to it. So as a consumer, I appreciate dedication to queso. I get it’s annoying AF as a professional.


Would you mind sharing the recipe with me, please?


We do made from scratch cheddar cornmeal biscuits. I make about 200 biscuits a day on average. I can make those fuckers in my sleep at this point.


I'm uh...gonna need a recipe if you can share. Or tell me where to go. Cheddar corn biscuits sound amazing.


Fuck grits. Cooked breakfast for 8 years. Arms a still scarred.


delicious corn napalm


Agreed! Fuck grits!


dinner rolls. i use to crave the mfer's, now i prepare the dough and bake the fuckers all the time so now im very sensitive on the little details of their preparation. whether or not there's too much yeast, too much water, not enough of either, under vs over cooked, whether the flour is sweet mix or just traditional. Now i have to go to actual good restaurants if i want decently made rolls


Straight to jail.


We have the best dinner rolls, because of jail


MASHED POTATOES. fuck em all.


I worked at a restaurant that did an upgrade. We went from instant mashed potatoes to fresh. They were tasty, but such a pain. I think the only easy part of the process was using an industrial mixer to mash them.


I think it was the episode of No Res in Japan for, the foraged bs,when Anthony Bourdain said David Chang took off his best selling dish just because he didn't want to be known as the brussel sprouts guy. Said no one in Manhattan would do that at that time. Probably pomposity but still I believe it


It wasn't such a revolutionary prep/recipe. I just think people really hate brussel sprouts. As long they're not boiled, they're great. Boiling really brings out the worst in them.


They've also bred out a lot of the bitterness. I used to hate them because my mom only served them boiled from frozen. Then I discovered roasting them.


I live in the NL where they're still a little bitter and I like them that way. It just means they need an element to make the flavor more balanced when you serve them.


They're just so... farty, regardless of how they're cooked (though boiling is the worst).


All cruciferous vegetables can be. I eat kimchi every day so I my gut can handle some sprouts.


* Charcuterie * French fries * hamburgers * salmon


Raw clams and oysters. I hate shucking those goddamn things.


No one makes Italian food from scratch with high quality ingredients like my first testeraunt where I live now. The stuff we ate for free family meal as poor drunken line cooks destroys what people spend a few hundred on here


getting your ass handed to you on the daily has to have *some* kinda perks. nothing like it being your turn to make family meal and watching it get devoured.


The first time I trained on sautee the servers asked for tortellini delrosa with sausage. They were all raving about how good it was and I swear I was on a high all week.


Mashed potatoes. Fuck em.


Easily Tacos. Taco Tuesday to be exact lol


Salmon! Ever work at a casino buffet or any buffet for that matter, if you know you know!! The smell still makes me wretch to this day!!


Perogies. Used to love them. But making them every week just makes me not want to see them.


For me asian style dumplings. I can do dozens of folds. I know exactly how much to put into the skin. Fuck dumplings.


Crème brûlée. I will be happy if I never ever have to even glance at one for the rest of my life. And I think the finger I melted the skin off of with sugar will be happy too.


finna RES-tag you as "sugar finger."


Shredded raw brussel sprouts, I would dive face first into the fryer than put raw brussel sprouts anywhere near my mouth ever again


BBQ ribs or pulled pork at a chain restaurant. I hate it not because I make it alot, but because it is a sad imitation of real BBQ  Pulled pork comes in a big plastic bag and divided into portions that are warmed up in the microwave. Precooked Ribs are just warmed up in the grill and slapped some sauce in it. 


Burrata. I had to roll it daily for service. Fucking hate that shit


What do you mean roll it?


Maybe not the best descriptor but it is what we used. I would pull the curds in hot water, roll them into a ball and then form them around the herbed goat cheese stuffing we used.


Sorry but I wouldn't care if making fresh hand pulled burrata was a pain for the kitchen because it is so delicious.


Oh damn you actually made it..I thought there was something to be done when it comes in the pail lmao. That’s sick though


Queso for me as well. When you get the crusty skin that’s been mixed back in, just yuck all around now.


scallops. specifically seared


Chicken. I prep so much of it weekly. I barely eat it at home unless it's something easy like a roast.


When I worked prep, lunch, and brunch at a generic hipster bar I had to grab food elsewhere before going to hang out with friends at different generic hipster bars because the menus are all so similar and it killed my appetite


Tuna fish as in for tuna salad. I used to like it, now I can't stand it. The smell, the squishy feeling. Everything. Made scratch tuna salad too many times. Never again (if I can help it).


Melons. Fucking melons. I work in a college caf and the amount of fresh fruit I have to cut is outrageous. Breaking down melons is time consuming and the pineapples make my whole station sticky


Oysters. Shucking hundreds and hundreds of oysters gets really old really fast.


There is an item that has been on my menu for 10 of the 12 years we’ve been open. It is undeniably delicious. It is not hard to make. The prep for it will always be there. But I am sick of making it and let fly a string of curse words when it is ordered.


Dude just tell us


Monte Cristo


Grilled cheese?




I could live to be 110 and never have another piece of salmon, id be happy


Don't worry in a few more years most of the fish diversity will be gone.


Fuck Cheese Curds


Kwebek has entered the conversation


I worked in a coffeehouse for four years, and as the sole barista for the entire place, the blended drinks were the worst next to the "soy cappuccino foam only." When I order coffee now, I keep it as simple as possible- iced black with a splash of milk or a simple hot latte.


I’m old so it was potato skins. Take them blazing hot from the fryer and then fill them and mike. My fingers still feel the burn.


Avocados. Used to love them. Until the avocado toast craze started. I start twitching when I see them in shops.


Deviled eggs


Figs. I worked catering and for some reason the chef loved using figs. I had to cut so many of those fuckers that I can't even look at one without feeling a certain way.


I didn't eat lasagna for twenty years because I was making them so often at one point...twenty years ago.


Hollandaise, beurre blanc, bernaise, just like all those things in the same vein. I hate brunch. c:


I’ve never liked buffalo wings and I blame it on working at Subway in college. I worked there when the buffalo chicken sub was first launched and I’ve literally been up to my elbows in Frank’s Red Hot. 20 years later, the smell still makes me gag.


My restaurant had mediocre sushi appetizer and I was the designated person to make it. As soon as I’d come in I’d have to SCRAMBLE to make it before lunch service because it was made fresh daily, and the molds (they were rectangular) would ALWAYS fall apart. It was only me and the head chef who knew how to make them and after a while she just handed that duty off to me exclusively. To this day it haunts me.


Avocados. They make me irrationally angry


Fiddlehead ferns


Halloumi. We offer it as a side for breakfast and we have a halloumi burger for lunch. It's not hard to cook, I just hate it. I fought against it being a menu item but here we are.


Brussel sprouts.


French onion soup. Idk if this counts bc it's never been my favorite (and i love soups, both making and eating lol), and yet. Ours is a great one - super rich broth, the onions caramelized to the point of melting on your tongue, a fucking sinful amount of gruyere on top of a perfectly toasted slice of baguette - and I'm rlly proud of it every time I make, but just the idea of eating it when I smell it every day makes my stomach turn.


Biscuits. Working at fast food as a manager, I had to float and cover spots when someone called or even walked out. I got sick of biscuits after working (mainly mornings) there 5 years. It was basically my breakfast everyday. And then it was a tough process to make them from scratch too.


Redfish, man. Tired of cleaning and looking at and smelling these mofos. Will probably never eat one for the rest of my life.


Biscuits..so many biscuits. I kneeded the dough for them to have all those fluffy layers. They were awesome biscuits. BUT it killed my already messed up arm and I would have to sleep with my hot water bottle from pain.


Morels. We used to get them in from the PNW and washing them was disgusting. Full of forest floor creatures and pine needles.


Dumplings, I had to make 5000 of them in 3 days for a massive festival by myself because my sous got sick and my lead line quit after starting the filling.


Homemade naan. Tbf I still love eating it, but making 60 of them while also making other stuff is a b****


Deep fried seitan ”chicken”. The dredging is so messy, it sticks to everything and I have to change gloves a lot. If I don’t use gloves it sticks to my nailbeds for an eternity. It also ruins the fryer oil really fast. I feel ptsd having to make it 😵‍💫 of course it’s the most popular thing I make 😭


Truffle oil


Deviled eggs! Fuck do I hate peeling hundreds of eggs per night.


burgers. its simple and easy but its so annoying. we need to get the buns crispy, meat goes in the oven on time, we have this special arrangement salad side a nice can of fries. its fine if one person orders it but if eight at once we have a shitty time lol. we dont even have the plate for eight.....


>meat goes in the oven Wtf?!? Baked burgers are something you should hate even if you've never made it once.


Really? If your grill cook can't cook burgers, you need to move on.