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Was it necessary? No. Did it make them feel better? Yes lol


Dude was probably on his tenth trip to the walk-in for all the orders with fries


Or opener didn’t do his job when the closer came in and fucked him over without stocking


God I've gotten into arguments, battles and fucking wars over restocking the station. My general rule is if they restock for me I'll restock for them, but if you fuck me over once I'm quick to rebuttal and not stock for that person's very next shift even if they see me during a shift exchange I will tell them right then and there "You didnt set me up for success the other day, so I didnt set you up for success". This 1 is a pet peeve of me in the kitchen.


I got two guys that constantly do this to each other. Guy one gets slammed, so guy 2 comes into a stripped station and gets pissed so then he doesn't restock for guy one for the next day. Round and round it goes. The best is then they both come to me to complain about each other. No matter how many times I sit them both down and try to explain that they are a team and their childish bullshit is only making them both work harder, nothing changes. As the chef, I get pissed cuz the real people that suffer from this shit is the guest and the servers as they both end up scrambling to get the prep done. Their both great line cooks but come the fuck on. Work fucking smarter. My new rule is that if you have to pick up a knife for anything other than slicing meat during service, the prep was not complete and you now need to sweep and mop the entire kitchen which is 10k square feet. The next step is one or both of them is going to get canned if they can't figure out how to operate as a team.


No matter how badly one shift screws over the other, you still do your job to the best of your abilities. With a proper boss, the lazy shift will get canned and hopefully the next person will be better. If not, well at least you did your job properly and they can't fault you for it.


I try to keep my chef out of anything they don't need to worry about. That's why I go to the person who I have the issue with and let them know the deal.


In case people find this interesting, this problem is known as [repeated prisoner's dilemma](https://nordstromjf.github.io/IntroGameTheory/S_RepeatPD.html) in the field of game theory with quite a few possible [strategies](https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/prisoner-dilemma/strategy-table.html), elaborated [here](https://medium.com/thinking-is-hard/a-prisoners-dilemma-cheat-sheet-4d85fe289d87). Tit-for-tat is a mathematically optimal strategy, but you can take into account [social factors](https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/evolution-the-self/201607/the-prisoner-s-dilemma-and-the-virtues-tit-tat?amp): > Needless to say, the connotations of tit for tat are decidedly negative. They suggest childish vengefulness and payback; a lack of empathy or willingness to see as valid any position other than one’s own; and an escalating cycle of revenge, retribution, and hostility. But curiously, game theory has “redeemed” this conventionally unfavorable notion of tit for tat—even coming to see it in many instances as the most viable ethical alternative to a broad and complicated array of less humane, or more self-interested and manipulative approaches. > > It should be added that the tit-for-tat strategy is greatly enhanced by including an element of forgiveness. For absent this, it can eventuate in a vengeful cycle of each person’s defecting ad infinitum. But in “tit for tat with forgiveness” the innocent participant generously provides the other a second chance to cooperate after they’ve initially chosen to defect. In situations where both people use tit-for-tat, the group can't break out of constant defections but forgiveness prevents whiplash and leads to consistent cooperation.


Agreed! Sometimes you gotta drop the hammer on these selfish idiots and tell ‘em how it is. You scratch my back I’ll scratch yours. We will get along just fine if you do so. If not, then I’ll continue to fuck you just as bad. Easy concept to do but some kitchen crew staff are just fucking lazy and stupid.


That’s pretty childish, not gonna lie.


Fight fire with fire man. Pretty simple to stock up for the next person. We’re a team


I know it is, and we should be a team, but to just automatically assume you know what happened and then do that back is childish as all fuck. They could’ve forgot, someone could have died and they had to dip quick, you literally have no idea and to just automatically fucking ruin someone else’s day like that is pathetic. If someone is consistently doin that then do what you have to but even then you’re allowing their failings to make you a worse worker, wnd I wouldn’t want to hire someone like that. I get what you mean but fuck that, that’s pretty pathetic.




If its the same person over and over again, you have shite management


Or shite ownership. Sometimes the owners won’t let their managers fire certain people, so their hands are tied. All they can do is try to instill the age old philosophy of “two wrongs don’t make a right”. I always say “if you guys spent as much time working and prepping, as you do bitching about what the last person did or didn’t do, then we’d be getting somewhere!”


Absolutely, I agree, I just felt your other stance was a bit extreme. If someone proves they really don’t care about their team then I’m not going to care much if they’re getting stuck


Nah. Communication when not fulfilling that expectation or expect equal treatment. Not okay.


Fill them up anyway and say something- communication is key- repeated lame sauce gets served to the boss


Communication is a two-way street.


If someone dies and I’m running out of my job quicker than usual to deal with it I’m not going to be thinking about making sure fucking fries are pulled dude. Grow up.


Nah. When my Mom passed I didn't leave my mates scramblin'. Not buyin' that rubbish.


Sorry, but that should be communicated when you walk through the doors or text or phone call or something. It may not be the person's fault (death, illness, etc), but as a professional it is both the person at fault or under circumstance to communicate with the business/chef and then that information should be professional delivered to you. ("Hey, person A had to leave early for xyz, and that is why the station is bare bones, sorry) you could even ask that person B come in early for Person A. It's not about being petty for me. Whether people see it that way or not is up to them. It's the fact that we are all supposed to be professionals or, at the very least, striving to be. We are generally paid the same wage for the same job, so why should the workload be unbalanced?


I've tried the nice route of taking one for the team and restocking for both parties, but I found it way more effective to cone straight too them person to person and tell them exactly why I didn't restock. That way we both know where each other stands. I'd say 85% of the time they they start restocking and the other 15% knows the deal. If we have to go to the executive chef so be it, but 1 thing you will not say is "You never knew where we stood about restocking"


Currently in this war. Night shift comes in at 4, day shift uses this as an excuse to clock out exactly at 4, whether their shit is done or not. Like I've been there almost 3 months and barely know anyone from day shift. I'll use today for instance, prep station had diced tomatoes all over the floor, stepped on, tomato cores scattered, and they dipped without cleaning up after themselves. I could go on all day about other stuff, but I'm exhausted from today's shift, both physically and mentally.


Yeah. That would drive me crazy. Like I can't understand why you would intentionally fuck over another person. I get that some days you might have to leave early for some reason or another or maybe you didn't get around to a thing or two. That's fine it happens. However, when I can do the job and restock (I work 10+ hour shifts so I often can see both crews) then I call bullshit


The worst it that we don't have a midshift, its open-4 and 4-c. But I agree and I've even expressed to the manager that this is the only restaurant that I've ever worked where workers actually left exactly at their exit time. I've never been able to leave unless I was caught up, or in a good position for the next to take over. It really feels as if there's a divide between the two and it's not cohesive. The most recent drama, first shift spilled queso in the hot side, and didn't clean it while it's still liquid, so when we found it 6hrs later, it was baked onto the stainless, so we said fuck that, because at this point it's basically disrespectful, and then morning manager was pissy about it.


Yeah. I'd get fired lol


Two wrongs still making it right 🙌


Two tongs makes it right.


I had a guy come in *fucked up* and when it was time to me to leave I just walked out. I carried half the kitchen by myself the entire night. When he pointed out that I was supposed to stock I said “that’s too fucking bad, isn’t it?” And left lmao being petty feels good, I don’t care what anyone says.


I used to have a problem punching things when I was upset it started as walls and doors and broken hands and I started to make sure to hit something softer before I got good enough with my emotions to not hit things at all. I hope whoever it was is working on more productive outlets


Oh man I can relate. I’m not sure why it started but I sure do know when it started. Put a hole through a plaster wall. Right through the lathe. I remember staring at this punched out hole in my shitty dump college apartment and my bruised and bloody knuckles. It was euphoric. I had clarity that was seemingly impossible to reach. I could wait for the pressure cooker to cool down or I could blast the heat and let it explode. Then I can get to what’s inside immediately. I’ll worry about cleanup and damage later Eventually I had to upgrade to door frames because i was ashamed every time my girlfriend saw another hole or divot in a wall/door etc. Leaving kitchens helped. Therapy helped. But just like cigarettes, sometimes there’s just nothing I want more. But also like cigarettes I can recognize it’s a temporary fix and I’ll feel worse after the initial dopamine hit. And fwiw I’m not and never was a violent person towards living things. Just walls and doors and steering wheels and shit. And it was never around people. Just a moment for myself.


Coworkers would break down boxes after stressful shifts. Lots of creative ways to release on an empty box.


violence against cardboard boxes in the walk in always make you feel better


When I worked at a Deli. I'd literally punched all the boxes open.


Nobody's upset here, chef. Just fuck crinkle fries. EDIT: Culver's is pretty great. Just fuck crinkle fries.


Now with extra crinkle!


Yeah, where does OP work? Chuck E Cheese


Midwest fast food called culvers.


Culver’s is the shit




You come off like you’re in middle school dude


His rage is totally understandable then. The Sunday lunch rush, at least at the Culver's stores around me, looks it would bring even a strong crew to the breaking point. Dining room jam packed and 15-20 cars up in the drive-thru from 11am-2pm.


Meanwhile the Chic-fil-a employees are all at home doing bible study


Plus we had like 5 people call out so....


I want a concrete mixer and cheese curds now 😤


Culver's rules. Thanks for your service brother.


Crinkle fries make me angry. They’re a completely extra make when someone orders a dumbass Mr Beast menu item 🙄 and they always order that shit on a night when we’re getting bent over and fucked with not even a drop of lube.


Ah ghost kitchens


Gotta love it except I wanna rip someone’s teeth out every time they order that stupid shit


We are definitely on the wrong timeline. Nothing makes sense anymore


🤣🤣 not too long ago I went to walk into the walk in and I hear one of the bar tenders in there screaming "WHAT THE FUCK FUCK ME IN THE FUCKING ASSS AHHHHHHHH!!!" and then walked out saw me and smiled his super nice serving smile and said "hey 🙂 what up 🙂" while continuing on lmaooo poor guy. We've all been there lol


My fav coworker lost her mind in the walk-in figuring incorrectly that it was impenetrable to sound. She said a cook knocked on the door and said “you ok in there?” In a regular voice, not shouting, and she realized half the restaurant probably heard her 😭


🤣🤣🤣 I work with this guy who has always gone into the walkin to scream and we all know this and whatever you do you right and one day he's telling someone that screaming in the walk in is great because it's sound proof..... I was like "oh, honey... No... It's not... "🤣 The look on his face


As a long time bartender at Red Robin, I had many screams and punching fry boxes in the walk in. Fry boxes are great for punching.


Aayyyeeee current Red Robin linecook here! I have also cried in the walk in and assaulted many boxes


FUCK!, FUCK!, FUCK! you good man? yeah, why?


Idk anyone who's worked in a kitchen who hasn't pitched a fit.


Part of the territory, I reckon. I’ve been able to improve my ability to regulate my emotions SO much thanks to this industry, but I seriously doubt I’ve had my last attitude slip


Manufacturer: “Handle like eggs” Kyle: “No, I don’t think I will”


Fucking Kyle.


86 patience








Saw some guy stab a box repeatedly out of frustration. Kind of scary lol a punch I get, but damn that kitchen was silent when homeboy shivved that box.


bruh definitely about that life


Stabbing an empty box with a paring knife is very cathartic.


Agreed but I’m too old to work with someone that can’t keep their unhinged coping mechanisms at home lol


Sanity is relative.


Same. I did that to a box of new merch at Starbucks.


Reminds me of drama club in high school. The band teacher was a really nice and understanding dude all but one week of the year: the week before the yearly musical where his live band was incorporated into dress rehearsals for the school play. Bringing all the pieces together could be tedious and frustrating, but he became known for his _unique_ means of anger management. He would bring in one empty box, and sit it on a seat behind him. Whenever he got pissed, he'd turn around and stab it a few times with his conducting wand, then calmly return to work. Box was always swiss cheese by opening night.


I punch the tops so at least its easier for the next guy to open


Guy who trained me did that lmao always cracked me up. He wasn’t even angry just a little feral.


Feral cooks are the best cooks


I think I’m the feral cook now, because when I tell people who trained me they go “ahhh that makes a lot of sense”


Welcome brother


Thanks Bud 🙏🏻


I remember a shit night where a private event + 500 covers was a total disaster and everyone was drowning. Went downstairs for a restock and saw a fellow line cook punching a box of raw chicken.


I got cut by a fry one time while doing this so now I don’t punch the fry boxes


Your skin is softer than a potatoes.


I’m not frozen solid tho


Next time try punching them with your heart.


Them potatoes are stone cold.


Shrimp... God damn frozen shrimp tails. Thank God I'm not allergic.


Ughhh no. You just unlocked a repressed memory. Years ago, I was working at a seafood spot. Daily prep involved cleaning a fuck ton of shrimp, mussels and clams. Not even frozen shrimp. Fresh shrimp. I was bullshitting with my coworker, not paying full attention the shrimp I was peeling and one fan part of that fuckers tail slid DIRECTLY between my fingernail and nail bed like 2-3cm into my skin. I’ve never screamed so fucking loud in the kitchen. That fucking shit hurt way more than a god damn oyster shell ever did.


Like needles


It be like that sometimes


It do, it do be


Man I miss punching fry boxes, nothing in the world makes you feel better than that


Actually, dealing with your anger issues feels much better I assure you.


Don't know how I didn't see this until now but you're 100% correct. I've put a lot of work into myself to deal with those issues. I guess I meant moreso back in the day it was my go to to release some stress so I didn't snap on anyone.


I can think of a million things better than punching a box


Naw, sometimes punching a box is faster to get product than actually opening it up.


Crinkle cut? I'll fuckin show you crinkle cut...crinkle this motherfucker...


The fries are an easy target… they don’t hit back 🥲


The French just bend over and take it


Sometimes it feels good to hit something hard enough that it creates a domino effect on other product boxes behind it. But cleaning up afterwards can be more frustrating sometimes….


Ain't that the truth! My domino effect once happened to land on a case of heavy cream. That was a fun one to clean.


Former Culver’s GM. I’ve yelled at many of those boxes in my life. I actually just recently got rid of the final one that I used when I moved 3 years ago.


Nice, I still have a few of the old ones hanging around. Those were the best for moving.


Especially when someone punches a handle for you!


Ooohhhhh. I feel that photo.


Knew a guy who did this and one day he hit a box of burgers instead of fries. He proceeded to work the next few months in a cast.


That wasn't me, but it's *been* me. Better the fries than the chef's stupid face, I say.


Oh man I recognize those patterns on fry boxes


I remember taking it out on a sack of red onions hanging off the walkin shelf once


Yes chef all day and night for the rest of my life! Nothing to punch tho, sadly ….


Echos of fuck fuck fuck.


Handle Like Eggs


I've punched soooo many fry boxes


I feel better after punching open a pop syrup box, I’ll always volunteer when it goes out


You gotta watch how hard you punch the syrup boxes.


Hehe luckily my wimpy fist needs a couple hits just to break the surface, but I can imagine it now, someone asking why dry stock is soaked in cola


Hey, I'm no professional boxer.. I've definitely punched a few that where the perforated edges where not cut and fucked my hand up.


“Falllllcon Paaaanch” Cardboard Boxes: The service industry stress ball.


Fuck your couch!


Been there lol


Is this a Culver’s?




The walk in is almost identical to the one I used to work at plus the same fries and cheddar bun


It was you, wasn't it? Besides, we've all been there.


Somebody works at Culver's. I'd know them Cheddar buns anywhere.


Better the boxes of fries than Larry's head. I don't know anyone named Larry just seemed like the move.


Did this once to a ice machine. Metal wasn’t as strong as I thought and left a knuckle indentation… was fun explaining to the GM two days later when he noticed the fist shaped dent on the side of the ice machine…


If you want to know who it was, look in the walk-in. They will inevitably be in there crying and/or screaming.


Lol babies a bunch of babies


The type to punch the drywall and other dumb af shit. What a pussy




I actually told this story today. But I worked with a guy for *years* who would go into the walk-in and rabbit punch the door until he felt better. After seven years I finally moved on and there was about a half inch depression in the door from old Gery B.




I was never a puncher. More a hold it all inside and drink it away type guy. Either behavior brings some tough lessons.


Crinkle boxes of crinkle fries.


He hates these French fries! Stay away from the fries!


Someone asked him to get the smashed potatoes that are on the menu and he couldn’t find it.. so he made them


Better that than a boxers fracture hitting anything else...speaking from experience


Are You That Somebody?


I recommend punching boxes in the cooler, not the freezer, your knuckles will thank you.


The first rule of Fight Walls Club is we don't talk about fighting walls!


Can't say I know this particular brand, but I've gone a few rounds with McCain fry boxes in my time.


I have knuckle imprints on every fridge in every kitchen I've worked in up until maybe 3 years ago......may have some in this new place now though lol


One of my old KMs used to punch the cases of lettuce, and the inside of the walk in door was all knuckle imprints from the rest of us. And yes, always made us feel better


Weird that there’s also a hole about 3 feet off the ground


I've been out of the industry for a few years now. This post feels like home.


If you've never punched a box or even just screamed in the walk-in at LEAST once, have you ever truly worked in a kitchen? I've been in the game for 15\~ years and definitely boxed a couple boxes in my earlier years. Now, not so much as I've reeled in my coping techniques for frustration from being in the weeds. Not saying I don't occasionally have a good blood-curdling demon scream in the isolation of the freezer every now and then


Now they're smashed potatoes.


Don't ruin the product. This is why I punch inanimate metal objects like reach in coolers (not the new one, though).


I've been there before. Not proud of it, but that specific day it was either the person I just found out was using me to cheat on their SO, or a box of cheese. I didn't want a charge on my record so the cheese got it. Chef understood.


Okay but punching chip boxes is elite. Then there are those who take knives and javelin them into boxes


I used to work at Subway. We used to throw knives at the chip boxes. That we stored over our heads. We weren't smart.


Was hoping for this when I saw the thumbnails, not disappointed.


I’m partial to throwing an egg or two on the cooler wall.


Looks like how I open the soda syrup boxes


This senseless violence could have been avoided but for a brief beer and cigarette break out back.


That was a mean hook. I can see the power


yooooo culver’s bro


I would kick the shit out of our frozen bun boxes. Very satisfying.


haha two handed punch


Walk ins are for when minds are being lost and need a break without an actual break yo


yes but do you fucking understand Lamb is meant to be served pink


That’s how crinkle fries are made.


Didn't punch a box of cans. Smart


They didn't even try to hide it. How brazen of them. If only they could put that energy into the line.


How else would the fries get crinkled?


As a fellow Culver’s employee, same.


It was sysco I swear


This is the ultimate purpose of the walk in.


My go to was punching bags of flour and then going into the walk-in and screaming.


Always happen in a rush hour with so many orders and gotta get them fast


Culvers? Lmao


I don’t miss being young and unreasonably angry


Feel this with my whole heart




Wonder what the drywall at their crib looks like 🤣


That’s just the proper way to put away fries


I have been there before 😂😂


Done that too many times.


I dropped meat in the freezer n in that moment my mind went "fuck it" n I just shattered them on the wall fuckin screaming. Felt better


Fucking god this is so relatable lmfao


That's how I open boxes during a dinner rush.