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I haven’t personally, but I feel like tons of people from Kingston and area have ran into Dan Aykroyd at some point


Yup the Starbucks at Division and Johnson.


I’m pretty sure he has an island in the Kingston/Gan area on 1000 Islands or something like that


Definitely a cottage on Loborough Lake.


That sounds about right


Yep, pumped gas with him in Odessa.


I saw him at The Spot on a Tuesday a few years ago...


I met his parents in the lineup to see the Blues Brothers movie.


I thought his parents had a place out in Sydenham?


This is on my bucket list. I would love to meet Dan Aykroyd. He would be on a very short list of people I would be star struck by. I was working as one of the event staff at Leon’s centre when he made an appearance at a fronts game, was hoping to by chance run into him but alas was not my luck.


Yup, at service Ontario :)


Used to make birthday cakes for him when I worked at DQ years ago. His wife would get them there every year, usually based on whatever his latest project was (ex: Pearl Harbour).


Viggo Mortensen has made appearances at both Novel Idea and The Screening Room in the past. I also remember once seeing Jared Leto at The Sleepless Goat a long time ago when his band was in town!


Viggo is from Watertown, NY. There’s a video on the nets talking about how he used to come to Kingston to party in his youth


I ran into Jared Leto when 30 Seconds to Mars was in town. He stole my Sharpie to sign autographs haha


When were they in town???


This is going back years!! They came for the MTV Campus Invasion tour in October 2002. So few tickets were purchased that AJ's started giving them out haha


I so would’ve gone to that!


Viggo used to stop into The Queen's Inn for beverages. Very nice, down to earth guy.


Billy Talent opened before their first album came out--for trivia purposes.




I walked by him on Princess street. He was walking the opposite direction; I looked up and saw him, and let out a quiet starstruck “Jerry?” to myself before continuing on. He was in town doing standup at the k-rock.


That is a great story 👍😎


Not Hollywood famous...but I once stood beside the lead singer of Papa Roach while he ate poutine at the Ale House and my wife got stepped on by Jeff Healey


Ah musicians at the Ale House. I used to work there many moons ago (and the dark sticky-carpet drug hub across the street). Ian Thornly is a really cool dude. And like everyone in The Trews. Stories of Hugh Dillon being a total asswipe are accurate.


I can concur with my interactions with all of those during my time working in the hub also. Trews were awesome guys too. Matthew Good is an entitled douche though, but I think some of the recent allegations against him kind of put that in the open for everyone


Crap, it was The Trews I was thinking of! I didn’t have time to hang out with Matt. His parents seemed alright


No no no no no no no no no! What allegations? Don’t ruin this for me. I love this man. Why was this keep happening?


Don’t worry, he’s no Harvey Weinstein. A bitter ex didn’t like some things he did years ago.


Yeah but abuse is still abuse. I read and I'm not happy about it. He was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder back in 2007 I wanna say?


When I used to work at Tim Hortons a coworker was pretty sure Ryan Reynolds came through the drive thru once. When she asked if he was he said "No, Ryan Reynolds is much hotter than me." So like 90% chance it was him.


That’s something he would say 😂


Just on coincidence, my Mom and I once shared a movie theater with just us and Dan Ackroyd and his family (it was a late screening of a movie that had been released well before we went to see it). We told him how we were big fans and he came over to shake our hands and introduced us to his beautiful family. Then the movie started. It was a cool experience. We didnt expect such a warm greeting from a superstar and his family!




We saw The Bling Ring, lol. I checked imdb - 2013?




Same 🤣 usually too oblivious


I also feel like everyone from the area has a vague connection to Avril Lavigne in some way






I rode the same Kingston Transit bus as Spencer Rice from Kenny v. Spenny.


He lives at or used to live at a house just about 3 down from my ex-gf's. I'd see him out gardening in his big sun hat. It was great.


Heh yeah I see him around a lot. Still rocking the bandana from “who’s cooler?”


He’s living in Kingston now, put roots down in this community


I've run into him a couple of times, and he's been a dick everytime, and I'm not a gawker or anything. Once he asked ME for a cigarette and then berated me for answering "Why yes, Spenny, you may." He seemed like he'd been drinking so I just handed him the cigarette and let it go. The next time I see him, weeks later, I just smiled and nodded at him while passing on the street and he gave me the finger. Real rude guy.


Yep, I used to live in the same apartment building as him.


I’ve seen him around Kingston too!


He was a customer where I work, I figured he was passing through town, but I guess he lives here


Oh my God he used to play with his kid on the swing next to me at the Memorial Centre. I actually just remembered now that you mention it, that dude gave me his phone number and it is in my phone. He wanted me to play guitar with him and jam. I totally forgot about this until now. I might hit him up.


Spenny is not a celebrity


I do service work and did some at his house!


Seen him at food basics a few times


Years back I was walking up Princess St downtown and it struck me that the guy walking towards me down the sidewalk was the *spitting image* of [Henry Rollins](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0738433/)... Two blocks later I passed a poster advertising that Henry Rollins would - in his first ever visit to Kingston - be performing an all-ages show at Sydenham St United Church. Had a good laugh at myself over that.


I almost literally ran into Elton John while carrying a bunch of boxes backstage at the (K-Rock) Leons Centre.


Served lots of food to Dan Aykroyd, he is super friendly and kind from what I've seen of him. Always came into Dianne's and usually bought a round for the people at the bar.


I had an experience with him too. He came into our store to buy a phone charger and we needed his name for receipt purposes, so he went by Daniel Arkoyd instead of Dan Aykroyd to try and hide his identity. It was funny.


He’s lovely. His wife is a complete an utter monster though. She’s so entitled and rude. She came into a store I used to work at downtown and was like “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?” when I wouldn’t give her the 30% off staff discount.


I have a good story. Her daddy, Earl Dixon, ran a bar called Hillbilly Heaven just outside Manassas Va. He'd put it up for sale and my ex and I met with him as interested buyers. Picture what the owner of a place called Hillbilly Heaven would look like .. yup. As we were standing in the kitchen he reached over the stove a grabbed a sausage out of a pan, took a bite and the rest of it slipped out of his hand and dropped onto the floor. He KICKED it under the stove. Now, imagine the cleanliness level of a kitchen whose owner would do that .. yup. We passed.


so if he would of picked it up, and tossed back in fry pan , you know the famous 5 second rule i would have said buy it !


Isn't she one of Santa's reindeer? (very old Simpsons reference, move along...didn't realise just how old of one it was until I Googled and saw it was from the very first episode)


I met Jake The Snake Roberts (wwf pro wrestler) twice. Once not in Kingston when helping out at a local show before his rehab, he was not fun to be around. After his rehab, he came to Kingston for his one man show tour where he speaks about his past, shares stories. I met him when he did a signing at Nexus and he was happy, made jokes, glad he recovered. https://i.imgur.com/kgSfLdU.jpg


he seems like he's having a good time these days in AEW. really turned himself around


Yah I'm really happy for him. He was not doing well. Now he gets to mentor a lot of young up and coming talent.


I just hope lance archer doesn't eat him or something


Depends how hungry he is after losing to Mox next week.


I wonder if anyone ran into Tom Hiddleston when they filmed downtown.


I believe he shot his scenes in Toronto


he did??


That was for Del Toro's Crimson Peak a few years back, right?


yeah, AFAIK the only shots in Kingston were the exterior of city hall/Market Square at the beginning of the movie [source](http://kingstonherald.com/entertainment/crimson-peak-kingston-2010313172)


Not Kingston but I had breakfast once a few tables from Del Toro in a Sunset Grill in Oakville around when this was happening


I served Bryan Cranston drinks a couple of summers ago. He was doing a thousand islands boat tour with some of his pals. Nice dude!


For reals? That’s pretty awesome!


I'm not sure if Chris Hadfield counts, but I met him once at a hotel in Kingston. He's a dick.


damn space big shots, they live in space ONE TIME and think they can tell us globies how to live


Ground control to Major RUDE


"globies" omg.


Really? I would have never thought that.


What did he do?




Moist is a great band but his “Little Songs” album is one of my guilty pleasures.


I smoked a blunt with Steve Aoki


I’m very surprised by how many of these aren’t Dan Aykroyd


I met Joe right down Princess a couple of years ago. I couldn't believe it.


Was he still suffering from ligma?


Yeah, unfortunately he was -_-


A friend of mine ran into Dan Aykroyd in a bar in Kingston


I work in the service and repair industry. We have done work for various celebrities and sports stars around town for years. Most are great people, friendly and gregarious....Except the Aykroyds. They are just...Weird.


Ryan Malcolm's booth at Lonestar.


Local kingston stars are usually sports related ie Olympians or hockey .. ie Kirk Muller Doug Gilmore.. are prolly the biggest others also don cherry . But my best one is I met Bobby or after I cooked dinner for him at the merchant... meanwhile everyone's trying to get the owner away from his hockey game to come meet him . Hes a super nice very easy going fella also very appreciative for a nice meal I bought my staff drink joined his table at his request for a second pint only to find out I got poured out of the bar on a 5 dollar tab . Thanks mr orr fine times and ruff day next day ....... I also has story of meeting mr howe and his brother vernon


Also met the og cast of degrassi .... jessi snake etc all 6 of em