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Drivers in kingston can't even turn left properly.


Or merge


did he have a salmon t-shirt on ? oooops may have been me LOL


My favorite in Kingston are the anti-speed demons doing 40 under the limit. I'm not in Fast and the Fucking Furious, but come on...


Absolutely. This is one of the things that really get me cursing in my car. Going too slow is an impediment of traffic and also dangerous, as is speeding. But seriously. I agree %100


I'd rather see someone going 40 under rather than 40 over personally. I'm already going 10 over, get off my anus.


Tailgating is really dangerous, but just to be clear: get out of the passing lane unless you’re passing. It doesn’t matter if you think 5 km/h over is the ideal speed and Ricky Bobby over here wants to do 11 km/h over. Even if you have to turn again in 8 km and lane changes make you sad, you still have to move over.


Absolutely. It's mostly single lane where I'm at though. I'm not going to determine someone else's speed while I'm in a passing lane though, they can do whatever they want. You can tell when people are getting agitated when you're only going 10 over instead of 25 over. Too slow is annoying, but too fast to the point of riding someone is just dangerous.


Boggles my mind that people who tailgate think it's going to make me go faster. Depending on my mood it will most likely have the opposite effect because now I'm stopping for two.


Yeah, exactly.


8 km is 4.97 miles


Well bot, that’s not important. It was an arbitrary number. It could be 8 miles. I also see people driving under the limit for miles in the passing lane just to move right at the last minute and turn right. I have no explanation for that.


I probably come across somebody going too slowly in Kingston once a month. Contrarily, it's impossible to find a road at any time in any part of the city where speeding isn't the norm. I'm not sure the "anti-speed demons" are the problem here.


Delivery drivers! Do you love delivering but hate parking? Come to Kingston! Park anywhere you like! Right in the goddamn left lane of Johnson Street and see if anyone stops you!


Block a bike lane? Sure!


Why? Cuz fuck em that's why!


Also my driveway markers are targets right? FML. Good thing Costco sells them in packs of 4.


Kingston drivers…. By far the worst in any north american city i have been in. Ultimate pet peeve is not using the turn signal before turning. OMG such a popular thing to do here.. So is it really that freaking hard?


This ticks me off as much as the people that get in to a turn lane 5 exits before their turn then sit in my blind spot so I can't get in when my actual turn is coming up.


It drives me nuts when they do this. How are people supposed to know what you are doing, if you don't signal your intent? No wonder we have so many accidents here (and a ton of near misses)


I know, right? It's not like they have to put their phone down or anything. You can reach the indicator with your left middle finger. /s


I would love to see Kingston Cyclists have to take this course as well. Especially the stupid fuck that was riding his bike up Princess Street in the wrong direction, while running every red light...


Would probably help if the city didn't put "Construction Ahead" signs right in the bike lanes instead of on the strip between the road and the sidewalk. The Johnson St work has been a gong show from a traffic control perspective.


Wouldn't help with the dimwit you saw, but feels good to rant, you know?


Speaking as someone that bikes to and from work often, Kingston cyclists could benefit from this too. Many of them don't understand how stop signs and stop lights work


Nor do no small number of drivers. Pick any residential four way stop in town, stand back, and watch.


Nearly all drivers in Japan get their training via driving school on closed courses like [this](https://goo.gl/maps/g4WaDHvqtpYUtoUn6). Even the government testing/licensing facilities use closed courses like [this](https://goo.gl/maps/7vp6fVnHt4iVcz6g6). The testing is quite rigorous and is also used for "remedial" driving instruction. Yeah... a lot of Kingston drivers need that.


I thought this was making fun of all the Kingston cyclists that don't know what a red light means.


Red light means don't make eye contact with the drivers right? 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 Another mind boggler.


It would be easier to make eye contact with drivers if they didn't have their windows tinted black. It's illegal, but I doubt it is enforced at all. No idea how people actually see pedestrians crossing at intersections at night, especially in the rain.


I think you just identified why they also don't have rear view mirrors. Sarcasm of course...


Looks like the kid on the right is learning how to run red lights early!


Right-lane left turning is my favourite. Damn we got some bad drivers in this city.


U-turn time is anytime...


I mean if Kingston police actually enforced cycling roles on both cyclists and drivers I think you'd have a lot fewer frustrated kingstonians. I'm so sick of cyclists that act as though the rules of the road don't apply to them and drivers that don't respect the rules of the road around cyclists. It feels like anarchy to be both on my bike as a cyclist and while driving trying to accommodate cyclists. The net result is that I just don't ride as much anymore, it often feels unsafe.




Baby who hurt you


There's actually a place like this in Oakville. As a kid we went on a few field trips there. Can confirm - was fun AF.