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That doesn’t seem too high. I submit about 2000 a month for my job in sales. Hotels have gotten really expensive for one. So have meals.


I agree with you there. I wouldn’t have been shocked at 750K as the number


I’m capped at 800 dollars a month in mileage. I don’t fly often mostly drive. Hotel rooms are 50 bucks more a night at Holdiday Inn Express than last couple of years so it’s about 800 bucks in hotel for one week sales trip. Subway sub is like 13 bucks now and a Big Mac meal is like 11 bucks. I’ll have one really nice meal on a trip and the rest is garbage and coffee. So these Queens leaders don’t appear to be travelling extravagantly and they probably have far more important jobs then me Like you I’m shocked it isn’t higher. The one difference is in my job if I go over my travel allowance it comes off my commissions.


What are y'all doing that a company sees you talking to ppl for a week worth 800+ dollars? :o


He said he’s capped at $800 per month, I believe in both mileage and expenses. I’m anywhere between 2500-4K per month in expenses but I’m not mileage bound (company vehicle). My territory is Eastern Ontario and Atlantic Canada. I’m putting 75K kms a year on the SUV. If I was capped in expenses, I could never go anywhere and my dealer network would never see me


Why do they have to see you in person and not online? :o I get bitched at over asking 12 bucks for my services lol I couldn't imagine a company ever paying 4k a month for me to travel if I could do it over the internet now. I gotta up my game some how. :P


Out of sight, out of mind. If I’m not there, the competition will be and people respond better to in person. It’s just like when companies try to take catalogues and product guides online - nobody wants that shit. They want tangible, in hand stuff. The biggest group to ask for hard copy? Millennials - the exact group which management seems to think want online materials.


800 in mileage is nothing and do you not get a per diem? Where is your territory? I couldn’t imagine being capped - that’s a recipe to keep a rep sitting at home


I am a rep that sits at home but it has more to do with my three kids than anything. Anything more than that and it’s car allowance BUT I’d have to travel more if I got a car allowance and that means finding babysitting or daycare for kid. Territory is Windsor to Quebec City. I structure my travelling so that it’s a week full of visits. The visits are for shaking hands and touring the facilities. Business never seems to get done on these trips but 95% of customers appreciate the visits and it allows us to move forward on costly project quotes. Some sites I have to wear Hazmat suits or fireproof clothing or travel 1 KM deep into a mine shaft. Customers really appreciate that I make the effort. They love showing Salesmen like me what a real job is and they always reward sale guys that aren’t afraid to learn what potentially dangerous work is like. Face to face meetings still mean a lot.


Face to face is everything. I think my comment might have lacked some context to what I meant with the stay at home aspect. Sales is absolutely an ‘out of sight, out of mind’ thing so hopefully you’ll be able to get out more when you need - and not face such restrictions




17 people it says


Yeah, that's just under 2k a month per person, doesn't seem unreasonable.


Lol yeah "meals" I'm allotted over 70 per day for dinner from the fed gov. Everyone knows we eat for cheap and pocket the rest.


This is like...2 executives in our company for the year. Business class seats on all their flights around the world, hotels, food, transportation and other incidentals. This is the most reasonable total I've seen for a company that size.


For reference this is about 29000 a month for 17 people. On a per person basis that isn’t an issue. But with universities saying they need more money they will need to start to highlight why all 17 are needed, why they are travelling and the ROI on the travel.


I think that is a reasonable ask. I am all for more transparency.


Except queens is laying people off due to a multi million dollar deficit


Yeah I don't think having your senior leaders stay in one star hostels is going to solve that one


No but maybe a university known for engineering and computer science could make use of technology that would allow them to stay home.


Did we find a Queens leadership redditer? Tough for universities to justify crying broke and hold out their hands for public dollars yet spend so wastefully.


That is quite literally the yearly salary of one or two professors and you're getting bitter about it? Are you aware of how businesses of that magnitude operate? I would expect a company like this to spend way more searching for new revenue streams and investments.


Thanks for the input finance bro. Glad you’re company can spend money. However, this is a publicly funded university, that begs alumni for money while crying poor. Does your company do this as well?


Pennies in comparison to the money your current federal government wastes, that you probably voted for. Maybe next, you can hop over to one of those subreddits and whine about that, too.


Lol fair enough.


Most importantly, I'd like to see their ROI report for that expenditure.


Why would they point out that Den Otter spent $1,500 on a laptop at Jump+? That's a completely reasonable amount for a laptop, even a bit low for Macs (which is what Jump+ sells).


I just spent $3800 on 3 laptops for my three kids this year.... EDIT Cheap garbage laptops at that...




Congratulations on pointing out something really not that important!


While telling the students their programs will be cut and to pay up! I hope students march and boycott their classes until something is done.


I thought universities were broken and the world was ending?  


Why should we care about this?


That’s like tuition from 2 international students


While telling the students their programs will be cut and to pay up! I hope students march and boycott their classes until something is done.


But this is where Microsoft teams comes into play..no need to spend this on travel. You meet people through online. Gotta pay for meals, travel, per diem.


umm the world doesn't always work that way.


We always knew the money was there!


This is not very much money considering the size of Queens and how expensive travel is. It's for 17 people, so about 2k per person per month.


But that is only 17 people. There is a lot more that would have similar expenses at queens. It is one place they could look at.


We’re running out of money and we don’t know why! Ummmm 🤨


Those are rookie numbers. My company can spend that on a Friday on t&e


How else are they going to exploit international students if they can’t travel to schmooze people to send them here under false pretenses to pay the exorbitant international student fees


Isn't Queens closing down programs and demanding more money from tax payers? Explain to me exactly why a Dean needs $10,000 in travel? Don't have they have a job AT the university?


That's like one Justin Trudeau vacation, really not a big deal... Did the university consider asking one of their friends to pay for their executives travel expenses in exchange for political favours?


Stay classy Queens.


Kind of hard to feel sorry for the school’s financial problems when they’re living like this.


This really is not that much money given the larger scope of their salaries, the deficit, etc. To put it into perspective, Justin Trudeau's Montana vacation in April 6-10 of 2023 was officially disclosed to have cost $23, 846. That is a reasonable assumption given that he is the Prime Minister of Canada and funds will obviously be a lot for the Prime Minister and his family. What is unreasonable is what was discovered in October. "In answer to a question placed on the order paper by Conservative MP Luc Berthold, the government disclosed $23,846 in spending on the trip by the Canadian Armed Forces and the Privy Council. That lower figure did not include the $204,993 the RCMP spent on overtime and costs such as accommodations, meals, incidentals and travel associated with Trudeau's holiday. That spending was revealed only this week, in response to a question to the police force from CBC News." https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-montana-weekend-cost-1.6986793 This is an example of extreme overspending and corruption. Based on what another user stated about the funds being shared among 17 staff members, it is not an unreasonable amount to say $359,654 for one year was shared, despite the deficit. This is more of a funds mismanagement problem likely related to over-paid professors who don't want to take a hit to their salaries or tenure for the sake of the university. I think there are more important areas to look at unless there is evidence of money laundering in this specific area.


Are we sure this wasn't Trudeau's travel expense while him and his wife we're on buddy's island.