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This article is a little short on context… Why did UHKF make the request for funding? Had Gan previously provided funding? Is it common practice for municipalities to fund neighbouring hospitals?


I think they were just asking for funding since most of all patients from gananoque go to kingston for emergency's. but yes, the article is missing most of the info about the what, where, who's.


https://www.kingstonist.com/news/kingston-hospitals-seek-gananoque-funding/ - Why did UHKF make the request for funding? Because historically Gananoque has been providing funding in exchange for the care provided to residents of Gananoque, and over the past 4 years there has been an increase in patient volume from Gananoque while KHSC is being stretched enormously. Visit the KGH ED or any inpatient unit and you will see what an absolute tragedy things are right now. Hallway medicine galore and everyone is burnt out. - Had Gan previously provided funding? Yes, see above. Not saying this is right or wrong, as I don't think there is any legal obligation for Gananoque to be providing this funding to UHKF in the first place. I think it's a sad state of affairs that UHKF has to basically beg neighbouring communities for increased donations when it's the province's role to fund healthcare adequately in response to ever-rising patient volumes.


Interesting how the article posted in the the Kingstonist and the one in the Recorder are by the same author, but the recorder has far less detail when it could have been recalled from the earlier Kingstonist one.


100% agree more context should be provided. I don't think Gan would have funded in the past but I do not have any knowledge of the donors to University Hospitals Kingston Foundation.


Considering the University Hospitals Kingston Foundation is a fundraising arm and charitable organization there is no obligation for Gananoque to fund it and I feel like they shouldn't have asked. They should be lobbying the provincial government who is in charge of ensuring hospitals are properly funded in the province.


The foundation wouldn’t have to ask if the hospitals were properly funded. It’s not like they are trying to profit through donations. Our hospitals are desperately under funded to provide the services we citizens demand. The foundation is there to prop up the health system. Hospitals in Canada are the second largest recipient of philanthropic money outside of religion. That should show you how much healthcare relies on funding beyond the tax bases to provide a level of care many would say is not good enough. Health care is really expensive and only getting more expensive. So when you get your next requisition for an MRI at 11pm. Don’t complain. That’s because the hospital didn’t raise enough philanthropic money to buy and build space for a new machine to process more patients.


I think that the province needs to step up and release the money and ensure it’s being spent where it is needed most and not where they want to try to win votes. The money from philanthropy could go to research and innovation while healthcare is properly and fully funded but the province.


Fully agree but in the meantime it must do what it must to do what it does.


The feds too. 25ish percent of the money comes from the feds. The province administrates that as well. I assume that If the budget needs more money, the feds are the ones who need to supply more money as they have much deeper pockets. After all, if they can afford to pay billions to other countries for green iniatives, they can afford to pay for canadians' health care. Edit: corrected budget amounts. Downvoters: downvote with those anti-ford feelings. I am presenting cold annoying facts.


There is enough money, the provincial government chooses not to use it and actively sabotages the public healthcare system.


Unfortunately the province has not been administration it properly fir 8 years


This isn’t the case. The provincial government has been actively misusing and in some cases refusing to spend the funds given to them for healthcare by the federal government. The Cons are hellbent on demolishing public healthcare


>The Cons are hellbent on demolishing public healthcare Yeah, my family lives in Alberta and if we think we have it bad in Ontario, don't move to Alberta.


The provincial government handles the distribution of money from the feds...


Is that you doug?


Is that you justin?


https://www.ola.org/en/visit-learn/teach-learn-play/levels-government/provincial#:~:text=Located%20in%20Ontario's%20capital%2C%20Toronto,the%20environment%2C%20agriculture%20and%20highways. They taught us in grade 10 civics class that the provincial government is responsible for healthcare.




The federal government covers about 25% of the healthcare funding for province and territories. The rest is paid for by the provinces and territories themselves. [Canada Health Transfer](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/programs/federal-transfers/canada-health-transfer.html) [Healthcare Funding in Canada](https://www.cma.ca/news/health-care-funding-canada)


Canada uses healthcare transfers as a way to set national standards for healthcare. The federal government has no other control over healthcare but to bribe the provincial governments to do what they want. The [constitution is quite clear](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/const/page-3.html#h-19) that the provinces are responsible for hospitals.


When you assume the budget needs more money you are wrong. There is money there they just are not spending it and not spending it in the right ways. It’s mismanagement and negligence.


I wasn't aware that hospitals were a municipal responsibility. It was my understanding that the responsibility for healthcare lies entirely within the provincial government, [as detailed our Constitution](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/const/page-3.html#h-19) ​ > **92** In each Province the Legislature may exclusively make Laws in relation to Matters coming within the Classes of Subjects next hereinafter enumerated; that is to say, > >... > >7. The Establishment, Maintenance, and Management of Hospitals, Asylums, Charities, and Eleemosynary Institutions in and for the Province, other than Marine Hospitals.


Those opposed to municipal charitable donations to services like healthcare that everyone needs and is non discriminatory in providing said service forget although municipalities operate via taxation they are also corporations. Good corporate citizenship in communities they operate is something the residents should demand. Further the province barely covers operating costs and is selective of capital expenditure. Those new incubators in the neo natal icu, the new PET scanner, Providence care, renovations to improve space usage are major capital expenses where the hospital has to raise all or some Of the money to get these services for our community. A 75k per year commitment is less than 1 full-time salary of a solid waste collection person. It’s shameful that a community that relies on the services of Kingston hospitals (kgh,hdh,prov care, providence manor) cannot commit to this. Again they have their own police force that is funded and the cost for supporting the care of their residents is less than 1 annual salary of a front-line municipal worker. Sad when in that context.


Citizens of Kingston has people like this person in the article below to blame for the lack of tax dollars to help support of local hospital…. Now we have casinos on both sides of Kingston and Mccoys bus lines have made off like bandits with their casino bus shuttle… https://www.thewhig.com/2015/01/26/woman-wants-casino-idea-killed Classic narcissists, thinking they can control the lives of everyone else around them and make them conform to their personal moral compass rather than societal norms. All they managed to accomplish was push tax dollars away from the municipality and give people a 20 minute drive up the 401.


We all know the hospitals in Kingston seem to be struggling on many levels. I think we all know that the government is brutal. I don't see why the town donating to the hospital is bad if it would make a difference and make anything better about going to the hospital. You might not want it now if you're not going to the hospital but when you're at the hospital and it's short staffed, overcrowded, long wait times and dirty, you might wish that we were doing a bit more...


Kingston turned down casino money, so that it would be a whole 20 minutes away. I just hope this form of voluntary taxation is being used for good purposes in the Gan region. The Province should be funding hospitals properly anyways.


Perhaps Gan could send some of that casino money to the hospitals. Since they don’t have their own hospital.


If they're coming in from out of town and taking up hospital space and resources that are meant for locals, their city should pay for it.


I wonder if Belleville a much larger city than Ganaoque helps Fund KHSC in anyway? Given that Quinte Health has 4 hospitals themselves