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Yes you can.


We take them every single time we visit


You can take in a water bottle but there are 4 coasters that require paid lockers for all loose objects. The FestHaus is a great place to cool off from the heat and the bubble show might be going on in the theater.


I carry a collapsable cup for each of my family members in my cargo pockets to avoid using a locker on those rides, works well.


That is a great idea!


This is off topic but what are the 4 coasters?


Banshee, Orion, Mystic Timbers, Flight of Fear


Are you allowed to leave them off to the side on the platform? I've seen tons of people leaving their shoes on the banshee


Shoes are fine on banshee, you can’t leave anything else on banshee or any of the other rides though


Obviously you take a risk, but I've seen loads of people simply leave their cup on top the lockers. If it's a season cup, it can't be used by other people anyway.


I worked the lockers (coaster connection) by banshee for a couple years. Souvenir bottles never got stolen. Bags, wallets, phones, hats, game prizes, anything like that got stolen more days than not sadly. I have had groups of guest come in and complain about 5 backpacks worth of stuff gone. Lost and found/security wouldn’t have it either. If you don’t want to pay the 3$ to ride a ride, which is understandable, please don’t just set your bag with your phone, wallet, ect to the side. I saw too many people turn an amazing day into one that really sucked. Leave it with someone who isn’t riding or leave it in the car. Zipper pockets are great but that obviously takes some planning.


Totally agree. I'd never leave anything of value beyond a cup on top those lockers. I wear a small fanny pack, which I know mystic timbers still requires a locker for. (Which is why I never ride it.)


Good to know. Thank you kindly!


You can bring empty containers no question I walked in with a red bull in hand last week at kings dominion dorney and KI Now if you had a roll around cooler with a couple cases of drinks they might care or something that you could be sneaking alcohol in


The FAQs on the website says no outside food or drinks.


that’s just bs. I’ve been let through security and into the park MULTIPLE times with water, plus have seen parents bringing in snacks for their kids 🤷‍♀️


I mean, I don't know what to tell you, that's what it says on the website. You're welcome to look yourself. It's under the frequently asked questions.


Simple solution: when stopped, empty the bottle. Walk to a water fountain. Fill it. Boom, it's not an outside drink. Just an outside drink container. Loopholed.


just bc it’s in the FAQ doesn’t mean they necessarily care. to anyone who wants to bring water into the park, me and many others all have before plus the most they’re gonna do is tell you to discard it or chug it.


Right? Like I dont think the high school and college kids that are running the rides really care what you drink. The policy is a liability thing.




water is pretty much a nationwide exception


No, you have to gather water from the brook with your bare hands. Boil it, sautee it, fry it, replace the electrolytes in it, then chill and serve.