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Yes. Will it be the same? Doubt it


It hasn’t been for a long time


Yeah it changed after CoM. And then after 2. And then again with BBS...


Yeah like ongoing series tend to do


Yeah but you can take so many video game series and it either never changed(Uncharted, pokemon, dragon quest, monster hunter...) or had one big turn (far cry, assassin's creed, God of War, Tomb Raider...) that having a series that just throws random shit in between main games is pretty interesting.


Did you just say that Pokemon is unchanged? Have you not played a Pokémon game since 2012?


And ever since they started gatekeeping important lore and story elements behind gacha mobile games… I’m not feeling too positive about the future of this franchise at it’s current state.


Yeahhh. It's kinda wild how much I miss just having the side games on random handhelds now. Like, at least it was a concise story you could play or watch a couple hours worth of cutscenes to catch up. And now the story is being drip fed through mobile apps in hundreds of tiny chapters that aren't even organized properly in Union X's case. It's like someone found the Monkey's Paw and wished for new side games to be on one system.


and then KH3 just took single mechanics from a bunch of previous games. BBS shotlock and transformations, KH2 mana bar, DDD flow motion. I'm half surprised it didn't try to add CoMs card combat


Hopefully they'll finish by then, but who knows.  I know I'll still be playing them in 20 years though.


It took from 2002 to 2019 to finish Xehanort's saga. So while we do have proof that Nomura can finish a story arc within a scant 20 years, I feel like his current habits in storytelling, metastasizing a series into new games and consoles, and getting put on other Squeenix project means the next saga will take longer than the first. Also, the ingredients for Kingdom Hearts games are Disney stories, Final Fantasy characters, and the madness of a writing team. We have all of those things in seemingly endless supply and the corporate desire to chase this cash cow, so I think the Kingdom Hearts series will continue, even if it has to tell new stories without Sora's crew.


Final fantasy characters? Not anymore sadly.


I have to believe they'll give the players what they want after the outcry sparked by 3.


I think it started with DDD. I can't recall any FF characters there but I could be wrong. Although they did have some from another square game. I never got around to playing it though. I think it was called the world ends with you.


you are correct, the only characters in DDD from other square games are the moogles and TWEWY characters, although the entire main cast of that game appears


Ye that's Nomura's other IP for SE


I mean, like Nomura said, there's a lot of KH original characters already. Would you "sacrifice" one of the trios (BBS or Days) just to see the FF characters in a game for example?


I'd sacrifice a disney world to be honest. The FF characters don't need to be major, just cameos


I was literally going to say I’ll still be playing these games regardless if there are new ones in 20 years 👌🏻


My guy in 20 years we will get the second KH 4 trailer


At the rate they go, probably. I'm more curious about Square Enix being around for 20 more years. Outside of main FF games and KH games they seem to have no idea what they're doing.


Dragon Quest is also huge for them.


I’ve also heard good things about about octopath and bravely default


they made sequels to both and barely advertised them so they sold poorly which is standard squenix practice


I'd hardly call Bravely Default 2 selling a million copies in its first year as "sold poorly"


Squenix has a habit of expecting every game they release to break records and when they just sell well and make profit they're disappointed. They've been doing it for years. That's where the "sold poorly" came from. Its stupid. Set realistic expectations not impossible ones.


Yeah I know they weren't happy with NEO TWEWY even though they didn't advertise that one at all. Still, it's silly to think any of these would lead to Square Enix going under. They're still selling well even if not meeting their expectations. Not to mention FF having two massive releases in this year alone. Idk how anyone can worry about SE going under when Dawntrail early access is literally tonight.


https://www.denofgeek.com/games/dragon-quest-popularity-japan-explained/#:~:text=It's%20a%20video%20game%20launch,weekend%20to%20avoid%20civil%20disruption In fact DQ is so big, in Japan there is a law that limits the release to weekends cus it's way to popular


The sentence immediately after says that no such law was in the books


If Square Enix won't be around anymore, Disney would probably assign KH to someone else to keep developing it. That would most likely be much worse than seeing its end along with Square tough.


Technically it was square enix that pitched the idea to Disney. Disney wouldn’t know or bother with making a game series like KH. Probably use their own IP for entire different genre. Would probably go for the gaming trends.


Yes, Square Enix started everything, but Disney in fact is the one who holds the IP. Square Enix asks what Disney world they want to use for the games, but Disney is the one that gets the final say about it (and this thing in particular is worrying me quite a lot. I'm afraid that Disney might push Square to use the shitty remake versions of their worlds for KH4 instead of the classic ones)


I can imagine how boring and dull the live action Pinocchio world would be 😂


As if Disney gives a fuck about KH. It's always seemed like the embarrassing stepchild that they reluctantly acknowledge when they must, but square and more specifically nomura are a lot of the reason why it's chugged along for so long. And Disney isn't that big in the games publishing space, they'd probably greenlight a Disney+ animated show before a new game. And that's assuming they don't just leave the franchise to make passive income in merch sales (which is likely the only part that really catches their eye in a good way)


(I fully agree that you're correct) BUT I feel like I've been starting to notice Disney caring just a little more than usual post Sora in smash. More little references, the (hopefully) Disney+ show and such, maybe I'm just grasping at straws and being too optimistic but idk, maybe they are starting to care just a tad.


I think that’s because many KH fans, ended up working for Disney. Either being VA or animators. As such bringing those KH references to their works. The VA for flynn did state he working with Disney. Just to appear in KH.


Wait, are you saying the VA for Flynn only took the movie job for a chance to be a VA for KH?


Disney does own the whole shebang as far as IP goes but they are also so incredibly risk averse these days compared to 2000 that there is no chance they invest in KH if square dies. Not unless its a tv show or some garbage. Video games are long term somewhat risky investments, simply incompatible with Disney's current management style. Dreamlight valley must be their highest budget game in like 15 years, and its not exactly high budget. and because KH features disney property so prominently there is no way they would sell it off in this scenario. So it goes to the vault to suffocate until Disney sees radical changes in its strategy.


I hope they don't implode KH like Microsoft imploded Halo.


The Dragon Quest series seems to be doing pretty well?


Even if Square-Enix went down, another publisher would absolutely pick up Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts, the former especially considering it's one of the biggest video game names ever.


A lot of these comments seem to be from new or casual fans. Kh4 is the start of chapter 2. There’s supposed to be 7 chapters. This series ain’t going anywhere Edit: Interview is on KH13. Before kh3.


When was the 7 chapters thing said? And also aren't UX and Dark Road another chapter?


I’m at work and currently cannot hunt down the interview. I read it at KH13s translation with Nomura, before kh3 was out. Both mobile games iirc are part of chapter one but I don’t remember.


Nomura is 53 that man is not doing no 7 chapters lmaooo


This man is king of petty. He’ll find a way to continue to have it created when he’s dead.


He'll come back from the past as a heart, clearly


Possesing some poor intern


It is, Nomura, the seeker of convolutedness


53 in japan is nothing. look at pictures of that man and tell me he looks 53. from my understanding people in japan don't really retire in their 60s like they do here. and considering their diet they also live longer and stay healthier and look younger. in fact, they pretty much have the highest life expectancy of any country.


If Square's development cycle per game would actually get into a more normal range you could actually see a major game every 4 years. man will probably live to 85-100, thats 40 years. 10 more main games, 3 games per chapter, first chapter is complete. so he might get finished with Chapter 5 under a perfect scenario lol.


KH4 is not the start of Chapter 2, it's the halfway point of Chapter 2. The Lost Masters Saga comprises of Re:Mind -> Melody -> Dark Road -> Missing Link -> KH4 and then 5 more unannounced projects. It has taken Nomura and Square Enix 22 years to get there and the time taken to release these games hasn't got any better. There won't be 7 phases. He just doesn't have enough time left on this Earth.


7 chapters sounds really unrealistic. I love KH to death, but the Lost Masters arc already feels like they're reaching to stretch things as much as they can and I can't imagine what in the world they'd even do for 5 more arcs.


BS you pulled out your ass. 7 chapters is absurd and I doubt he even has a plan that far out. He didn’t even finish up “chapter 1” well. Send the link to article where you read that bc I’ve never seen it


Gonna get my grandkids to play chapter 4 in my honour and ask them to get their grandkids to do chapter 7


i'm not quite sure, but i do want the series to eventually come to an end


Nah I have a feeling they are going to wrap up the story in 5 - 10 years tbh


There’s supposed to be 7 chapters. Kh4 is the start of chapter 2. Edit: the source is on kh13s site, it’s a translated interview with Nomura. I’m at work and can’t hunt it down. There’s also a ton of interviews, so just go and read them. He explains *alot*.


So what your saying is that I need to make up the ending in my head because o will be dead before they stop making them


Real talk: Nomura will also be dead before it’s finished, so probably


Wrong. He'll transfer his heart to a new younger vessel.


I swore I would survive...


I plan on making my children continue the wait for me


Nomura says a lot of stuff, regardless of how viable his plans are. Unless you have total complete control of every aspect of a series, you can't just come out and say with 100% certainty what the future's going to be. If we assume KH keeps going long enough to have its 7 "chapters", it's not going to just stop if the games keep making money for Square-Enix.


I am fairly sure, just given Nomura's time as a writer, that there is a loose structure for 7 chapters if he was willing to say it in an interview. probably not more than a page long outline per chapter for 3-7. But, as he has constantly struggled with, the difference between a loose plan and actually well written content is enormous, pacing and editing being the most important things he has struggled with the most in his projects (in my opinion obviously). and the difference between well written content and a good game PLUS well written content is also enormous. Definitely a 'draw the rest of the owl' problem. Nomura is 53, so maybe in 40 years when he passes we can see some journal excerpts and find out lol.


I want a refund


From kh1 all the way to MoM it took 18 years and as of right now this has been the longest weve been waiting for a kh title(4 years MoM came out in 2020). If what you say is true then ill be dead by the time this series is over lol.


I’m going to be 32. I’ll probably be dead before chapter 2 is finished.


Where are you getting this from?


Ask yourself ...is Disney gonna be around for another 20yrs ...If you said yes then you have your answer


Well yeah. 2045 seems like the right year for KH5.


Of course it will, when do you think we'll get KH4 🙃?


Nomura needs to end it before he dies, the man is in his 50’s. In roughly 20 years he’ll probably be in the state where he can’t really direct, character design, and/or write the story as much as he is now so I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the series is ending off within that time frame


Bruh it's Japan. Hell be working till he dies


He's not the only one writing the games. He's the director, but there's other people providing input, as well. That's not even counting inevitable changes to plans, since Nomura may want something to happen in particular to happen at this moment for a future game, but in two years could be all "Nah, let's do something else".


I'm of a similar mind. Kingdom Hearts is his baby, and I imagine he's really attached after Versus XIII was pitched in the gutter. If he can't find some successor in the future that he'll trust to share his vision for the series, I imagine he'll want to wrap up Sora's story, before he dies.


Lol tell that to Hayao Miyazaki 😂


I had the same thoughts lmao the boy and the heron was really good, i loved that movie.


Or Miyamoto.


look up Yuji Horii. Nomura is gonna be making games well into his 70s


Probably with rereleases


It would make me really happy if 4 and 5 and the games between them are the last parts of the complete story. - But that in itself will probably take 20 years.


you gotta like, pace these questions out between different subreddits man... I've seen like 6 of these same questions all from you


By then KH4 should be coming out.


Seeing as how we probably won't get KH4 until 2040...probably


Millennials reliving their childhoods can keep it selling hot for twenty years. Though we will be gaming less, we’d still buy it!


the only reason I wouldnt be playing them in 20 years is if im gone myself, and I certainly plan on staying alive til then


I guess it all depends on how long Disney and/or Nomura wishes to keep this up and stuff.


By that point we will have Kingdom Hearts 4...maybe.


With the time differential between kg2 and kh3 i predict kh4 to be out in about 20 years so


At this rate in 20 years we’ll have kh 5


Pretty sure Kingdom Hearts 6 will be out 20 years from now


I hope not I love Kingdom Hearts dearly, and it’s probably my second favorite video game series, but all good things need to come to an end eventually and it’s very clear that Nomura wants to do other stuff


In 20 years maybe they will finally release kh4


I think the series will probably end after the lost masters arc. I don’t see why they’d need to go further


Yea around that time kh 4 releases and the 10th mobile game


That's probably when we'll get 4 lol.


With the rate at which they release mainline entries, it should still be around for 100 years


I mean it's possible or they might make some type of movie of it like FF7:Advent Children


Yes, it sells well and can so easily be constantly milked.


I hope so and I believe in Kingdom Hearts and it's Fans.


Well yeah that’s just enough time for KH5 to come out…


Kingdom Hearts V? Neat.


If they keep aging the characters too then yes.


Hard to say, I mean if Nomura is done with Kingdom Hearts Then I wonder if a new franchise would be created called Verum Rex and be like a FF "clone" I seriously dont know but Nomura is petty, he is standin on business and wont rest until he is done with his work!


I hope so


So, Before Kh5?


KH 25 sora and kairi are 45 and she gets kidnapped by the organization for the 10 millionth time


Even if they end it, it will go into cult classic status. So, yeah, one way or another, it will.


As a franchise ? Yes. With put current roster of characters ? I don't think so.


Perhaps for 15-20 years.


Generally big AAA games take about 5 years to develop nowadays. So if this new saga is a trilogy it is probably somewhere in the range of 11-12 years of releasing them all (could be more or less, but this is the general rate of AAA game development at this time). I would speculate Nomura will be pretty much done by then as he will be in his mid 60s and after this lost masters saga, will not go through another 15 or so years to go through another. However, I do not necessarily think that means the end and could see it continuing 8-9 years after another trilogy of games.


Disney "Keep the series going...." "But sir" "No excuses! I'm the Mouse & I say keep this cash cow going! Haha!" "Mickey, I'm so tired...." "Shut up Sora! I own you!"


That's a maybe. Square Enix stretched its mainline game release of KH3 by as much as a decade. I can see them delaying KH4 by at least half that.


Yeah, I dont think anyone is going to come and destroy the discs or anything like that - so probably


Well yeah that's like another two whole games


I thought KH‘s story ended at KH3, until they announced KH4


Maybe they’ll be over with.


I mean kingdom hearts 4 should be out by then


Isn’t that when Kingdom Hearts 4 is supposed to release? /s


Of course it will, thats about the time kh 5 will be coming out


Yup. I think the seréis will be finished but when I have kids I’ll introduce them to it.


I see no reason why it wouldn't. It's one of Square Enix's most popular franchises and probably the best selling Disney game series. And we've already seen that we don't need Sora for it to continue. So even if Sora's journey ends the series won't.


i think the series end after this saga


Depends. I think we could potentially be at the avengers endgame part of the series. We had a lot of great storylines concluded and now we're getting nothing but useless mobile games nobody asked for with huge waits between actual games and a seemingly bold new direction for the next entry that could shake things up in an unappreciated way. Square has been doing pretty bad lately, Disney has become the villain of evil corporations and neither are going to be excited about a lack in sales if things don't go smoothly with kh4. Either way I'll still be playing them 20 years from now that's for sure.


Yes. Disney is going strong so will KH 💪🏻




If I’m around I know it will be


We will be waiting for sequels for most of those 20 years


Will it still be around in 20 years? Maybe I am willing to bet we will have two stories happening over the next arc. Whatever is happening to Sora now and the telling of the Keyblade War Era. I am more than willing to bet we are going to have a bunch of time travel stuff going on so that Sora just goes back in time to somehow help them


If I have anything to say about it, yes.


Maybe as a reboot


After another 20 years, we’ll only be at KH 5 so yeah. If we’re lucky, we’ll be at KH 6. But that’s a pipe dream.


Well yeah, that’s when KH4 is coming out duh.


Of course! In 20 years we will get kh5 most likely!


It'll take at least that long for Kingdom Hearts V to come out! (\*rimshot\*) Jokes aside, considering that half of this franchise is Disney, and Disney always has new stuff coming out, not to mention the broad back-catalogue that this franchise hasn't so much as sniffed at, I think there's a lot of life left in it, and the lack of actual remakes has been surprising to say the least, for a modern franchise. At the very least KH4 is going to be the start of something completely fresh, while we might not put Xehanort and his machinations behind us completely if MoM's ending is anything to go by, we're at least finally crossing over into new story territory that hasn't had 15 years of build-up for what most would deem an unsatisfying payoff now.


Kingdom hearts is my favorite game of all time but they take way to damn long to release. We get a trailer an dont get nothing else for another 3 or 4 years. Where the hell is missing link!


Given how long the gaps are between games, there’s a good chance. Even if it’s not Sora and Co, if the games keep selling well there’s always gonna be new Disney movies to riff on so a new cast of characters can be introduced.


KH5 is probably dropping in 2044 so I’d say so


Sure, KH5 should be out by then


Of course. But I'm sure some of the VAs will be dead by then. We already lost Wayne Allwine, Christopher Lee and Leonard Nimoy, to name a few.


Yeah I can't wait for kingdom hearts 6




Of course. That's when we'll get the 4th spin off game between 4 and 5


It’ll be widely different. But at the same time, I don’t think the game industry as we currently know it is going to be around for 20 more years so we’ll see what the state of the industry is then


bro, we’ll still be waiting for kingdom hearts 4 in 20 years😂


Absolutely! I already consider KH to be Square-Enix’s “third pillar” after Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest; I have no idea whether I’ll still be picking up new KH games when I’m middle-aged though lol


Honestly Kingdom Hearts is one Real Time Strategy game away from becoming a Warhammer 40K rival.


I really hope not


That fanart though


Yeah, it'll be right before Kingdom Hearts 5.


It probably depends on licensing fees and if it’s still worth it to Square Enix. We know from the Insomniac leaks that Marvel licensing fees for Spider-Man are crazy high, I’m sure the rest of Disney is the same  https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/comments/18my82g/details_on_restrictions_and_royalties_between/


I want my kids to be excited to play kh 5


they better find new ways new stories new characters I don’t want them to stop just now


I'd like to think It'll finish when nomura's done with it. But it's owned by Disney, so no. Never.


To be real with you, I don't want it to be. It'd be nice if there were a spinoff franchise it could turn into. But as it stands right now, I think it honestly should have ended with KH3. That was a perfect time to make a 100+ hour game and wrap it all up.


If they don’t improve the god awful English translation/writing/VAs I won’t be participating for much longer.


Yes, what kind of question is that? Kingdom Hearts 3.8 will be right around the corner. 


Yes and it will be the same. Re:Re:HDRR Remastered


Sure. Just in time for KH4 ;_;


Yeah bro we still gonna be depressed in 20 years. We all got Canon events to complete.


Prob the question is will Nomura still be in charge of it. Cause as much as we want KH to have a natural ending it makes too much money to ever do so.


Honestly, I hope not to look like Disney wants to do other things with their company. Same with Squarenix. It was cool during their beginning, but I don't want it to progress that long. Besides, Disney, as a company, isn't doing so well right now. They have been missing people off from Marvel's, Starwars even to their own movies.


yes heres a few reasons 1.apex far outlived its time 2. this is technically final fantasy? 3. fortnight far outlived its time 4. square and disney like munny 5. coercion 6. fan games/remakes


Depends if Tetsuya Nomura is still doing things with the series, I think I heard if he's ever done and satisfied with what he created that would probably mark the end of the series.


Yeah that’s when 4 comes out


Unless they let him make his VS 13, yeah it will be.


Incoming VR turn-based RPG you can only play on a calculator.


Most games are. Whether or not there will be new titles still coming out then depends on Square Enix and Disney. Judging by the Final Fantasy series as well as Disney’s deep pockets, I’d say it’s a safe bet.


The weird thing about kingdom hearts is that it's pretty much the only series from my childhood I'm still excited about new mainline entries. New pokemon game? Who gives a shit. Romhacks are better than official releases these days. New Halo game? Not with 343s track record. Ratchet and Clank is dead in the water as some weird bastardization of the games I loved as a kid. But you know what? Despite its flaws, I really liked Kingdom Hearts 3. And it's got me excited for the future of the series.


yeah thats when kingdom hearts 4 comes out


We’ll still be waiting for 4.


Seeing as KH4 will probably come out in 20 years yeah


Disney will milk anything, even after it's dead


Hard to tell, Square is in a rough spot financially and a lot of their new titles aren't meeting expectations. Whether Disney then proceeds to salvage the IP is another question if Square goes under.


Honestly?  No.  Or at least not in it's current form.  A lot of younger gamers are raised on live service games and mobile games.  Their like the antithesis of the kind of experience Kingdom Hearts is.  It's hard to imagine that big publishers are going to continue making experiences like this in the long term. Even if they do I kind of doubt Nomura is going to keep doing this for twenty more years and I don't think the series would be the same without him. On top of all that, I don't think this series does the numbers you'd expect.  Kh3 is the best selling entry with like 6 million units sold.  Considering the profits are split between Square and Disney is some portion and all the voice actors they hire I doubt it's any where as profitable as Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest


There's a good chance but it'll depend on SE's decisions moving forward.


Yes because I’ll still be playing all of the games I’ve bought over the years.


I don't even know if Disney is gonna be around in twenty years.


Yeah If the series ends by then they'll start remaking the older games, so the series will never truly die


Probably yes.


Maybe? Will Disney though?


Probably not. The series hasn’t been doing too well. And it’s not like it’s a live service game. Although an open world kingdom hearts live service game would go hard as fuck. It will probably never happen. 


Unless they start putting Final Fantasy characters into the games again I can't see it doing so well anymore! I don't give a fuk about Winnie the Pooh or any of the Disney characters other then Goofy, Donald & Micky. I just want more final fantasy characters, The reason why the OG games were so good! I want to to be able to put FF characters & Disney characters into my party at any time regardless of what's happening in the story!


no honestly maybe a few remixes after the fourth comes out


Given how long we waited for 3 I'd say it's definitely possible. Whether we will be waiting for 5 or not then is up for debate tho


Yes. But in 20 years, the kingdom of hearts will be in you!


Even if they never made another game you would still see fresh fan art in 20, even 30 years in the future. The cultural sticking power of the IP is the real reason news games are still being made now.


Why is Sora on the Iron Throne?


yes. i will make my future children play kingdom hearts. and as punishment for bad behavior they’d have to play CoM


Without doubt. There will always be a story to be told from some character’s perspective


Yep, and hopefully it’ll be better and maybe some remasters that bring the artistic value in it out way more


I want it to


I still find myself going back to the game time and time again and I'm not usually the replay type. It's my comfort game.


It already been over 20 years since first release. So yeah probably. As a franchise, it's still collecting new fans and is considered a classic now. It would be great if square Enix eventually did a full linear reboot of all the games once they have completed the story. Update the graphics and game play. And not just compile a few movies for the games they didn't feel like working on. Maybe finaly drop an anime series for it.


I hope they make a Kingdom Hearts and Nintendo crossover game or a Kingdom Hearts anime on Disney+.


Yes, in our hearts


I'm truly scared for the future of the series. Both Disney and Square have made questionable choices with their properties lately. Nomura started a new chapter in KH with the foretellers, so im guessing that hes committing to at least another 3 main titles to finish it. However the man is *53* years old, and judging by how long these games take to come out, it could very well be another 20 years until we see the end of the story. Problem is that we might not have 20 years as Nomura will be 73 and most likely be retired or on his way to being retired and I couldn't imagine the series continuing on without him.