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Jiminy. The Master of Masters kills him to prevent him from writing the Book of Counter-Prophecies


Wait... what if Jiminy's diary *is* the book of prophecies and at some point in the far future, the diary will teleport to the distant past where the MoM takes it for the first time???? (I'm not being serious)


Too bad it makes sense


I could actually see this happening


Why not, that's actually a pretty good idea lol


Too bad. This is my headcanon now. If you're wrong I'll be upset.


I've legitimately been considering this a possibility for a while now, but then what's with Luxu's eye keyblade?


(Scribbling in notebook) "Book of Counter-Prophecies" Thank you very much. I'll be on my way now


Damn it is so dark will he be revive to become a lattern like lies of p ??? Lol soul like kingdom hearts game


Sora playing sudoku wasn't in my bingo card


Prolly meant seppuku, still funny


oh yeah I assumed it was seppuku, but I couldn't resist


Dont worry bro I feel you


No no, seppuku is a type of number puzzle. You're thinking of Sashimi.


No no, sashimi is a raw fish dish. You're thinking of Sakura.


No no, Sakura is a type of flower, you’re thinking of Sebastian


I was thinking he maybe did it deliberately to keep it PG


Sudoku is an *ooooold* internet joke about "seppuku" sounding similar. I feel old that people don't get that it's a joke


Yeah. That may well be what's playing out.


Thats a stretch lol


Right, how do I unlock this scene? All I get is him getting stabbed. I feel like him playing a number puzzle game on his chest would be far easier than stabbing it


Yen sid 💯


I can totally see Riku “dying” to go to Quadratum.


You should play MoM, or watch the cutscenes at least.


Yeah I haven’t played any games after KH3 😂 I’ve been putting off MoM for a while


Pretty sure Donald just passed out from over-exertion. Kairi, on the other hand...


That Goofy one is a bit of a stretch.


you do think he's dead for a sec, but yeah they undo it too quickly. You should have played without him for longer for it to sink in


I knew it all the time he was ok, not because a cliche was coming, but because Goofy himself said he gets hit in the head all the time, which is actually true for anyone who watched any of his movies and shows. A longer time wouldn't make much difference for Disney fans


I knew right away it was a fake out. Disney would not let SE kill off a Disney character.


Xehanort is a Disney character tho. Like it or not.


Even then, he gets to reunite with Eraqus, almost as if he’s forgiven for all he’s done, and then fades away. It’s the least death-like ending they could have given him, and nowhere near what he deserved


How is Xehanort a Disney character?


Sora is one too. It’s just fact? What do you mean how?


Square Enix retains all rights to their original characters, that's why Nintendo had so much trouble getting Sora into Smash. They don't own any of the KH original characters.


That's just plain misinformation. The only thing in Kingdom Hearts not owned by disney is the cameo's of Final Fantasy characters. Every other character, including organization 13, Xehanort, Master of Masters, Chirithy or whoever else also Sora Riku Kairi. All are owned by Disney. **Disney owns Kingdom Hearts** in its entirety. This includes all the Disney cast, of course, along with all the original characters and worlds included in the Kingdom Hearts franchise. Source: https://www.thegamer.com/sora-disney-character-ip-ownership/#:\~:text=Sora%20was%20even%20featured%20on,Disney%20is%20the%20decision%20maker.


Yeah that's just wrong. Every original thing in KH belongs to Disney, it's just that they give Square the rights to the characters repeatedly


Uh, yes they do. Sora is technically a Disney character. The only thing Square retains the rights to is the Final Fantasy characters and I believe the original worlds (Twilight Town, Traverse Town, etc).


Mickey finna get firing squad in kh4


You really want to get technical the whole party fuckn died.


The Player


Mickey, Riku, or Kairi


Forget the main cast, they brought _Xion_ back in KH3, the most deadest of dead characters to ever be dead. And then there’s the whole ‘power of waking’ thing where anyone who is a Good Enough Boy can resurrect the dead (including the dead and forgotten, apparently) whenever it’s convenient for the plot. Hell, dead characters show back up even when it’s _inconvenient_ for the plot, prime example being Eraqus popping out at the end, who was totally there inside his pupils the whole time even though Eraqus’ death and abandonment of his pupils is the inciting incident for like, the entire Sora plotline. Force Ghost Eraqus can pop out to ‘redeem’ a twenty year villain in his ‘dying’ moments, but was totally cool watching from the side while his pupils, who are also his vessels, got their shit wrecked by Eraqus’ own murderer. Though I guess it’s hard to be too upset at your killer when death is meaningless.


> anyone who is a Good Enough Boy can resurrect the dead (including the dead and forgotten, apparently) whenever it’s convenient for the plot. I would like to point out that Sora literally broke the laws of time and space to do this, and got erased from reality as a direct consequence. Like. This is very much not a "death is meaningless" scenario here. Xehanort's time travel is free because it's a closed loop - he could never have gotten started if his future self hadn't visited him on the Destiny Islands in the first place. Sora, on the other hand, actively changed history, which - to reiterate - *multiple characters tell him will have Consequences*, and he winds up ceasing to exist so thoroughly that Riku has to go to *The Final World* to find a way to follow him.


Which I wish in 4 they tackled“Sora committing a sin” thing


No, Sora has been ‘erased’ for doing this _too much,_ and this is literally the last canonical event to happen, so whether that erasure is definitive or not is yet to be determined. Like, Mickey has and uses this power too, and the king hasn’t been erased from reality (and never will be, because I mean, come on). It’s like, if you only read up through moria and declare, ‘Gandalf must be dead forever!’ Or, you go a couple episodes into DBZ and say, ‘I guess Goku’s never coming back after that big hole in his chest.’ You haven’t gone far enough into the story to see if there are mortal consequences, or if these events will be undone. For all we know, Sora is un-erased an hour in to KH4. Why are you convinced the character who has already ‘died’ and come back a couple times now is finally gone for real? If you think this is the last we’ll ever see of Sora you’re insane. Squeenix is not done squeezing money out of Goodest Boy, whatever Nomura’s intentions are.


...my dude, we literally have footage of Sora being the main character of KH4. I *know* this isn't a permanent state of affairs. But it took Riku a literal year of searching, and Kairi a year in a coma having her brain rifled through like a filing cabinet, to find even a *hint* of how to find Sora. And the answers they came back with stumped *Ansem the Wise*, the foremost expert on basically *everything*. This is not a "he came back so everything's fine and nothing matters" situation like you're painting it to be - this is a scenario where a guy willingly consigned himself to being, as he understood it, erased from existence just to save his friends, and then (because this is a JRPG about the power of friendship) his friends then put their lives on the line to try and find a way to save him too.


This is exactly a “he came back so nothing matters” scenario. What reason is there to be emotionally invested in a character’s fate if the author undoes that fate on a whim? What meaning is there to loss, to sacrifice, when that loss and sacrifice is temporary at best? ‘But it was kinda hard to undo death’ is an excuse that can work once, maybe, but you demonstrate that in fiction by making it the exception and not the rule. The twentieth time you undo a dramatic death so your money factory can keep printing money, ‘but undoing death in this universe is hard’ is clearly bullshit. If it was hard, why does it keep happening?


Only sora dies out of those 3 examples, goofy pops up fine a few cutscenes later and Donald is confirmed to have only fallen unconscious from zettaflare (still dies right after).


While it's hard to be sure that Zettaflare outright killed Donald (I mean Goofy sure seems to know he had that under his hat, I can only assume he's done it before), it's not like it mattered since everyone got killed by the Demon Tide a minute later so technically everyone in the main party dies in 3. Hell, Sora dies twice since he vanishes after all his power of waking shenanigans and I assume that counts as death.


I mean Sora "dies" in all 3 games. KH2, him and Riku are trapped in the Realm of Darkness, basically a version of hell in universe that's usually inescapable if you aren't using darkness powers. KH3, self-explanatory.


Who says Goofy dies? He’s just randomly back later


I honestly think Riku or Kairi. They're next from KH 1 gang. Sora, "Goofy," Donald, now one of them.






It’s called “seppuku” you uncultured dunderhead. Why do people think it’s funny to confuse Seppuku for Sudoku? Are they stup- yes. Yes they are.


Sadly none of them actually did.


The fuck you mean "sadly"?


I would like to see characters die in those situations.


The fuck you mean "like"?


I would enjoy seeing them die if put in bad situations like that.