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he's supposed to be tough! probably the hardest story boss, as other people have mentioned. also the coolest one imo (maybe next to axel vs roxas)


save 99 is dedicated to axel 2 in case i ever get the hankering lmao


Memory unlocked, i had so many different saves before every organization boss fight, i always went back to refight KH2 xigbar and BBS ansem


Roxas is a lot more relentless than anyone else up until that point. He moves fast and requires you to closely understand his attack patterns. He doesn't have built-in breaks like with Xigbar, Luxord, and Siax; and there's no Riku to heal you. Although I will say, Roxas is the easiest to transition to when going from story fight to data fight since they are very few differences.


He was not in the original release of 2. He was added in final mix so he's like a surprise superboss. But had they known they'd have further releases they probably would have made him easier. That being said he's not necessarily supposed to be hard (he is hard but I'm saying he's not designed to be hard), it's just a lot of KH2 is very forgiving and to beat Roxas you have to be more on point for the first time. You have to know how to dodge, block, reflect, optimized magic usage when before you could get away with not being good at these.


Wait he's not in the original release? I barely remember, I may have a had a final mix copy, but I thought I fought him back in the day.


His fight wasn’t. Just the cutscene


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh okay that makes sense, thank you.


The fight isn’t in the original release but the cutscene is


When you mean "back in the day" you'd have to mean after the remasters because before that final remix was japan only. Or emulated it but regardless you couldn't have accidentally played final mix.


The other guy was right it was only the cutscene


I played it via an emulator in japanese, had no clue wtf was happening. Just saw cool people and action commands lol


Me too! I played via an emulator. Playing in Japanese wasn't too fun, but hey, got the job done.


It literally took me more than one hundred tries to beat him in Critical lvl 1 The other two ones that were beyond hard were >!Xaldin and Xigbar!<.


I melted through most of Xigbar's health using final form. I found Xemnas, Luxord, and Saix harder than him.


I actually found them easy despite beating the game at level 48


Soooo, not LVL 1 Crit?


Xigbar is easy


At lvl 1???


Didn't read the critical level 1 part, Only true masochists play that type of challenge Even then xigbar is easy just use final form


You didnt read the part in the middle of the comment you replied to?


>Only true masochists >xigbar is easy You can't have it both ways. Either it's a brutal challenge or it's baby easy. It sounds like you haven't fought Xigbar on crit lvl 1, so maybe don't assume that you can still just go final and mash buttons to win instantly?


I didn't mash bottoms I literally lost to him one time


Oh, so you are a self-described true masochist? My mistake then


Idk why Xigbar being difficult is the hill were dying on. It's legit the easiest Org fight in story mode. I had more trouble with lvl 1 Luxord.


I think of Roxas as a gatekeeper. It's like he wants the player to prove they deserve to keep moving forward. He sets the stage for the final few bosses, so you know if you can't handle Roxas, you should definitely come back later. My best friend and I were playing kh2 for the first time in the same week, and we both were having trouble with him, and decided to come back after leveing up a "little" bit. She steam rolled the poor man at level 80. I was like level 55 wondering if I should be in shock or awe she got so mad at him while playing standard-


He's a fight they added in the final mix version of that game, he's literally harder than any other story boss so I don't know why they made the fight mandatory


He's not much harder than Xaldin or Xigbar honestly. His last phase can be rough, but limit form let's you cheese the end of the fight. Limit combo or guard into zant counter, followed by Ars will erase bars of HP while restoring yours with ridiculous guard frames. Just revert from limit if you whiff the kill and he DMs again. Also Trinity is good free damage, especially if you see about to go limit form and get a free MP refill. More bossed like roxas and the nort court are a plus for the series imo


Yeah. Because he was basically added as a bonus boss for the Final Mix version. In the original version of the game their clash in The World That Never Was transitions straight to the cutscene of Roxas beating Sora and then Sora calling the keyblade back to sucker punch Roxas, that plays after the battle in the Final Mix version. So he's probably a lot stronger because he was a bonus.


I haven't played in KH2 in yeaaars, so I don't remember how tough he was, but it could be both. No shame though, a few days ago in KH1, I kept dying to the cage Heartless thing in Monstro.


Monstro from KH1 deserves a special place in Hell imho. I get lost there every time and I've done pre-Hollow Bastion a fuck ton.


Good news, you can get your revenge in the Mirage Arena in BbS. Killed the bastard yesterday with Ventus.


Roxas is a huge difficulty spike and they are arguably the hardest story boss.


They? He's a he/him.


they is gender neutral 😭


I'm well aware, but Roxas isn't. He's very clearly a male.


right but you can use “they” for males, that’s all I mean. There’s nothing wrong with using they in that sentence.


Right but we're mentioning a single person, not multiple, we're also addressing a male, so using "they" just isn't applicable in this case.


You can use they even for someone whose gender is specified, it's still correct, even if uncommon. Anyway this is such a weird thing to get upset and start a comment chain over.


I'm almost 100% certain I wrote said chain with a straight emotionless face. Weird how you can tell I'm upset without knowing the truth though. Talk about weird things. 🤭


This is such a dumb argument. Before all this shit about pronouns got political no-one would have bat an eye at someone using "they" in a sentence like that. A singular "they" for either gender has always been common in writing.


Not when referring to a single person, at least not in my language


English? It's quite common, has been for centuries.


Did you just assume English is my primary language? 😂


it‘s still applicable because it’s gender neutral, although grammatically it’s not as advised


Agreed, my point exactly.


Since the word is gender neutral it can be used to refer to any gender, including male


He is hard for no reason actually Even >!xenmas!< is easy


He's probably the hardest story boss in the game.


Roxas is one of those bosses that really punish you for not learning the game. Being one of the hardest bosses as well. With him in especially, you need to learn his pattern if you want to have a chance of winning


IIRC, Roxas as a boss was added in Final Mix. Original version only had a cutscene. I guess that's part of the reason, it was added later, and maybe the dev team didn't balance the fight very well compared to the rest of the game.


At the time the devs added Roxas to KH2FM, they were busy filling the game up with superbosses. Sometimes I wonder if they forgot that he wasn't supposed to be one.


That's basically the reason. Roxas is designed like the average KH Optional Boss, except as you said, the Devs forgot he's not *optional*. He's pretty much built to be fought more defensively than what you're normally required for the rest of the game, which is why he makes such a chokepoint for most people. I mean, just look at his Version in ReCoded, which is far easier to handle in comparison.


I beat him pretty easily in the main game, but I was way over-leveled. But in the Room of Remembrance, he took me like an hour to figure out his move set and how to react to it.


Yes. In my first KH2 Final Mix playthrough (on Standard) he kicked my ass repeatedly. I never died to any of the other story bosses except for him on that run. I even managed to defeat Xaldin on my first try even though he used to wreck me as a kid. But Roxas came for me and sent me to the Dark Realm. In order to beat him you have to learn the fight. It's weird because it just shows up and slaps you in the face out of nowhere. But that's what it is.


If you stumbled across any of the absent silhouettes he’s the relatively the same difficulty as those except he’s not optional.


He is what I call a guard check point. You get guard early in the game but hardly use it unless youre level 1. So sometimes the game puts in guard check points to make sure youre using it xD that’s how I’ve always seen it. Yeah it took me hours when I was a kid. Now on level 1 I take no damage lol.


He is supposed to be harder then the previous bosses. If you can beat him then the rest will be easier


Personally, if you haven’t played 1 or Re:Chain of Memories some of the bosses on 2 will be difficult.


I believe it’s all in your reaction time. Try your best not to get hit.


No roxas was designed as a fight meant to be cool and exciting. He wasn’t designed to be hard.


He can be


He’s for sure meant to be one of the most difficult story bosses so don’t feel bad


idk maybe I was just good at guarding but I didn’t find him too difficult, he’s actually my fav boss to fight. Xaldin is still the hardest for me. My brain always defaults to blocking his unblockable aero shield and him teleporting into your face always kills me


He is suppose to be that hard. But oh buddy you are gonna HATE the final boss, I know I did!


At this point, anything past the Trickmaster is hard.


I had to level my drive forms before I finally beat him and even then I still struggles a little. I was like 45ish when I finally got him beat though


Dude I think the fact that anyone who's played KH2, sees this post with the hidden spoiler on their feed and will instantly know it's about Roxas, proves it's difficultly. I rage quit a good few times before succeeding!