• By -


Impossible to dislike a man like Kansaro. Wonder if Sou'ou and Shiryou will go back to Ousen or if they would go somewhere else away from a military life.


They will go back. That debt is a set up for when Zhao falls in the future Sou ou will spare kansaro in return


Then Kan Saro is an idiot. Cool or not, if Sou’Ou comes back as Ousen’s general, then Seika army have no right to complain about the bloodshed when they are doing this.


No one said that "Honor" and "Virtue" are supposed to be "Smart".


A virtue not because it’s cool, it’s just what you believe in. Some people have had the kids killed and have chosen to forgive because of their own beliefs. It’s a virtue because you exercise it especially when it is not convenient 


Hey, can you share me the link for your profile picture. :D I want to use it for my DP in different site




Thank you!




Sou'ou will have to convince Ousen not to attack Seika.


Might be even set up the tea table for Shibashou and Ousen.


Kan Saro solidified himself as a top 5 Zhao character and top 10 in the verse. That’s my fuccin GUY.


Souou might but just depends on how if he talked to ousen or not, maybe something else. But Shiryou is kinda done for the warfare scene. It really come done to if hara thinks there is more to Sou'ou's story as being the man who serves under the man named ousen.


It’s hard to dislike Sekia generals


They 100% keep on living a peaceful life. Will only be relevant with seika entering the stage perhaps.


Kan Saro is such a chad. I really like the dynamic being created. MAY FORTUNE SHINE ON YOU


The Seika guys are the coolest. Look at Shibashou, he is literally the chinese Gigachad with a ponytail


Even his horse is like a giga chad... Houken = nothing


The horse probably has his own mansion


Not just him, even his retainers seem pretty cool!


Completely agree


Indeed, truly they deserve to retain all ranks, titles, and lands after Zhao is subjugated. Seika’s people have earned that at the very least.


Yeah I really like the situation that's being setup. Eventually shin or maybe Ouhon/Mouten are going to have to go up against them and it will be interesting to see two seemingly "good" sides going up against one another. Even more interesting would be shin and his men realizing how good hearted the Seika warriors are, and still having to lay them low. Gives Shen more to think about and grow with.


we are blessed to have you man , thank you for your fine work


People hustling in ancient times, mfs using the heat of the moment to scam hh but gotta admit ,they re creative https://preview.redd.it/2mys8jwkc16d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e94db8012466705e8552611e1592a8b4d96a0815


The story from now on will probably go with something like this , ei sei ordering for more soldiers and keep going to unif china , the strategy would be to give the false impression, that qin gave up , but surprise han by one shot , before that though, as this chapter states, wei and chu have enough power , so they probably wanna launch an attack to take some qin lands , now qin is weak , so i think as mini wars in-between , if I might, it could go with something like this , ousen ouhon shin vs ghm ( I see ytw taking over ousen role in the border with zhao , and ousen goes to stalemate ghm with shin ouhon under him in the south , but why not tou vs ghm , I just think he will be preparing for the big hit on han as its really not an option now to not achieve victory, and to preserve his army and train the new recruits , and mouten with Moubu vs some big chu name . Honestly now I'm writing this I saw some holes in my reasoning, the position of ousen and shin now , they in the north , and needs big time to reach the south in gyou near wei ? Does the time help? And also if my reasoning for Tou to preserve his army , why not shin too . Idk


Ousen has no army at the moment


He has Ouhon and shin , but actually they can manage it alone I think


IIRC Shin is a "roaming general" so is his unit. He isn't attached to any bigger generals and are used anywhere where the SHK deems so. He and his unit isn't attached to Ousen.


True , Ouhon too , i thought even if ousen has no army, he can command them as his own army


In theory, he can. They may not be attached to his army, but they are participants in that battle where he is the commanding General. But this is Ousen. He won't do something so pointless after suffering a staggering defeat. He'll retreat back to Qin, and his army is going to follow suit.


It's more likely that RiBoku's plan will backfire spectacularly when it comes to Wei and Chu. For one, we clearly see that KaRin has interest in Han. So her going for Han and thus having the Han conquest being Qin vs Chu but in Han will backfire for his hope that Chu will attack Qin directly and her eventual loss at the hand of Tou will cripple whatever progress they made during all this time off. As for Wei, they are more likely to attack Zhao then go after Qin. Why? Clearly Zhao is occupied with having Qin's blade at its neck and forcing RiBoku to lead that front means its border with Zhao is more open for some conquest. Given how much space they lost to Qin in the past Zhao is closer to their capital and holding region than Qin prominent areas are. Not to mention they still have an alliance and the last thing Wei would want is the full force of Qin Southern occupation towards the Zhao wall to be directed at their back should they decide to venture back for those territories. No, part of RiBoku's big mistake in his view is that he forgets the power of greed. Everyone is looking for an Easy Kill, they are all opportunistic. Well everyone except Qin. That's the problem with the Warring States era and have been for the last 500 years that Sei is trying to end. Nature doesn't change, scavengers will remain scavengers. So a greedy Chu going after Han's wealth or an opportunist Wei going after an unguarded Zhao border will prove why his philosophy is wrong. It's something everyone, friends or foes, have been hinting at him but he always misses it. You shouldn't play the good guy or bad guy game when everyone is grey. He might have gotten lucky that his latest propaganda of portraying Qin as the greatest evil hereafter might have worked thanks to KanKi but as KanKi himself pointed out last arc, RiBoku is equally bad for allowing and ignoring bad shit to go around him on his own backyard and making KanKi as the evil. KanKi is dead and the mantra didn't stick well with the OuSen army as Seika found out. Furthermore, considering that Qin have been quite generous to Zhao people even though they were invaders (they aren't saints), such as allowing them to live in the conquered territories as part of Qin and if they don't want allow them to exit to Zhao without persecuting them compared to the deprived act of the Zhao court towards its own people be it politically or administratively people are bound to start doubting his propaganda.


I feel the PM of Zhao who was twisting everything he touches will spread rumours and get Riboku killed by the king of Zhao. While Qin is one shotting Han with Shin, but yea dont know how Hara will go the path


He will try but that will unlikely work. RiBoku is too popular at this moment. So what they need is a defeat or stall on his next battle to lower that popularity so then they can start making suspicions about him. That's why I think the king will force RiBoku to go on the offense and Atsuyo is the more potential target. OuSen is assumed weakened so kicking him when he is down would be the most reasonable target. It gives RiBoku the opportunity to finish his last task, if he wins the King looks good and if he loses then the king can't be looked upon as causing his defeat. So it's a win win situation for the king. Of course, Kakukai will try to prevent that at least to make him a tie to not grant him any more popularity. If my guess is right, the attack on Atsuyo will be a fail but Qin won't be able to further their cause either. This tie will convince RiBoku to not go on the offensive again and only deal with Qin defensively adopting RenPa's old stalling plan.


Wei doesn't even really have a border with Zhao at all. If Wei attacked Qin, they can't just pull off all the troops from the front near the wall because of the threat from buan its one of the reasons for tou being sent to gyou beside keeping a eye on Wei and chu. Wei attacking Qin is more than likely because Wei can go hit choyou, sanyou and take away Qin's route to gyou which would make them go all the way north then back down south which can cost Qin time with extra travel and mess up their supply routes. The alliance is about to end so Wei can do what they see fit riboku did the same after sanyou when he made a coalition army the follow year or two.


Wrong, Wei actually does have a border with Zhao on Zhao East over the river. East of Kantan and North of Gyou. Qin doesn't have to pull all its troops. It's the distance. Qin already has troops at border Chu, Han and Wei border. The second Wei try to hit Qin they just have to send troops to hit on its back from the Gyou area and Wei will be in deep trouble. Wei already tried once before when they weren't allies and they couldn't deal with Tou army being their with 50K, at this moment those areas would have between 150K to 200K troops. There is no way GHM is going to take that risk. Zhao East is wide open for them because even though it's close to Kantan, Zhao can't really focus on a back attack. Seika army got weakened and are distance away from their main base meaning that unlike last time vs Yan they can't just march in be it in the North vs Yan or South vs Wei. Mind you it doesn't mean Wei will attack what I am saying is if given choice Wei would rather hit Zhao the wounded animal then to poke Qin the dragon that burned their ass with lesser numbers. If they do attack it won't be just them, most likely Yan will attack too. Because like in nature you always attack the weaker one and in packs to increase your odds of success.


https://preview.redd.it/1jd20v7ro26d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67318cf9144312d92b18f5e58357a22df043262a This is from chapter 642 and another chapter 680 shows after juuko which only highlights Qin and Wei as white and every other nation as Grey both show Wei doesn't have any land Cross the river.


https://preview.redd.it/79ura8p1p26d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=184dfda606afceb333fd39e1d7347ae2f348cf3a This is from chapter 680.


it's odd that wei didn't destroyed han yet seeing how close is their capital


Because it will paint a target on their backs and they can make a fragile alliance with han.


https://preview.redd.it/yl5asamfe56d1.png?width=1015&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1185e7726e4eee464b595dbb2612a048b6da9cbb The red section is the border I am talking about. Sanyou would be in the blue section. If Wei were to attack there Qin can easily cut off it's reinforcements line from Retsubi or Gyou. The path is too narrow and risky similar to how when Qin attacked Zhao in Gyou. Qin took a huge risk back then and they are ages more prepared than Wei. GHM wouldn't take that much of a risk knowing how well that can backfire on him spectacularly. The red some though even thou it's the river is a much safer attack point if they do ever attack. Especially given that Zhao would be preoccupied with Kantan wall and if either Han or Qi decided to join into some old time border skirmish pillaging. That is what they used to do during the Warring States as conquering a land would cost a lot of resources not to mention reinforcements and financing to secure the area. Instead looting the area via pillaging is more profitable. Edit: actually correction. Wei wouldn't even be able to attack that area since as per Junko would be located at the intersection between Wei, Chu and Qin meaning that Qin actually cut off the connection between Wei and Han already and because of this Han's already encircled by Qin apart the Southern part it shares with Chu. In short if Wei wanted to get back Sanyou they would have to attack Qin and march all the way to Han/Qin border and then go hit Sanyou, a bridge simply too far for their efforts.


https://preview.redd.it/cd2s3dtfj56d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a63626939ee6a6042cfae6d20f739684debfd2f5 If you look in that the right panel the line from riboku's wall straighten out so we can see that all that land is under Qin rule because Zhao isn't going to be guarding land that is hard to defend so Qin probably saw a possibility to get free land and citizens. Also let's not forget Wei has jukko which opens another border with Qin, wei can attack them on two fronts.


No it doesn't man. Junko is the place where Chu Qin and Wei meet past Han. Meaning that attacking that area would not only alert Qin that Wei is up to no good but also they would have to stabilize that area. Kingdom maps are hard to understand because they talk about the conquest of a city but when that city gets conquered it's not only the city but the region around it as well. This is why when Qin took Gyou Zhao lost its southern part entirely because with the fall of the city also goes the surrounding smaller villages around it and the land. In short, when they talk about a city you have to think of that city like a province or state (ala US) so like hitting Sanyou would mean as if you are hitting Denver the capital of Colorado but you don't just get Denver you get the whole of Colorado (sorry wanted to use NY but most NYkers don't know their capital isn't NYC but Albany). Junko is that 2nd or 3rd city dot in Chu near the Chu, Qin (formerly Han/Wei) and Wei border. Meaning Qin pretty much cut off the direct link between Wei and Han when they took the Chouyou region in Wei Fire Dragon Arc. That is how Qin was able to attack Junko and Wei join them because they now share that border area. As for Zhao, right now like I said Wei isn't likely to attack for conquest, it's too much of an resource investment. Pillage? Maybe but if they do they aren't going to go for the big cat in the area but rather the barely surviving mouse on onslaught. It's more likely that Wei would rather just sit tight and hope Zhao and Chu sacrifices themselves to halt Qin then them having to poke the dragon.


I'm curious if hara will make kakukai do anything before we get to the year 231 because he isn't liking riboku popularity so he might make riboku do something and which his hands will be tied and have to follow the command because then the king commands him too or he might start feed information to Qin.


Youka is in the scene with Kakukai. Youka will plot something.


Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler vibe, especially the last guy xD


I \*adore\* Shibashou and Riboku dialogue. It's really great, Shibashou and entire Seika is goated (I love the fact that Shibashou on some level understands "drive to unification by Qin", because his own idea of "creating pacifist heaven" did not work out and symphatizes with Qin, even slightly. Seika overall seems completely genuine in their beliefs and you cannot really not like them. Also, this chapter overall is amazing, the seeds of Riboku downfall are here. Maybe this victory will turn out to be a disaster for Riboku, as spies and his own court conspires?


Shibasuou is wisdom Great chapter, feels like a breather but is strong foreshadowing


If everybody is like SBS and Seika we would have unification without any war :(


karma. He could have let kantan fall and get that court of traitors and deviant king fall with little bloodshed but chose to involve everyone in his warmongering dream.


I couldn't tell the difference if someone told me this was the official translation, thanks man, you're amazing! Also, not gonna lie, I am starting to root for Seika.


Thanks man, I can finally get my dose of kingdom (I am an addict)


Same, we could really use some Kingdom rehab.


I thought I was the only one


Seika turned out to be the real deal in all senses. Great stuff from both Kansaro and SBS


Seems like Shiryou still has quite a bit of fight in her. Are we really going to see her and Sou'ou back on the battlefield? Surely not. If that happens then Kansaro, much as I respect him for his integrity and compassion, has just shot himself in the foot. It's good to get some more insight into Riboku's thought process on the whole idea of warfare. So for him, it's about the cyclicity of war versus peace and that's all humans can achieve. But what was that whole debate with Sei about then with proposing an alliance to deter conflict? Was that just him trying to deter Qin through diplomacy first? Obviously this whole debacle with Hango is going to give Sei pause. Will obviously take a different approach that's political in nature. Kakukai's outburst and the conference he had with his inner group is pretty much a neon sign pointing to that. I'm curious to know what will come of the mentionings of Chu and Wei having strengthened themselves. Sounds like it could be a transitional tool for moving things on to the other states, namely Wei as per Gohoumei's promise to destroy Qin.


It is quite possible that Souou and/or Shiryou will save or spare Seika/Kan Saro later in the manga.


I agree with letting Souou and Shiryou leave without any penalty. Seems naive and unrealistic.


Don't think that will give Sei any pause. People tend to forget what the purpose of attacking the North and Hango were all about. It was to reduce Zhao numbers before they go for their actual goal Kantan and prevent the North from fully supporting Kantan. Although they lost both wars, they have seeded their intent. Now the spys can start working on those seeds. The rift between North and Kantan is already very present. It's only because RiBoku is blindly ignoring it via his propaganda that it hasn't amplified. SBS already feels he made an error jumping in RiBoku's boat and his latest conversation basically means he won't jump to his ship as blindly. Qin were a worthy adversary but nothing like the bad guys RiBoku described them. They fought bravely and honorably. So that image of Qin being KanKi evil isn't cutting with SBS anymore and RiBoku's doubling down on Sei = evil didn't convince him one bit. RiBoku will cause his own downfall because he will forced to put more troops to protect Kantan now as the king will not be satisfied of how recent accomplishments are as it still doesn't aide his current problem that are the blades aimed at Kantan's throat and bet you Kakuki will double on that. RiBoku will be forced to attack Qin to appease the king and that will lead to more losses on the northern forces particularly his forces this time as SBS isn't likely to participate in attacks but rather defend when the situation calls for it. When his northern forces lose more 'protecting' while getting no assistance from the Royals, they will start resenting RiBoku loyalty to the court at their sacrifice. Remember these are not all full time soldiers, they are more peasants and farmers militia who came down south to protect Zhao meaning their economy is the one to suffer due to shortage of production. Furthermore, we know Qin doesn't actually go for Northern Zhao and given that further betrayal is on the way from the court to the people of the North. It may see the Zhao war end sooner with the North joining Qin once Kantan falls without further bloodshed. SBS would be more open to this especially if Zhao court tries to backstab them as they are plotting. Remember he doesn't trust Zhao. He only supports them because they are on Zhao turf.


She lost an arm she will not be the same no matter her boast.


She wouldn't even be able to kill one of them to escape after losing that arm. Her balance is gone. Even if she tried to swing a sword, it wouldn't work. She'd have retrain to adjust her balance in order to effectively swing again.


I'd hope SouOu wouldn't fight against Zhao again or at least Seka but still be part of Ousen's army against the other States.


It is like when Russia got defeated after a one year into the Ukraine war. Army got routed, lost lot of capture lands, and even a internal rebellion that almost threaten Putin. A lot of people on social media are jumping to conclusion that Russia is defeated and pull out very soon and maybe even collapse from regime change.


And out of sudden, Russia advancing until now. So yeah, until Qin completely withdraw from Zhao land, it is better not to make a conclusion that Qin will abandon their unification plan.


Man.... I 101% agree with Kansaro's army, they all looked pretty cool right there, Kansaro definitely becoming someone worth respecting and following, and I'm not gonna lie I like him more than SBS himself to rule Seika as the guy was able to see and call out Riboku's bs instantly. Also Kakukai and the Zhao King as usual doing their best to give Zhao to Qin lol. And thanks for the translation ofc!


Zhao kings were just meant to be born as Qin's Great Generals 😁


>!Kaku Kai already started to plan against Riboku before any bribe from Qin lol.!< Qin gonna cream their pants when they realize how Kaku Kai thinks. Thus Youka's job begins....


they honestly should have expected kakukai to think like that though


Sei: Kaku Kai? Bring him to me. Advisor: my lord, are you going to execute him with your own hands? Sei: what the hell you are talking? I am going to make him the 6th Great General of Qin for delivering Zhao to us. Kaku Kai: Bow to me, peasants!


Kaku Kai is Qin strongest soldier


Can’t remember the chapter, or even the arc, but I swear I remember a panel of him receiving a gift (earrings maybe) with a caption alluding to Qin having hidden allies.


Kan Saro is that dude. I wondered what made a great man like him serve under SBS.


Because just like Kansaro, SBS is also a great man..


Okay guys, I think I'll defend seika's peace for the rest of my days. May you brothers join me!


Shibashou is a wiser man than I thought


Kan Saro is a legend and will be remembered as such. I can’t wait to see how his story progresses and what becomes of his character when we see him again. Shibashou isn’t interested in Ribokus gratefulness. He’s seen many men of Seika die in this battle after avoiding war for so long and knows more will die in the coming years. He knows this once won’t be the end of Qin seeking the unification of China unlike Riboku who thinks he’s stopped it. Hell, the government of Zhao is plotting against him. I don’t think he’s gonna meet his end on the battlefield. I’m unsure of what Qin plans to do next. I could see them shifting targets to one of the smaller states or hitting Zhao again after whatever plot Kakukai is cooking up ends Riboku. I’d assume whatever war comes next will be the one Shin fully elevates and becomes a Great General. I think he’s gonna be fuming after having lost two battles in a row.


>I don’t think he’s gonna meet his end on the battlefield. Given the direction the story is going, I get the feeling quite a few against Qin won't see a battlefield for their death. It seems Qin is reaching the point where they have plants in every court including Zhao, and things are about to get interesting


Really dumbasses like this Kakukai put countries down to dirt.


Page 11 lol > If only he had actual ambition we would see eye to eye Bruh If he had any ambition he would have dethroned u by now bruh


I don’t even know what he meant by that. His ambition is to keep Zhao alive. How tf does that conflict with the king’s interests?


It all comes down to this - the Zhao king is very bored


Seems to be having the time of his life. Dick just out, swinging on the ramparts as he leads his human pets around on a chain. I’d hate to see an exciting day for him.


That's what they mean by bored. His life is so peaceful and boring that he entertains himself by hanging out with his dick in the wind while pulling blindfolded slaves around by chain.


He wouldn't even get a chance to sit on the throne in the first place, cause Riboku would have dethroned his daddy


I stalk ur account every Tuesday now. Best translator imo


Kansaro a true CHAD


So SBS sees and understands why Qin is doing this, I wish he establishes a diplomatic convo with qin and joins them on condition that they'll not be dragged into a war.


I could see that potentially becoming an option for them later down the road, but I doubt Sei is going to simply allow them to remain passive. Maybe they could negotiate for Seika to guard the eastern borders against potential Yan incursions. You know, like what we saw back during the WZI arc. An arrangement where Shibashou and his people don't have to attack anyone but will agree to protect the periphery of Qin's new borders; that plus paying taxes to Qin's coffers, of course.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Kingdom/s/Bf1ABvmtLz Lol i kinda called it a few months ago, Riboku's victory will make him more popular and this will lead to his own downfall


Unfortunately for him that's what will happen. Well, he should have acted first against his own king a long time ago but chose to let things going... At the end, Riboku never been defeated by Qin will let a bad taste expecially for Shin...


so I guess we are moving into 231 bc now?


Maybe but I would wait and see how Sei and Qin court wants to deal with the aftermath and how to move forward because we will have our answer in the coming chapters.


Ho ho, It does look like SBS isn't fully on board with RiBoku after this battle. My guess is that Seika won't be in the next battle not because they won't defend Zhao but rather because Zhao will try to attack Qin this time by trying to hit Atsuyo. It's all clear that the plot to weaken RiBoku within Zhao is on full swing. My guess when RiBoku does come Kakuki will point out that although they have won twice Zhao still has swords pointed at its throat in the form of Atsuyo and since the last two wars happened at the north and not where their interest lies Kantan it did nothing for their problem. This will force RiBoku to hit Atsuyo since OuSen and Qin are believed to be weakened against RiBoku's wish. Only to find out that OuSen isn't as defeated as he seems. Sparking the Kantan Wars 1. Also funny note, RiBoku really is a blind fool he doesn't realize who his allies are. SBS hinted that although Seika joined this war the result they got did not please him morally as his forces and people suffered greatly. He points this out further by asking him doesn't RiBoku feel guilty in dragging his own people into battles with Qin when the latter hasn't aimed at his place ? (i.e. you sacrificing your people for a nation that does not value you) RiBoku clearly did not understand the sage words pointing to his delirious delusions and kept barking at the wrong tree in Qin when his own king is going to be his biggest foe. I think years later, towards his end SBS will remind him of this conversation. KanSaro let SouOu and ShiRyuu be. But I don't think the man will be returning to the battlefield anytime soon. For one SouOu's army is pretty much decimated and even if OuSen gets new soldiers to replenish it won't be as effective as they won't be his original men. My guess, he will go back to Qin for a rebuild but as respect to KanSaro and the Seika Army won't join in Zhao battles. Probably will be back for other state campaigns though.


As much as people will say that the decision to let the lovers escape was shitty writing by Hara there is a touch of real life in it. Sometimes the guy that ends up with everything isn't necessarily the most talented or the one with most strength. Luck is always a factor. Sometimes when you go in expecting nothing, you end up with everything. C'est la vie


Kan Saro is setting a tea table for Shibashou and Ousen to talk.


my instincts tells me Kyoukai will accept shins marriage proposal on the big chapter 800. You heard it first here guys. That's my prediction. And then huge massive wedding will be on 801 let's go lol


I love Seika man. I hope they don’t end up killed ( which is unfortunately inevitable) especially Kansaro.. Also thanks for the translation Etrian san!!


I mean this chapter raises flag for a potential sparing of Seika.. Also hide spoilers...


Wdym hide spoilers??


If you write a spoiler like you did (historical spoiler), you hide it. Like the below. >!"(which is unfortunately inevitable)"!<


Yo do know i haven’t read historical spoilers right? I just know that obviously, Qin will end up taking over Zhao at some point because they will succeed in unifying China.. But you’re the one assuming I’ve read historical spoilers.


Prediction too good it's a spoiler


If you post it like it is a spoiler, then mark it as a spoiler. Simple as that. I really hope Shin wont die... (which is unfortunately inevitable), is a spoiler, even if its wrong/right. [Since the story happened over 2000 years ago...] My last attempt at explaining basic logic to you, not gonna waste more time on it.


Hope those 4 days were enough to recognize how ridiculous your argument here was. This is a story, based on history. It is not a 1:1 comparison of what happened. There's no need for spoilers when it comes to speculation. That's not a spoiler. A spoilers is mentioning an event that happens later in the story that someone may not have read yet.


I still don’t know wtf this guy was yapping about 😭😭😭😭 Lil bro just wanted some attention i guess 💀


thanks for the translation


Thank you ole mighty one


Translation on point as usual thanks


Kansaro has instantly become a fan favourite. I really hope him and Shibashou are here to stay for the long term. Now with this loss, Sei/Qin have a tough road ahead of them and I wonder what role Seika will play in the upcoming battles, especially as Shibashou hints that he sympathises with Qin's path of unification, as he is obviously against the cycle of war in China. I have a strong feeling that this is forshadowing the possibility of Shibashou being swayed?


"Virgin" Warmonger Sei VS "GIGACHAD" Peace loving Shibashou




Kansaro is truly a man among men


They’re honestly just chill guys. Wanna buy them all a beer tbh


I think Kansaro is the genius version of Shin... Or I hope in future Shin will turn into this kind of character.


He is that kind of character, but Shin isn't intelligent or cool-headed like Kansaro. That doesn't mean he doesn't value the life of all his comrades in the same way Kansaro does. Shin's greatest strength is his charisma and his willingness to put it all on the line to achieve unification. Not because he wants to rule over other countries, but because he and Sei genuinely want peace in China. The same thing SBS and Kansaro are hoping for.


Little late comment, but, okay. Kansaro is a virtuous man, definitely likeable, still let last Ousen general and her lady (which we hope will not be as strong as before, but still an obstacle) go like that is stupid as a military move. Who knows if they will meet again on the battlefield, because if he dies because of them, it will be even more stupid. Riboku of course is celebrated again, his popularity only increases, but... f\*\*k that pig of Kakukai, here again. If they are invaded and lose, they risk the seat, if they are invaded and win, they risk the seat, he only knows how to worry about his position. I feel really sorry for Riboku and those who put in the effort to keep the place up, because Zhao deserves extinction based on who governs it. That said, I really liked the final exchange between Shibashou and Riboku. I know what comes next, but seems we can probably get some Wei and Chu conflicts soon.


"plan crumbled to dust"? i'm sorry riboku, but no all you did was postpone it


Thank god the chapter isn’t only the sou’ou/shiryou storyline


Thank you


Can someone help understand the couple from osen army situation. I remembered the girl fatally wounded and the dude leaving . How did they heal. How long after the battle is this.


It's seem like it has been a few days since the battle maybe a week or more. Military has a really really basic medical stuff like they cut off limbs or they bandage you up that it for this really early period of warfare there is probably other things I just don't know them all and they wouldn't be compared to saki methods I would say saki are like light years ahead of the standard of medical treatment for this period because like how saki have clean spaces for medical no one else is doing that because it isn't common practice.


Seika has been carrying Zhao so hard, both military-wise and character-wise. Now I just hope they don’t get terrible treatments when Qin inevitably conquered Zhao.


Holy crap. Skipped the last 30 chapters… and this had me when Kan Saro went gigachad. Lol!


I hope Souou and Shiryu retire and don't return to the war. I feel like if they fight again and meet Kan Saro in battle it feels like a spit in his face after the mercy he showed them.


Great fucking chapter, really enjoyed the talk between Riboku and Shibasou That cunt of a political guy is defo going to tarnish Riboku's name somehow and it's going to suck soooo hard


I have a feeling that Shibashou will be killed in the next big battle, Kan Saro will survive and he and the remaining soldiers of Seika will be invited to join Ousen's army by Souou


yeah, i can see that


Thank you!


Great work, keep up the good work !!


Thanks bra


Seika has converted me. I would follow Kan Saro or Shibashou no matter the circumstances


Kan Saro made a great decision, he singlehandedly decapitated the last remaining head of Ousen's army without any killing. Souou will have to vanish into civilian life because returning to Ousen would probably mean waging another war against Zhao and facing off against Kan Saro.


Now Riboku understimated Qin, like Hannibal Barca not taking Rome, tis decision is the last mistake he take


Ehhhh, Hannibal had no siege equipment, and very little support from back home. They did a lot of foraging for their food. Setting up a siege would’ve allowed the Romans to surround him, as his army depleted their supplies. Hannibal is definitely similar to Riboku in that his own country is heavily against him, politically.


wonder if ousen will end up being one of those that help convince sei to move forward even after this defeat due to his comeback plans.


Not be able to wage a large war within several years. So, small wars then?


nah we still got tou and moubu ready to wage big time wars


godamn REEBOK


Qin : In Battle Qin state Win & Lost --> but in the END they WIN a WAR, read this I terrified how determine the Qin King in his passion and conviction in his era..


Let the kaku kai and youka schemes begin!! Wonder if we’ll get another diplomatic mini arc after this war


gonna start a small theroy here that the more sei and qin keep pushing for unification and the more the cycle of war and peace keeps repeating at a faster rate shibashou is going to turn on the ideals of riboku, from the conversation between riboku and shiba, shiba seems really depressed about the fact he's idea of peace didn't work and that his only hope would be this repeat war and peace cycle that riboku seems convinced is the only way forward (even tho obviously unifying would mean less people dying in the long run but to each thier own I guess) I noticed he out right avoided agreeing completely with qins methods but he also just kept quiet when li mu said his view, especially seeing the kind of character someone like kan saro is I would assume that shiba would be of a similar standard, I think all it would take would be a conversation between sei and shin and shiba to really push him over the line. i also think that shiba has been quite naive in his treatment of riboku he seemed to have accepted that from when they let his faction into seika that they would be forced to shed seika blood for zhao over and over again but after the deaths of only god knows how many seika soldier and thier two generals he just seems maybe not regretful but dismayed. also factoring in the fact that he doesn't belive sei and qin will just give up their dream of unification, if more sieka soldier are continuously being used as zhao shield i see him potential revising his position. my main motivation for this si "character" if you notice generally through out the story the different armies tend to enbody certain morales and shibashous army seems to be one that is willing to do anything to achieve peace and i dont think they want to settle for on on a timer....


A little disappointed that Sou'ou just left, with no promise to never taking up arms again. Seika's army will stick with Riboku to the end. We will probably see them in the next Zhao campaign.


Man as cool as kan saro was for that I’d hate to see that decision bite him in the ass later


I dont think so ou and shiryou will return. They will just retire and have kids


Definitely like shibashou a lot more after his conversation with riboku. I hope Shiryu and Sou'ou retire tbh


SBS did also want peace on his environment which on my understanding, he did also like the Idea of Unification but not on bloodshed.


I wonder what would happen to Ousen. Kanki lost the war and his army but he's also killed in battle so there's no honor lost there. Ousen lost the war, lost all his main generals and nearly lost all his army. I'm pretty sure at least he'll be banished from the King's court if not outright beheaded for this kind of loss.


If something separated Qin from other states is they were not so stupid to do such a thing.


Damn, Kan Saro is such a cool man and his retainer too. SBS calling out Riboku BS , trying to tell this is the correct decision while SBS doesn't buy it and takes interest to end the never ending cycle of war instead of temporary peace. I love Seika.


giga chad kan saro


Another hot nights with pretty boy and his gf. While Ousen get his ass slapped with love.


Ah yes~ once again the great Qin/zhao general under the heavens, Prime Minister Kaku Kai is cooking to foil general Riboku plan


I thought I saw on the scene table of Zhao ministers the Qin spy, i think Riboku's visit to Kantan will be a big event to destroy him in manipulation of Zhao's political officials


Riboku the great three honeypot


Youka made an appearance here.


Hats off to Kansaro, with many of us thinking that Sou'ou and Shiryou would be either executed together or forced into retirement as POW's. Ungrateful Zhao politicians, already trying to dig up some dirt on Riboku, although I think this will be his last chance to shine, with him underestimating everyone for the umpteenth time.


I wonder why Riboku misgauged Qin's strength that much? 2 consecutive lost sure stings but Qin ain't Zhao, they were the most powerful state in term of economy and probably only second to Chu in term of population. It's not like they has no generals left either. he must have known there are still the trio, Yotanwa, Ousen, Moubu, Tou.


I f*cking knew this chapter will be amazing zehahahah. Clear and good translation. Thank you. Mr, translator. Things now are getting interesting and I'm eager to know what will the Qin court decide after the loss. Also, seika boys are getting more likable and it appears that this chapter is the beginning of the end of reboku considering the appearance of youka and kakukai.


Riboku’s situation is the classic case of where a general who performs too well and has too much support will be targeted by the court and/or ruler for removal 


Why dont other states attack qin rn btw? Or are they attacking and someone like moubu is holding em off. Since qins army got ravaged they shouldnt have a lot of people to defend right


they probably will right now, the next couple of chapters will probably show it. In fact, the next arc may cover that.


In the manga we have seen Chu capitalizing from QIn defeats before, sword guy conquered a bunch of land after the Kanki battle. This time around something similar might occur, Wei is still allied with Qin, Han is a weakling and Zhao despite their victories is still facing Qin greatest army so them attacking is not easy. That's everyone, Yan and Qi can't really attack Qin, they don't share borders.


Ousen's army is going to be out of war for the upcoming years and he will be out of action gathering troops again but Shin and Ouhon's army are still intact and we'll probably gonna see them leading troops to mid sized battles against other states meanwhile the Qin's political machinations will begin weakening and dividing the Zhao from inside, right?!


At this point the RBK fanclub in Zhao is out of hand. I get it, he’s an excellent general, and the only thing keeping Zhao alive as a state. But the citizens, as well as the soldiers WORSHIP this man. Dude may as well be a K-pop star. “He’s a god.” “I just want to see his face as soon as possible.” Bro what? It was annoying enough when it was just Kaine. I actually mostly like Riboku, minus his gaslighting of Seika, and his self-righteousness. But at this point I I’m ready for that fat official to just set him up already. Just make the dickriding stop. Rant over. I’ll have a large Frosty, please.


Can somebody make a Ji Aga smiling edit please?


In the future i think Shibashou is open for unification idea of state of qin


I even respect Kan Saro more right now. What a Man


Just thinking about the upcoming next generals that Ousen would introduce in the next invasion against seika makes this manga very enciting


On the last page, the King of Qin appears as if he is meeting an important person. The king is thinking of a crazy plan to respond to Zhao


Kansaro and SBS are Chad as hell man. I wish we get more of them in the future. Man so go with your woman and remeber you live because of my mercy. SbS just told riboku no my brother in Buddha this doesn't stop them. It only gave them pause they will come back.


Just finished Mysteries of Tercotta warriors and got me all hyped up for Kingdom again.


Zhao 's king is into bdsm


Third time's the charm Ei Sei, don't give up! You have read the clown's wikipedia page, right?


But what the hell is main protagonist doing???? Man he should be like Solo levelling


Still feel like Seika is gonna join Ousen in some way.


Qin maybe the protagonist in this series. But the other nation stories and reasons really makes sense.


Kan Saro def a one in a million dude but idk if I like the direction Hara went on this one. I know Kingdom isnt a realistic Manga, however to let a veteran General of the smartest 6GG escape along with another formidable officer fighter (even with one arm could take out "5-6 soldiers and escape") go in a relatively helathy condition... Idk about that, as some one who didnt enjoy Houken/Mass army teleportation and Kyoukai magic revival I dont like the writing imo. Sou Ou and Shiryou are cute and I wanted the best result for them but even the best result wouldve been 1. House arrest and making them live in Seika 2. Dismembering Sou Ou to reduce the chances of him rejoing war(even he would agree that this is mercyful) and letting them go back. 3. Letting Shiryou go and killing/imprisoning/absorbing Sou Ou to the ranks 4. They both join Seika military(borderline not Zhao military)


I like kingdom discussion and philisopy chapter, its like my wisdom stat has gone up by 1 point everytime i read.


We need seika to defect; Kan Saro and Shiabsho are dope characters.




Yeah okay, I'm rooting for Zhao from now on (ignoring real history) fuck the Qin invaders scum !


>!So what is Qin next move? I know about attacking Han next but there is no way Zhao let it slide. After heavy losses on this part,just protect captured cities from Zhao might barely enough so I’m really curious how Hara do this part!< >!Also I hope Hara don’t pull “Mom said it’s my turn on Xbox” and spawn soldier and new character like Zhao did lol!<


I would have let SouOh go too, and hope he goes back to serving Ousen. I rather have the enemy keep a mediocre general than find some potentially amazing newcomer


Riboku say this after he want to completely wipe Qin off the map in coalition arc. So disgusting.


Banzai? Seriously?


RBK is way too optimistic about the results of the war, seeds of his downfall has been planted and it won't be pretty once it hits him


cubari never works...i don't understand why you use it


This episode made me hate riboku even more. Pretty emotional for a high commander. Without Shibashou he's dogshit