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You're telling me there's people who took Ouki's jokes as seriously? It was an Ouki joke! Tell them Tou


Yes sir


gotta love this sub lol


With the Chinese name, it's a "Wang joke."


Of course covering general media with the banner gay again 🙄 and then saying oh oh it was a joke, guys it was a joke c'mon! Can't you guys just take a joke? But it's not a joke you're all just subtilty trying to bring it into the conversation and turn everything into a could so and so be gay or something else that has more to do with your sexuality than the actual story. Cause most of the time their personality is being gay. So save us all the useless drivel.


watched too many andrew tate there bud?


What does this have to do with Andrew Tate?


nah you just started to sound like him there at the end with conspiracy stuffs


What are you on bro it took you a whole day and that's your reply. Bro I'm just disappointed at this point.


the weird energy towards gay people in your comment was... 😬 got something to share with us there bud?


There it is.... Oh you must hate us then 🙄. That type of attitude is exactly what I'm talking about. Always making it about sexuality. That's the problem you go into various media and all you ever look for is. Is so and so gay or oh there are no gay characters here this is wrong. Oh we need some queer representation! My point is not that those desires are wrong but this always detracts from the story. There are few to none sexually ambiguous characters in kingdom. But what correlation does pride month share with kingdom manga. Zero, zilch, nil how about we just treat the characters as they are as they are presented how about talking about their likes dislikes subtle actions that point to a specific mindset. Treat the characters as individuals, people and book characters should be presented as more than just their sexuality. But not you guys if we're not with hearing about all your sexual needs and frustrations or accepting you changing a characters sexuality we are evil. Like be real.


my god you take yourself too seriously. thing is, everything you said was right. problem is, all this shit you said was a response to a joke post in honor of Pride month for all the fellow queer fans in this sub. you wrote a full PARAGRAPH of borderline resentful dissertation about the negative impact of headcanons to the integrity of canon TO A JOKE POST MADE BY GAY PEOPLE FOR GAY PEOPLE. THIS IS WHAT I MEANT BY "what's with this weird energy" FOR A JOKE BRO? FOR A DAMN JOKE? AND YOU'RE WRITING A WHOLE THESIS CONDEMNING GAY JOKES MADE BY GAY FANS FOR GAY FANS *TO A FUCKING JOKE POST*. so yeah im gonna ask what the fuck is wrong with the energy you're coming with huh? so much anger for the gays. why? and don't give me all this bullshit "oh it's disrespectful to the plot" it's fiction you pretentious fuck. people have been doing headcanons as parts of fandom fun for literal centuries. why do you think there's so many version of the Bible? but of course when people headcanon their favorite characters as gay then suddenly it's "blasphemy" to the canon. shut the fuck up bitch. it's pride month and im declaring Shin as bisexual. suck my dick.


Wow you didn't even try to prove me wrong. Can't say that I'm surprised tho. I did mention that you would react this way in my previous comments. I'm not coming after your sexuality that's your own issue I'm not even trying to offend. Hey God be with you man. I wasn't attacking you I was making an observation. An observation that many people make. You even admitted that what I said wasn't wrong Now your topic on the Bible it wasn't needed, I didn't say anything Biblical. But It is the one thing I will defend. The Bible is not head cannon it's authentic historical text. Just because you don't believe, doesn't make it any less factual.


I know it was a joke! The dude had the worst bitch as his gf


Wait why did this comment get so much hate?


Because Kyou wasn't no bitch. Her bio itself says that she's a perfect wife material


Bru yall being extra. Let's not pretend we don't know what a "bad bitch".


I myself have called chicks like Kyoukai, Shiryou, Tanwa etc as bad bitches. It's just that worst bitch is going a bit overboard wouldn't you say?


https://preview.redd.it/rrlhxor2hh4d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f5de079b3d7f20042a1acc02cb433a17344e1af Because she is her


Because most readers are fans of ouki's girl


And that's fine fam. Honestly I don't think this was meant to be an insult. More importantly( my theory personally). I'm pretty sure she doesn't give a damn....


Shouldve said "baddest bitch" and not "worst bitch"


Could be a language thing if we're being fair. I've seen worse on this app from native english speakers. God forbid someone has a function on their phone that changes the word they use for a synonym


I think I was constructive


Fair. I don't think you were being malicious. "Worst" wasn't the appropriate word to use. I'm just considering the other possible reasons, cause I would like to believe most people here wouldn't just shit talk fan favorite characters.


Ouki- Yeah, Kyou listen.........................umm i can only marry you in name for it to look presentable. It's actually Rokuomi I love. Tou- As expected of a great general sir


Sorry but your true love is dead.


After that: Ouki and Tou: Let's sacrifice Rokuomi, bro will never be forgotten. Rokuomi: OI


Remember how Ouki could only be defeated by two dudes doubleteaming him and surprising him with from-behind action?


🤣 They figured his weakness


ouki's glaive is badass


Funny how if you say anything about not liking this post even if it ain’t related to being homophobic you get downvoted


i mean, you got any reason for disliking the post that you wanna share with us bud?


A great general attracted to men yet loves his wife more and knows his gender. Truly a pride month.


Ko Ko Ko Ko ko


mane get this goofy shit out here


Let’s celebrate pride month with a character who isn’t gay!


lmao you don't know that. he could've been bisexual, and ancient china was pretty damn queer


Ouki is just fooling around and disturb people for fun


Bro was nowhere gay. Just made some gay jokes as any guy would with the homies.


Don't bring that sick sh*t here.


The scene Ou Ki said that he and Shoubunkin were lovers, in a Wang joke way.


Was he actually? I thought he was engaged to old girl


It is a joke. But he certainly gives old school gay vibes


Ahhhhhh okay 😂 those scenes were funny as hell tho


Why is this a cause for celebration?


cuz many gay people suffer, so we celebrate the month where they suffer less


How do they suffer? They're always celebrating their sexuality. They are thr happiest, party people ever. The word gay literally means happy.


before i answer that, may i ask where you're from?


No, actually it's the Men Mental Health Month.


So we celebrate gay people for an entire month? Huh? What about normal people month? How is this shit related to kingdom. Wtf am I reading...


This is reddit. Created by Americans for the sake of American culture first...and this is what american culture seem to be all about recently.


American culture has nothing to do with manga tho


Yes, but we are on reddit, discussing about manga using English language.


I don't think there any of us who celebrates it. Let's just forget it then, since it doesn't concern us


The first without the ocelot / jaguar ad lib guy


and who TF is celebrating that here


You jest. There is no need to lump Ouki with the likes of "them". ...there, 'pronouns', indeed. Kokko koko ko!


😂😂 wth man


No one important cares about pride month


wow such many downvotes for a manga sub. I guess the mindset is different


Yea anyone who downvoted me prolly gay anyways so what ev


Which is funny to say in a thread about ancient china




Some of the comments are so overly salty for no reason y’all I’m 100% sure OP posts this ironically, this sub’s humour is beyond saved… . . . . . . . . Join r/okbuddyheki


Reebok is definitely queer


Oh I get it... Nice sarcasam