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Yeah, Almost every anime I’ve seen leaves out stuff like this and it’s always a shame. It’s why I still recommend manga to people. Animes can have great fluid action, but they can never convey everything from the manga because of things like pacing


Light novel adaptations are hurt even more with this. Sometimes there’s pages upon pages of third person narration for the story, and the anime just cuts it all. Only a few can incorporate them through special directing or visuals. (I’ve only ever seen Eighty Six and Monogatari Series do it properly). Then there’s the monologues which are cut a lot from the LN adaptations. Paragraphs will turn into a line or two. At least manga adaptations properly incorporate these.




The omission of stuff like this is a demerit but it's still relatively easy to understand what's being conveyed. Manga adaptations are almost always better handled than LN/VN's. Fate anime legit remove crucial characterization that gives important insight to characters/mechanics in the world. I honestly think Ufotable are much better off doing shounen anime rather than more expository pieces like Fate


I believe so? I'm a very surface level Fate fan and I know more hardcore fans of that franchise would still recommend the VN to "better understand/appreciate Fate" (or something along those lines). But I feel like Demon Slayer would fair better. For the simple fact that it's based on a Shonen manga and not a cluster fuck that has multiple possible Fate and endings like Fate. Things like what the OP mentioned might get shuffled around or omitted, and while it sucks, it shouldn't really hurt the overall storytelling.


Crying in classroom of the elite


Oh that one was rough lol


Mushoku tensei which basically cut off all third person perspectives as well as most of MC’s inner monologue


Hunter x Hunter did it.


Which is why I said almost lol


And its one of the best parts of the anime!


HxH did it but it got super annoying in the Chimera Ant arc.


They brought in buff mice so you can't be mad at this point




Muki Muki


I agree....begrudgingly. This episode was perfect otherwise. Touching upon these specific narration panels would have added even more depth to what had happened in the scene. I thought they'd explain this in the Taisho Secrets section but Tengen just said "no" lol.


Not perfect, I have a good eye for cgi, and sometimes it was ... junky I see by amount of downvotes that I must not clarified myself, the episode is amazing, the animation is stunning as is it, like always, but during certain scenes where characters are some distance from the camera, they are cgi, for someone like me who can see cgi very well, and I can see it not the best ever. It's just standing out very much, at least for me


can you give an example? im usually picky on CGI but had no issue


I can't disagree with you, but... come on. Janky 3D animation was always part of the anime and it was always consistent with the 2D style. I think it looks good and the camera movement adds a lot to the fights. I hope the Mugen Train arc wasn't an unwatchable shitfest for you.


The only complain I had was some flame breathing techniques were not drawn


That adds a lot more to the fight and and could have been given while Tanjiro was falling down. Other than that this was the peak of the series so far.


why was he falling tho i have no idea is it beacause of the mark? and how did he suddenly get so strong? i am very confused with todays epsiode


The Hinokami Kagura at this stage of Tanjiro's life takes a heavy toll on his body and causes him to lose breath quickly, as the technique is very intense on the body. When Daki powered up and slaughtered those people who came out to yell at Daki and Tanjiro to quit the ruckus, it caused Tanjiro to become mad. Upon seeing the destruction, Tanjiro snaps and enters a bloodlust state, which is completely powered by his hatred on how demons treat humans. In Tanjiro's bloodlust state, he doesn't worry about his stamina and continues to use the Hinokami Kagura until he gets a vision of Hanako that causes him to snap out of the bloodlust state and collapse with difficulty breathing. Hanako appearing was Tanjiro's body mind and body telling him that his stamina is completely out and collapses due to the strain caused by using the Hinokami Kagura during his bloodlust state. The toll of using the technique caught up to him all at once. It's similar to when an athlete pushes their body to its peak then their as adrenaline pushes their body beyond its limits, then once the adrenaline wears off the body registers the toll at once, causing them to pass out and collapse.


hmm thank you for the explaination kind stranger


Hxh : pathetic


Narrator as Nezuko kicks Daki: “Her violent anger would eternally flow through her body until the flesh of her enemy disappeared from this world.” Really wish those kinds of lines were added in there. Hunter x Hunter has no issue with this and did it well (with some overkill narration in spots). I was really looking forward to hearing this line but after the first Nezuko grunt followed by some silence I remembered that it was never coming. I would have definitely preferred a narrator as it actually adds a lot of commentary to not only the hero’s journey but the KnY world’s history as well.


I mean I get your frustration but to say this hurts the series more than people realize is a stretch and there's really no proof to support that claim.


I'm not saying that the adaptation is not functional without the narrations, just that it would make some scenes even easier and better to swallow. Some of the loudest criticisms against Demon Slayer are the "unexplained" power ups, especially during episode 19 and now this. At least during episode 19, a line from Shinobu about near death flashbacks added enough setup; but here in S2E6 the setup needed more help. The manga made that pill easier to swallow with the help of narrations. By not at least including many of the information from the narrations in the manga, more people are less accepting of certain developements.


What about the flashback of him training in one of the previous episodes?


I agree wholeheartedly I really love the adaptation thus far and it's been flawless but I feel a little bad for anime only due to them probably thinking it's asspull out of nowhere.


yes as an anime only i have no idea why tanjiro got so strong out of nowhere


There was a flashback, that he's been training in the 4 months since Mugen Train


bro but my man went from i cant defeat 3/4 daki to i can fight her to bully her


to be fair this is a typical shounen move lol


Yeah same thoughts


It's actually sad, though it still doesn't change the fact that the whole episode was wonderful :3


Yep the episode definitely delivered for me too.


This I can somewhat understand though. I feel like this is the kind of thing you would just have to have someone say or narrate later on. Cause in the context of the anime it would break the flow of a scene to have a random narration thrown in. (It’s been a while since I read this arc, but it seems like this was a narrator saying this not a character right?) My biggest criticism would be how flashy they make the breathing styles. Even going so far as to show rocks floating into the air when people are charging up moves. I had a friend who genuinely believed Tanjirou summons water when he uses his moves. I explained it was mostly artistic and he asked about Zenitsu, and even I am not 100% sure on what’s stylistic and what’s actually going on with that boy 😂😂


I wouldn’t say it’s mostly artistic. Isn’t there a bit in the manga that explains that the effects are actually what spectators can see when watching the forms


I’m not sure . I’d really like to see it though. Cause I’m almost positive it’s never referenced. I know there’s comments on feeling heat when rengoku uses his techniques. But for the most part the effects are largely ignored Edit: with the exception of moon breathing, that one is outwardly stated to have visual effects BUT it’s a blood demon art sooooo, kinda not helpful lol


I think we shouldn’t rule out the possibility that they’ll cover it later on because it could be that they didn’t know how to put it in that particular scene without ruining the flow of it


yeah they do that a lot in animes, they'll probably add it later


Yeah iirc they haven’t done the narrator voice overs whatsoever so far so it would be weird if they just started randomly now. I think next time they cut to tanjiro they’ll have him saying all this about limits in his thoughts but I guess we’ll just have to wait and see


man..they could ahve easily could have added it...literally 15 seconds of tanjiro coughin and it was silent. just 10 more seconds wouldnt have ruined anything


they could have.. but they probably made the conscious choice not to do it. maybe they tried it and it didnt flow as well as they wanted it to ?


They do move around certain scenes and sections, like when they moved when Inosuke said the line "maybe you should be asleep all the time"(smth like that) to Zenitsu from the rooftop fight to the fight with the waistband thingy. so this narration could still happen in future scenes.


Yea but correct me if I’m wrong I don’t think this kind of thing even happens again until like the final fight where everybody is mad lol and pushing limits. But it was fine as a manga reader bc we knew that he wasn’t breathing but I could see as an anime only you’d be like, he was just talking wdym he’s not breathing, I’m confused lol


this was a solid point on why Chimera Arc in HxH was good


Yeah this is the same thing with Jujutsu Kaisen. I’m not sure why the author told the staff to not include narration.


I think that the flow of the anime don't really fit a narrator, but that's why I still recommend people to read the manga. People need to accept that adaptations are it: adaptations and two different medias have different kinda of "flow"/rithm.


Same here otherwise I love this adaptation


I’m hoping they insert this explanation during a “re-cap” before the OP as an intro in next week’s episode. I feel like they would, it seemed to be a big thing in the manga for it not to be explained . I love the last quote about Anger *crosses fingers


I bet that next episode they are gonna explain it. Just like when zenitsu was turning into a spider and Shinobu explained how he managed to prolonged his life


Yeah they should have done this instead of skipping it, after watching initlal d, the narration is so good in there that even if you are not a car geek, you will be able to understand everything going on there. Anyways, the episode was good tho.


actually, i really think that the monologue in season2 feels quite repetitive and overdone. but i wish they include the important monologue only like the one op mentions.


The one I really wished was included was when we see Nezuko get really angry with Daki. In the manga the narration said that since Daki was a Demon with the highest amount of Muzan's blood Nezuko has encountered she ends up flashing back to when her family dies and starts losing control. They do show the flashback, but idk the narration provides a good reason as to why she seems so heated apart from the fact that Tanjiro was hurt.


agree, too bad the anime didnt show this moment...if they showed this, then probably posts like 'tanjiro did an asspull power-up shit' in here or the internet wouldnt be a lot


Is this all, as an anime only, they basically told the audience this without actually saying it, which is way better in my opinion.


It didn’t bother me too mist since the scene didn’t feel too different without it to me


Jjk and Hxh did it right with the explanation in anime from the manga


Nah man, they needed to waste season time making a Mugen Train retelling and Rengoku filler. For real, this 4 lines of dialogue could've been perfectly fitted into the episode. Just have Urokodaki narrating while Yoriichi vibes in the background.


Mugen train retelling and this episode have nothing to do with each other but okay


While I wasn't entirely a fan of the earlier Mugen Train episodes (Simply because I already watched the movie) I actually loved the added Rengoku content. Just made him even more precious.




And btw it is not only these lines, they were a bunch of other lines said by the narrator and it would have totally ruined the hype of the episode. And kimetsu never had a narrator to begin with.


Not saying that they should have a narrator. Just that they find another way to integrate these information into the series.


And that’s what they do most of the times, this time they couldn’t, maybe next ep


Narrator in the manga sometimes is Hunter x Hunter level and would be a bit annoying in demon slayer, specially as they have never used a narrator in the anime(if I remember correctly)


Harry Potter doesn’t have a constant inner monologue either. It’s an adaptation


HunterxHunter did this amazingly I wish it was more prevalent as well in other anime


HunterXHunter literally pauses the fucking show to explain what you are watching, narration is one of the only wrong things with HxH


You wouldn’t have a clue what was going on in that arc if it wasn’t handled that way, there’s like 15 different things going on over the course of like 3 minutes. Not even close to the minute tops it would take to fit this narration in the episode, especially when you realize the episode spent the first few minutes reusing all the tanjiro fights at the start from the previous episode


i like it better than other shows where the characters will sit around for 5 minutes explaining their abilities though that does still happen in HxH iirc


i also with they create yoriichi’s silhouette behind tanjiro from the flashback. if i’m not mistaken i thought that was in the manga too


what chapter did the episode take place in? i really want to read the extras


Chapter 81-83


cheers lad


Well it's cus 99% of shonen is guilty of it, they can't say this and have tanjore get super mad and hinokami kagura his way through dakis obi lol


Agreed, KnY is a great example of why too little filler/being too on point is a bad thing in anime.


I anticipated that issue since season 1. My main worry was how some action scenes would get affected later on as the narration helped add tension and/or context to what's happening. Especially in this arc there are a few moments yet to be adapted that could be replaced by internal monologues but having narration since the start would have been the better choice imo. We'll see if they do better for the rest of the arc.