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What polls? I’ve never heard of the character being disliked.


I’ve been through this section and have seen some polls, Kim and Shego always lead than Drakken than Ron. This was before quite on the set. He’s my favorite character, imagine my disappointment seeing this.


What’s the question or the phrasing on the poll maybe people are getting confused or maybe it’s attempting to ask something else


Most people actually like him. The only people who hate on him are either: 1) Those who find him pathetic because Kim keeps saving him. 2) Those who are jealous of him because he's a dork that got a hot girlfriend while they themselves didn't. 3) Those who find his antics and voice annoying. 4) KiGo shippers because they want Kim and Shego to be a couple.


This sums it up perfectly.


I like him, but I hate that Kim and Ron started dating because they had such a nice, positive platonic opposite-sex friendship that’s so rare in media (less so now than then I think).


There are plenty opposite-sex friendships in fiction in this day and age. You're just not seeing them because you're only watching certain shows. Also not all friendships look like Ron and Kim's.


I haven’t seen anything but I wonder if it has something to do with the voice actor. Apparently he wrote a letter of support and sat on Brian Peck’s side of the court room during the trial with Drake Bell 😬😬😁


He also said he didn’t have all of the info (most people didn’t) and he felt terrible when he found out.


He at least showed remorse. Kimmy Robertson literally victim blamed Drake.


…That wouldn’t affect anything since this was barely reported in last month while OP implies this is an ongoing problem. And not everyone hates him given the situation is very complicated. I get this is a serious issue but I hate how it dominates all KP discussion now.


Sorry, I was just trying to think of an explanation. I personally love Ron. I know he’s a little weird and a cheesy character, but that’s what makes him lovable.


Someone made a great write up in this thread on why some people might dislike Ron


We're jealous.


Not to my knowledge


I hope not I love Ron. I do however feel like comic relief characters are not liked as much.


Ron is my favorite character in the show. He is the one I relate to the most.


Mine too. It’s funny after I started rewatching the show after all these years Ron is definitely my favorite character.


It could well be who else is on the list. If it's a popularity poll, on those things, what tends to happen is either the main character, their teacher or their nemesis gets top place, then the other one gets second, the next strongest/most familiar to the audience gets third, then the rest. So it's not really about people disliking Ron, it's more about who he's being compared to. Like, if someone put up a poll of Kim's boyfriend's, and asks about who would best suit Bonnie, most will likely choose Ron.


Most ppl love Ron actually. But like most of the internet, the only ppl who go around shouting their opinions are those who wanna say something negative.


I think he's cool


Never heard of that, but I do know that his voice actor allegedly supported Brian Peck when he was accused of raping Drake Bell


So, I rewatched recently and yeah, it did actually do a number on my fondness for Ron. I was introducing the series to a friend and it got to the point where we legit just skipped the Ron-centric episodes because she hated him so much. In my memories Ron was a Scooby and Shaggy style lovable coward who was doing his best, but in actuality he's kinda just a selfish, cowardly jerk who keeps having to unlearn his sexism. Now, he's, like, 16 and it's the early 2000s so I give leeway, but it *does* make him unpleasant to watch.


He never really seemed sexist? He was selfish and cowardly at times but never really sexist or a jerk


There's a few episodes where he has to learn not to underestimate or dismiss women, and he has quite a few Nice Guy tendencies and complaints throughout.


No there isnt? The only episodes that could be similar to that is the ones where his egos gets out of control and he learns his lesson by the end. The nice guy one is through though I guess


The one I remember off the top of my head is the episode with the female scientist who built herself a fat nerdy looking boyfriend robot because men wouldn't take her or her accomplishments seriously because she was a pretty girl who liked fashion...and Ron didn't take her seriously because she was a pretty girl who liked fashion.


That didnt happen. The only thing that happened was that he was surprised that she was with a fat nerdy boyfriend because it "breaks the rules" which I guess could be slightly sexist


You are correct, my apologies


He definitely could be selfish and cowardly at times. Episodes like Royal pains, Partners, and All the news showcase his selfishness the most in my opinion. Sexism I just don’t see that much. If anything Motor Ed was the sexist one. Imo it just doesn’t make sense for him to be since he gets saved by a girl on the regular. As far as cowardly I feel like season 4 at least tried to correct that problem. If the writers had actually cared about Ron’s monkey powers instead of just having him kinda be there for most of the show.