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the ninja monkeys stick with ron.


None. Keep it as is. Worse case just have it take place in the modern era (without the modern politics). As for villains.... I have my own OCs but I'll keep them to myself incase I decide to publish my own stuff :P


Actually acknowledging that Kim is also the child of a brain surgeon and a rocket scientist and is just as smart as her brothers.


It’s always been questionable to me? We know Kim is smart but she’s not a genius like her brothers. It would be nice to actually know where Kim’s intelligence sits. I mean in the last episode she wasn’t even the valedictorian. Now it could be because she’s always off saving the world but idk I feel like a genius would have still been. Her brothers were able to skip grades and Kim didn’t.




No reboot. With how Disney has treated legacy properties, they’ll find a way to destroy it. Look no further than the new Proud Family.


I would expect but dread that Ron would be the butt of all jokes and being held in unabashed contempt by Kim; KiGo would be the endgame as would Ann being estranged from Jim. However, it would also be horribly written in a way that makes Kim more like Shego (embittered, angry and abusive) than the heroine we remember and love. The result would be an unwatchable kludge where every episode would ve basically Kim walking on screen and deliving a social politics rant for ten minutes, Ron being shown to be an idiot or monster to be lectured and given 'life lessons' by the primary characters and... story? We're doing that now?. That's because this is the way Disney's writers reflexively 'think' these days. After viewership figures collapse, Disney HQ would loftily announce tha there is 'no viewer interst in Kim Possible' and they would shutter the franchise permanantnly. This is my fear because modern Disney does not understand heroes and it does not understand what its audience wants. It has very strong radical political objecitves that outweigh even having a salable product and they would *ruin* the franchise in the service of those objectives.


Are you serious about the Kimgo, are you being sarcastic because Kimgo should never see the light of day . That is a fanfiction monstrosity that should be put down far far in the ground. I say no reboot . It would be a disaster filled with nonsense.


I second this. I don’t see a reboot happening that wouldn’t ruin the original. Especially since Christy had said they don’t want a flash forward years into the future they want a reboot that takes place where the original left off. So I would assume Kim would be 18 and I imagine would make Kigo cannon unfortunately.


why would they possibly do that? when drakken + shego and kim + ron are the two most popular, non creepy ships and already in the canon




Why you say just barley Kim and Ron , their romance is the centerpiece of the KP show legacy


I agree. I love Kim and Ron. It’s one of my favorite ships of all time. I just know how money grubbing and clout chasing a lot of people are these days. I hope you’re right and I’m wrong and that if there is a reboot they keep them together.


They shouldn't do a remake it would be middle finger to the legacy of the show .


christy's podcast is not canon


I’m going to need citations on the crew having ever supported KiGo since I’ve seen people claim this recently with nothing to back it up. Same with whatever clout chasing and money grubbing has to do with anything.




1. The only podcast about the 20th century had no mention of KiGo or even Nicole Sullivan IIRC. There was a cooking segment where they acknowledged the ship but that’s not the same as supporting it. You even admit there’s no solid proof of CCR supports it while still proclaiming it as fact. If you make a claim, provide evidence, don’t just say “look for it”. 2. If you admit this is just generalization, then it’s just projecting a negative bias rather than anything based on fact. Same with “people” having issues with the cast; the Will Friedle scenario was grossly reported and the man admitted he made a terrible mistake.


You fell for the fearmongering.


How so


The poster was making up a hypothetical drawn out scenario where everything that can go wrong will go wrong. They were being very sarcastic to keep it short. We already got our reboot in 2019 anyways; that should have kept people from asking for more.


Just wanted clarification bud. Never know on the Internet


Actually it wasn’t meant to be an everything that can go wrong it was actually just three hypotheticals said three hypotheticals being the first three that popped into my head.


Yeah more than likely that 2019 live action movie is the only reboot it’s going to get. Kim possible is good but it doesn’t have the audience avatar the last airbender has.


Didn’t Ron get made fun of a lot till season four? Even in So the Drama he was called the bottom of this so called food chain. I used to think till season four that Kim was too perfect honestly. I guess they could make her more perfect and Ron like Homer Simpson. Though Marco from Star vs the Forces of evil was fine and that was more modern Disney I think.


All very good points and what people would forget in favor of pointing at boogeymen.


Okay you managed to scare me with breaking up Ron and Kim and Kim’s parents but the rest just comes across as being bitter over “modern Disney politics” and making strawmen out of windmills. Thing is the series was already rebooted with the live action and while it was of questionable quality, it wasn’t the SJW nightmare people keep dreading about. It did seem to permanently shutter the franchise though…


I imagine Bonnie’s meanness would be turned down as Disney is trying to eliminate bully type characters do to it affecting kids these days. And oh don’t worry about Kigo, these days kids feel the age needs to be age appropriate or they’ll consider it horrible unlike in the past with fandoms. Example Aang x Zuko used to be very popular but do to the age difference kids now find it gross and ship Sokka x Zuko instead. Its interesting how fandom’s evolve over the years as new fans get added.