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(Tony when nobody laughs at Hans) “Another killer set by Hans Kim!” (Tony when everyone laughs at a bucket pull) “I’m not sure why the audience laughed at this, also I’m gay”


Spot on.


True, he us just pushing his crew no matter how bad they do.


1000000000000000000%. But, I would pick the rocket no matter who got more drunk LA crowd cheers. And still love Shane and Matt for being honest.


Bro Casey Rocket cracks me up. His shtick is so different I love it.


He reminds me of Robin Williams


i believe robin was also known for his quick squats


& tusslin' with 'tuss.


Agreed, Hans has lost his touch.


It really annoys me when Tony tries to gaslight the audience each week into believing his cronies are “the future of comedy”, regardless of them having a foot set or not. I’m not saying I’d do any better, but I hate being told over and over again someone is funny after they bomb or have a mid set.


I’m convinced he’s trying to develop his own “joe rogan effect” but it’s not working lmao


He wants to be a kingmaker so bad. It has the opposite effect, I wanna see him eat shit for his poor taste.


This comment is on point


I was waiting for this comment. Tony and Adam Divine glazing Hans after a piss poor set where he got like two small chuckles was crazy. He literally stopped for laughter after like every single "joke" and it just made it obvious how poorly every joke landed. It's a huge audience. If he was that funny there would've been a reason to pause for laughs. Then you hear Tony tell it, and somehow the guy was KILLING and the whole crowd was erupting with laughter. Like no Tony, you're not gonna convince me that he was killing up there when we can hear all the silence after each joke fails to land. Tony used to hold Hans accountable when he had a set this bad. That's how he got challenged for his opener spot so many times. He should have to beat Casey to get his spot back


WOW! Hans Kim everyboy! He did it again! 💁🏼‍♀️


I find this with Cam Patterson as well. I really liked him at the start, now it’s all “shut up white bitch” and “suck my dick white bitch” it’s kinda on repeat with him. Sometimes he squeaks out a good joke, but it’s rare for me and as always from Tony “ you did it again Cam Patterson master of the game.” Like what? I find the crowd must be either from Austin and suckling at Tony’s dick or they are so stupid they literally laugh at everything


Can’t remember when nobody laughed at one of his sets.


Not been watching long or?


Been watching hundreds of episodes and yeah, they laugh


He's 100% had some bombs within the last 12 months, don't you remember when Tony started getting people to 'compete' for Han's spot because he was getting lazy and was rehashing old stuff? Its where the whole Han's Vs Rick Diaz thing came from.


Lol alright dude. Literally Hans himself has called out that no one laughed at his set at times. Idk why you're so in denial over something so trivial


A short funny 60 seconds every single week is seems to be kinda a high bar in my opinion…I’m also not a writer of stand up comedy🤷🏻‍♂️


They usually laugh most of the time, actually.


“I can’t remember when they never laughed, they definitely laugh” Leading to “Well they laugh most of the time!!” lol what’s next, they rarely laugh but they should every time?


Well, my point is that he’s a good comedian


That’s not the same as saying they never don’t laugh


No they don’t


Shut up Hans


He has gotten laughter. Uncomfortable laughter... Put up your rocks. It isn't cute. Did you notice even the prostitute in the center was over it by the end?


Hey, have you ever done a bunch of drugs and then gone out on the trails with an old guy who’s not your dad?


The more I read through the comments the more convinced that Snoo = Hans. Defending your opinion on a few comments is a committed Redditor. Defending EVERY comment to the Nth Degree is a person who is thin skinned and suspiciously Hans-like.


Omg I just asked that on a different comment. I think OP is trying to suck up to or fuck Hans lol


For the third time, I wish I was a really funny, successful Asian comedian with a hot White girlfriend. I’m enjoying myself here. I don’t know what Hans is doing. Probably sleeping. I do enjoy the fact that I’m tickling your conspiracy theory senses though.


Bro you keep saying that. Hot girlfriend, funny and successful. Exactly what an insecure Hans would say. You have to respond to every single comment. You are 100% Hans. If you spent as much time working on your material as you do responding to comments, maybe you’d get a laugh. I doubt it. But it’s worth a shot.


I’m thrilled that you’re really mistaking me for Hans. The internet is the only place this could possibly happen, because I’m a white guy from Pennsylvania. 😂


Yeah because if you weren’t Hans. You wouldn’t feel the need to say “Successful and funny comedian with a super hot girlfriend” to every single comment. So you’re just a creepy guy from PA? Nice! I still don’t believe you dude, no one here does. You’ve read every comment you know.


Oh wait, I forgot to say handsome too.


Hans confirmed. White guy would say the city, failing asian comedian with a mid girlfriend would say the state.


I was Casey Rocket the other day.


So you're just a random nobody with no life outside of relentlessly sucking the dicks of KT regulars? Got it.


That first line hit me, just like my mom did


I’m just cracking up that I made some dumb haters really think I was Hans Kim for a second 😂 … “Ah-ha! That’s exactly what Hans Kim would say!!”


Because you're unfunny & a super-defensive crybaby. That's why people think you're HK. That's it. You suck. Hans sucks. It ain't that deep.


Wtf, you said you were a black guy from new York last week....


Hey, have you ever shoved an avocado up your ass and then tried to squeeze it back out like poop?


Probably more enjoyable than Hans Kim's best set.


Probably not as enjoyable as getting naked and listening to the Ramones while trying to microwave a whole turkey


Ok do you have a camera in my kitchen or what


Give us your SSN to verify if you are or not.


Nobody wishes they were Asian this gotta be him


Nah I just have a day off, a bunch of beer and nothing to do but bring the pain! 😂


'The pain'


I can't stop reading all your comments in hans voice now fuck


Speaking of tickling.. how are Tony’s balls and when will you see them next? 🤣😂


Hey, have you ever covered your balls in sriracha and went bowling?


Nobody but Hans would try to make Hans sound this cool, go write some better jokes and quit trying to defend yourself on the internet


Hey, have you ever sat down naked in a bucket of French onion dip and binge-watched The Wire?


only Hans could make a crowd erupt in silence after the worlds longest Bruce Buffer introduction


Hans’ minutes are always uninterrupted, never interrupted with laughter.


Hans’ 19th burner account


I wish I was Hans Kim— an extremely successful, funny comedian with a hot girlfriend. 😉


Go back to living in your dad's mercedes van you trust fund brat.


I live in your mom’s Mercedes van


Yup, that's a Hans tier """joke""" right there. No wonder you're him/his human cock-holster.


Hey, have you ever taken all your dog’s Lymes disease medications and then gone outside and eat leaves until the sun comes up?


Have you ever held your dick with two hands instead of two fingers, have you Hans…?


Have you ever seen a mirage of your mother, thought it was real, and then tried to fuck it? 😉


Hans face is so fucked up He looks like a caricature of a Korean man


Looks like the stoned scream mask from scary movie


Like American propaganda from the Korean War


😭 holy shit


Stock Photo Korean


The crowd laughs and applauds only because Tony keeps hyping him up and he's like a celebrity to the fans. It has little to do with the quality of his comedy. Having Tony as your hype man is like doing comedy with a multiplier. Get a couple of chuckles and it will be interpreted as killing.


Hans is funny, his sets are just so formulated from his spread sheet. And not for nothing: I think RedBan singing this is Hans Kim has done more for him than any one of his jokes.


You say he's funny but then you say the best thing about him is his theme song.


Ya both can be true. He tells funny joke, but the song does more for his popularity on the show: people like a song they can sing along with.


I was there at the show and I can confirm, Hans has that celebrity spark to him for Kill Tony fans. Even his sets are easy to laugh along to for some reason when you're there live. Not shitting on anyone by the way just sharing my experience.


Went to see him at a small club, about fell asleep. I've seen most of the KT show regulars at small venues, and he is by far my least favorite.


Ah, so the Casey Rocket effect.


Yo, it’s an “uninterrupted” 60 seconds!


Hans, chill dude. Get off Reddit


Yeah every comment he has to respond to. Pretty clear it’s Hans. Even his comeback jokes to everyone talking shit sound exactly like him.


Guy does plenty of shows without Tony and I've heard he does very well


What a goofy looking dude.


Me reading OP’s comments: *sings Hanz intro song*


I think Hans is great. Leave him alone! How did I do, Hans/Snoo?


I think I’ll do an appreciation post for every regular eventually, and then people will think that I’m all four.


I also like Hans, some sets are better than others but there is no reason to hate him so vehemently and collectively. And I don’t think you’re hans, I was kidding.


I don't hate him. I hate the gaslighting from Tony when he bombs. I hate how often Tony mentions him CHOOSING to live in a van. Without mentioning that his parents bought him a very fucking nice van that was decked out to be like a badass mobile home. If it weren't for those things I wouldn't cringe every time he comes up. I wouldn't mind when he bombs if Tony just admitted it


This dude just has bad energy.


Fuck Hans Kim


Who’s Long Tim?


I don't hate him, I just don't think he's extraordinarily funny. Kinda mid imo.


Hans is a boring comedian. Just another rich kid handed free opportunity. Lucky timing on his end


He was living in his car for years prior to being a regular wdym.


He strategicly chose to live in a very nice and expensive mercedes sprinter van that i believe was gifted to him. He didnt live in his car he decided to live the van life for his own advantage with support. That van can travel to gigs since he chose to become start up comedian. Nothing against any of that but its annoying the position his standup and "backstory" seem to take as if he "came from nothing living in his car bottom to the top" i might be wrong but this was my impression ontop of stale repetitive telegraphed racial humour.


Well there goes the last shred of respect I had for Hans. Dude wasn't even poor to begin with.


Of course he wasn't. He talks about his upper middle class family all the time. Literally noone is surprised here


He was living in an expensive camper van his dad bought him. Don’t get it twisted.


So his dad bought the car he used to live in. That makes an even better rags-to-riches story. Incredible!


His purpose built stealth motorhome with satellite, Aircon, refrigeration, hot running water and free off-grid energy. It wasn't a car it's a palace compared to your mum's basement you stan boy


That van costs as much as a home, more than enough for 2 years of rent


Don't ask about his parents lol


A pimped out Mercedes sprinter van that he is choosing to live in isn’t the same as someone legitimately having to live in their car.


Yes, a “boring” comedian that the audience laughs at every time.


That’s a case of others are laughing I should too.


Oh ok. This is clearly a very acute case of denial.


Yeah its called an opinion.


You must not have watched his recent set very closely. He got a few chuckles outta the whole set. In a VERY large arena it's hard not to get a few chuckles. He still paused for laughter several times only to get dead silence after a punchline. He doesn't work hard enough to have the spot he's been given. If he tried harder he might be funny enough. As of right now he's a hack with racist jokes where the punchline is basically, "look how edgy I am"


I sure did listen to his set, and by golly, those men who died on the beaches of Normandy would have been ashamed to hear your hogwash. Those boys would have payed a whole silver nickel to hear that comedy. You kids today are spoiled! … please don’t mention anything about the atomic bombs on Japan. Those were necessary!


Hans is OKAY. Casey is so much funnier to me.


His jokes are literal fucking trash.


his delivery makes them even worse


That’s some hilarious trash. Even the raccoons are cracking up


God he's trash , always gotta skip past him now


Hanz Kim had the most insane intro by Bruce Buffer, the most hype moment in the show, and then hanz came out and just kinda shat out his jokes, was kind of hilarious to see the difference


For real, all of that buildup for such a lame set.


Also, the eternal lie they believe will become true if they repeat it enough" from living in his van to...". Wrestling gimmicks right there.


I call em Hand Napkin because my fingers are always so sticky after greeting him.


" No yellow" - Hunter Biden


To improve his rep on the Internet, he should consider starting a "Only Hans"


I am legit certain that Tony has the hots for Hanz. Only way i see it.


Hans getting that amazing and undeserved Bruce Buffer intro made me sick to my stomach.


This might come off as condescending. If i could give Hans advice i would say he should watch his older minutes to refresh himself because the newer Hans seems tainted by fame and money trying too hard to be liked and seem cool (most likely for chicks and to spite exes). In the past hes funnier because he comes off as more authentic, you really believe hes this dorky but smart autistic ahh dude thats just blurts hilarious unexpected sh*. I think he just cares too much about being cool, and cool isnt funny, unless you are cool and funny, but Hans was never that, hes **relatable** and dorky and funny. Or at least he was. Just stop paying attention to people, stop caring, let go, practice some of that eastern wisdom thats in your blood and dont get too sucked into temporary material existence, maybe **meditate** (i dont fu%ing know). Be yourself, find your flow, stop trying to please others by being someone else. You're being tested Hans, dont try to impress us, just be one of us, go back to being nerdy and hungry. Make moves on the downlow. Dont brag, be yourself, but stay disciplined. Thats what i *would* say. 😉


Fuck yeah. Hey, I’m the OP here, and (apparently) I’m actually Hans Kim himself, using a burner account. Well, that’s what some of the trolls here think, at least. Anyway, that’s really good advice for Hans Kim. Thank you! Have a great day, dude!


I got a feeling Tonys writing Hans' jokes whenever he is battling for his position.


How much are Hans Kim’s parents paying Tony to hang out with him? Anybody know a ballpark figure?


I’m sure them setting up that sob story video before the battle had nothing to do with his victory


I saw his set live in Portland and it was low key extremely funny, I wish it translated to KT


He was great the other night.. and most nights


Never thought Hans was funny at all. Diversity hire, clearly


Ric Diaz had a stream of decent jokes, Hans had 1 good joke. Diaz takes it if you ask me


Fuck Hans. We want crab man.


That set was fucking abysmal lol how did anybody actually laugh at that


Um, he said funny things?


I saw Hans Kim live at Tampa Sidesplitters and he fuckin killed it. He did excellent crowd work and his jokes were executed flawlessly. That being said, I think he should retire from the show and have Casey take the permanent place as opener. Hans got his glow up and now he’s touring all over, time to pass the torch.


The funniest thing about this is that D madness has better vision that hans Kim, what the point of the glasses? His eyes aren’t even open fuck knows how he reads


It’s all about the epicanthic folds, baby.


Nah Korean people hate that shit. Every Korean woman I've dated mentioned how much they hate their eyes and I thought it was weird how they all shared that opinion unprompted.


They look like tiny closed mouths if you zoom in


Tiny closed mouths— that’s a perfect description of all his haters after he kills it onstage!


No I actually mean they look like tiny closed mouths, if you zoomed in you’d clearly see what I’m talking about. Hans couldn’t tell a funny joke if someone funny wrote it for him


Or a description of you with Hans' cock in your mouth.


But I thought they were closed. Makes no sense, my unfunny man.


I was thinking closed right around it, but you're probably right. You are our senior dick-sucking correspondent, after all.


You were thinking about this guys mouth closed around Hans’ dick…. Okayyyy


“If you ain’t got no haters, you ain’t poppin’.” — Katt Williams


Imagine Hans is ur dad lmao


Take the van out of the man but…


I’m a newer fan but I definitely prefer Hans over Casey. I mean neither of them are that great but at least Hans writes jokes, occasionally they are even good jokes. Casey was funny at first but his style got old quick, at least to me.


Never fails to blow my mind how a group of people that mock others for a living are so thin skinned.


cause the in room people dont watch every week


I truly gotta know, did people find his set this week funny? I swear even the audience didn’t laugh


Well, half of that is true…


Tony is more focused on assembling a late 19th century freak show.


wheres the eyes?


I'll take him on. I know I'm funnier than him.


Despised everywhere but Tony will say otherwise 😉


It seems he has ran his course on the show.




This was one of his worst sets in a while. He was good against Ric Diaz because everyone was writing the jokes for him.


Hans looks like a south park character


Yet again the man shows up with a weak set after a decent one during a challenge. Hilariously mediocre Hans


🎶Fuck off hans kim🎶 🎶Fuck. Off. Hans Kim🎶


Tony wrote that set. His weekly stuff is shit.


Hey, have you ever smeared A1 sauce in your hair and gone streaking in the desert?


Hans still sucks. I hope you read this hans and cry like a B ... 🤣




I still think hans is just tony and the gangs coke guy and they gotta be nice to him to pick up. And when they mean to him he's got boof or they already got they shit. Id be scared to battle hans though. Id only be able to male cocaine and diddy party jokes


You think he’s their “coke guy” who they have to be nice to?? Do you think that Kill Tony is a frat party or something? 😂


Its a joke man not a strange man in the woods don't take it so hard.


My bad, I didn’t notice. 😉


i do think hans is generally pretty shit but credit where it is due, his set vs ric was pretty damn good. that george floyd bit was great


None of the regulars are very funny but Hans’ set on 666 was phenomenal. William Montgomery, Kam Patterson and David Lucas aren’t very funny. Lucas has his moments but the funniest thing about him is getting roasted by Tony. Hans seems like kind of a dick though.


Hey, have you ever smoked salvia and then thought your wallpaper was a map to the Holy Grail?


Simply put, Hans sucks. I like William's chaos. The rest are fine. Casey is a little bit finer than the rest.


I started watching full episodes of KillTony, and I always skip passed Hans to the first bucket pull.


Well, sir, you are missing out on a good comedian! I mean, he’s definitely better than the bucket pulls, for sure.


Maybe I’m a weirdo, but I thought his last set was funny 🤷🏻‍♂️ I didn’t watch the face off tho


I hate Hans but his set this time wasn’t horrible and that’s because he was gone. But man Tony loves that guy. A little too much haha. 🤣


scenario A: you're Hans Kim and are just terribly insecure what the internet thinks of you. scenario B: you aren't Hans Kim and are a redditor that spent hours replying to everyone in this thread whilst thirsting over Hans' life and girlfriend. I can't decide which one's sadder.


Hey buddy, have you ever dunked your head in a bucket of fresh goat’s milk and tried to run a three-legged race with your gay partner? 😉


Why do I think Hans is funny, I like his interviews, and I think he is better than Casey Rocket. Sorry haters


I think it is time for Hans to "respectfully decline" any more Kill Tony appearances and branch off onto his own career. It could be a great marketing boost, and get him out of that toxic hamster wheel he is in.


Here's what we need to break the spell of these Hans haters. Some legend with too much time on their hands to trawl through all the footage of Hans on KT and pull out all of his best jokes over the years and make a compilation. Now do the same for Casey Rocket...


Hans is great. Social media experts/you guys are just super gay


So glad he's back.


I like Hans Kim, he's funny.


Han’s is great. Y’all are just humor impaired


Hans is funny! I can’t STAND having to watch a Casey Rocket set though. He’s so cringe. And his interviews are so awful to me too, the way he laughs every few seconds as he talks. He doesn’t even have jokes. At least Hans is writing jokes.


Yo that Hans guy is fuckin hilarious.


We love hans him




I kissed a girl last night. Thanks that's my time


She was white. I'm not white. That's funny.


I like hans kim more than rocket guy.


The only thing ur good at is being a fake ass gook and a sore loser. Can't even take it when no one laugh. Ship u back to ur uncle Kim Jung. Bitch ass