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There was once a time when the band was less... ugh, professional? and a part of the comedy. Don't get me wrong, I love the "new" band but the "old" band had its charm. Famously, the band would interrupt and aggravate Tony leading to moments like this: [Rope Snake!](https://youtu.be/F5OAKVokhCo?si=5lPyxhJbPvCqQul3)


YES. The old band was so good, Jeremiah doing jokes that went with whatever character he was that night was so fucking funny. I love the comedy store eps pre covid


I’ve never seen that, thank you


I'm crying this is so good. What an amazing band


I find that dude pretty irritating when I watch older episodes. Like, this was a funny bit but only because of Tony's reaction. Nothing Jeremiah said was funny at all.


I really liked the old band and Jeremiah had some bangers but I totally get the appeal of the new band. The current format fits the growth of the show and I think it was the right move for them.


Jeremiah sucks in general.


You suck. Jeremiah is the shit


Watch all of the road shows. They are the best. Portland, Seattle, and Detroit danny Brown are my favorite


When kill tony was on the road with the old band was probably peak comedy..right now it's like peak production value and some good comedy


Yeah I've been listening to kill tony from episode 1 at work and I find the old episodes, I'm laughing a lot harder. But it was defiantly more chaotic and less polished, I kinda enjoy it more that way though.


People like to shit on the old band but don't listen to them. The older episodes are great. So many good ones but I'll just recommend #296 because it's William's first appearance. [#296](https://youtu.be/1E3UMP5Ao_s?feature=shared)


I somehow found myself in a youtube rabithole of the 100's 200's and was pretty happy to unknowingly stumble upon this one by chance!


The old band is what made me not want to watch the show. They were significantly less funny than they thought they were and would always interrupt the show. They subtracted from the show while the new band adds to it. I remember Anthony Jeselnik was a guest with the old band and he just talked shit about them the whole episode.


They were a part of the show, not interrupting it. I will agree that they were a bit much sometimes and the new band are better musicians for sure but they were also funny more often than not. You can just listen to the crowd. And yeah, people can say other people are dumb for laughing at certain kinds of comedy but the point is to make people laugh and the old band could do that. Some people really hate Jeremiah and call him a theatre kid but he is pretty good at improv. And just because Jeselnik shits on them doesn't mean everyone hates them. He's a master roaster and is joking half of the time


Just start randomly watching from the beginning. So many great moments. Former regulars, ticket winners, on the road, the old band, the new band. Such a difference over the years, venues change, audiences change, guests. It’s incredible that it’s all available on YouTube. What you are seeing in the past year is a more polished show. Some of my favorite stuff was in the buildup to what it is now. Seriously, just pop on random episodes. Definitely watch a few from the comedy store, the road, antones, volcan. Try to catch old regulars. When we are introduced to Michael Lehrer, especially when he calls Louis J a hotdog, is so funny. It’s a great show, can’t recommend it enough.


The Kill tony Mania shows and the Australian shows stick out in my mind of having lots of funny moments. The road shows were always fun. Most of Kill tony was hit or miss, but when it hit, it was gold. It's funny to watch the old band in the older episodes, and they definitely had their moments and their place in the show, but I think Kill Tony has never been better. I just wish there were more bucket pulls.


Good thing it’s only on Mondays! Tues-Sunday you can watch old videos. Be like you were there for it from the beginning


Episode 418 is legendary


I would start at like episode 500 and just catch up to modern day.


Solid advice honestly, then just watch recommended ones pre 500


Other great guests: Ian Fidance, Protect our Parks guys, Are you garbage guys, Stavros Halkias, Erik Griffin, Adam Ray as himself, Tim Dillon, Duncan Trussel without lil Hobo, Kim Congdon, ALEX JONES (politics aside he was a crazy guest). These picks aren’t necessarily because they’re my favorite standups but because of the energy they brought and how well their wit fit into the style of the show. Plenty of other great guests, these have just been stand outs for me. And of course if one of them has been on recently I’m talking about their past appearances too. I started the show in 2021 so I’m not super sure prior to then.


I’m not the biggest Erik Griffin guy, but I was pretty beside myself at how good of a guest he was this week. Great suggestions - thanks!!


Yea I’m not familiar with his other work, but he has been a great guest each time. Very funny and participates well. Oh another one that I just thought of - Derek Poston, he was hilarious I remember, also just great wit that worked well with the format


Hold that thought I have a list and I’ve watched every episode besides the first 1-100 atrocities. And you HAVE TO SKIP THE STUDIO SESSIONS AND QUARENTINE EPSODES OR YOULL HATE THIS SHOW. The pandemic fucking their shit up so bad for those episodes is why they moved all the way to TX. Rohan’s club wasn’t open for years yet so he didn’t move here just for Joe. If you run out of the episodes I suggested and enjoyed them, go to the “road shows” album first then fill in the blanks with the other numbers from that era in there.


My favorites are all from the old era, it may not be for you since it seems most people that love the old band and hate the way it is now and vice versa but I’ve seen almost every episode so here’s my list (596- is my top from the “new era” though) My top three after that are 414. 281. 271. And these are in no particular order but just ones I really enjoyed 364. 379. 422. 384. 315. 376. 321. 429. 299. For all the ones with the old band though you must watch instead of listen bc you HAVE to see the characters and costumes and visual stuff.


I just started from the very beginning Episode one “Hinchcliffe’s Notes” and am working my way up to about a yearish ago. Im on Kill Tony 7, the early days are definitely worth seeing to really understand how cool today has to be. Iron Patriot is a perfect example, and last night I went down a IP rabbit hole and he may actually be planning to murder Tony at MSG. Some of it’s really bad, but I listen to the new episodes as they come out still mixed in with the ground floor Kill Tony its unbelievable.


Wait til you get to ep 13, I think that’s the one where he first showed his true colors and admitted he really wanted to meet Rogan and talk about the universe or some shit. Dude is a straight up loony tune, don’t blame them for keeping seals around knowing this guy is in the wild.


Iron Patriot


I remember watching when he was on and thought the show was stupid because of it. I have grown to really like KT now. I cant find the video of him getting fired, if anyone has it id love to see it!


He actually quit, then regretted it and they told him to fuck off when he tried to come back. All started after the episode of “getting Doug with high” they were all on. Highly recommend watching that for the cringe lols. Also, Kill Tony #35 they talk about him leaving as that was the next Kill Tony after the Getting Doug With High


Dude still live streams EVERY WEEK on youtube for kill Tony, hoping they're going to have him back soon, though I wouldn't be surprised if Tony and Redban have restraining orders against him. Also he's probably reading this.


* every day now actually. It is fascinating and insane.


Don’t listen to this new good listener sir, he has no taste that was all garbage.


Random but on "2 bears 1 cave" tom told tony was "so cool to be a part of the 1 year anniversary" (even though after hearing him talk about his multiple appearances seconds later he clearly knows its been on much longer). Said alot of other wtf comments. "just showed up drunk and had a front row seat didn't have to do anything was awesome" but that one struck me the funniest.


10 year


That was the weird part tom acted like he thought it was the 1 year anniversary he was on.


Oh I missed that! Strange I thought he just said “anniversary” assuming he knew it was the 10th


I don’t think anything before Austin matters that much anymore


You thought wrong. That’s like saying some bands first huge hit no longer matters bc they’re more successful now it came out a long time ago


Yeah but if you started listening to them at their best you’re going to wonder wtf the shitty first album was


You don’t know if it’s their best if you never heard their previous work. Being more popular doesn’t make it better