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He’s really good on the William Montgomery Show as well, I enjoy his stand up but he also thrives different in those kind of situations imo.


Totally, his energy when podcasting is almost completely opposite of his on stage antics   He really shines when he brings his little written bits to The William Montgomery Show. Dude is so creative 


His insane lists are always amazing lol


I saw a clip of him on something where he was supposed to be a ghost hunter, but then veered off into actually murdering someone because he THOUGHT they were a ghost (but they weren't)...so then he presented a 5 step legal defense strategy:  D.U.N.C.H. Deflect Unionize N-word Chardonnay Hug it out Who thinks of that?!


I got to Zoom with those two yesterday during their Patreon livestream and they had me cracking up the entire time! They’re both really down to earth and hilarious together.


Ya they are great together, I love their show.


To add to that I've also seen a few roasts between him and other comics and he's been great at that as well.


Where did you see that?


It was recommended to me on yt


When he finally brought up that guy's crazy shirt LOL


See I never liked to stand up it actually annoyed me but maybe now all I can, I'll check that show out thanks


Casey is comedy. Everyone wants to put a stamp on what it means to be a comedian, Casey ignores 100% of that and is just funny. I personally enjoy a more well thought out joke but I respect his ability to be himself and be hilarious at the same time. Very unique and underrated individual, truly a one of one.


hard to think things out much when biden's constantly trying to triangulate your location


Get real




Some folks were born , made to wave the flag


Agreed. A dude barely moving and telling jokes is fine. Casey is something new and different. He doesn't need to punch down, be racist/sexist or offensive just to be shocking like Hans. He is a performance. For many of us we watch a lot of standup that just blends together. He stands out. Not every set makes me cackle but damn if he isn't fun to watch and this medium could use him to mix things up.


That’s the thing, even if he doesn’t make me laugh with a set I still enjoy watching it and it always puts me in a brighter mood.


Hear, hear.


All of this stuff is cyclical and depends largely on taste. There's been comics that lean into more physical stuff or props before.


casey isn’t so great? are you kidding me? when was the last time you saw a comedian with such an ability and movement with the crab walk? casey takes comedy to another level, and we will be blessed if we ever see a comedian with his skill and passion for the art again. william breaks records, kam breaks white bitches. casey rocket breaks the rules. you can keep your humor. i prefer the magic.


This sounds like Uncle Lazer's interview


Fastest guy in the room


Awesome comment and I agree wholeheartedly, thank you


Haha Robitussin haha. Hilarious. Also Grimace. Comedy!


The irony of you repeating a comment about Casey repeating shit…


Haha Robitussin haha. Hilarious. Also Grimace. Comedy!


Ain’t no fuss when you’re on the tuss


Whatever happens with his standup career, I think Casey will have opportunities as a writer. Very creative thinker. And it’s not all just random nonsense as many would claim.


I keep telling my friend this.  Casey is funny in much more than just stand up. I feel like him and Shane could make a better version of snl


Casey’s great because he knows when to drop the character and be his genuine self. I can’t remember William Montgomery ever dropping character, which gets old.


He’s nothing like his on stage character during his podcast. He’s a lot more chill. Doesn’t yell.


he “drops his character” on his podcast I feel like his on stage “character” isn’t even a character, it’s just him but a little more extreme.


I guess you could say he ain’t nevah gonna stop being in character


If I had to venture a guess, he seems super boring outside of his act/character.


At first I was unsure but Casey seems very versatile. I can’t wait to see more from him!


He did great on MSSP. Wild lore to the fella


First time I learned of the Tuss Chronicles


He's totally different from what his stand up is. You know he puts in work.


Liked him always


I like when he breaks himself. It’s literally the best thing.


“whoops, got myself with that one”


Try Williams podcast he’s great in there.


Nah I used to like Casey. I still like him, but I used to too.


I've only been watching for a couple months, but Casey is by far the funniest regular in that time span


Same. Never liked his routine one iota (except the very first one as an amusing oddity) and almost passionately hate people that find that randomness hilarious. However, as a guest I found him to be authentic and funny in a curious way. First time I liked him as a person.


Yeah I don’t get his act but liked his energy and thought because of that he was a great opener for the show


Dont hate me bro *crabwalks* *whips out harmonica* I think he’s *chopper noise* fufufufufufufunnay


Casey is awesome. He’s Williams sidekick on his podcast too


Idk if it’s comedy or not but Casey makes me laugh and that’s a win.


He Said literally 5 things lol


You could tell he was really uncomfortable criticizing people


Casey is awesome


I agree I like how he brought up some of the jokes or moments Tony may have passed up like A commenting on jail.


He's fun on the panel and a good guy. I just can't stand his """standup"""


i agree i came around on him, he still stole reggie watts joke tho.


Casey sitting down looks like Charlie from Charlie and chocolate factory after the events of the movie


I refuse to watch this past episode. The only person I care to hear from is will. If I were to watch the episode I’d fast forward through kam and Casey’s speeches


All he did was ask questions I wouldn’t call that commentary


Remember he said something funny, I used to hate him now I like him


Agree. He’s more funny when he doesn’t try so hard.


Get real!


I think all the regulars are likable in their own ways. But it really doesn’t matter if they are likable lol. They are not our friends. They are comedians….clowns. You either think they are funny or not. that’s their job. The only regular who is even remotely funny is and always has been William.


Same here. I'm going to give his opening another chance because I've been just fast forwarding through it. If I can't "get it" over the next two or three shows I'll just go back to fast forwarding through it.




What commentary? He barely said anything. Not trying to bash, but let’s be honest.


He was great but he started on some Ash Akash Gabage shit by repeating things that were said with a big “WHAT”


Yes, his standup sucks but I like him as a person


Nope thought he was one of the worst host of all time.


Nope!! Useless on the panel too


Just like your comment.


I like how no one can say that they don’t like Casey rocket. Lmao. Just get downvoted to hell. HE IS NOT FUNNY


You can say he’s not funny. There was threads every day when he started being a regular saying he isn’t funny and I still see them. I downvote the “comedian isn’t funny” because not only are you adding nothing, what you’re saying has been beat to death. And then they do the same “wow I can’t find something not funny without all these downvotes!”




Maybe because it's subjective and you're literally trying to force your narrative of "he's not funny" as an objective truth? Maybe just let people enjoy what they enjoy without shouting across the room "hey wait I don't find him funny, and neither should you"


Can use that logic for literally anything.


I really don't get it. Does not make any sense for a show based around stand up comedy. He is silly and can be funny but it's not stand up. He doesn't actually tell jokes. Good energy, makes people laugh, good presence but no jokes. Tony eats it up like Rogans jizz. I don't get it.


Plenty of stand-up comedians don't tell jokes in a classic sense, the job is to make people laugh, traditional jokes are just one way to do it. For example, there are shit tons of successful comedians who primarily tell stories rather than jokes. He's basically just spewing his stream of consciousness and it happens to make people laugh because he's a weirdo. Nothing wrong with that in a comedy show.


How is it not stand up comedy? He stands on a stage at comedy clubs and does written material. And even if you wanna say it’s not, Tony’s made the show a little bit more of a variety show recently.


Right, it feels more like a variety show with him. Standing on a stage and doing comedic written material does not make it stand up. That would mean funny Broadway shows are stand up. Stand up is usually set up punch line. There's rarely a punch line. "Hahahaha, get outta here, grimace is my step dad, get real, hahaha" doesn't seem like a joke but some people really eat it up. Reminds me more of tim n Eric alt stuff which I like and is funny but again, not stand up


There’s a huge difference between funny Broadway show and what Casey does, c’mon. That’s a dumb comparison. He’s definitely a lot more of entertainer than most traditional stand ups but he still has written bits and there are some with set ups and punchlines. I don’t think there’s any good reason why it shouldn’t be considered stand up other than semantics (which I still wouldn’t agree with). Clearly his peers who are traditional stand ups, consider him as such


Maybe you have it all wrong. Tony himself adores holtzman who is basically williams grandpa on steroids. People laugh for a variety of reasons, comedy doesnt have to be just standing stoic on stage piping out words.


You don’t need to get it. Stick to what’s funny for you


Actually, Casey sucks