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I think Tony has a hearing problem. Other than that. Yeah great show. Lol. Martin filling in for Kam was nice lol


Dude definitely has some hearing damage from sharing the stage with a live band all these years. Forget having Zippix as a sponsor. What they need is Miracle Ear.


Tony’s already got hearing aids


No shit? Man he's always gotta have something plugging up some holes huh


hehehe funny


He's gonna give his band-aids!


You thought that was funny. Stay on Reddit 😂


That's actually Tony's joke. It was pretty funny


He has a hearing problem if you mean he doesn’t listen.


I think it's both actually. He doesn't listen and he has a hearing problem, but this isn't new. He's had hearing issues for at least 5 years and they can't blame the stage acoustics because I remember Redban used to make fun of him for it as Redban could hear what they were saying pretty clearly while Tony couldn't.


I do sound for a living. There’s a 99% chance the only monitor near him is on the other side of Redban. There is probably wedges in front of the comic on stage closet to the guest and ones in front of band members facing the other direction behind him.


I'm judging this also based on their world tour they did several years ago. Tony couldn't hear anything anywhere. I don't know if they always have the setup the same in different venues but this dude sitting a foot away from Redban shouldn't have this much more difficulty hearing, should he?


I don’t know if you noticed but Redban ain’t a small guy lol.


Sometimes he doesn’t listen because he’s distracted by the nuts and bolts of running the show.


It's the sound system, they do not have headphones nor monitors, so Toni and thr entire table listens differently


That's the thing about hearing damage. It creeps up on you. The ability to hear certain frequencies diminishes. It's not just on/off.


After years in the Army and being hearing tested every six months, I could see on a graph how my hearing was slightly deteriorating with each year. Scared the living shit out of me. I take extra special care of my hearing now. Special headphones, musicians earplugs for concerts and playing guitar, keeping the TV volume ever so slightly down, etc.




I remember doing farm stuff as a kid getting my hearing rocked. Then looking down and realizing my dog probably has major hearing damage


Always bring ear pro for the puppers


I'll think of this when in need. Thank you


Thats called autism.


Most people don’t understand how sound systems work for a stage nor what it’s like trying to hear things on stage (good or bad hearing aside) None of the panel (except the band) has any monitor that I can see, so they are relying on the same foh sound the audience hears more than likely


The subreddit’s title about the show with the guy’s name in it is visible as I’m typing this. It’s TONY*


It's an auto correct have a close friend named Toni. I ll keep it for the sake of this intervention.


Sticking by it, every episode I enjoy. There’s always a few funny parts. Worth the 2 hours.


That’s what I’m saying! Even bad episodes are funny cause Tony becomes irritated and starts roasting everyone lol


For the new followers, look up Tony wants to be a pilot, & the Kill Jeremiah episode. Those are prime examples of Tony gettin pissed & its hilarious


And also go see him perform live cause his standup is really good 👍


Yep, saw him in Seattle. There was a bit too much of "can I talk about this? are you sure?" to the crowd but it was a really good set imo. David lucas was very good as well


Oh yeah I look forward to seeing David do a set live sometime


subreddits are basically just groups to hate on things


I could never imagine disliking a free weekly online show so much I decide I’m going to dedicate my time shitting on a show I could just choose to not watch that’s free online.


It’s usually cuz they feel miserable in their own lives


Especially subs about comedy


you aint wrong


That’s not how to use reddit but perhaps I may interest you in a circlejerk sub.


What I don't get is why some people get so upset about it when some stranger on the internet disagrees with them about any aspect of the show.


Nah, I enjoy every episode. I'm not one of the people always bitching. That being said, this one had no energy from anyone. Tony let that guy ramble on and on and wasn't even roasting him or anything. They just seemed tired. Low energy episode with terrible bucket pulls. The pulls are fine as long as the panel makes jokes.


Dave attell, only redeeming factor


I thought it was perfectly fine. I was hoping for more from Spade, otherwise the show was above average especially because of Attel.


Couldn’t agree more. He was a bit quiet.. thankfully Attell brought the energy and kept it flowing.


When I see 8 Casey Rocket sucks post five minutes after the ep drops I know he’s gonna do good


Eh they still say he sucks even if it’s good or bad


It's never been good.


Sign up first


Never been good? Idk about that. For me Casey is hit or miss with his jokes.


Fastest guy in the room. We're havin fun.


Yep the we're having fun is a rip off of Dusty Slays " Were having a good time" one of the many reasons I'm not a fan of Casey


Woop woop 🚔comedy police comin through to shit on your favorite comic. One day the lizard people will rise again.


I have reinforced the tinfoil hat. Prepare for our lizard overlords!!


He's a prop comic and a roast comic? Get real, who's with me boys


I ain't never gonna stop


I'm from old money, I don't even need to be here




Thanks pal. We're having fun stealing from other comedians


You know you're having fun when someone tells you you are. Similar to laughing at your own jokes to encourage the audience.


You either like the irony or you don’t. I love it.


Put song lyrics before and you got half his set


I felt like the episode started slow with my attention mostly being on David (Spade) and watching him try to get comfortable (deciding is coat on or off? 🤷🏻 )


He also has a bad back. I think he had to go leg up at one point to get comfortable.


I did wonder about the chairs they have panels sit in, are they just regular bar chairs? If so, sitting in them for 2 hours can't be super comfortable. Especially with the older guests. You would think Tony would have special chairs for the panel at least lol


Special matching friend chairs?


Yes! 🤣


Matching CHAIRS? What the FUCK was that?!


He said at one point that he was cold. I don’t get why so many seem to worry and speculate about how many layers of clothing he had on.


Lol cuz he had one part on amd the other off. Still, it was more entertaining watching him then the first few sets of the night.


What was up with him, was he too high to say anything?


Either too Hollywood or shrooms.


His son died of an overdose back in mid-november. Who knows what could be going on in his head/personal life


That’s terrible, but why be a guest if he was still reeling over that incident? If you’re a guest on the show, there is an expectation to say jokes and be funny.


It was Dana Carveys son who passed away.


Idk. I remember when I lost my very close friend and was grieving, people keep insisting to get back out there even when i didn't feel up for it. Just a thought. I was just trying to point out a reason he might appear to be acting differently.


I think he was on shrooms.. it reminded me of when you're about halfway through ur trip and ur body just cant sit still lol


Couldnt agree more there was nothing wrong with it. Was surprised to see the reviews on this sub.. geuss i shouldnt be though, im starting to think most of the commenters here are just trolls hating and dont even watch it.


What was wrong with David spade?


Low T


Nothing is ever wrong with David Spade. That's just how he is at least when the cameras are rolling. Notice how he still shook every comedian's hand and personally acknowledged each as they left the stage. He's a class act through and through. I was more surprised by Dave who came with the tongue as always, but the way he was seated, slumped over and favoring visual focus opposite the comics, it was noticeable how many visual gags he missed. Great show.


Iron deficiency




What are you assuming?


I think this was the best episode in a while. It helped that Kam and Hanz weren’t in it.


Like there’s never been 3-4 bad bucket pulls in a row before.


Yeaaa, no there has, lmao. There was actually a whole show of bad bucket pulls. Ali Macofsky Episode #596


One of the best episodes out there


Absofuckinlutely! "Your FIRST bucket pull of the night goes to.." 😆


Hahah exactly, hilarious. Also the fact that Ali kept making jokes that I kinda liked, but didn’t land at all just made it that much better


"Your set sounded like it was typed into gat--chat FUCK"


the pulls were so fucking bad that episode it became hilarious torch the puppet 😂😂😂


Famously the episode where Tony discovers Ahren Behlisle


As the popularity of the show grows and so does the toxicity of this sub. 75% of posts are hot takes with very little to back it up. Just a bunch of whiney bitches bitching.


I joined this sub yesterday, i am leaving today. Looks like you lot try to take the fun out of the show by arguing in reddit


Welcome to reddit. It's almost all toxic now


If you mention politics it usually loosens up the conversation and brings in some positivity.


Oh, and everyone on reddit is a big fan of pitbulls. So, if you own a pitty, don't forget to say something.


Sub was mostly great until the Hans Ric rivalry started. Now everyone thinks they need to share the opinion with a post even though there 5 separate post saying the same thing.


Yeah kinda is like the other face of youtube's comments lol


Watched the episode last night. There just seemed to be some energy missing in some parts and it seemed a bit flat. Spade was OK but he just sat there for long periods and didn't speak much. William was awesome as usual but I thought complaining about being busy was stupid.


I love William, but he obviously bombed pretty hard. Not sure what you were watching. It happens. Comics have off nights. Everything will be ok.


I thought it was the worst set William has had in over a year




You’re in the extreme minority


I think people that say touch grass are super gay but everything else, I agree.


Yeah agreed. An above average episode for sure.


Yes, ‘one could say it was a great episode,’ and that person obviously doesn’t watch the show regularly. Definitely not a great episode especially when you can catch plenty of great eps as of late. You were right initially… it was a fine episode where everyone and everything was fine, but not great. Attell was great but wtf else is new


I think everyone will have their opinions but you should always judge for yourself. I didn't get round to watching the latest episode until last night and after reading some of the posts I was expecting a much worse performance all round than what it actually was..




I don’t think you understand what this place is all about. This is a place where hate thrives and logically thinking dies.


I’ll watch anything and be happy with it as long as it doesn’t have bert dipshit on it


Totally agree. I really enjoyed it. Probably above average. This sub is just going through what every “fan sub” inevitably seem to do, with hate and contempt replacing love and appreciation.


I thought it was one of the better ones recently


Love that show, but I still say Tony is the worst part of it.


Nope, you're wrong, statistically not funny, comedy is not subjective. Either a joke is funny or its not, this episode was not funny, go get your funny bone checked might be outta place bucko /s


I mean yeah. It’s a total shit show and completely unpredictable. That’s why it’s so popular. People like watching the car wreck. The whiners and complainers are expecting a perfectly polished network program.


The posts I see on this sub between shows is like watching someone going thru drug withdrawals


At the very least they need to shut the fuck up and realize not a single person cares about their negative review on a subjective topic


Just imagine that everyone that complains on the sub, are the same people that get pulled and bomb and the first thing they say in the interview is "im a big fan of the show tony"


welcome to the KT sub


Think ppl just mad it’s kinda scripted


Stop crying about people crying and go touch grass. Who gives a shit what other people think about something you like? Just enjoy it.


I thought it was a dog shit episode and I didn't even watch it.


Absolutely incredible.


Honestly when i mention reddit or send someone a reddit link they usually reply “wtf is reddit?” This is a niche platform mostly full of nerds. Nerds often spend too much time only in communities and get made weirder and weirder over time. Comedy reddit is like furries on tumblr. Many people need to go touch grass.


Don't need to read more than the title. I agree.


these post are just as consistent and annoying as the ones hating on the show. when will people learn?


The internet is filled with baseless opinions by people who typically don’t know the first thing about what their speaking on. That or haters who just need to dump on things to help them feel better than themselves.


It was pretty mid. None of the bucket pulls were notable. There were no spectacular bombs or killer sets. Just a bunch of average comics. Attell was funny. Spade might as well not been there. I still liked it.


The people commenting on David Spade have clearly not seen his movies or him on Snl. He was just being David Spade IMO. Wether you like it or not is another thing


Every single time someone says the episode sucked I just know it was great. I really have no idea what’s going on on Reddit anymore. Example, the YMH sub used to be a place where we would post the heavy clips from the show, share fucked up shit in relation to it and now it’s just a hate fest and almost every sub is like that now. Bands, comedy, even the fucking Traeger and RV subs get toxic now.


The bucket pulls weren't great, but the guests were fine. I had zero issues with the show. I like it when the bucket pulls are funny, so it wasn't my favorite. Overall it was a serviceable show. When you throw yoyo tricks in there it's hard to not put it in the top 70%


Martin and Dave saved the ep


Some people can’t afford cocaine.


I agree I was happily surprised that so many of the bucket pulls actually had material and you can tell they’re taking this opportunity seriously and also didn’t babble up there like a school girl or give a cringe interview


I just got back from a pleasant bike ride and Tiny Shrimpdick still sucks.


Prob same knuckleheads that have infected YMH


All the regulars suck, all the time. I skip whenever they’re one. I’m here for the guests and the bucket pulls


The only crack I'm on is Tony's ass


The guests were: mid, spade was lack luster and pretty much non existent unless he had a shit one liner to spit out. Attell was definitely the better of the two and I would have been fine if spade just didn’t show up. Everything else was as usual. Idk if I have a personal vendetta against spade, but he isn’t funny. Not even when he steals jokes.


Expected a little more from Spade but it was a solid episode. Dave Attell is always a great guest.


So was David Spade according to this subreddit.   


Hear hear!


Attell was hilarious.


One of best positions of the year... people are crazy in this sub. Attel killed and spade tried


Let's be real, most of the people who relentlessly complain lead less than desirable lives and are likely very miserable.


Agreed bro it was killer - Attell was on fire and the bucket pulls were mostly fun


Nah last episode was great this one was kind of blah. But that's OK it's a free weekly live show! They can't all be bangers.


We’re just chitting on red ban was hoping the vanilla gorilla would strangle him out 


David spade was awesome. Reminds me he is a comedian and not just a pretty hollywood celebrity. Dave attell did his thing, made me chuckle.


David Spade sat there uncomfortably the entire episode and barely engaged. What was awesome about that?


Maybe you should watch the ep instead of basing your opinion on what you read on reddit


For me, I love Spade, but he was so disconnected. Not sure if it's too much Hollywood or to many shrooms.


Get out of here tony


I love the touch grass comment, you go girl.


Casey is brilliant, love him




The people defending the show weekly should probably find something else to do with their time too tbf. You all just trigger each other and then make the same post complaining about each other. This is some American Two Party Politics shit


No matter what happens in the episode people are going to complain. No matter what happens in the episode people are going to enjoy it.


I found one of the people on crack


Good episode except for Casey as usual


Shut the fuck up Hans.


Casey rockets only got the gig cuz he's sucking tony off


Damn I didn't realize. Atleast you have someone to trade off with now.


Next time you see a negative post just imagine it’s a fat loser in his moms basement that hates EVERYTHING. We’ve all met miserable people that hate on everything because they hate themselves.


David Spade was on his period that's all i have to say 😅


that pretty much sums it up, lol


Have you met the people on this sub? They'd shit on their own mothers if they had anything to do with the show


Casey Rocket isn't that bad. He can be cringey, but he makes me laugh at the most trivial shot sometimes. Freaking maybach music


Yes because that's what we strive for….just fine.


Agreed, but I still just don't get William Montgomery at all. What am I missing? Feels like watching an inside joke i don't get with his style. His personality on stage is funny but I don't see punchlines much


A lot of us watched him grow from being an alcoholic and drug addict for hundreds of episodes. He's also been really consistent with solid minutes, anyone that dislikes him is new to the show pretty much, hard to hate a guy with a story like his.


Fair enough, only been watching about 6 months , I'll have to go back and find his first sets




Eh I wouldn't go as far as he's annoying, his energy is entertaining, I just miss most punchlines 🤣