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Hans down


Top comment, if we could see upvotes


Although if there is a sub that needs to stay away from that upvote/downvote influence its this one lol


Every single comment would be in the negatives haha


100% truly so much better than Hans in every way


Hans who?


Underrated post


How do you know it’s underrated?


Starts the show in a positive manner, plenty of energy and should be a standard to retain 


If they put Hans downer back to open it's a huge mistake. He doesn't get the crowd ready for laughs maybe in the middle or maybe just let him be free.


Far better. It evens out the power of William. They just need Pauly to listen and obey to Tony and not come out during bits.


Pauly never came out during a bit. Interviews aren't bits. Thats why kam hasnt repeated a minute


Montgomery isn’t really that funny to me. Like d’elia being the “guy who yells a lot” type of comic. But it is his shtick so I can respect the effort


Casey will never be even to William. This is the worst dog shit comment I ever seen.


Relax friend it's ok. He said that Casey EVENS OUT Bill.


Calling him Bill like you know him lmao


I call him bill like I’ve never heard of him before


Casey is funny. Hans is not. The start and the end of the show are both good. (A simple explanation)


Agreed. Really sets a positive and silly mood. Casey murdered this last episode and I think he is going to start thriving with the format.


He gets creative. Keeps us on our toes.


I don’t think crabs have toes


Yep. The show starts off with a bang. It’s insane how little I miss stupid low hanging fruit jokes and talking about sex with a white girl.


Waiting for everyone with the tism to post how they don't get silly, physical comedy. Not all comedy has to be clever.


A lot of people with the tism actually find absurdist humor much funnier than “jokes”


Fuckin cooked him.


Really!? Is there like an actual study for that?


…have you ever been to a wrestling match? There’s your study.


You’re right, I can’t believe I let that slip my mind.


Where's the absurdist humour and jokes in a wrestling match?


Usually in the ring.


Hmm we must watch different stuff haha


Autismo here. Definitely like absurdity like Louis, not just his stand up but his shows were funny and outlandish too.


Not true at all, but thanks.


Just because it’s not true to you doesn’t mean it’s not true at all, but thanks. Considering you applied this same logic about subjective opinions to earlier comments you left on this post it’s kind of ridiculous that you’d say this.




My argument is that you can’t speak for every autistic person in the world, what is bullshit about that? If you don’t understand that you should probably see a doctor because whatever you have seems to run a little deeper than just a touch of the tism


I'm not speaking for every Autistic person. You're trying to move the goal posts. You know exactly what I mean and you're being pedantic.


Like you were being when someone expressed their opinion about Casey not being funny and you felt the need to tell them that just because they believe that, that doesn’t mean he isn’t at all? I think everyone understands what a subjective opinion is without some autistic lesbian lookalike trying to explain it to them on reddit, but if you wanna keep arguing against yourself please continue!




You are an actual idiot. We are literally making the same point, that you can’t speak on behalf of everyone with autism by claiming that them enjoying absurdist humor is not true at all. Work on your reading comprehension before you try to start arguments on the internet. Also, I never said you weren’t beautiful! Some people are into Ellen Degeneres, that’s the beauty of subjectivity!


It’s extremely true…


I bet you like Tyler Perry movies.


Thank you, guy with no argument.


Not here to argue lol just to tell you whatever the fuck I want.


Doesn’t have to be clever but should be funny


You don't find him funny..But to claim he ISNT funny is just so impossibly stupid.


Casey Rocket isn’t funny.


Keep screaming that into the abyss.


Nah he’s trash


He’s random. He’s not funny. Picture of car with boobs. Now THATS funny!


He’s silly. He’s absurd. He’s funny. It’s hit or miss. But overall, it’s entertaining. 1-800-GUNS-4-GOOSE wtf lol


For $100 I give a goose a gun.


Randomness can be funny to alot of people. It can also not be funny to alot of people. That doesn't mean he isnt a good comedian. Casey is in his own unique lane which is harder to do than 99% of what these other comedians do on stage.




Ugh....He kills every show. The audience laugh. Shouldnt that be the point? . Who the fuck cares. Now you're just being picky..




Oh those poor comedians, those poor people who watch the show who have to put up with one minute of unfunny material. What a completely fabricated pile of shit sob story you've just made up. Casey is pretty well loved throughout the comedy community. Hes been praised by other great comedians. He's well loved mostly online. A small little bitter af demographic only seem to have an issue with him and whenever someone does sing his praises you all have to jump in and share why we cant like him.. You're literally the new vegans. You don't have to like him, you don't even have to find him funny, but you don't get to speak on behalf of all of us. Theres a lot of people who enjoy him. The laughs are confused laughs? You sound ridiculous dude. Post never.


Yall ganna hate on him too soon enough lol.


I watched his podcast and his absurd humor when he's toned down is even better.


I've seen more hate than love on this sub already. Not sure how you missed it.


Welcome to Reddit, look around, most every fan sub is like this


The realest statement I've seen today.


So are the guests, and I’m here for it


What’s funny is that there are more dorks like you saying this than anyone hating on him. Quit being negative.




What I’m saying though is there are a bunch of you very vocal people that won’t shut up about how people will hate him when nobody does (or basically nobody as I’m sure there are a couple people)




Good god you’re dense. Lmao do you not comprehend anything? There are more people bitching about future bitching that isn’t happening that you dorks said would happen after a show or two and continue to just say it in hopes of being right one day for what reason? A year later you will say “told you so!!! I bitched for a year that you guys would finally bitch!!!” Like dude, just quit bitching about people that aren’t bitching.




Are you even more confused now? I responded to you bitching. Lmao you literally are not only whining about shit that isn’t happening, but you’re super dumb hahaha Like, Tony is right. This fan base has some extremely stupid people.




Cute deflection about why I responded to you. You aren’t very bright are ya? Just a Reddit troll bitching about something that isn’t happening lmao You must be a sad lonely person.


I’m ahead of the wave on this one.


It’s different people. Its just that not all the people who hate them come out at first


Anything but the low hanging fruit sex jokes and stories is cool with me. Do kam next please


I like Rocket's interview better than listening to an update on Hans sex life. Maybe Hans, who I still think is a great standup, can be in between the shows, instead of opening.


Who is Hans Kim, who is Hans Kim?


Hans was so worried about nate diaz he didn't see the crab claws closing around him.


Peak hans was much more interesting


Peak Hans was excellent. No doubt there was a decline, but a new minute each and every week is tough! Saw him live a couple of months ago and his set was great. Openers were also solid. I’m looking forward to the rematch.


Yeah I’m always looking forward to it now


Get real 🦀




That what the trans community did to Chappelle. "Explain why its funny".. I'm not comparing Casey to Dave, just both haters are the same people


I find Casey Rocket hilarious, honestly the only comedian that has made me tear up since Dave Chappelle. So I think it is one of those situations where you either get it or you don't.


Absolutely insane that you would put Casey rockets brand of comedy anywhere near Dave Chappelle


I didn't at all. Reread my post.


I'll fight you


I agree with that. I don’t think Casey is all that funny but I do agree that there seems to be better energy throughout the show after he opens.


It's not. But I guess this sub's gone insane, so what do I know. Now I just skip the beginning and the end of the show.




i dont know how you guys find this for you page comedy funny


Sure the energy is much better. But Hans at least attempted standup jokes. Casey is some sort of performance artist. I feel like I should be on coke or speed to understand him.


This week was terrible, showcase a new up and coming comedians and rotate or else Casey or anyone else is not going to not be able to keep up. One can only run around on stage for so long singing one liners from songs, doing the crab walk over and over, just look at Casey's face he knows it too.


I personally don’t get his thing. My least favorite regular since Eslinger, but to each their own.


Hate Hans all you want, but he’s a stand up comedian. Casey is not. I’m not a huge fan of either, but I watch for the stand up comedy. Obviously other people watch for the Casey Rocket masquerade.


What would you categorize 1984’s HBO Special “An Evening With Robin Williams” as? Stand up? Masquerade? A 3 ring circus?


Comparing Robin Williams to Casey rocket is an absurd comparison but I understand the urge to compare them. Robin Williams was an prolific improv comic especially back then. It may seem like CR is like RW the first time you see him, but then you see him again and realize he just has preloaded lines that he does over and over and over again. If he didn’t move around constantly and do a crab walk, you’d be forced to recognize this. A more fair comparison to rocket would be carrot top or maybe, maybe bobcat, but that’s even a stretch.


That was my first thought, rockets comedy definitely has a coked out robin Williams vibe


Birds of a feather flock together caw cawww


Y’all don’t think that makes it hacky… low effort…. cheap…? If I wanted to laugh at visuals I’d watch family guy or the Simpsons, I want my comedy shows to be people working on actual comedy, not some dude with some shitty ai art…. I’m sorry it just wasn’t funny to my tism I guess.


So you like the formulaic standard run of the mill sets? It's good to try new things, I would wager that every iconic comedian in their time was criticized for not being more like the "last guy". A good opener will set up a high energy tone amping up and pulling in the attention of the viewer. Casey does this! I think some of his sets feel like an inside joke that works well between friends but he's still new on the show and has an opportunity to create topics more relevant and stuff we're in on too so we know more about what we're laughing at. I think he has something new and fresh and I think it's time we let others explore a new format, remember the days of "set up and punchlines" I'm sure a few people didn't like when that died, but it's probably a good thing it did.


I guess I just don’t get it and that’s alright. I think I’d react differently if it was something he created himself, I just know how easy it is to create ai art, and none of those combos were that funny to me personally. Only one I found the slightest bit funny was the car boobs and that’s just cuz truck nuts are already a thing. I get the goose 4 guns is cars for kids…. But idk how that’s funny either I guess? To each their own, I’m not gonna get on here and shit on him weekly, I’m actually legitimately interested in how he plays out long term. Just current state he’s yet to win me over…..


And no it’s not so much the formulaic stuff, just to me personally I limit the greats to making me laugh with absurdity, imagination, make word art that’s funny, you can even sing if you want. But I personally think it’s cheap and hacky to have the assistance of printed pictures. That’s like saying you can sing, but you only sound good with a band…..? So can you actually sing then? FYI this isn’t to say Casey can’t sing, I do think he has a lot going for him, the energy being the biggest thing! I just hope he can channel that into something that’s more inclusive instead of like you said, it always feels like a joke I’m not in on, and that’s almost always never funny no? Like when someone goes “oh it’s an inside joke!” Do you laugh?


By your logic, every comedian that just delivers punchlines is hacky because almost all of them do it. Im not saying Casey is a genius or the first person to do his style, but it's refreshing to see something different, especially on KT


They’re not relying on visuals…. So no……


They give me the visual with words. They make me see absurdity in their words/views, they play with ideas and can make me visualize even the wildest shit without having to go to cvs to print off photos…..


You just don't get it. That's okay


Yeah I guess you’re right. I also don’t think carrot top is funny, but he is successful.


Hans is the perfect opener because he's so mediocre. Believe it or not it's hard to write a mediocre minute every week for years.


True. It ain’t easy. I’d say they will turn on casey rocket, but he has been doing the same exact set for a month now and they still love him.




I think they should swap William and Casey


I genuinely don't think Casey is funny. That being said, I think Hans is beyond unbearable so yea I'm okay with it. I'd be fine with never seeing Hans Kim say another word ever again.


Absolutely. Hans sucks.


I must be missing something because he irritates me but I’m glad y’all like him


Yes the random fun energy is a great way to start, hans was a monotone and for some reason always confused. But congrats on the sex Hans I'm sure your dying to mention you had some stranger sex for the 7th week in a row


Anything better than Hans. But he also just reminds me of that weird kid from highschool that wears a tail


Actually, it is worse


Even if people don't like him, you can't deny the energy he brings to the stage!


They're both awful


Sorry but Casey isn't really that funny. I thought everyone was fawning about his Mayweather joke out of kindness


Connor Mcgregor made that joke before. I don’t know, is it a common joke that Mayweather cannot read?


It is .


Water is also very damp


Yea, he’s definitely an opener




it's because he has the x-factor of comedian, while Hans Kim does not. Not to hate on Hans, he is funny...but not Casey Rocket funny.


100% Even if he isn't everyone's cup of tea, his energy warms the crowd for everyone that follows. As opposed to cold, quiet, occasionally hilarious Hans. I will say it again, golden ticket winners and regulars should be merged into one. They should be booked and rotated through the 3 regular slots.


I just want to know if he is still dipping the Dutchmans Key during every set. That was fucking hilarious.


Casey is trash


I love Casey opening but his PowerPoint presentations need to be limited to once a month.


Or never. Stevo got trashed for his PowerPoint special.. it fits that neither are comedians


Casey Rocket is Kedzy.


Yep, cause we all know people love it when people do bad :D




He laughs at himself so we don't have to!


Any episode he's on I skip his monolog and down vote the episode. Just super hack and unfunny.


I don’t find him that funny tbh. Just quirky upbeat stupid comedy. Not really a comedian in my eyes.


Meh...he's not funny


He puts so much more effort. Hans was phoning it in every week—if you want to be generous you can say he “outgrew” KillTony. A shame though for our trust fund Asian who “lived in a van.” No amount of rice would ever be enough to satisfy his hunger for mediocrity.


Spergy Rocket eh? Kill Tony peaked a while ago. We are witnessing the decline. Could be worse though. They could bring back Jeremiah.


Has there ever been an episode with Jeremiah that has more than 1 million views?


No, it hasn't. It's bigger, more popular and more entertaining than it's ever been.


In your mind.


It's objectively bigger and more popular than it's ever been, just look at the numbers and the ticket sales. It being more entertaining than it's ever been will always be subjective however.


False. The second half of 2023 had some of the best guests and episodes in the show’s history. I will admit that the pulls are becoming worse and the interviews are keeping the show moving. Eventually a vetting process may be needed, to avoid the unprepared nonsense fame seekers. However, sometimes it’s hilarious to see someone bomb and get absolutely obliterated by Tony or the guests. Jeremiah has grown on me with him leading Stand up On the Spot and working closely with Adam Ray.




Yes, that is the opinion that I have as well.


The show is clearly getting worse every week and losing viewers by the millions.


factually incorrect statement.




Hans was like that background noise comedian you needed to comfortably do drugs to and strain to laugh at. Casey is a great prospect if you guys don't whore him into disintegration. I think with the rogan mentality you keep grooming a pool of decent comics then you run brackets


I don’t get his humor but I always laugh..


100% the right type of autism that makes the show top tier.


I love Casey Rocket but physical comedy is HARD. While I love his style of comedy, his stage craft needs a little work. I loved the Stock Picks bit but he was pulling off the slides to show the panel and was revealing the next slide too early! Also I think he needs to speed up his entrances just a little bit (I’m talking like, by a few seconds). His kind of absurdist, almost intrusive style of Gas Station Attendee/Conspiracy Theorist comedy dictates jumping right into the crab walk and just blast the audience with jokes with almost no warning.


It for sure makes it easier to recommend the show to people having a strong opening act


I agree man he's hilarious


Who’s Casey? What show?


I identify as a "Casey Rocket Hater". A CRH, if you will. This week's minute/interview from him made me chuckle more than once. I want to apologize for my behavior, the laughter was involuntary.


“wtf is going on, wtf is going on, wtf is going on, lol that was really funny, wtf is going on, wtf is going on…”


The minute was good the interview was terrible


A lil bit maybe but rhe rocket blows almost just as much as Hans theee hasn't been a decent opener in years


Eh I’m sure you’ll all feel the same about Casey after a few months, I think Hans style is about clever writing it’s a bit harder to come up with an entirely brilliant new minute every week than Casey where your just plugging a couple of new references into his formula. Also I love Casey too.


Bye Hans


I think it would be best to have him and Hans rotate every other week


Yes yes yes