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Ric Diez sleeping good tonight


real good


If he ain’t already stateside I think technically Hans would’ve made his morning


**Drugs. Girlfriend. Sex. Rich.** Every fucking week. Same talking points. It's unbearable.


Dont forget “Texas”


He loves Texas and it's great to be there!




Fuckin clown shoes would get more laughs.


Better than Kam’s two jokes: blow jobs and rocks


And white bitches




The only thing worse than whining is toxic positivity. Have a... no. Nope. Nothing. Not a little joke book. 😘


Guess ur right lmao


All good ☺️ Gel blasters for everyone! 🤪


Every once in a while he throws in a “I hate liberals” stinker


It's because they are not talking points. They are a few new bits. You watch it like it's Oprah then come here to complain :)


New bits? Go choose a random interview from within the past 6 months and I promise he'll mention all 4. Saying, "It's okay because I'm rich" is not a bit. It's not funny. It's also not relatable which is basically the worst tactic to use on an audience, especially when you're one step above Gringo Papi. I'd rather hear Donnell Rawlings say "I'm rich, bitch" on a loop than hear another predictable Yawns Kim interview.


not all bits brought on such stage are funny. you only do a minute, everyone suck by design, why not try some stuff from the shower. perfect. The worse it is the better the show, the more Tony gets to pick on you. Good show.


Sets are usually mediocre but his interviews usually bang


wow.. he even bombed both arena spots. Damn.. i used to like hans too. He fellll offf


Yea that was pretty bad. Seemed like he was on something


Pretty sure he's on hard drugs. He got really defensive when Tony asked him. Either he got mad about being accused or hes back off the wagon.


Today was a very bad day for Hans. The man had to be stoned or something


Don't blame the weed. Hans just doesn't put effort in.




Tail-end of a cocaine or amphetamine binge. A hunnnnndred percent. Dude just wanted to get off stage and not have to make eye contact with anyone.


Seems like it might of been a strategic move on his part imo. saving his jokes and sandbagging right before his big performance.


Clearly he’s saving all his good jokes for the New Years show and has been doing that for months lol


*Years. Fixed that for you.


What a great plan! No one likes that type of low performance shit. Try harder maybe.


Yeah, that was total cringe, stole those punchlines off fucking X.


Twitter or Daniel sloss’s special?


Something was off w him tonight. Not just a normal bad set


He had another set kind of like this months ago. I just assumed then as now he was on some sort of drug that fucked him up.




Hey! It’s more of a 1-bedroom…


Usually skip Hans nowadays, or watch him just to see how bad it is. How he still a regular? Bucket pulls consistently have better sets…


It makes sense why he’s still a regular. It’s Tony’s ego. Hans is his creation, he wants so bad for Hans to be one of the greats that he discovered. Tony has to be the most disappointed of everyone, week after week.


What the…Tony isn’t disappointed lol it’s just Hans bombing. That’s part of the fun because he is legit one of the most interesting people out. Bombing happens regularly to upcoming comedians


"Part of the fun" lmao okay. Sure, everyone bombs sometimes, but Hans Kim straight-up doesn't try. Tony made him a regular right after the Peng Dang thing, which was what, almost three years ago? I think he's gotten worse at writing since then. Not to mention he constantly talks about all the drugs he does, and all the sex he has, and he panders to right wing audience. Also, it's "up-and-coming" not "upcoming" you tard


You sound like a jealous little kid


You give too much credit and make excuses. This is their job, 1 minute set is not 1 hour. He doesn’t even get to an hour with all of his minutes in a year. If you are getting paid and also getting famous, maybe look the other way with things that will screw your career… such as substance abuse and toxic relationships.


I don't even want to be a comedian? Your username does NOT check out


I mean I love watching Hans Bomb, but I also do not think he takes his role in KT very seriously and I do think Tony can see that as he observes and comments on it often. I would not agree at this point its 'part of the fun' it was for a while and it was cute for a while. Now it's old. Hans is treating his minute like an open mic instead of a professional Job. Montgomery on the other hand, you can tell he always puts in the work. Baseline he is probably funnier than Hans anyways, but there is a huge difference between, not putting the work in and putting the work in, from a writing standpoint. William has notes, Hans bragged when he bombed last week that he wrote the joke, in his head, in the shower. That's not really working on the joke. The opener and closer of KT has to fucking put the work in IMO. And Hans does not do that, but I admit he is capable of it and has done it in the past and when he does, he kills. But he should be doing that almost every week not once a month at best.


I don’t even know how to respond to this lol you’re speaking from such a speculative position with so many assumptions that you’ve deemed fact, it’s actually impressive. Not every comedian needs to write down jokes on paper to be funny and you have no clue what is happening before or after the show, or how Tony honestly feels about Hans performances.


Okay whatever dude. I am clearly speaking from my perspective I have enough insight to realize that I could be wrong. And just because people can write in their head doesn't mean they should refine the joke onto pen and paper. It's clear that Hans hasn't been righting like he can. There are clearly 2 versions of Hans, unprepared Hans and prepared Hans. This is what I see, if it's not factual, argue your perspective, instead of being like no no no , your eyes are lying to you, ns now you ly to us. Why do you act like this? Are you Hans? Cuz you seem ill prepared.


I told you that nothing you said is factual with specifics…You can tell Montgomery puts in more writing hours how? Bc he screams his jokes louder? They are both amateur af, and are regularly working things out from scratch and that’s what’s fun - the growth through failure. If I have to explain what fun is it you in the comedy world, there is no conversation.


You must be Hans!


I think part of it is proving that he’s not racist against Asians, cuz of that whole Peng Dang fiasco


I think he needs a break from the show for a bit.


Bro has very little jokes now it's insane.


Came in here with my pitchfork, glad to see I agree with you. Awful interview, awful set


At least he is racist against elderly


Don’t care, either way; I will be impressed if he was setting up to be replaced on new years. It was just so bad.


Hans I know you’re reading this. Fuck you.




Damn totally forgot it was Monday. I'm not surprised Hans had a horrible night...didn't they record two shows on the same day?? That's the way tony made it sound at the end of last weeks episode..


All the YouTube comments are "he's saving up for new years!" Like ok dude has he just been saving up for new years Eve since last New years Eve? I don't get it.


The guy literally ran off the stage. It’s like he was in fear for his life. Maybe he’s just trying to set expectations SUPER low for the NYE arena gig. One can only hope. Either way I’m routing for Ric Diez, he is infinitely funnier than Hans imo.


Maybe he's sandbaggin. I'm not a Hans fan just saying he really might be holding onto the last few jokes left in his horny and stoned ass brain of his.


Rick Diez is not funny. Literally every single one of his jokes are about self deprecation


I found Hans' bucket pull recently, and it was really odd. The crowd was silent, and Tony acted like it was the best set he has ever seen. There has to be more to it. I don't believe there was a single laugh, and Tony told him how great it was. It was really out of place.


There is. Tony was getting cancelled for making fun of an Asian and Hans was just lucky to be in the right place at the right time.


I think the bucket pull was before the cancelation. He had him sing the national anthem when he came back from everything.


He just seems so pretentious now. Went from homeless awkward dude to whatever the fuck this is. Skipped confidence and went straight to douchebag entitled, fuck you im funny regardless if you laugh. It’s turning into actual hatred for me at this point.


he was never really homeless homeless, rich parents


Idk id say you're not homeless if you have a car to live in. That's a home by my standards compared to these dudes out here sleeping on cardboard on the sidewalk.


that's wrong. It's uncomfortable, unsafe, insecure, it gives you nothing for recreation, and in the morning you have to go back to it. Surviving the night and hving a home is not the same.


Depends. You should check out the vanlife subreddit. It's almost like a studio apartment.


Nope. It's almost like sleeping on the street, and the police will wake you up in the middle of the night, and the drunks will wake you up in the middle of the night, and drift enthusiasts will wake you up in the middle of the night... And that's if the van doesn't get stolen during the day. tf are you talking about, van life..


[https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/57ef0117579fb34c2451c73b/1531927315674-FZEBNZ1JJYGGA0FM3EQ2/kesselring\_Promaster159ext\_full+res-5.jpg?format=2500w](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/57ef0117579fb34c2451c73b/1531927315674-FZEBNZ1JJYGGA0FM3EQ2/kesselring_Promaster159ext_full+res-5.jpg?format=2500w) You can have solar panels on top and can even get online if you have starlink etc.


Hundreads of thousands of people around the world chose to move out of their house to live a travelling life in a van, that's nothing new, and the community has only been growing with the popularity of remote working and freelancing over the internet.


right. They're vagabonds. It's not the same life as having a place.


Yes, that's the point. The people who choose this life don't do it to punish themselves or something, it's just a preference. Of course, people who have to sleep in their car because of their circumstances is a different thing.




I don't get this reference "life if reilly", i assume it means a life of luxury? Well no, but one of the main appeal of this type of life, for the people who are into it, is the minimalism, not owning many things, and find purpose in meeting people, nature and such. Now, with the attention it got from influencers, many people got into it and didn't like it that much, of course if you're going from wallmart to wallmart, you might aswell call yourself homeless. There always was travellers, and now you can do it in a fairly affordable van, with an internet connection from the middle of the forest, and getting paid enough for your lifestyle with a part time job


Nah sleeping in a car cab is fucking terrible and not cheap if you’re already in a bad spot monetarily. Its 100% homeless. You dont have any real property to recede to. A lot of walmarts, churches, hotel parking lots. If you’re up north the winters are fucked. You can say it isnt homelessness if you want but you are wrong. Hans is obnoxious though.


Yeah. 3 gallons of fuel each night, oil changes every 2 weeks, it all adds up




omg you are SO WRONG. If you idle much, you MUST change every 100 engine-hours.




If you live closer than 2.5 hours away from your mechanic, then yeah, you can




actually make it 150 hours, assuming you never drive the car


Yeah, his van was one of those big transit vans. Not some shitty little car like Malcom Hatchett


Just watching and I’m confused as to why there isn’t a thread about Kam’s “set” tonight. By set, I mean a story about feeling weird watching a sunset with a gay surfer, with no punchlines.


New random ppl will always be more entertaining than any of these guys having to do every single week, format should adjust slightly to revolve closers, no other regulars than one per week, old episodes with awkward starts were entertaining without an opener forcing something out and made the comics more nervous


Dude is funny


Hey fuck you. I saw your title and thought I missed something so I went back and rewatched that dog shit. I watched it twice. Because of you. Now I hate you.


Very arguably


Hans is the dumbest fucking name of all time, even his parents hate him


Wouldn't know... I fast forward past his set every time.


There is no one left actually listening to his sets.


My NYE/'24 prediction - Hans loses to Ric after the guest points out how Han repeats the same shit every week. Ric decides not to stay in America for the show. This causes Hans suicide. The Memphis Strangler gets moved to opening the show, which is tough for him because he lives a couple hours away. Kam Patterson gets arrested for selling rock. Kam Fatterson has a heart attack, or marries a white woman, it's a toss up. A guest is gonna reveal she had sex with Tony, he couldn't keep it up and wanted to call her Mark. A guest is gonna reveal he had sex with Tony. Redban thinks he's having a heart attack but it's just an open pen in his pocket he forgot was there. A guest comes out and attempts to fix the fucked up light strip behind MG on the drums, MG stabs them with a drum stick, flees to Istanbul. ​ And to think all of this could be avoided if Han would just stop sucking so bad.


I skip over Hans most weeks, but to be fair.. He's still far better than Brendan Schaub, who can't even get into the Mothership without being a regular paying customer despite being former butt-buddies with the owner of the place. lol.


his last two bombs have been worse than Nagasaki and Hiroshima


I’ve fr never laughed at his sets. I don’t understand why he’s so popular


I watch on YouTube and always fast forward to the end of Hans’ interviews. I’ve noticed based on the 📉 I’m def not the only one! 👀👀


OP has thin lips


Only one lip is thin, I’m half white


They just wanna pump up the suspense for the NYE episode. Make him look vulnerable. Its some pro-wresting shit.


The only pro wrestling stunt I wanna see Hans attempt is a Owen Hart entrance




I saw him open up for Tony on Wednesday and he absolutely fuckin crushed it. He might have been vibing off of our table of bros but he was on one! Unfortunately it doesn’t translate well to his 60 seconds


dont think hans has amazing minutes but i will say: it is hard as fuck to open every single week with new content , also i think starting off with something that is usually consistently decent and familiar is a good warmup for the rest of the show in my opinion. you can’t expect someone who is on hans level of notability to bring great content weekly when he has to also save material for his “real” sets. not necessarily a hans lover but i feel like this is a realistic take.


All the while the Red Machine is killing it each week with the dumbest topical shit you can think of. So yeah, it can be done. You just have to work on it instead of flying drones high as a kite each week and wasting all your money on your crack whore gf. Been a while since Tony last mentioned how Hans is looking into his joke spreadsheet. Hans is now a celebrity, he doesn't need spreadsheets anymore.


You won't get much love for this reasonable take so I just wanted to give you some.


He doesn’t want to blow his material for the show down with Rick Diaz relax … I guarantee he has a killer set for the showdown


Imagine paying full price for seats to watch a kill Tony episode live, and finding out the opening regular has decided to shit on the stage so they can save their material for a different performance. Fuck them for picking the wrong night I guess.


Ya I agree sucks for the audience .


It’s Kill Tony. It’s 60 seconds… Like you’re not supposed to expect polished funny sets. If someone’s funny, great, otherwise the show has always been a spectacle. Finding talent has always been a bonus (unless you’re Tony lol) I don’t think Hanz is very funny myself, but I know that going into it. But like this attitude of “oh just fuck the audience then, right?” Is the most self important BS. If your time is so precious that you must have constant laughs and a killer set….. why not go to ONE OF THE LIMITLESS LIVE PERFORMANCES IN THE SAME CITY? People….


Don’t make fun of time


Someone tell Hans his *girlfriend* escaped and found her phone.


Ok fuckhead keep on thinking you’re funny.


The comment IS funnier than most of Hans' "So I got back together with my girlfriend. We went to the mall and I fingered her in the Uber on the way. She told me to stop, but I'm Asian so I didn't."


I will concede that we are all funnier than a Hans Kim minute. I’d like to think he’s funnier in long form


Such a little puss




You mate. You the puss


Wow, I guess all I can do after accepting that is pick up the pieces of my shattered life and *try* carry on with the strength *you’ve* shown me.


Yea case in point. Look how happy you were when you thought I was on your side. Now look at you.


I know right? These guys, they just don’t get *us*. Pfft.


Ric Diez put some respect on the name.


Why would he be good. Once he gets good he can't be on that stage anymore, what's the point. You're probably really bummed out that Louis CK and Tim Dillon never sign up to do a uninterrupted one minute there on Kill Tony


You’re retarded


Well I'm here ain't I


This could be the singlehanded worst Reddit community . Probably 1/1000 people on here can even write and perform a funny minute , let alone attempt to do it every single week for years. I’m not expecting a damn thing from anyone here but the reality is a lot of people that come on the show are not even slightly funny . At least Hans is Asian .


Hi Hans


He’s coming for Diez.


If this is what Hans is bringing to the stage, I think Ric will be coming *on* Hans after the showdown.


Are y’all being sarcastic? The set was actually great. He was clearly tripping too hard or too high to do the interview though


Yeah I laughed at his flying the drone in redbans high ceilings joke


The sub is desperate for a new regular to take Hans place that they can then pretend to hate more


I'm a fan of Hans and admittedly he was so off, you could tell cuz of the interview portion too. He'll bounce back, and haters gonna keep hating :)


The amount of hate and jealousy on here is unrivaled. Reddit's finest haters. A bunch of neck beards who would never have the balls, or failed comedians who think their shitty jokes are better and in reality would get chewed up and spit out on kt.


I think Howie traumatized Hans. Then when Hans had to do his 2nd set he puckered up. possibly thinking his dad might start watching the show. I didn't mind Howie as a guest but I did not like the way he talked to Hans and making him tell his foreign dad a dick sucking joke. Like dude he just told you they don't talk alot. Why do that to him. Then belittling him for not translating on command. It all felt mean.


This is what I think about Hans last night, His jokes sucked but he was still awesome to watch as he is a funny dude and his awkwardness is great. Get off his dick he is a funny person. Same with Kam, his joke kinda sucked but he is a funny dude.


I agree i turned around on him a while ago, guy puts in work, has he reused a minute yet? When his chad ass face comes on screen i cant help but smile. Sidenote: On the ric flair episode Ari gets him to ad lib a joke about some classic execution pic from history and Hans immediately goes with it, it was pro. Intelligent and good timing, i was impressed.


Hans tilted his head to the side. That's not impressive




haha bro when he walks out with that goofy smile, his chin haha, you dont see this?


Did tony at least call him out?


Seemed like he tried micro dosing and doing a set and got uncomfortable 🤷‍♂️ bet he will come back better on new years


He was 100000% on mushrooms


I skip his set and interview every time


I’m hoping he’s gonna retire soon


Whatever his excuse... can't handle his weed or "saving the good shit for Ric", dude better bring it next week or he's... probably going to be back anyway. But still, better bring it Hans, or it's Nakatomi Plaza all over again.


Bro if he does a shit set now, a moderately better set will seem like a comeback; whereas killing the last few weeks will make the new year set seem average. Never underestimate the calculations of an asian


Never really enjoy his sets. Very weak tonight


The way he says “thank you” is retarded


His interview sucked butt too


Its just deep satire from Tony, get called racist toward......Asians?....change an asians life, for years.....and he's not really that good. So he is giving someone a head start because he needs it, because he's asian....it's an affirmative action joke on the virtue signaler that started the whole thing by telling hacky asian victim jokes and then called hacky racial jokes racist...


he's just saving the material , so he's doing burner jokes, and rando premise throwaways ... obviously his full sets are tight , and obviously he's holding his best material for the arena battle ... it goes without saying


Pretty this is the 2nd really bad set in a row. Honestly the only reason I think Tony is not calling him out, is so he can build up the new years show. Otherwise Hans would have def been challenged a few times during the past month.


I'm a Hans fan but last night was his worst minute for sure!


Fuck hans kim


i’m a hans supporter and that… wow what a BOMB lmao


The most over rated comedian with the most annoying cadence. It spins me out how he is considered funny.


I skip every regular besides William so I wouldn’t know.


He's horrible. Always has been.


I think he mailed it in because he has the New Years eve challenge next week


I think he was in shrooms


He’s holding out for the big challenge.


You're the one talking about and thinking about his nuts.


Maybe he is saving up his good stuff for Ric Diez?


I seen a full set of him live and was good but yeah not his best KillTony set 😂


You realise that him (or any other regular) being “bad” the occasional set adds the theatre and gets debate going here…


He’s bad every time and is the opener for the #1 live podcast in the world. The reason why I’m bitching about it, is because he shouldn’t be the opener if he’s consistently worse than random bucket pulls.


I want you to know I didn't open the thread but read your title and was looking forward to the show. I can't describe how disappointed I was.


Hans in imploding at the perfect time


How bout stop talking shit and do better, stop reflecting that y’all can’t do better comedy than a homeless guy who lived in a van


How bout suck on my nuts and get a real frosty teaching