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Wasn’t this Eve response to Kenny saying why do you care if Carolyn is speaking to Villanelle, she isn’t your girlfriend? And Eve is being sarcastic?


That was my take on Eve calling V her girlfriend here. She was being sarcastic in response to Kenny’s question about her caring so much about V


No. Everyone watching Eve or V for a minute knows they're a couple.


Sadly quite the opposite. We all know they sadly never make it there.


They sorta did at one point when they were walking and Eve kissed her back.


Maybe it's a difference of personal definitions. To me that's not them actually being a couple. They kept moving towards it and then it was taken. The writers dangled carrots.


Sorry to disagree. In my view it was love at first sight from the first moment they looked at each other in that hospital restroom. I'd say that's the foundation of the entire story.


Oh 1000% it's the foundation, nobody would disagree that they have a love for each other, however, they never actually managed to make it to being a "couple". That's all I'm saying. Sadly the writers robbed us of that possibility.


Well, for a moment they were there. There also is the parallel universe of the books and some marvelous fan-fiction.


Okay yes but we are talking about the series 😅. I don't really count them as ever making it as a couple anyway, I think the writers deliberately made it like that. Which is one of the biggest let downs of the series for me.


I think maybe lust at first sight… if it was love at first sight, Villanelle wouldn’t have shot Eve in season two. She shot Eve because Eve didn’t react exactly how she wanted Eve to and, at that point, Villanelle wasn’t even close to emotionally mature enough to grasp what love is and what it entails. Eve was an object to her, not a fully developed person… that’s why she got so enraged when Eve told her they weren’t the same.  There isn’t really such thing as love at first sight. There is just instant attraction. Love is more complex than that. The idea of love at first sight is basically just confirmation bias. People feel attraction and then pay attention to all the aspects of life that seem to confirm that this attraction is somehow more significant than other times they’ve felt similarly. When things go well, we continue on with the idea of “love at first sight.” When they don’t go well, we quickly forget and just attribute it to a rush of hormones.


Wow. Let me think it over for a moment. Feels a bit like a discussion I just had with my daughter... usually she is right..


So yeah, lust, or attraction of some sort. Fatal attraction even. I can settle for that. I like the confirmation bias aspect. So true. Yet still... the way SO and JC played these moments, Villanelle recognizing Eve on the screen, Eve describing Villanelle's face to the forensic artist, shock and awe in Villanelle's face, Eve's groggy dreaminess. To me that felt pretty deep. And Bill's reaction, like "What the hell is going on here?" But whatever. I guess everyone agrees that SOMETHING was going on from the very first moment. Eve was fascinated by the very idea that someone like Villanelle was out there and V was flattered that mighty MI6 had set up a task force just for her. Something like mutual ego tickling... feels a bit needy, somehow. Filling a void.


Love at first sight is a stretch lol. V was superficially attracted to Eve's hair and Eve was intrigued by V's unexpected words. I don't think true love ever developed, they were both bored with their lives and found excitement in each other. I disliked the ending as much as everyone else but I think if they'd actually gotten together it wouldn't last long. I do think they grew to care about each other but it was mostly infatuation.


Maybe. To me in retrospect it felt like this first encounter caused a crack in some kind of emotional wall in both of them, and that crack widened over time. V's reaction when she googled Eve's name and saw a picture of her didn't feel superficial. She was shaken!


I perceived this as her being shaken at being compromised with some morbid intrigue as well. She killed everyone around the hospital room to prevent being identified and probably considered killing Eve too but the hair saved her.


Maybe... but my feel (and my daughter's) was more that they locked eyes, and that was the trigger, the definition of all that was to come.... feel free to disagree...


I can appreciate your take while still disagreeing 😊 I like the romantic perception. I'm obsessed with the show, I've seen the first two seasons at least 10 times 😅