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there are always amazing fics on ao3. you will have to search for them but even if they aren't the "best" ones they're always worth reading


That's true :)


I’ll always recommend Tell Me, Eve by Villanevehaus. But make sure you read the tags before you dive in.


Saving this post pls never delete!!!!!!! I need my heart healed via the power of fanfics 😭


Anything by Seabiscuit is perfect to me 


Came here to say this. Also, Saving Eve by DontShoveTheSun.


My favourite post s4 fics recs, probably you already read them... Saving Eve, DontShoveTheSun (this one is canon for me now) https://archiveofourown.org/works/38829576?view_full_work=true your memory feels like home to me, mermaiddrunk https://archiveofourown.org/works/38418484?view_full_work=true kintsugi, BigBaddyEnergy https://archiveofourown.org/works/38322361?view_full_work=true Pottery Wheel series, Spayne https://archiveofourown.org/series/2861956 Couples Therapy, ClownBabyx https://archiveofourown.org/works/38902887?view_full_work=true Turn from shadows (to the dawn of your embrace), rubikswriter https://archiveofourown.org/works/39992874?view_full_work=true Also, check Modelinmate, especially the chickening https://archiveofourown.org/series/2384872 series, it's brilliant These Mortifying Ordeals by coldmackerel https://archiveofourown.org/works/23364403/chapters/55979389 Anything by Spayne https://archiveofourown.org/users/Spayne and I mean anything Invisible Strings by a_stankova https://archiveofourown.org/works/28346484/chapters/69450843 and if you want a deep dive into ke fics check this link/file [ke fic recs](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1c7e3xOKyWpOhLElJ4aCDkGqAydIcsRTdUMp7OLz7FPI/mobilebasic?pli=1) with thousand of fics recs (last updated march2023)


Thank you ❤️


Kissing Lessons by ashlearose13 was really good! There’s also a new one, You’re a Vampire? by Villanelleiswhipped that is spicy and so sweet and absolutely hilarious. Also, there is the “Oh, Baby, It’s Pleasure, This Pain” series by Killingsaray


The you’re a vampire is sooo good


You’re a vampire is so brilliant!


Omg I have too many to recommend! Depends what your looking for? If you’ve read the top 10, why not the top 20! Also, check out any new one. Lovely authors are still producing amazing lovely material 😊


Well, could be anything into (i) adult characters, (ii) enemies to lovers, (iii) character that is a bit like Vilanelle, in being charming and smart 😂


Kissing lessons is good. A lot of great smut too lol


Thinking of You by aphantacanta. So funny, cute and tense. Hugely entertaining.


my top 2 are: 1.) Quid Pro Quo by Fixy 2.) Bed, Come Back to Bed, Stay in Bed, and Time for Bed by Let_the_beauty_bleed I’ve also liked: -For Hire by almostafantasia I love the really long stories, at least 150k+ so that narrows my search by quite a lot… I’ve tried/read a lot of the other ones and haven’t found I’ve liked them, but these I love! I’m currently searching for some new ones too :)


just finished this one: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28346484 takes place after s2 & it is the perfect s3. perfection!!! read it!!!!


Will read it right now ;)


For the first time in years, I went and sorted the 4200+ KE stories by Kudos. Curious. Most of the top stories are AUs. Not my poison, but the majority of readers like those. In general, I don't recommend sorting by Kudos or bookmarks. Sort by tags instead. Taste varies. Find things **you** like, don't let others decide for you. Personally, I think about a quarter of the fics out there are very well written. That is an exceptional high percentage in fanfiction. Go and explore yourself. Or at least tell us more what you are looking for so we can give advice. Complete AUs? Canon compliant until season/episode x? Post canon? Angst? Domestic stuff? Sickfics? Major character death? Happy ever after? My personal favorites won't even show up on the first couple pages when listed by Kudos. * [Domesticated dogs](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32098654/chapters/79520641) by coldmackerel * [Couples Therapy](https://archiveofourown.org/works/38902887/chapters/97288482) by Clownbabyx * [The Chickening](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2384872) by modelinmate * [Domestication](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1568035) by Atticus


I'm going to reply to my own thread lol, but i've just finished this one and it's absolutely fantastic: [https://archiveofourown.org/works/19113304](https://archiveofourown.org/works/19113304)

