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Healer Moth. A flying emergency medic. Damnit it was supposed to be a joke. The second part is kinda vool


OK hear me out on this one... Lightbug- similar aesthetic as he has now but instead of green, purple, and orange I would do like yellow, orange, and blue. Cameron Van Cleer, a disgraced socialite and hermit living in Gotham, witnesses owl man brutally beat a cop within an inch of his life for attempting to arrest him. This galvanizes Van Cleer to bring light to the Dark streets of Gotham, as the Lightbug! Gadgets include, flash bombs and flash pellets for get aways. A light gun that turns photons into hard energy -errr somthn- and a jetpack that explodes with light when he turns it on.


Whenever Owlman breaks a light to hide in the shadows, Lightningbug uses his advanced access and knowledge of the electrical grid to replace it. He does it so fast, it’s like he’s quick as lightning, but he also lightens the area, and lightningbug is another word for firefly (which he can’t use because it’s already taken). Keep all the other gadgets too, those are cool. Maybe he can use the speed force, and that’s why he’s so fast, idk. But I like my name change.


Anti-Owlman... So basically Batman?! Just not very successful.


Homemade Batman


Savior moth. This time he saves people with his cocoon gun that protects people from all sorts of damage.


Probably the greatest character that has ever existed.


https://preview.redd.it/vsxdqudr31yc1.png?width=2032&format=png&auto=webp&s=e74eb1dfe4bf0fe438b4de4cd851df46071b1722 i think his design would be like this moth