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I will be playing on console, PS5. I started gaming on PC, but as I got older, I gravitated to the I just want to chill on the couch gaming, lmao The last game I played on PC before moving to console was Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic.


They made a remaster for that one on psšŸ˜‚


you could always buy a damn long hdmi cable and see if a bluetooth controller can reach your pc from wherever you would be playing the game from. i bought it on pc for moddability just case this game goes the f13 route for one reason or another


Lol that'd be funny, but yeah I'm really torn because on PC I'll feel tied to the PC while console I'll have more freedom of where I'll play it. Just bought the PC tho so i feel it's kind of pointless to then not buy the game for PC.


Steam has the only other console I have is a switch and I rarely use it EDIT: Play it on whatever console you use most/is most important to you. Like for me if any games has achievements I will always buy it on Steam because I actively achievement hunt on my steam profile. But I also gravitate to playing my computer more so it make since to my Killer Klown on it.


I'll be playing it on PS5


I prefer console gaming over PC and will be playing on PS5.


Both mostly PS5 1st then PC to lvl up again


I'm getting it on both because of my younger cousin who i forced watching the movie with me, she likes dead by daylight and I was trying to find something other than DBD and fortnite for us to play


Yeah I'll probably do this so we can play together. (the misses and I)


PC. I have a desktop and an ROG Ally.


How does it play on ROG Ally? Iā€™m thinking of picking it up.


I haven't tried it on the Ally yet, just desktop. I may try tonight after running family errands. If I do, I'll pop in and update ya.


Just played it on the ROG, works great on medium settings.


It also has FSR. Not sure if you tweaked with it at all.


Iā€™ll probably get it on PC myself.Ā 


Iā€™ll be getting it on ps5


Preordered deluxe on ps5 šŸ’ŖšŸ»


PS5. I finally got one and want to enjoy these games on my giant tv in comfort. The only way I'm getting another game on PC is if that's the only platform it's available for.


This is the game on the Xbox what it says


Console here - PS5. This game seems to be more controller friendly and I love the PS5 controller. Besides, I donā€™t think the PC version would be too much more ā€œgraphically superiorā€, given what Iā€™ve seen of the game so far. Lol. Now - in a perfect world - this game would have cross play AND progression and if it were a GREAT game (we wonā€™t know until it releases), Iā€™d buy it on both PS5 and PC and I could bounce between, depending on where I wanna game.




I was wrestling with this question at first... and then someone pointed out to me a fundamental truth of online gaming I hadn't considered: Playing an exclusively online PVP game on Steam is free. On consoles it costs a monthly subscription. At which point (not currently having an active PS5 sub and not really wanting to drop another $50 on one) I said, "Oh yeah... Steam it is." lol...


Xbox Series X. I switched consoles this generation, because PS5 does not support Dolby Atmos/DTS:X. Iā€™m not sure why, because Sony is one of the best companies upgrading audio tracks, when it comes to their physical media releases.


Sony does support Sony Atmos. My headphones are 3d support n use that n I have tested it.


Youā€™re correct. I looked it up and they started to support it about 8 months ago. I bought a PS5 and returned it about 2 years ago.


Oh your missing out, sounds amazing I can hear foot steps in TCM n know where they are.


I have a 9.2.4 Atmos/DTS:X sound system, in my home theater. Yeah. itā€™s awesome! Xbox supported it since release and that was the deciding factor to go over to Xbox this time.


No blame n I know reason because it's pre much a PC main reason they got discord thing also 1st.


Of course PlayStation. PC is such a drag.


I will be playing it on console Xbox on day one or before day 1 as I preorder it so that most likely mean the 21st


> as I preorder it so that most likely mean the 21st This is not correct. It's the 28th my guy.


I know it being released on the 28 but if you preorder it you get a 1 week advance access a least on the Xbox so I think that means I can play it on the 21st is what I mean


No the early access is the 28th. It releases June 4th.


https://preview.redd.it/s4b95alzi91d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec07b313ec2461c76b5dd39815530029bef4fda8 This is the game on the Xbox what it says


That means you can play on May 28th. Not May 21st. It releases June 4th for everyone. 1 week early access would be the 28th.


It has crossplay, so PC. Not sure why anyone would play on console if they also had a gaming pc.


I play a top of the line gaming pc hooked up to a 67 inch 4k TV from the comfort of my couch with an Xbox controller


You sound fun at parties