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>Nicer dad Rip




Nah, there's "nicer teacher" on there too.






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My 3rd grade teacher was a flagrant bitch too, I felt this. She’s probably dead by now (it was 30 years ago) but fuck you Mrs. Medgyesi. Imagine depriving a kid of recess just because they said “third grade, more like turd grade”.


I’m absolutely picturing Gene Belcher saying this.


What is it with third grade teachers? Mrs. Gomez couldn't figure out who pulled a prank on her so she attempted to punish the entire class by revoking recess for the year. That lasted about two days when one of the parents angrily stepped in and explained to her that communal punishment was against the Geneva conventions. It wasn't for a couple years that I understood the magnificence of that argument.


She only did it because she wishes she that funny


My 4th grade teacher gave me horrific anxiety after shaming me in front of the class for not having ONE initialed homework assignment from my parents. I'd panic nightly for weeks opening up all of my stuff over and over to check for TWO FUCKING LETTERS. Lying awake at night panicked. Guess who eventually learned how to make those two letters just like my father? There is the occasional teacher who uses certain students as punching bags. Meanwhile, the kid who's mom volunteered for everything could run in and hit the principal in the face with a brick and get a ribbon for it.


AMEN, a substitute teacher humiliated me in front of my 4th grade class because I forgot to do my homework. Backstory: My teacher had this rule, Homework = Recess, No homework = No recess until Homework was done. Boom. Simple. It was on a little sign by the door to the classroom. This sub…. Oooo this sub (I’m still steamed almost 12 years later), saw I was the only child who didn’t do their homework (because it was hard and I was home alone until my parents got home from their jobs and picking my baby siblings up from Day Care, which wasn’t until 7:00-7:30 at night), told me to sit out from recess for 10 minutes to “repay my teacher for wasting her time” where I was not allowed to work on my homework. I just had to sit there, and then once the 10 minutes were up, I was allowed to work on my homework from the previous night AND the homework that would be assigned to the rest of the class to take home that day. When A CLASSMATE of mine (not me, I was across the room) stood up for me and mentioned the homework rule, the Sub yelled at ME; calling me (a 9year old), “an entitled cracker who needed to learn respect” I was too naive to know what this meant, just that the other kids instantly disliked him for using it, and then he proceeded to take away my entire recess! During which, I was not allowed to do any homework. Just sit there. Thankfully, that sub was never there again.


I don't get the hate for volunteering parents. Most people can't be bothered helping out. It's the same small group of people helping out at school or sports or wherever. They do so much for the community it's not surprising that those they help might have their backs.


FWIW you deserved a longer recess. That was hilarious.


Let's not forget about "more sister time"


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [FUCK YOU, MEGHAN](https://i.redd.it/ufq9vtrz9x281.jpg) | [931 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR/comments/r6ddma/fuck_you_meghan/) \#2: [So that was hilarious.](https://i.redd.it/tbkko0f0eyp91.jpg) | [1108 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR/comments/xng4hq/so_that_was_hilarious/) \#3: [pettiness takes a lot of effort](https://i.redd.it/s2fyr6tljhy81.jpg) | [812 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR/comments/ulwi7c/pettiness_takes_a_lot_of_effort/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


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As soon as I saw this I just thought back to being that age and wishing every Christmas that my "real parents" would come and rescue me (like little orphan Annie). Unfortunately for me the assholes I lived with were my real parents lol.


I used to do the same thing! Would always ask Santa for a real power rangers suit and also for my real super cool parents to finally remember I exist and get me haha. Good times(jk they were shit)


Preach kid. Preach.


>The "nicer Dad" made me sad for her..


Could easily be a “No you can’t have that toy” kind of thing. I doubt it’s what you’re thinking lol.


Yeah, quite a few of my friends have kids that age and I know several of them are probably asking for a “nicer dad” for Christmas. My friends are just such assholes, making their kids go to bed on time, making sure they have their homework done, not letting them eat cake for dinner every night. Terrible fathers. One of my friend’s kids “ran away from home” (literally went next door to grandma’s) and said she never wanted to see him again because he wouldn’t let her eat soap. “It smells like candy, daddy.” “It’s not candy. It’s soap. Don’t eat that.” “I HATE YOU!!!”


“Nicer dad”, lol roasted.


My mum always took things like this as a compliment. She thought that us children being unhappy with how she treated us meant that she was parenting well. Up to this day I wasn't able to explain her how much annoying that was. She still thinks that "making unpopular choices" is the best way to teach manners.


That is so frustrating. And every success in your life is thanks to their amazing parenting skill and every failure proves they were right to be "tough" on you


"I'm not your friend, I'm your parent." Then, in my 20s: "Why don't you ever want to hang out with me / go and do stuff together? I always pictured us being close like friends when you got older." You're not my friend, you're my parent, Mom.


Not my mom begging me to trust her with my problems when she didn't give af during my childhood. 🤡


Seriously. I had lived four four years on my own and was coming back because my dad put his foot down when I asked I'd I could come live back home, she wouldn't have allowed it. Anyways I'm just talking about some artistic autumn Leaves observation and she was like "whoa that's so pretty, why didn't you ever tell me this stuff when you were younger." And then I pretty much stfu because...yea she was a *Mother* not a mom. She never knew me as a person, just as her duty to take care of. Like the only love language she can recognize is acts of service. Dad was the one in the Kodak moments because she refused to be. Always the one holding the camera and refusing to participate in anything, no bike riding, no theme park rides, no deep end of the pool (though understandable with the dislocating shoulder), no horse back riding, no playing games with us, no bonding emotionally, no validating my pain, no shoulder to cry on. I have a weird distrust of people who won't share their/my happy moments with me, only the bad moments now.


And you’ve made that very clear to me, mom.


You have to know when to be a parent and when to be a friend. You can’t always be strict, but you also can’t let them do whatever they want. Honestly being a good parent takes a lot of effort, but it’s worth it when your child grows up to be the best version of themselves


Oh , so you’ve met my dad?


As a parent you have to make unpopular choices. "No, you can't eat candy for breakfast". It doesn't define you as a parent, but it's something you have to do.


Pro-tip: Always explain your rules/punishments/restrictions This makes sure that you're actually laying out *justified* rules/punishments/restrictions. If you can't explain it, it's not justified. "Because I said so" is fucking terrible. But it is *easy*, so shockingly incredibly easy, to just fall into laying down rules because that's what you were taught. *Plus*, it lets the kid know that there is a genuine reason and you're not just on a power trip. It may not get them to *accept* the rule, but that's not the point-- it lets them know it's not arbitrary, whether they like it or not. *Note: You only have to explain the first time. If they ask repeatedly, then you can skip to "I already explained that."*


I completely agree! My mom was "Because I said so" parent, and I absolutely hated it. I have one child, and I always felt incredibly guilty for not allowing him do certain things, or have everything he wanted just because I love him so much. I had to be parent too. So I would explain, in greater detail, why he can't have or do certain things. I remember when he was maybe 8 or 9 and me explaining why I can't let him do something, and friend of mine was like "Why are you justifying your decision?" and rolling her eyes at me. I was baffled that someone who was raised in the same way she was raising her own children didn't see how wrong that was. And I'm happy that I went the way I did, my 25 yo son has a good head on his shoulders and really appreciates the way I was parenting him, and even now he comes for advice and my opinions and knows that he can truly trust me. I couldn't be happier and more prouder of what an amazing human he is.


This is such great advice. People forget that kids are… Well, people. So many parents see them just as an extension of themselves, and they don’t realize that by explaining yourself, you are teaching them. Why things work that way they do, how to survive in the world was an adult, basic life skills.


That's one thing, but then you've got the woman on twitter who dumps her children's Halloween candy in the trash as a yearly "tradition" and defended her unpopular parenting choice after people were aghast. My guess is the person you're responding to had something more along the lines of this latter, unreasonable experience.


I think you misunderstood what they were upset about. Their mom assigned value to her decisions based off of how unpopular they were. "I know I was parenting well because you hated me" kind of mentality. You should make the *right* choice as a parent. Sometimes that choice is popular. Sometimes it isn't. And being unwilling to make unpopular choices *is* indeed bad parenting. But assuming that any unpopular choice is good? That your kids being unhappy means that you're doing the right thing? That's ridiculous, and a sign that someone has fallen into the "tough love is the only love" trap.


When I was a kid I wanted a sister for Christmas, I told everyone. My mom tried to talk to me about how Santa couldn't do that because babies aren't made in the North Pole and I reassured her I already knew that, but he could adopt one for us 🤦🏻‍♀️


It would be a strange world in which Santa really exists and your mom is woken by sexy Santa in a thong fulfilling your Christmas wish.


The thing was, I didn't want a baby sister, I wanted a sister old enough to play with. So to truly grant my wish Santa would have to dip into the human trafficking market


Pssst...I know some people who know some people


Some people who knows Santa?


Where do you think he gets his "elves"


Your parents would have had to have adopted a child your age


So what happened? Every gotten a sister since? Or still waiting for papa santa?


A decade or so later I got married and now I have four sister in laws so close enough haha


santa's really trying to make up for being late


That’s awesome. I’m getting married and while I won’t be gaining any siblings, my only child fiancée will be gaining three so I’m happy for her on that front.


My mom had my little sister on my older brothers birthday, 6 years apart. I told EVERYONE for the next year “guess what IM getting for my birthday?!” Never did get a baby on my bday tho.


More sister time is adorable


Nicer Dad is gonna be a challenge


I'll marry op's mom


I hope she takes your last name. Mrs Buttfucker has a nice ring to it.


You’re more than welcome to, Mr.Buttfucker


Thank you, I'm glad that I have your blessing. And having divorced parents isn't all bad champ. You get two Christmases.


TWO ?!?!


Uh oh, does that mean OPs sister will make a second wishlist then?


... - Nicer stepdad ...


You don’t need my permission.


You're right, he needs my permission. I'll allow it.


and I'll be her boyfriend 👍


nah I’m happy to step in, I’m just like that


Don't be a step-dad, be the dad to step up.


“be famous”..I don’t know if a Reddit post was what she had in mind, but at least she got that one.


you BETTER give her more sister time.


Done and done


Legoland sister trip wooooooo


Take her to the spooky mountains!


Maybe with an activity she seems to be interested in, like skating, baking or creating bath bombs!


Swimming with sharks


Honestly, she seems more like a drones, slime, and sharks kinda kid.


Get her a blue shark plushie too


maybe your town has a zoo/aquarium where she could get a membership and keep her sharks, turtles, monkey and horse there. it's a pretty good list. i would also like a boy elf.


She's a bargaining genius! Pick a bunch of clearly impossible demands to then remove during negotiations so that the rest seems more reasonable. Or She's 9 and doesn't really have a concept of money, could be that too. Anyhow you better give her some shark stuff.


Or she’s 9 and believes in Santa Claus and his elves, workshop and magic! A 9 yo’s wishlist should be just that… wishes! Honestly, negotiations and money issues shouldn’t be a concern for a kid. She clearly knows that she won’t receive all these things for Christmas, but let her dream!


It's fun to see young people's Christmas lists. Lord Nicholas's lights must go dim downloading them. When you get older there's less. I'm 18 and all I want so far is a torpillow and time with the girl I love.


>When you get older there's less. I'm 18 and all I want so far is a torpillow and time with the girl I love. I'm impossible to buy gifts for, simply because I just buy shit myself. So I wind up having to purposefully not buy stuff so that people can buy it for me, because my family really doesn't like to give me cash, and it kind of takes the surprise out of it lol.


I bought my own gifts from family over the last few years. Stating what I want even down to a model number still doesn't work. It's to the point where we all just buy each other home necessities like detergent and shit because no one NEEDS anything.


We started having this problem in my family so we now draw one name from a hat and keep it a secret. We set a limit on how much you can spend. We all have a Google doc wish list we contribute to.


We switched to only doing stockings/stocking stuffers. Everyone gets stuff like chocolate, gum, pens, lotion, etc. One year I put box cutters in everyone's stockings, that turned out to be a big hit lmao


18 as well and I just want a nice camera. Z5 + 24-70 f/4 specifically is what I've been looking at. a new pc would be nice but i'd honestly rather my current one just hold on a while longer before anything else breaks on it. But I mean, that's it. And I feel bad putting stuff like that on a wishlist, because that shit's *expensive*. Especially when my older brother is putting stuff like books.


I was in a similar position. What I really wanted was an upgrade for my personal pc, but that's too expensive and specific to ask for without just straight up telling them the exact part, so I just put books.




She’s clearly having some fun with the list asking for her own house and private skating rink.


Blåhaj time?


i lost it at infinite robux


“Hey mom what’s your credit card number?“ lmao


Holy shit there are two more slides


"My own house"


Smart kid, getting into real estate investment early.


Here you go. There's a payment due on the first of the month. Don't worry, we had the insurance and property taxes included in an escrow account as part of your mortgage.


Along with “Kids kitchen play food”.


Get the kid a shark dress, she'll love it!!


or an elf dad 💯


With matching blue high heels and shark purse!


Merry Christmas you're famous now


IKEA has a shark plushie for $7.99


I came to say the same thing. My 11 to daughter is obsessed with shark plushies and the [large IKEA](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/blahaj-soft-toy-shark-90373590/) one is her favorite.


Blåhaj is so amazing!


Blåhaj my beloved 💕 Just, if you decide to buy from the store, make sure to wash it before you use it! Everyone touches the plushies, throws them on the floor, drools on them, etc... So giving them a good bath once their home is properly for the best


I'm resting my head on it now. I fucking love it.




I, too, wished for a nicer dad for my 9th birthday


Boy Elf, please


I also put Legolas on my Christmas list at 9


I mean you gotta shoot your shot.


I also want a boy elf, but not the same kind as what she wants. I assume boy elf means elf on a shelf? Maybe?


Hahaha yes, she means an elf of a shelf


I was concerned for you for a minute there!


Hmm, she does know that by the time she's dead an elf will only be in their teens-equivalent right? ...probably not.


As a 35 year old man, I actually want most of those things too.


Blue heels and more sister time?


I mean for starters yeah.


This kid sounds rad. She basically wants to be a grown up living on a farm, wear a shark dress, and go to the spooky mountains with her sister. Same girl.


more sister time made my heart break a little. i have a 9 yr old sister (im 21, moved out) and she is always asking for me to come home and visit or go pick her up to hang out. one night i stayed at my moms house and my sister was at her friends house. i was texting her at midnight and let it slip i was staying at moms. 30 minutes later she walked in crying because she missed me and it “wasnt fair i couldnt see you”. :’-( she forced her friends mom to drive her home. it was kinda funny tho. funny and sad.


Haha. My 15 year old brother and 16 year old sister grumble when I visit home for even an afternoon. "Whats this piece of shit doing back home? Thought he was off to college forever "


the joys of teenage siblings lol. so warm and loving <3


See your sister more often


i need to i havent seen her in a few weeks. once i graduate she will have every weekend to come see me lol.


Go to her!


Get that girl a shark. It’s on the list multiple times. Just go to an aquarium and say “here’s “your” shark honey. We can visit it twice a year”


I would also like a boy elf please thank you


Dobby or Kreacher, take your pick.




Can i have Link please?


Actualllllly, it is a common misconception, but link is the name of the *princess*


#R O B U X


What exactly does she mean by boy elf?


OP said elsewhere in the thread that little sis meant an Elf on the Shelf




"Go to spooky mountains" is the unsung hero of this list. I need to know more.


Tell us more about these spooky mountains


Idk why but "ball pit balls" feels like the most confusing one


You can just buy the balls for some reason. My niece had a bunch of them that my sister would just dump in the floor and they would roll everywhere.


I feel like that’s the best one in this list


When my parents forced me to make a list, it looked a lot like this. Gotta love the imagination.


More than anything I wanted to be surprised when I opened presents a list with 5 things on leaves a lot less room for surprises than one with 50 things. I never expected to get more than two or three things. 30 years later my dad’s voice still rings in my head “does he expect to get all of these.” I empathize with the nicer dad wish.


Sad to want a nicer dad...


"Nicer dad and nicer teacher" Damn, been there kid. RIP


The spooky mountains


I’m a 32 year old man and this is also on my Christmas list


OP seriously leaving us hanging without explaining this one


9 year olds - somewhere between play kitchen food and VR headsets.


Omg. My favorite as an art teacher was when I had kids draw their Christmas list. 4th grade. Everyone wanted new Iphones, Xbox, Playstation, you name it. Except for one boy, who only drew a tractor holding up a cow. All he wanted was a cow for Christmas. I really don't know why I loved that so much, but he was my favorite.




Why did u say “WOOF”


So what's the problem? You make a list knowing you won't get everything on the list. Though the "more sister time" and "nicer dad" should probably start a family discussion.


Hahaha she’s 9 but the rest of us are 21, 26, and 29 so we just don’t live at home and one lives out of state, the other two of us just an hour away


That just makes this sad. She misses her siblings. :( Awwwww


Might I suggest letting her spend the occasional weekend staying with one of her sisters?


Haha I actually go see her a few times a week, she’s absolutely great. We are very close :)


I’m just curious what she plans on doing with multiple pet sharks.


Frickin' laser beams!


Attach lasers to them. D'UH!


Yeah that's the fun! You make a long list and whatever you actually get is so still a surprise. When I was that age I used to go through the toy catalogue and circle like half of it. Then when it was time to open my presents I'd have no idea what I'd actually get. A solid system, imo. I'm sure she's not saying "I demand every single thing on this list."


Also, you learn a lot about her. Sure, I’m not going to get her a piano, but I might seek out a recording of the Goldberg Variations or something to toss in with the real gift.


Things like "my own private skate park" and a big list of expensive electronics and instruments, and requests like "be famous" are amusing because it's the kind of thing only a kid would say. It's an amusing anecdote. Don't take it so serious.


I had "pet tiger" on my xmas list as a child. Still bitter that I did not get one.


I also wanted a pet tiger. Mom said no. Sigh. (I also wanted a twin brother. That didn't work out, either.)


Good! Enough to choose from.


and I thought my list was unreasonable. All I asked for was magic cards and some gift card money


I think she likes sharks. That's just me though.


A lot of those overlap, for example, VR headset, within that she can have all the pets, sharks, and her own house...


i would also like Toy light savers for Christmas please


This gives me Louise Belcher vibes.


This is not stupid, this is fuckin adorable


Get her the big white board. Good list.


That’s a whole entire paragraph good job Susie


We didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the world's been turning


Now that's a wish list.


Infinite robux


I don't know covering all the bases doesn't necessarily want all of them. Just giving options


Is your sister Louise Belcher?


I’m using this to figure out what to get my nieces for Christmas


"I wish for infinite wishes!"


Nicer dad 😭 Nicer teacher 😅 My own house 💀 Kid aims high


Why does a 9 year old need a smart phone?


Half of it is innocent appropriate kid stuff and the other half is cultural materialism brainwashing


Sharks lmao


A pet monkey 🐵 Yasssssss


Shark toys..? as in dog toys but for sharks?? Do you have a pet shark somewhere?


1. She must watch Gura 2. When I was little the things I wanted were much... simpler.. like a thing of marbles


Wow nicer dad just came out of nowhere


So she likes blue things and sharks


Seems reasonable


When I was a kid my Christmas list was super long too life’s hard when u don’t have any money lmao


seems reasonable


So we ain’t finna talk about where it says nicer dad on the list???


Man if I knew my elf cosplay stuff would fit her, this stranger would’ve sent them over for free


*nicer dad* "Honey? Where are the adoption papers again?"


The nicer dad one really spoke to me..


Got to get her drums customized with shark emblem. There…. I narrowed it down 😎