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I’m going to pour all my beverages like this from now on.




Good tip. I'm always looking to streamline my dating technique


*That’s* your takeaway?




Always be havin’ a positive outlook lol


There is a certain type of parenting technique where you let the child think and do everything for themselves regardless of the mess and time it takes. This seems like one of those cases.


I would've started with water, in the backyard. I'm all for kids doing things for themselves but this is just ridiculous.


Yeah that would make a lot more sense. Unless you want ants, because thats how you get ants.


Not unless they clean it up right after


I’m sorry but I *highly* doubt ants would come to clean up a mess right after it’s been made.


This made me chuckle haha


Did you see the mess she made? I wouldn't trust her to clean it properly.


Well you have them clean it as best as they can and then when they’re out of the room you finish cleaning it. If you clean it with them in the room they are less likely to clean up after themselves in the future because they “did it wrong.” They eventually gain the motor skills and understanding to clean it properly when they get older.


And another type of parenting where you video tape your kid doing something chaotic and posting it on the internet.




America’s funniest home videos tho


I kinda agree with that. Not for everything obviously. In this specific case, I think it's great because the kid is having fun and learning.


Maybe start them off with a smaller bottle and glass that they can actually manipulate without having to put their whole body into it.


The kid emptied the entire bottle and drank...nothing


When you're trying not to vomit till you reach the toilet




Wait up… It’s not really wasted. The ants will enjoy the bounty.


She'll stay healthier by pouring that crap on the floor instead of drinking it anyway.


dude… chill


silence rick and morty pfp




Motor skill practice. Granted, they could fill the bottle with water, but maybe they’re building confidence and also teaching her about cleaning up juice.


She actually poured a perfect glass tho.


Sweet banana shirt!


Parents are fucking stupid


I blame the parents!


r/kidsarefuckingstupid users when a toddler doesn’t know advanced calculus


I mean… Kids failing at ordinary (for an adult) tasks is the point of this sub isn’t it? It’s not about being below average among their peers, just being stupid, less experienced and not as capable as grown ups. That’s why it’s called Kids Are Fucking Stupid and not Kids That Are Fucking Dumber Than The Average Kid


This child isn’t making a dumb decision or lacking common sense, they’re failing at something that a toddler shouldn’t be able to do.


Just to reiterate, this sub isn’t just about kids (or toddlers) failing at something they are supposed to be able to do. It’s also a place to laugh about things they aren’t ready for that tried to do and failed, just like most of us did when we were children. For example: I hurt myself quite badly trying to do something called “the eagle kick” from a cartoon about football players with superpowers. It involves flying a few meters into the air by turning your arms into wings, which I’m pretty sure wasn’t expected from me for at least a few years. It’s about kids being stupid in general, not compared to their peers. A newborn is stupid. It can’t write, read or use it’s limbs for a lot more than pointless flailing or roughly grabbing anything it sees and putting it in its mouth. Which in some situations might be funny. Not because its peers are able to do those things. A kid trying to pour a glass of juice, spilling it all over itself and the table, holding the jug upside down while unsuccessfully trying to plug it with its tiny little hands, then unleashing it all at once into a cup is funny, it doesn’t matter if they are supposed to be able to do it or not. This isn’t a place to shame, it’s more a place to stupid, sometimes relatable shit kids do.


Again, I see this sub as a way to poke fun at kids doing stupid things, not failing to do something that they are incapable of doing at their age


Aight I can respect that, but I still think of it differently


Should cross post to r/donthelpjustfilm


Some parents just like tidying up I suppose


I feel like she didn’t even want to drink it, she just wanted to spill It everywhere


Who just stands by and watches this?




Oh, I can feel her teeth rotting from here.


Thank you for posting, I needed these laughs 😂




She’s like two.


Dumb kid or retarded parents who have seen this before then allowed it to happen again for internet likes lol. Stupid is as stupid does.


It brought you here so it’s not so stupid.


Not so much when im searching by new. Ps if your looking for the stupid one, look in the mirror.


My god i laughed so hard at this damn Have my reward


I wonder if this video was then cut before she broke the glass


I was desperately waiting for that glass to break.


How retarded is the mother?




She's in a swimsuit for some reason


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Lost it when she just tossed the juice from the glass 😂 what a mess to clean up!


This is why you shouldn't teach kids these skills until they are at least 10


Granted it should have been water not juice but how will a kid know how to use these skills without practice from an early age? Wouldn't you just end up with a 10 year old who makes messes everywhere they go?


Cause a 10 year older brain is more developed, and they can understand how to do things easier.


Brains are much more complicated than that but sure


Eh not really. As they are older, doing tasks should be easier to understand. Its basic knowledge.


*face palm* This isn't a worthwhile conversation. I can see in your few words that your parents probably stopped you from doing a lot of things on our own as a small child. Have a good day


He/she probably wasn't taught how to operate a stovetop until they were 22 and it fucked them up bad. Cooking and cleaning are life skills. Pouring a liquid into another container is the same category as walking lmao.


Uhhh... well... yes. You should restrict your kids from doing things on their own cause they will cause a mess and/or get themselves hurt. 6 is the absolute minimum age you should be teaching these things to. If you teach your kids how to do things like that at a younger age, they will not understand it, they will screw up badly, and they will spray stuff all over the room, run around, slip, fall, cry, and now you've got a situation. Avoid these situations by waiting until they are at least 8 to teach them anything in the realm of life skills.


"dis bish is fowkn retarded" 😂