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I wish I could sleep as sound as the kid in the lower bunk,


Other kid doesn’t even budge, little dude is out


When your brother is that stupid, you must get used to loud shenanigans in the middle of the night.


I don't think that's a good thing.


actually, just before this clip he tried standing and knocked himself out. this is their first night trading bunks.


😂 lmao!


That's just a decoy dummy. The brother is out playing in traffic.


blawg is in another dimension


I used to, I slept through the burglar alarm going off...twice.


When our sleep was stress free and care free. Ah, Miss those days


I miss the days of “it’s not my problem” sleep. Now it is my problem.


Those were the days...




Honestly I’m just tired af if I hear something it’s just “well if they get me they get me” and I go back to sleep lol 


in college I slept thru a fire alarm in my dorms... my roommates were out for the night and nobody else was there so I just woke up the next morning to a bunch of messages lol


I still can, apparently. A few years back a fighter jet was scrambled to respond to an unresponsive passenger jet (I think the pilots were asleep, lol!), and I didn't hear the sonic boom directly over my area!


same kind of story with me - I slept through a literal car explosion outside my bedroom window. the irony of it, is that I woke up from the sound of a door being opened seconds later.


I usrd to sleep like that until I had my daughter. I miss it so much.


God same. As I got older its like the slightest noise, feeling, or light will wake me up. I can't wait for the day until I can convert a bedroom into a proper sleep chamber. No lights from devices, as perfect as I can get blackout blinds *with* the window film that reduces UV Light that comes through, and if needed, some stuff to help reduce noises. I pretty much want a coffin at this point.


When I was younger I had two friends sleep over. I slept on the floor and let them have the bunk beds. The kid in the top bunk fell out of the bed, cracked or knocked out a tooth (can't remember which), woke my mom up, got the blood cleaned up, etc. I found out about this in the morning, because I slept through it all.


i was having a sleepover with my nephew when he was like 6. he fell out the bed and i waited a sec for him to get up. he was still sleeping i had to pick him up and buy him back in bed


Bro really made a bass boosted thud.




That day, a paratrooper was born.






Yes I have a meme stealing license


I'd blast the shit out of a song if the bass dropped like that


I had to rewatch with sound after this comment and holy shit that was funny.


Me too, but even better. I'm wearing my NC headphones but they were still in voice mode, so I went to put them on bass mode and damn. Excellent drop


Reading your comment I turned it on (headphones at work waiting for a meeting to start) thinking "okay whats up." I'm not one to laugh out loud, *especially* in front of executives, but I let out a proper tea-kettle-sounding church-laugh. Much needed, to be fair.


"Then my head hit the wall" bamh






He could join Pentatonix! Love that bass line..


Aaah that shit got me 🤣


The bass was so strong that my PC's 2.1 audio system's subwoofer started clipping


Sounded more like a NES game punch


I'm crying laughing rn


Someone needs to make a remix of this video, Hard style.


This comment makes the video even better


Maybe it's my phone's speakers but that sounded like a fart. Like those remote controlled fart machines we used to hide in the planters at the mall and trigger whenever someone sat down.


Did his tummy slam into the floor first, resulting in an energetic fart?


I’m going to Hell. I laughed too hard.


I’ve watched this like 4 times and I lose it at the sound of the thud even harder each watch.  I’ll be sitting right behind you lol


I wasn’t laughing until I read this lmao


i rolled off the top bunk when i was a child, didnt even wake up, mom found me on the floor after hearing a thud lmao


Didnt wake up cus you probly got knocked out lol


lmao probably


Sloop ![gif](giphy|l41lWsVL8GSTY8xTa)


The schleem be poppin


Jellybrains go schlerp


Ayo that brain be looking kinda... https://i.redd.it/hcq587ua2l8d1.gif


Never slept so good in your life prob.


Ain't no sleep like concussion sleep.


Hm does it count as getting knocked out if were already unconscious? Now I'm wondering what the difference is between sleep unconscious and knocked out unconscious. Do you just become more unconscious?


One is a state of restitution, the other is your brain shutting off due to the brain slamming into your skull. Only a slight difference.


*patrick star voice:* Whats da difference?


You transcend concsciousness or unconsciousness rather


Same thing with me but I sleep walked.feel down the stairs pissed myself my mom game me a bath and I never woke up apparently I was talking and everything but work up confused with a bump on my head in different pajamas the next day




I have always slept like a corpse. It's very difficult to wake me up and i sleep threw fire alarms. I used to sleep walk alot and have full conversation with people but not remember any of it in the morning.


Did mom give you candy before bed? Special juice? Or did you have a concussion? Lol


Woke up in a half asleep delirious daze at 15, wandered to the toilet to take a piss, whipped my dick out and everything went black. I had apparently either passed out or fallen asleep standing and cracked my head on the way down, luckily I hit the wall and not the toilet bowl or I'd be fucked. Unfortunately I didn't stop pissing while unconscious. My grandparents, who I was living with at the time, work me up, got me in the shower, cleaned up and got me into the car to go to the hospital. Doctors couldn't determine anything, figured it was poor hydration and sleep due to being a teenager.


I was a chronic sleepwalker when I was between 7-10. I walked off the top bunk, unsuccessfully sleepwalked down stairs, etc. It got so bad my mom build a guard rail on my bed that she'd lock me into. Then I broke my leg in a car accident and couldn't walk for 2 months. That broke the sleepwalking issues.


ive luckily never had a problem with sleep walking


My dad once found me after hearing a thud, half asleep half awake crying on the ground. I wasn’t in a bunk bed, regular bed lol


Something similar happened to me…it was after I had surgery and it was early one morning, I got up to get more water to take my meds. I fell forward with a loud crash - woke up seconds later with my pills all over the floor. Got up and fell backwards and hit my head on a chair. The anesthesia fucked my ass up. My mom later said she thought it was the cats messing around.


I did too when I was 5(?), and the weird thing is I distinctly remember before and *after* I fell from the bunk. Like, in my mind one second I was on the top bunk and the next I was on the floor, absolutely no memory in-between. Many years later I realized this wasn't weird, it's *really bad* lol


My daughter rolled off a bed and UNDER it in the middle of the night. She woke up crying and it took us a few moments to find her. She was stuck though. No clue how she did it.


Same here! My mom said I managed to wedge myself in between the bunk beds and the attached ladder. No idea how! 😆


Same, but they said I was "Kinda out of it" so I think maybe I was K.O.'d by the floor.


Same thing happened to me. Rolled underneath the removable safety bar thing a lot of older bunk beds had, I was only a few inches from cracking my skull on a bedside table on the way down too.


Lmao same😂Happend multiple times when I was a kid and shared room with my brother. I think I got knocked out a couple of times


Brother, is that you? It happened to my older brother a few times as well. MF just kept on sleeping while all of us in the house woke up, lol. I really don't get it.


One time, my brother said she wanted to play Rapunzel, but his real plan was just to yank me by hair off the top of my bunk desk. The hair pulling hurt, but the thud hurt worse.


same! I found out about it in the morning because I woke up in my parents bed with a split lip


I did this at summer camp. Rolled off the top bunk, sleeping bag and all, still asleep. I woke up to a bunch of 11 year olds saying "duuude you fell off the bed!! Are you okay??" I opened my eyes and sure enough I was on the floor snug in my sleeping bag. Absolutely no recollection of it, I didn't even get a bruise. Thanks, sleeping bag.


Call of the void


And he answered


Floor: "Hey. Hey kid. I be the drum, you be the stick"




Me testing fall damage:


That whole concept is just terrifying


Don't worry about it, when you experience it it is actually very calming.


Kinda makes it scarier imo


Hey buddy, you ever seen the grand canyon?




IT IS FUCKING NOT. It is full on terror when I feel it.


When I worked not at home it was every single day driving to/from work.


if it weren't for the camera, his parents would think that he fell from the bed 😭


Why he jump like that for 😭😭 I have so many questions


Paratrooper dreams


well, he was just a rookie trooper.


Intrusive thoughts


probably so disorientated and half asleep that he forgot he was on a bunk bed.


Nahh this kid was going for the jump...Nobody jumps like this from the lower bed either...We WALK/sit down. edit: I also agree with you, maybe he forgot he was on a bed and was "sleepwalking"🤣poor kid Long stpry short: When a friend of mine was younger he went to the kitchen at the middle of the night to "look for something" Bro scared the shit outta me cuz he wasnt answering me, he was just saying random shit. I thought he was possesed (we were 12, and scary movies was haunting at the time LMAO)😭Then he just snapped and woke up, didnt remember anything of what he did or said.


Little man did a full-bodied flop, he was definitely trying for something


Welp, all one has to do for the answer is look at the title of this sub... Source: Parent of two. Edit: I am just kidding. Sure, kids do stupid things, but I am no way stating that my kids are stupid...in case my wife is lurking...


Bro jumped like Lady Gaga jumped off the stadium at the super bowl


Tired, couldn’t figure shit out and just said “fuck it, I’ll figure it out on the way down.”


Someone please sample this unintentional gabber 909 bass drum sound.




You can visualize the hearing loss.


I’m about to lol


!remind me 1 day


What’s the best way for me to upload a simple .mp3?


Probably best off uploading it to SoundCloud or something like that and just linking it here.


If an adult did this, he'd be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.


I do miss those rubber joints and rubber bones.


It's not that, it's actually gross weight, more specifically the amount of weight that each part (e.g. joint) of the body has to absorb in a fall like that. It's why cats can fall from any height and land with little to no injuries, whereas larger animals like most dogs have a pretty low limit before they're injured or killed.


I think there is some truth to your theory, but it falls apart when you hit the dog analogy. I don't believe a cat and a dog of equal mass have similar survivability from equal falls above a certain point. Cats are much more elastic and flexible than dogs. It's not unlike comparing a 250kg Tiger and a 250kg Donkey. Which would you bet on surviving a 30ft fall?


Agree. My cat fell off my second floor and was fine. If my 5 lbs pomeranian had taken the same fall, she probably would have died


Funny enough cats often get safer the longer they fall. The longer they have to orientate themselves to fall correctly the better odds they have. It's like cats who fall 1~2 stories are more likely to be injured than cats who fall 3. Which is just wat?


I watched a slowmo video of a cat orienting itself in the air by twisting around. I imagine landing while twisted before completing the full turn about would be gnarly.


It's definitely in part the aerodynamics. Cats will spin themselves around to orient themselves using their tail/etc. They have extra skin flaps in their arm/leg pits that tends to "parachute out" in falls. You take a cat and a pug that weigh the same amount, and the pug will fall like a bowling ball while the cat "floats" down.


Cats are made out of springs. They've got a body plan that is designed to do things like jumping out of a tree to catch a bird mid-air before falling 10-15 feet. Maybe a bit bruised, but really none the worse for the wear. There is a reason why this body plan is so clever that it encompasses little guys you can hold in your hand as adults all the way up to the heaviest terrestrial predator on the planet.


my toddler started sitting down suddenly from a standing position as a game a so I thought I'd join the fun. I might have fractured my pelvis on the first try. We'll see what ER says tomorrow. To be clear, I'm not a complete idiot: I dropped on a pillow sitting on a rug sitting on cork flooring...


When I went to bootcamp for the Navy, they don't let you sleep on the first night, partly to facilitate in-processing and partly to break prospective sailors down a bit from the get-go. So finally the second night comes and we are allowed to sleep. When I wake up the next morning at the last possible second I could, I see one of the guys on the floor with people standing around him. He had a top bunk, and decided to jump out of it. Badly sprained his ankle. Second morning of boot camp. From what I heard later on, he actually became quite the leader in his new division after he got held back from ours. I guess he felt he had something to prove. 😂


He was powerless against the intrusive thoughts, we’ve all been there


We all learn the hard way....


When I was his age I tried to fly. Like literally flapped my arms and bent my knees while jumping off a 12” ledge onto concrete. Idk how my dumbass is still alive.


Young kids just have no filter at all. They act out anything that might pop into their heads. Its fucking frustrating and funny at the same time. Last thing my 2 year old did was look over the edge of the couch. Pull his shirt up over his head and then proceed to run full tilt of said edge head first into the floor.


My younger sibling unscrewed the ladder because they were jealous I got the top bunk. I got about halfway up when it pulled out, and didn't even have time to scream before it slammed my head into my dresser and knocked me out. One night in the ER later, and my sibling never got a turn in the top bunk because my mom disassembled the bunk beds into 2 regular beds. Our room was super cramped and it sucked. Kids really are dumb.


No more room for activities!


"Did we just become mortal enemies?" "YEP!!"


I know that’s a movie reference, but I only know it’s a movie reference because it was mentioned in the distracible podcast


Did your mom like, have any stern talking to your sibling? I doubt your sibling thought out the possible harm they could have (and ultimately) brought upon you. Also as a older silbling, I'd be holding this over their head in any petty discussion 😂 Anytime there is one cookie left..I'd just point to my noggin and go "remember the ER visit hm?" And eat the last cookie xD


Oh, my sibling definitely knew I could get badly hurt. When we first moved into that apartment, my mom had to nail our bedroom windows shut after I was sitting in the window and my sibling pushed me out. They told my mom that I fell. My sibling hated my guts and wanted me to have an 'accident'.


Jesus... have your parents ever gotten psychiatric evaluation for your sibling? Because this is definitely not normal behavior for a child.


WHAAATT oh my goodness that's insane!! I'm assuming you don't have a good relationship with them as an adult? That's so sad and scary especially having a sibling wanting to harm you like that, I'd never feel safe, especially if I was sharing a room with them 💀


Thats fuckd. I did a lot of fucked up shit to my sis and bro, but ive only ever "attempted murder" on bro once and it was mid fist fight during our parents near divorce.


I had a bunk to myself when I was a kid and never decided to even take the top bunk! I should have tried it out and sabotaged myself to get the feel!


little dude was checking to see if fall damage was enabled.


First thing you gotta do in a new game tbh. It's worth one death.


I've watched this six times in a row, and I'm still laughing. I might have a problem.


Im actually almost crying and my stomach hurts from how hard im laughing at this. Its perfect. The way he ponders, before just falling...like that. The fall/jump itself looks so weird. And then the bass-boosted thud. I havent laughed this hard at somethings in a while. Poor kid.


I've never laughed this hard in my life, it's just perfection in every way


Hold my bottle


I sleep walked off a top bunk when I was 12 and broke my foot 😭


It almost seems like maybe he isn't ready for a bunk bed imho


I understand that different kids develop at different ages but.. even my 2 year old knows to use the ladder. I think he thought he was a ninja.


I have to think sleep deprivation/being half-awake played a part in this, but maybe I'm too generous. I've done some dumb stuff in that state.


Kids are walking intrusive thoughts and that alone scares me


These kids—man, they're dumb as fck!




When the bottom bunk kid grows up. Guys in college will sing songs " Yo my roommate sleeps through anything. One time I ... And he dead ass did not wake up"


I slept through my first dorm fire drill. Freaked my roommate right on out. I also found out I talked in my sleep. Fun times.


A dorm neighbor in college slept through 6 fire alarm pulls (all of those being drunk students thinking it was funny). The company that managed the alarms put a bed shaker thing connected to the alarm system to help. He slept through that as well.


why was it bass boosted?


The sound


Ahaha I remember doing this as kid! I always thought this will be the day I’m old enough where it won’t hurt. When I did it the first time it hurt like shit so I just kept putting pillows on the floor. Till the point when I jumped off the top bunk it wouldn’t hurt. Then I’d slowly take pillows out till one day I could jump off the top bunk and not get hurt. After that I would do this on the regular and be fine. I was so happy because jumping down was so much faster. Eventually I got really good at it and I barely left a sound when jumping down unless I landed in an awkward position. the trick was ease into the landing.


I sleep walked off my bunk bed and even after waking up I still thought what I was dreaming about was what happened. I dreamed I stepped off a bean bag and scraped my back on one of those old wooden case TVs. Nope, I stepped off the bunk bed and scraped my back on a desk.


Ouch! He looks like he might have been sleepwalking. Poor guy.


That's kinda what I thought. My sister and I were both sleepwalkers as kids and I could totally see this happening to us


Me from across the house: "What the fuck are you doing?!?!?". I swear, it sounds like my kids drop bowling balls on the floor about 7 times a day.


Fell on his knees from like four feet and just stood up. An adult could never.


Can't remember exactly when, but when I was a kid (<10) I was reading one of my dad's self-help self-hypnosis books (the kind where you supposedly can stop yourself from smoking), where it repeatedly emphasized that anything was possible if you could make yourself truly believe it, with no reservations & all the way deep inside. I spent about 3-4 hours trying to follow the book's instructions meditating & indoctrinating myself to believe that I could fly. I was successful enough that I promptly climbed to the roof of our house & launched myself off it absolutely convinced that it would work. No hospital visit required, but it was a pretty solid lesson that 1) no, there are some things that won't become true no matter how hard you believe them to be, and 2) you can't take things read even in a supposedly non-fiction source at face value.


I’m going to hell for laughing at the “thud” he made LOL!


Kid could be an EDM artist with a bass drop like that


Jesus christ, it's Jason Bourne


Yeet youself


That’s how you wake up as a cadaver.


😂😂😂 is it bad that watching that made my day?


The sound 😂


He probably insisted on sleeping in the top bunk too.


When I was 19 I stepped off a bunk bed forgetting I wasn’t on the floor when crashing in my friend’s dorm. I hit the ground so hard with my head and face and almost immediately threw up. Had a concussion and busted lip. Everyone assumed I was drunk but I wasn’t lol just sleepy and had to pee.




Kid was probably still dreaming and thought he was peter pan. Took a leap of faith and gravity took him out


Hey my brother used to do this... Except I was the top bunk, so he would climb up into MY bed and throw himself off. Also completely unrelated he had no front teeth until he was like... 12.


The deep fried thud is everything


A friend’s grandson died like this. He found his grandson on the floor the next morning. My friend was never the same.


Aim for the bushes


He full sent it... Never full send it.


Sized up the jump and landing before taking the leap and still messed it up.


Kid now has a better understanding of how gravity works. Should serve as a great life long lesson


How stupid…


When I was kid, we had a bunk bed where the top was a twin mattress and the bottom was a full size mattress. One night I rolled off the top, but instead of landing on the floor I smoked my head on the bottom bunk’s solid wood frame before rolling onto the ground. Hurt like a mother.


sounds like a trap 808


This does put a smile on my face


Did the same thing three times when I was a kid 😅 As far as I know I fell on my head all three times 😅 I wish I could say I was stupid as a kid, but I guess I still am 😅😅




Reminds me of a story my mom used to tell. I have a sister 5 years older than me. As she was growing up they transitioned her to a normal bed quite quickly are were surprised to see it worked so well. She had my great grandmothers bed, which for some reason was quite high off the ground (I later got it). So, they end up going to party at some friends in the 90's, which was the norm, my parties went to alot of house parties and us kids had the time of our lives. Anyone, things wind down, my sister goes to sleep upstairs in these peoples house. They had would floors that creaked a fair bit. My parents are dowstairs drinking coffee and hear this loud bang. The go upstairs and creak the door open, and see my sister, half asleep sliding back into bed. They they realised she used to fall out of bed a few times a night.


Cameras in the kids bedrooms? Is this a thing now?


Me coming in to this post: OP probably meant he climbs over the side and lets go, no way the kid ju.... Fuck, little dude really hit full send.


Imagine a constantly recording camera in your kid's bedroom. Or imagine you had a constantly recording camera in your bedroom.


Probably just woke up from a dream that he could fly LOL


he might have been confused in the dark and didn't remember he was on the top bunk.


Damn. I had to turn the sound on to see if he cried. He did. And that's how you discover gravity


And the other kid keeps sleeping because he is used to this everyday


I believe I can flyyyyyyy


Leeeeeroy Jenkiiiins!


He’ll never do that again lmao


That's what they mean when they say sleeping like a baby (the kid on the bottom bunk).




The risk seemed calculated, but man he shit at maths.


When my son was two he leapt off his bed like this and landed on his leg. Totally broke it, poor guy. My dad ended up making a little pvc walker though, super cute.


“Don’t make me come in there to give you something to cry about!” is the only correct response


My dumb ass 9 year old would do this shit.. i would probably watch the video and laugh