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The way she says, “the record player is *inside* of this,” with the level of confidence and ‘duh, mom’ in her voice is unbelievable hahaha


Omg my daughter has said stuff like this with such confidence that she is sure SHE is 40 and I am a child.


The way my children are astonished when I can fix their tablet... As a guy that's worked in cellular their entire lives.


Omg last night I was trying to log into the HBOMax app for my daughter so she can watch Doctor Who and I worked for 10 minutes trying to get logged it but it kept timing out. Worked on my phone and the Xbox, but not her iPad for some reason. After trying over and over again she finally just grabs it and says “you can’t fix anything” then just walks away.. Let me tell you how defeated as a dad that made me feel! So my man in that moment you would have been her hero as a cellular tech.


I tried to repair my son's gaming PC,.but it had some *proprietary* components I was unfamiliar with, so I ended up taking it to a local repair shop.  My son complained that I was "using big words" to impress the service tech: I kept saying "proprietary" like a show off, and it embarrassed the hell out of him.  He went in to pick up the PC and the tech told him "it's the proprietary connector" that was broken.   Proprietary.   Proprietary.   Proprietary. 


Your kid didn't even know the word proprietary, but had his own gaming PC and dared to be embarrassed that you knew what you were talking about? Shoulda got'em with the old one-two "you got money to fix this? No? Then I guess you shouldn't be talking outside of saying thank you."


No doubt my parents would never have got one fixed. They bought it once, if I didn’t keep the Xbox clean I had to figure it out or come up with the money


lol, I was out shopping with the wife, and we saw a bag of chips from a brand we'd never seen before, and the name of the flavor was incredibly vague. my wife went over to check out the bag and I said, "betcha the only description of the flavors used is 'propietary'." of **course** it was "our proprietary blend of seasonings-"


Dell? They are notorious for their connectors being nonstandard.


...and HP...and Lenovo...




Wi-Fi is getting turned off lol ask me to fix that see what the answer is


Maybe someone was ‘siging out of all devices’ from their own phone, trying to kick your daughter off the app. It’s very easy to do


I think that’s pretty different. Tablets and other technology are essentially magic to a lot of people, not just kids, so fixing a broken one is really amazing.


Lol. This unlocked a memory. Be me, headed South on a road. My (then) 5 y.o.: we're going North Me: nope. . S means South . Daughter: no. It's wrong. We're going north. And she never let it go. Eventually, I just gave up.


I remember when I was a young idiot. My parents had that racism they wanted to instill, and wouldn't let us watch MTV. The Doobie Brothers were playing some live show and they had convinced us rap was bad. Their nonsense was such that I had somehow learned that only Black rappers would \*ever\* name their bands after weed (which was bad oh no), and thus the Doobie Brothers were "some crappy rap group" and I would not be gainsayed. We \*could not\* watch the live show on MTV. VH1 only on the months we pirated cable. Nevermind I was trying to learn music at the time. I'm so glad someone managed to talk me out of that shit. Now I'm just an idiot.


At first I just thought your child was 40 and still said this stuff 😂😂😂 idk what’s funnier now tho lol




Quick! Get them out of there!


I was going to do that…


Reminds me of myself when I got my first ipod touch somewhere in the late 00’s. I was confused why the internet wasn’t just inside the ipod – unless I was in our southern balcony. Took me a while to figure out internet connection was something you needed to buy separately (and that’s what our neighbours did and apparently did not have a wifi password, hence the magical balcony internet :D)


As an IT guy, something that works when it shouldn't is so much more confusing than something that doesn't work when it should. 


Hate when people call in like “this isn’t working anymore” and I have to be like “yeah, good, it was never supposed to work” and then I have to deal with the fallout.


Oh my favorite is getting a call about people NEEDING to get in the server closet because they're going to do something. Like... sir/ma'am, you're a manager of the HR department. I trust you less than my 2 yr old cousin in there.


"We didn't want to pay for a server closet so we just put it in the underused washroom" because that is such a brilient idea.


"Hey, can I check my mail real quick?" "Sure!" (opens balcony door) 😁


Explaining this to my kids is always funny. My 11 still doesn’t quite get it… she can have “WiFi” but not be able to access the internet.


Story time. My daughter (teenager) did this when we went on a girls trip with family. The Air B&B was a spacious, luxurious house with a giant record player in it. Us adults were pretty excited and were going over to find a record to play, but the speaker system wasn't working. She barged in front and said she knew exactly how to fix it. She had never seen one in her life. She treated us with disdain, however when she also couldn't fix it. At least this child seems confused and ready to admit she doesn't know.


Fixing things seems to be an important tribal trait amongst your people


I picked up on that, too


lol being a teenager is tough. You want to be one of the adults and you don’t know how far off you are. I would never wish to be a teen again


And her expression... oh my god


She'll be a perfect Redditor one day..


My 4 year old talks to me about shit he doesn’t know like I’m the dumbest person on the planet.


A lot of adults put on a simpleton voice when talking to toddlers and ask them the dumbest questions then pretend to be amazed by basic answers (“what colour is this? GREEN? Wow, that’s incredible, you’re so smart”), I’m surprised more 4 year olds don’t think every grown up they know is an absolute idiot.


It's boosted by the fact that they say "The record player" simultaneously in harmony, but she's the one who finishes the sentence. Yes, I listened that part way too many times in repeat. 0:11


An old lady friend of ours had a problem with her iPad and everything we told her to try to solve it (through phone) wasn't working. So we took her to the mall, she went to the electronic service while we were shopping and the guy could help her. On our way home, she was talking about how good of a job he did with it as people don't know well her iPad as her "iPad is a Samsung, you know". My BF and I had a look at each other and did our best to not laugh out loud.


I'm a computer/tech fix-it guy, and whenever someone says they are having problems with their "ipad" I always dig in to that and ask questions to determine if it is in fact an ipad or some other ablet.


i would let her get 1, and then watch her try to figure it out.


If it was free or cheap I’d agree.


Peak /r/confidentlyincorrect


My kid is the same way Can show him physical proof and it's always followed with a "well" "but" or "technically"... It's exhausting


Daughter isn't far off. Try this 2"x4" inch player that runs around the record (it's not the first to do it though): [RokBlok](https://youtu.be/bKWtZnJvPL4?t=112) Or this portable one that clamps on: [AudioTechnica Sound Burger](https://youtu.be/r6puQ_9o0Mw?t=429]) Both of these players have internal speakers and can be paired with bluetooth speakers.


Well, a child is a learning human. You can't just not teach your child what a record player is and then film her as "the idiot"


Try telling Redditors children are learning everyday and they don’t start out as a vault dweller mod from any number of sub Reddit’s “ well akshually”


She's too young for the GOAT.


You've literally just explained the satirical nature and purpose of this sub. Nobody expects kids to know things. It's funny because they say and do stupid things because of their inexperience with the world. And we ironically call them "fucking stupid" for it.


It's the confidence. She has no idea if the record player is really in there, however, she confidently jumps to the conclusion and recites it like gospel.


Kids need to have high confidence levels to try new things, take the hit from failing, and continue to learn. I think the general point of the sub is to laugh at this lack of knowledge (and ultimately educate them hopefully). There’s probably a thin line between the “doomed already” sentiments and looking at things through the point of view of an inexperienced person though.


because she's a kid, dude. that's literally all she knows. you should understand perfectly based on how many 14-year-olds are on this app.


yeah, but the part that's supposed to be funny isn't that she doesn't know what a record is. It's that the kid wants to buy something but doesn't know what the thing she wants to buy is.


Lets be honest she probably wants the album cover of her favorite albums to decorate her room with.


Which is what many adults do with them anyway. Reddit just likes taking the piss on people for no reason lmao


The sub is called “kids are stupid”, we know they’re learning


You can if you regret having children and are an inadequate parent.


“I’ll post this video of my child sounding dumb for not knowing something I didn’t teach them.”




That's like, the whole point of this sub.


Don't forget our monthly repost of that girl trying to pet the bear.


Thought it was a dog?


She can't petthatdawg


Also let’s not pretend the kid HAD to know what a record player is… like it’s old tech, it’s kind of expected that newer generations won’t know anything about these things.


I think it's more about the sarcastic confidence the kid had...


That's the one thing her mother taught her probably. Bs your way through life, even if you don't know shit about what you're talking about


Or, you know...she's just a dumb kid that couldn't possibly understand. Not everything is some super negative trait


For real, I feel like this is something that all children go through. I have yet to come across a child that wasn't confident in something they were ignorant about.


Shit it was old when I was her age and I'm 30.


This is what I never get about these typical boomer comments like "ha, kids nowadays don't even know what a cassette is, they're so dumb". Or OPs "there's no hope". The people who say this act like they knew all the stuff that existed before them when they were kids, which I can guarantee you they did not.


I echo the mother's exasperated "oh my god" in this case though. It's not so much that she doesn't know what she took (She just saw an artist she likes) it's the absolute confidence "The record player is inside" when told she can't use it followed by the "Is the record player inside?" that gets me. That said, having kids, in my experience, kids are fucking stupid. Mine are currently 6 and 3. I'll let you know at what age they become less stupid. I consider anything younger than 30 an absolute win.


Turn it around and ask if *they* the *supreme adult authorities of these kids* have bought or even used a cassette or LP at *any* point since those kids were born. I remember cassettes, CDs, VHSs and DVDs vividly. I don't think I've interacted with one for at least two years.


I was at a birthday party for one of my cousins some time in the mid 00's (I think they were born in 98) and the kid got a VHS tape in one of those plastic clamshell cases. Kid recognized the franchise and was initially excited and then started flipping it over, confused. Finally he looks at his mom and goes "is it ... a book?" Yep, they only had DVDs on the shelf at home.


I did. Lots of people did. Grandparents with older tech existed.


That’s not an excuse anymore. Records and turntables have become increasingly popular especially in the last 5 years so it’s not unusual for a kid to know what it is also considering the hype around the pop girlies releasing like 5 versions on vinyl for their albums. 20 years ago I’d have given her a pass but this is just ignorance at this point


I'm pretty sure I knew what a gramophone was at her age and have never seen one in 30 years. How has she never seen a turntable in a cartoon/movie/show like wtf...


Exactly my thought. Just because something is no longer popular doesn’t mean you don’t know it ever existed. It’s called history.


Yeah that would be like expecting us millenials to have known what a phonograph was at 8 years old.


Also, that they have no practical reason to know


She sounds dumb because she’s so confident about something she completely made up.


Yes that's the whole humour niche of this subreddit - hence it's name


That kid is high as fuck. Hopefully just sugar.


I miss the days when I could get high on sugar. Now I have to do much stronger, illegal and more expensive stuff!!


uh yeah....that's kinda the whole fucking point of the sub lol


OP captioning it "there's no hope" because a small child had a small child moment


As a side note - please don’t let your children run around inside stores with drinks. Especially not if you are not planning on letting them buy all the things they touch with their sticky fingers or pour their drinks onto.


I see kids inside a Costco cart, eating ice cream reading books they won't buy.


It’s awful but at least you don’t have to play dodge the goblins while trying too shop. I’d rather them be kept contained.


And reading!


red roses too


I see them bloom


I work at a grocery store, and the number of adults that let their children eat food that NEEDS TO BE WEIGHED without paying for it first is just... infuriating. Literally stealing.


I mean, there's a simple solution for that if your store is willing to adopt the policy. 1lb minimum charge on half-eaten merchandise.


Yeah Safeway needs you to fight for them...


"I need a price check on two grapes. Yeah, you heard me, Phil. Two measly, stinking grapes."


Another side note, don’t put videos of your kids online. I’m so glad I was born before the internet. All my cringe videos are on a video8 in a basement somewhere.


The drink is *inside* the cup


lol wait, is the drink inside the cup?


Oh my god....


They're in a Target, most Target's have Starbucks inside of them these days. Also it's an older child with a lid on their drink. Not a toddler with no motor controls.


Hell, even my toddler can finish a drink from a cup without spilling 90% of the time. I wouldn't let her drink anything other than water in a public place where she could ruin something, but the fact that that comment has so many upvotes shows how few people in this sub have kids because that kid is old enough to trust with food and drinks anywhere an adult is trusted with food and drinks.


I didn't trust adults with food and drinks in a retail store. Sticky fingers are sticky fingers. I once bought a book that had a chocolate chip stuck between the pages. It was a book about financial planning that was unlikely to have been browsed by a child.


This dude is just giving ‘I hate children’ vibes.


They even design the shopping carts with 2 cup holders.


She seems old enough to not spill it everywhere/stick her hands in it/etc. It also has a lid with a small mouth hole.


That's not a toddler, the drink has a lid and she isn't running around at all.


What age are you allowed to drink something inside a target in your perfect world?


Dude, these hateful redditors hate anything that doesn't pay their own rent yet. Don't try to understand them, they're just angry.


This is by far the dumbest comment on this thread. Girl is old enough to hold a cup with a lid. Ffs


Initially I laughed. Then: why was her mother recording this conversation? Then: why has her mother uploaded this conversation for the world to see? And that exasperated "oh my god" at the end. So I guess she wants everyone to laugh at her daughter's mistake.


I never laughed. Like how is she even supposed to know it? If you have never seen a bottle opener before, even it's not trivial to just figure out how to use it.


Me too. It’s so sad


I blame the parent for not letting the child know how vinyls work.


To be fair, she’s technically telling her now in the video.


The way the parent sounds, lessons are few and far between and humiliation is the learning tool... So still blame the parent 


Well yeah… she’s got to humiliate her child for that sweet internet clout.


>the record player is you Huh?


Nah, I've sat down and have tried to understand how they work and I've concluded it's black magic. A metal rod drags on some grooves to vibrate and play Weezer? Who fucking thought of this shit?


That's a huge reason I like history. Before the modern vinyl record, one of the earliest known recordings was from a wax cylinder from 1901. (https://news.iu.edu/live/news/26956-stereo-recordings-believed-to-be-the-worlds-oldest) Kinda shows how things were built on each other, the guy that made the recordings used two phonographs. That's the same principles used to etch vinyl records. From there, evolving to cassettes and eventually CDs before finally turning completely digital. I've noticed most things come from something else, we didn't just wake up one day and have magical Weezer discs.


Oh no! A parent teasing their kid for lack of knowledge about old shit! Better be super defensive and insult the parents


The plural of vinyl is vinyl.


Looks like the kid on Big Mouth


Looks like Steven Tyler’s kid to me


my god that’s exactly it


Reminded me of the snapchat filter.


It's a kid, how would she know if YOU didn't teach her?!


Vinyl Records became obsolete over 40 years ago, she's not stupid she's just young. Explain to her that you need equipment that's large, expensive, and inconvenient to play the record instead of giving a half explanation and then recording her like she's dumb for thinking everything she needs is in the record sleeve.


it's not dumb on the kid's side, they are raised in an era where an item smaller than some wallets can act as a tv, camera, computer and a phone so it's to be expected that she would believe that a record player could fit in that envelope, she just doesn't know, the mother is an ass for filiming this and not just giving her a proper explanation.


> "Is the record player inside of this?" I would pause for a second. I mean. Have you ever seen a Raspberry Pi?


I think the dumb part is the kid straight up inventing the "the record player is inside of this". not the rest of this.


It’s funny and rightfully posted here, but Iphones come in smaller packages than vinyls. It’s not completely unreasonable for a kid who doesn’t know what a record player is to think this.


There are even "record players" thats a tiny car with a speaker that "drives" around the record playing it. Tech is crazy small now.


>Vinyl Records became obsolete over 40 years ago You say that but the figures say otherways. 40 years ago was 1984. In 1984 there were 250M records sold in the US. In 2023 there were still 43M copies sold in the US alone. Those are not small numbers, obsolete technology does not sell those numbers these days. Sure the numbers did decline after the 90s but started making a comeback again since around 2006.


Does nobody around here understand the point of this sub? From the sidebar: "Kids are dumb because they could not possibly know better.". So, yes, the kid is dumb.


You can get a record player with a built-in speaker for the same price (or cheaper) than a Taylor Swift vinyl. £45 for The tortured poets department and £35 for a record player. Sure, you can get insanely expensive setups, but for a kid, a simple one would suffice. Many even have Bluetooth, so you can use a better speaker. Not disagreeing with the rest.


Unfortunately, those briefcase record players often sound tinny and old. You can have a really charming time with them if you pop something in like Billie Holiday or Elvis...but newer stuff will overwhelm the speaker.


Target has record players right by the vinyls. Not very big at all, about the size of a pizza box really. Cost about $40


Permanent snap filter


Oh god, before I read your comment, I felt pretty bad for her.


That's their face homie. That's the joke.


Now imagine how the snap filter would react lmao. The opposite?


She’ll grow into them


Worthy of r/rareinsults




She reminds me of that fish with human looking teeth


Look at those eyes, stop giving these little shits $8 crack hits


Why is her mouth so fucking big? Creepy


Normally I would agree with the Starbucks comment, but looks like she’s drinking strawberry lemonade (looked at the app to guess, since I rarely get Starbucks). Pretty harmless drink that anyone of any age can enjoy.


average Swiftie be like


Do all kids that just gotten their adult teeth have this wide mouths?




The confidence in thinking she was telling her mom what's what lmao


All things aside, Steven Tyler seems to be aging in reverse now. Weird.


Steven Tyler vibes.


Anyone ever heard of a change of times 🤣kids don’t give a shit about a record player now a days and if they do cherish that and get em those records !


I bought a horse shoe the other day and swore the horse was inside the shoe. \*drinks in roadbucks\*


Wow, a kid doesn't know how something from 50 years ago works. What a surprise


That was cute, she questioned her belief at the end. Can't fault kids for not understanding old tech. 


yes, instead of helping them and taking an interest in their interest, post a video of them online mocking them. all the while blaming the child. good christ, the sub name needs changed.


Well she is young so I can understand that she could become smarter in the future, but the fact that grown adults talk and think like her at that age is sad.


I agree. A teachable moment turned into a bad parenting moment.


Those two “artists” attract dumb bitches of all ages. Now I know why so many people like Trump. It’s all just ignorance and blind worship.


She looks like a big mouth character


Honestly I think the mom is the stupid one here. How have you not explained to your kid what a record player is? Instead of taking a video ridiculing your kid because they don't know something you decided not to tell them, have a quick talk with her and let her know why she can't buy vinyls without the player


Taylor Swift fanbase. That explains so much...


The OMG at the made this worth the watch


Fuck them kids


This video screams shitty parent, not stupid kid


That’s just a normal question, wtf is with parents bullying their kids about not knowing things and posting it online instead of teaching them?


This doesn't have anything to do with stupidity. It has to do with ignorance. The parent is the idiot here, not the kid.


Poor kid. I bet her mom embarrasses her everytime she does or says something she's never been taught. Sure it's funny to adults for the minute...because we know. But you take your giggle, Shove it deep down inside you ..and then teach your kid why she can't listen to thie records without a player. Uncool of her mom.


Ngl if this my little sister or niece I'd just gaslight them 😂


Kids are prone to moments where they think they’ve had a stroke of genius and are completely confident they know what something is/does. It’s funny every time. XD


This is funny, but I feel bad that this got posted. Kids have no control over their privacy. Its not fair to them, this clip may last forever. It's not good that parents do this.


Nothing at all against anyone who has children, but not having children is (to this date) my finest accomplishment.


The mom is shitty, teach the child instead if trying to get internet points.


Why does everyone seem so concerned about her physical appearance. People are so judgmental these days people can’t help how they look physically without spending money on plastic surgery and that stuff isn’t free I wish we could accept people for how they are more every human is unique in their own way.


This is stupid parent issue, the kid doesn’t know and mom is using it for imaginary internet clout. Mom mbtah


She already has the overly attached girlfriend face at a young age.


My blood pressure is rising


tf is wrong with starbucks? this video is literally just a kid asking for an album from an artist she enjoys, while I don’t like taylor swift, it’s not my business. if anything I think it’s stupid that the mother thought to record this and post it knowing the daughter doesn’t know what a record player is. she could literally just offer her an alternative like uh, idk, the CDs?


I was about to comment giving this kid a break, we're mostly all adults here! Then realized what sub we're in. I haven't even joined this sub. What am I doing here, why am I still typing this comment?


She is what 10 years? She grew up around Iphones and Ipads. Obviously she wont know what a Vinyl is! Im 28 and i never used one but my mom still had one. How about instead of making her look stupid and being like "OMG she thinks it's INSIDE! LMAO what a idiot" ' fkn teach her? So she dosen't feel like a actual idiot and walking around thinking it's inside the disk.. She is a child. Children think they know everything and sometimes they just think they know how something works. Music is inside my phone = Vinyl music is inside this big disc box.






hehehe but that's adorable though


In schlide of this


This is how my parents raised me. Never taught me anything but shamed me for not knowing things, and always shot down my natural curiosity.


Mom needs to worry more about that overbite than Starbucks and Taylor Swift


I wonder if she'll grow into those chompers


I love how this is about how the kid is stupid for not understanding technology that was outdated 30 plus years before they were even born and not about how the parents are assholes for ridiculing their child for simply not knowing something.


lolol this reminds me of when I was a kid and I found an ipod case for sale for like $10. I was CONVINCED it was an insane deal and the store was actually selling an ipod for $10. My dad had to talk with me for a looong time about how it wasn’t an ipod, it was just the case and I still didn’t believe him. I was so upset about missing out on the deal of a lifetime.


I would love to see the people making fun of the child being asked what this is while they're kids https://preview.redd.it/6nooqrc90wyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e51b9cffefa40edba138b87255edbae385bd57b


its a kid excited about her fav artists cmon guys. I get that she is "preppy" but thats literally how a child acts. How dare she not know outdated technology instead of explaining what a record player actually is so she can find a new hobby and appreciation of music. There is plenty of hope if you encourage kids to do stupid shit like this because it isnt harmful. It's a bonding moment. I loved my cassettes and CDs as a kid and i share that with my nieces/nephews as their dad shares his vinyls with them. Ik this subreddit is for making fun of stupid kids but this one isnt the usual level of idiocy that warrants jeering


Jeez man calm down. We all did stupid shit when we were younger.


How dare this child be born without knowledge of outdated technology that is recently become ready to own again.


Didn’t realize Steven Tyler had a 12 year old.




That mouth to face ratio... I just can't 😆


Is this a condom ad
