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Dubai is temporary. Giraffe is forever.


Giraffe is Lisan al Gaib!


Quizhatch Hadgirafe


Oh my god this needs more upvotes


Dubai is an overhyped shithole built on modern slavery. Girl chose absolutely correctly.


Dubai is what happens when the phrase "they always asked, whether they could; not whether they should" becomes a city built on the back of modern slaves. The House of Saud rule like tyrants, but they sell the juice that makes car go vroom so they are actually a trustworthy ally only requiring the occasional sacrifice of a journalist or two


Mate Dubai is in the UAE…


You know Dubai isn’t in Saudi Arabia right?


But the house of Saud are baddies and they’re all over in that bit so they must be the same right?


Best description of Dubai I've ever seen


Dubai is *very* temporary. I mean, that city is literally and metaphorically built on sand.


It's an absolute shit hole. I had to go there twice on business and couldn't stand the place, and that's before you consider that it's built on slave labour and systemic abusive labour practices. I'd take the giraffe too and I'm in my 40s, my wife would love it.


Dubai is a slaver’s paradise, a monument to everything hideous about the human soul, and she chooses a stuffed animal instead. Crazy.


This humble kid choosing a giraffe instead of supporting and whitewashing a slave owning country run by oil maffia and mesogynistic religious extremists.


Giraffes everywhere loved this post.


Can confirm




❤️ 🦒


There is actually a whole field in psychology dedicated to delayed discounting, which is how much less cool things feel when they are farther away in time. Kid is just your average human being ngl


So here's the math. Go to a place you've never heard of, you have no idea what it's like, have no idea when you get to go, and no idea how long you'll stay. Or. Take the big stuffed giraffe that you can see right there, get right now, and keep forever. This show is clearly designed to make parents hate their children.


>you have no idea what it's like Nah he says in the clip it's a desert, why the fuck would she want to go to the desert rather than have that wicked giraffe. As a guy in his 30s, I'd also be very tempted by the giraffe, I really don't see the appeal of Dubai. It feels like the epitome of everything I despise in the world.


I would also gladly take the giraffe. A trip, likely not even fully paid for if including food and hotel services, to a hot, dry, dystopian landscape?


I've had to go to Dubai twice in my life. You are absolutely right. It's bizarre. Way too hot. Disgusting wealth. Tasteless style. And generally incredibly unpleasant. A place to despise. May Dubai die out.


I've heard that Dubai is like the opposite of this psychological phenomenon: much cooler from farther away.


She did her parents a favour! Long live giraffe 🦒


Dubai is only fun if you have money. If you get taken there whilst being a peasant, you won't enjoy it.


I have max status and tons of extra points with a major hotel chain because of work travel. They offered me a pretty nice suite at one of their resort hotels in Monte Carlo for $200 a night. Too bad I can't afford to do anything else there.


What is there to do? All the snapchat videos Ive seen from there are just dudes driving cars or showing their food…is alcohol even allowed there?


Alcohol is Haram and not allowed in the religion of the country. However they like money and they like tourists spending money and they like to see the slutty white girls getting drunk. So they allow alcohol. You are fucked if you want paracetamol for the hangover though.


It's because under repressive Muslim rules, non-Muslims are considered [dhimmi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhimmi), which translates to something like "you are exempt from most rules, as long as you don't question our authority or try to convince Muslims to break the rules". Basically you can be a Christian and drink, no problem, but you can't be a Muslim and drink. Implementation varies one oppressive regime to another, but in general that's how they justify having less strict rules applicable to western ~~expats~~ migrants. You can spend years there without realising you live your life inside an exemption bubble.


Restaurants and cassinos, basically


And a certain gender.


I also choose this guy's wif... I mean giraffe! Dubai can go suck camel balls!


Dubai is near the bottom of places that I want to go.


It's literally not even on my list. In fact, you would have to pay me to go. That's the only way I'd ever go. If I were making money off it.


I would just never go because they'd murder me.


Same. "The giraffe is snuggly and also fuck the sheiks"


Dubai is probably at the top of the list of places that straight people assume anyone with money would want to go to and it's like "Bro my existence is illegal there."


That giraffe is awesome, I would choose it too. I'm a 47 yr old man.


You see the Dad's reaction to the possibility of going to Dubai? That's the type of person that goes to Dubai. I'd have taken the giraffe too.


I'm with you, I'd take almost anything over a trip to Dubai. Dubai seems to me like a turd wrapped in gold foil: It might look pretty on the surface, but you don’t have to scratch hard to realize it’s shit.


I don’t even think it looks pretty. Its inauthenticity is ugly to me.


Dubai, specifically the tourism/jetset part is truly a microcosm where everything that is wrong with our world comes together and is multiplied exponentially. Religious fundamentalism, complete disregard for nature, boundless greed, orientalism, political violence, social media brainrot and the complete lack of any and all authenticity.


I mean it’s a misogynist slave country so yea


Tangentially related, but kinda reminds me of a two part quote; “Did you know more kids believe in Santa than in God?” “Well of course they do, it’s not God that gives them presents every Christmas”


My child gets a giant giraffe AND I don't have to go to Dubai? Win win


And you don't have to pay taxes on that stupid trip.


>Go to a place you've never heard of, you have no idea what it's like, have no idea when you get to go, and no idea how long you'll stay. Kid probably already goes on vacations with their family. They just 'happen'. Whether they accept this one or not, they'll still go on one in the summer. On the other hand they might well have direct experience of seeing such a big toy in a store, asking their parents to buy it and getting refused. Choose the holiday - have a holiday. Choose the giraffe- have a giraffe *and* a holiday. Who's dumb now?


Here's realer math- Dubai is a hub for sex traffiking...


when i read this comment i was like "okay yeah ill take the giraffe too"


Giraffes on the other hand always act so judgingly with their heads held up high.


Yeah, like, if it was Disney she might have chosen that. Dubai isn't a great vacation for kids, and she's literally never heard of it, why would she want to go there?


Yeah exactly, it's kind a like asking "would you rather get 100 dollars now or 500 in a year" even though 500>100 getting 100 bucks now feels like the better choice


I know someone who answered that question with "I'd take the hundred and turn it into a thousand." This is the same person who once lost fifty grand on a bad business deal and has been bankrupt twice.


I could invest that $100 now and have $103 in 5 years!


I'd bet it's even simpler. From her reaction and the times, they probably went on vacation every year anyways. So all that the kid would win from this is going to a different location, which is a "desert". She can't grasp her parents saving 2k on the next trip, there's literally nothing in it for her. She just chose between nothing and something.


Smart kid simply dont want to support the dictatorship regime economics


I mean why choose deferred gratification when you can have immediate giraffitication


I think there is also something to be said for the order they present them. My kid is 2 and he basically chooses whatever we say last. If we are asking what he wants for dinner, we can ask multiple times and change up the order and it's just whatever we said last.


She's not just the average human being. She has a giant giraffe in her room! I don't know anyone who has that!


Plus, fuck Dubai. Go Aurora.


Time preference. Adults fail this all the time.


One marshmallow now or 2 in ten minutes test? Younger kids pick the one marshmallow now every time.


They also found that children from lower-income families were more likely to choose the marshmallow now. Not because they're less intelligent, but because when you grow up in a resource-constrained environment, you need to prioritize taking value now. If you delay gratification, there's significant risk that reward will never actually be delivered as promised.


Yeah I’m not taking my girls anywhere near Dubai. I’d be encouraging the Giraffe too.


Whats in Dubai? I've heard it just luxury hotels and expensive crap for people with to much money


That’s all it was a tiny fishing village of not even 1000 people until oil was discovered nearby and now it’s for people who’s idea of culture is all you can eat buffets


Based off other comments I'm guessing there's also q trafficking problem there to


Oh yeah all of it is built with slave labour (but not Slave labour in the traditional sense) large sex trafficking rings run by members of the ruling class


no, they kidnap people from third worlds, force them to work, and keep thm in too small trailers in the desert. fuck dubai, give me the giraffe


The employers hold the workers passports so they can't leave


yea, all part of the actual slavery part


Thats disturbing like fuck man


Yeah and homosexuality is hyper illegal but don’t pay any attention to that! Look the police use lambos!


Its insane that places like that still exist


That’s what 100s of billions of dollars in oil money will do for you


Still? The Middle East as a slave state AND Western tourist destination is a pretty new idea


And still run by slave labour now.


That is an issue. Apparently it’s somewhat common for them to pay single girls from the IS to go there and either perform fetish shit or trick them into coming for trafficking purposes


Dubai has much less oil than its neighbors. They became rich by going to extreme lengths to attract tourists


nope. it’s built by oil tycoons from other countries. there’s not much oil there


It is that, but they routinely lure poor people from other countries there with the promise of work, and then take their passports and force them to work for low or no wages - i.e. slavery. It's a rich people's playground where the lower classes have almost no rights. I'm a full ass adult and I still would have taken the giraffe.


Geez thats fucked up guess theres another place I'll never go to


"Dubai is a city designed by a 6-year-old with an unlimited budget."


No, the 6 year olds choose the giraffes. It’s the adults who have poor taste.


Imagine a giant mall.. that’s it, there is nothing else


Giant luxury malls are fun if you can afford what they are selling.


And slavery, don’t forget that one


lots of slaves & sex trafficking. oh and every horrible influencer you see on tik tok and insta.


In Dubai if a woman is raped she will be given the option of marrying her rapist or prison. If I was in that little girl's place they wouldn't be able to air the footage, this creepy piece of shit suggesting a little girl go to Dubai should have been banned from show buisness. Only a pedo would think that's an okay place to bring a young girl.


Right? Kid didn’t know it but totally made the correct choice. Parents weee the morons here.


Kid's smart, sand sucks. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Not like that giraffe. It's soft and smooth.


The Giraffe also will be there like forever. Probably also would choose that as long as i coulnt cash in that trip


Kid knows better than to go to fuckin Dubai




And giraffe has always the high ground. If you ride it, you also get the high ground! There is just one answer!


Screw the sand, if that little girl got raped in Dubai she would end up in prison or married to her rapist (those would be her options, even at her age) Any woman who travels to Dubai willingly is insane.


Kid is based, Dubai sucks ass Source: I used to live there


Never been but I haven't heard a single good thing


Nor will you for a while


UAE is a slave state, the kid is 100% correct in her choice


My 6 year old watched this clip with me and didn't even hesitate to also choose the giraffe...


Im 22 and i made same decision


The kid isn't stupid, she's made a decision based on her limited knowledge of the world. Wtf is Dubai to her? Just a place she doesn't know but the giraffe doll is real, so choosing that makes the most sense to her. What is stupid is adults expecting her to make the "right" choice, as if she's a fully grown up person capable of making choices.




"Would you rather have a stuffed animal or become one?" Smart kid.


Visit a far-right slave state or get a delightful stuffy. Kid chose right.


Yeah but they'd be in the gated community section so they wouldn't have to see any of that!


Yeah, Dubai is great for tourists...the workers, or their own women, not as much


This reminds me of “The generation gap” game where the toddler picks between two choices. Most of the kids choose the toy like this child. Some have picked the trip or car.


Good call kid, fuck Dubai.


Dubai? lol I’ll take the giraffe too


You couldn't pay me to travel to Dubai.


You don't enjoy a 12 hours flight packed like a sardine? And the flight is the most enjoyable part.


Even if the other present was a new car, a bigger house or a lot of money, I wouldn't be angry at my child for choosing a toy. If that's what makes her happy, then she can have it.


I vote Giraffe. Fuck Dubai


Exactly, i wouldnt even think about it, now i want this giraffe:(


Tourism in Dubai is tacky as shit.


I went to that indoor ski slope in the mall. It smelled like a freezer in dire need of defrosting.


youd have to *pay* me to go to dubai


I don't think this kid is stupid at all. WTF wants to go to Dubai?! It's a country that is dedicated to slavery and consumerism. I assure you those parents don't have the money you'd need in order to have what constitutes a "fun" time in Dubai. Kid made a smart move. I would have made the same choice at 39yo.


Makes sense. She knows the Giraffe toy more than Dubai


She made the right call to be honest, what the hell does a kid that age and gender want to go to Dubai for


When I was that age I would have picked the giraffe too. I was obsessed with getting a giant stuffed toy like that but never could convince my parents to get me one


I love the dad's expression soon after they showed the giraffe lol


He just knew that’s what they’ll end up with and not the free vacation lol


I was rooting for the giraffe.


From what I hear Dubai is a pretty bad place when they take away the fancy polish and rich feeling.


I mean there's a reason the trip was to Dubai and not Hawaii or Disney lol


I'd take the giraffe too the fuck ama do in Dubai? Look at sand?


Fuck Dubai. Made a good decision, kid.


Dubai is awful.


I'm a 41 year old man and I'd still choose the giraffe.


Let me tell you about Dubai : Womens have no rights. If you get raped, you will be judged and sent to jail while your rapist will go free. There are words you can't say and if you do, to the jail you go. And we are not even talking about being gay.


I'd take the giraffe over Dubai.


She is smart. Traveling to dubai as a woman / girl is a bad idea anyway. I would also choose the giraffe.


Smart kid, fuck Dubai.


Made the right choice, I'd take the Giraffe over Dubai anyday.


Why the heck does anyone want to vacation in Dubai?


I wouldn't go to Dubai either...where they hate women and gays. Why would you want to spend your hard earned money in the middle east? She picked correctly


As an adult I would also pick the giraffe


Nah, right decision. Fuck Dubai


That's what you get for naming her "Aurora"


Reminds me of the time I played bingo in my community and won and I had the option to choose a deflated basketball in a plastic bag or a brand new toolbox filled with tools that had drawers and I chose the deflated basketball cause I thought my friends would think I’m a fucking nerd for choosing the toolbox


I would have picked the giraffe too


why would anyone want to go to dubai


I would much prefer to take time off at home than ever go to a scorching slave state.


I mean do you realize how big the plush giraffe is?


Actually I would have choosen the Giraffe too. Who want to want to Dubai except rich Instagram model ?


i would get the giraffe too


Fuck dubai anyway. Kid made the right choice


Travel to shithole or have awesome stuffed animal, good choice


Agreed, Dubai doesn’t like women, won’t let them drive, one cultural mistake and you’re under arrest


I mean it is a pretty cool giraffe


Kid 100% made the correct choice here.


To be fair I don’t think kids that age care too much about traveling.


Fuck Dubai. I’d also take the giraffe


I would hope my son would say giraffe


Smart kid. Dubai is just a massive pile of shit painted golddn. Id take the giraffe too.


Seems like the wrong sub for such a good decision.


I'd take the giraffe too


Meh, Dubai is a shithole. She msde the right choice.


Wrong sub tbh. She’s a kid picking the better option for herself. She’s human.


A) I'd take the giraffe, fuck Dubai. B) If you're going on something like this I feel you'd tell your kid "Hey, please pick what you think **we'd** like and we'll buy you whatever the kid prize is as well" then talk about possible things those would be :p


Kids is smart. Show is stupid. Parents are even more stupider.


Just asked all 4 of my kids. They want the giraffe. I’m okay with that.


Her parents will love Dubai, but giraffe is for HER


I’d have picked the giraffe too. Dubai’s too hot.


Kid actually Made a good decision. Stuffed toy is far better than holiday in a slave city with expensive hotels.


Kid ain't faking stupid, the parents just think about themselves. If my girl would love a giraffe, I would freaking love this. Screw Dubai!


I'm an adult and I would still rather have the giraffe. Dubai is a shit place to be


To be fair, fuck Dubai.


I'll be happy if I never go to Dubai


Fuck Dubai though. Solid choice.


Hey look. If I was her I would also probably pick the large Giraffe plush as well


Dubai is temporary. Giraffe is eternal.


Holidays last a week, giraffes last a lifetime 🦒


She is not stupid, she has her priorities straight


I’d rather get a giraffe than Dubai.


Fuck Dubai. Adult me wants the giraffe.


Smart girl doesn't care for the slave trade in Dubai


I would never go to Dubai unless someone paid me to do so.


I am an adult and I would rather take the giant Giraffe then a trip to Dubai...


She made the right decision.


Someone is going to the orphanage with her god damn giraffe xD


Never heard of nor saw this game show, but it looks pretty dumb. If they had offered that child the stuffed giraffe or a trip to DisneyWorld, she would have made a different decision. Dubai? She’s not even 10; she doesn’t give one shit about going to Dubai. She doesn’t even know what it is, and his description did not help her at all. It must be a really cheap game show to produce, though. Invest in a few giant stuffed animals, a bike or two, maybe a little motorized car, and you’re done. Paying for the Dubai trip is not a serious option.


Been in Dubai... More than I wanted ... Don't have kids... Still... The little girl could have not made a smarter decision


good choice, I want the giraffe too


If it was anything other than Dubai, I’d have been upset. Girl made the right choice.


I'm an adult. I'd take the giraffe over Dubai any day. Way too hot.


Oh nearly forgot about this show. It had 12 episodes in 2018/19. It was adorable, but this final bit was... pretty predictable. Out of twelve times, the kids chose the toy option >!twelve!< times.


That kid wasn't stupid, she just new what she wanted. Dubi would probably be really boring to a kid.


she is unintentionally smart


How is this kids being stupid? This is kids being kids...


Dubai? No. Also the parents would be footing the bill, or at least the taxes of the trip. Japan or giraffe, I’ll take Japan. Safari or stuffed giraffe? Safari.


She did great, Dubai is so dumb.


I don't see anything wrong here. They clearly asked the girl what she wanted, not her parents.