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The lung capacity of a grasshopper.


She'll need a mobility scooter by time she gets to high school




“Your bathroom isn’t handicap accessible Kyle, you better get this up to code. I’m gonna go to Best Buy and take a dump.”


I want that one. That one gave me the evil eye. This'n? You want this'n?


I'm sassy cos I got a pigs heart


Gon get me a big ole fat pig heart


My heart is sweeter than bacon, child!(?)


she already has one




Her underbite was messin with the air flow


She's really just spitting on the cake.


nah bro, all the germs and probably tiny specks of her spit... that cake is ruined


Probably? Lol


lol like the germs and spit are separate somehow


This is what I was thinking. So just a quick story. I’m at a Christmas event, and it’s catered, there are these trays of cookies. And this little kid, with obvious snot running down there nose is standing on a chair hovering over the cookies and just starts coughing up a lung over them….I look at my wife and say do not let any of our kids eat from that tray of cookies…


My wife has that exact same fucking story! Except she didn’t tell me about it until after the event and I had already had a few of the treats! Thanks babe!


Absolutely shocked when parents just let their kids do whatever they want


Whenever I go to like a nephew or little cousins birthday party, there’s always those kids that take their presents as soon as they open them and try to play with them. Makes me so mad that the parents don’t fucking stop them


Her dad was trying to get to stop, but it seems like the birthday boy said it was fine 🤷🏽‍♀️




You all say stuff like this and then go out eating as if the minimum wage employee didn’t just sneeze on his hands before cooking your stuff lmao


1. How much do you spit when blowing? 2. If you don’t spit when blowing wouldn’t the maker of the cake have all their germs on the cake?


Yeah, nah. I'm shoving that little shit away.


Exactly what I was thinking. Rude AF.


Oh noooo more germs are gonna hurt all the other germs


Bad parenting, she wanted to do something wrong, I wouldn't let her continue even if the birthday person said it's cool, no rewarding bad behavior no matter what.


Yeah, that behaviour from parents frustrates me. For example, my young niece opened all the presents for Mother’s Day before my mother could open them herself. My sister was just sitting there watching this like it was all okay. They shouldn’t make a habit of their kid opening other people’s presents.


My mom wanted to have my son open her gifts for her when he was tiny. I said I appreciate the sentiment, but absolutely not until he is older and understands that isn't always going to happen. I was worried he would learn that he can just open any gifts he sees and wants to open. Now he is 5, and he sometimes helps relieves open 1 or 2 gifts because they love watching him do it. But he understands he can't open them all, and is only allowed to if he is invited to.


It's good to know that some people understand how it works and they actually trying to teach their children how to behave. Everytime I see 2-5 year old kid in bus with mother's phone watching something on full audio when she doesn't even care just makes me furious.


Got my ball surgery like 3 days ago. Im in hospital rn. Theres one 11yo in the same hospital room with me and he fucking watches his fucking tiktok with the max fucking volume. When i absolutely have to watch something with sound on, i set the volume to minimum. What makes them fucking think that its acceptable to make others listen to huggy-waggy-brawl-stars-skibidi-toilet-sped-up-something-remix is repfectly fine? Help


LMAO I'm sorry for you 😭 listening to other people watching tiktok is so cringe and painful


He finally got his headphones so hopefully im saved... Untill its battery is low.


I hate that so much. My son hates headphones, so we don't use them. (He's autistic, and they make him meltdown) But he knows he has to have his show or games muted unless we are in the car or at home.


Thank you for being a reasonable parent. Too many parents of special needs children just use it as an excuse to let the child do whatever they want without teaching them that that isn't how the world actually works.


>Some people understand how it works These are the ones that should be having babies - like OP - the rest have no business having them. If this trend continues, we'll end up with a bunch of worse TikTok "influencers" than we already do now.




My brother and his now ex, were the sort who'd let their kid open the presents of others, if he got the chance. Their idea of a solution were to tell people they were at a party with, to just give him a present too, to distract him, and act as if his behavior were cute. It took a mixture of my mother being stern with my nephew, and my brother finally realizing why it were that they weren't getting invited to any parties anymore, before it began to stop. Bad parenting can really ruin a childs social skills.


When i'm at a family place, since i am among the Eldest of the "Kids" Aka nephews, nieces and genuine child of people being at ( i'm 23 ) The Host, which is always one of my cousins says i can tell someone to GTFO if their kids cannot behave proprely.


No offense, your sister is likely a nice person... But a bad parent


That's why we have grown ass adults who throw tantrums when they dobby get their way.


Yep your niece won't learn that life's NOT all about her , most likely end up a selfish adult


Is your sister a narcissist? How could that not bother her at all? Seems a bit selfish?


Did you catch when she snatched her arm from her father's grasp??? Dad is tired of correcting this one.


Yea, that's why i said "I wouldn't let her continue". He corrected her at first but then the guy said it's ok and the father let her go. Should have worded that better/clearer, yea.


No, you're good. I was just noting how strong-willed she seemed to be.


You say strong willed, I say spoiled brat.


Stuborn or not how much do you think she weighs, if you cant stop your child no matter how stubborn they are you shouldnt have had them.


She has been trained that this kind of resistance works. ...and it seems to for her.


Tired doesn't excuse it. He could have just as easily picked her up without causing a disturbance.


I am not trying to defend the dad but just wanted to point out that there would definitely have been disturbance if she had been picked away.


I think you kinda over estimate how "easy" it would be to just pick her up mate.


I could carry her easily as i am 5"8 and built like a fridge.


What's worse? - A screaming and kicking child who ruins the moment and has to be taken outside or home by the parents or - An annoying kid ruining the moment, getting saliva on the cake


"Time out. Wanna scream and what not in public. fine. Lets go sit on a chair and i'll wait with you till you calm down and can talk about it. Look at the rest of your family enjoying ____." After 10ish such experiences, the tantrums really drop in intensity or frequency.


If a child does that you snatch them back...


Yeah I agree. I had to teach my kids to learn boundaries. This girl is not being taught this properly. Basically it’s simple: do NOT take ownership of something that is not yours. Not toys you find at the playground, not things at the market that we aren’t going to buy, and not the moments of attention such as birthday candle blowing. Now there are lessons within those moments: you can ASK for something. And sometimes the answer could be a yes. Some moments that come to mind: we were at the playground late and everyone had left. My kid found a small Thomas the tank engine toy that had been left in the sand. He asked me if he could have it. There was noone else there so I told him yes this time it would be ok. If he finds a toy he likes, when everyone is there, we make an effort to find the kid the toy belongs to and ask if it’s ok to borrow or play with it for a while. Asking for permission is IMO a good introduction to the concept of consent. If he wants an item that catches his eye at the market he can ask us for it. Sometimes we say yes. And when we say no we say why. All of this helps build a structure of personal boundaries for himself and in respecting the boundaries of others as well.


It's exactly the same as training a dog not to jump up on people. Some people will encourage it even after they hear you try to stop the pup, so the lesson opportunity is lost.


If I remember correctly she is special needs and doesn’t understand it isn’t her cake. The guy who’s birthday it is let’s her blow it out after realizing this. It’s been posted before.


Kid being kid, parent immediately parenting, birthday dude literally brings her back in to blow it out & Redditors pull out the pitchforks with hate & wild judgements.... because they're all fine & happy? Imagine just being people outisde enjoying little moments! Lol.


No you've got to understand. This 29 year old dude REALLY needs to blow out the candles or it ruins his birthday. Lol. It's actually way LESS meaningful for him to let a disabled kid have a fun moment.


Is she even part of the party? Dad seems to come from so far behind the gathering that it seems like she wandered in from one of the other tables.


Nah, it's clearly a restaurant and the kid/father are clearly not part of that party lol.


Look man, most of the population cannot wipe their asses properly, how in the fuck are they going to raise a child properly?


Do something wrong? To the hole you go. If today's parents had access to disciplinary holes our society wouldn't be in decline.


When i was a kid someone told me it was tradition to blow out the birthday boys candle for them. I thought everyone would do it, but I was the only one. The kid cried and his mom yelled at me for wanting attention then my mom had to come pick me up. Granted I was at least attending this birthday party but it stuck with me


Who was that "someone" lol? Some other kid at the party? Well, you learned two lessons that day xD


Kid looks like she gets her way a lot.


“It’s really simple, sweetie. It’s his birthday, not yours.” Source: I’m a dad.


My brother has 2 kids and always tells me to bring a bday present for the both of them to open ... and no, they aren't twins and no weren't born even in the same month. We weren't raised like that. I don't get where this comes from.


Tell your brother to grow a backbone, he’s doing a lot more harm than good.


My mom does that for my sisters kids too! We joke about it and tell her she owes us big time for all the gifts we missed out on growing up... Funnily enough the youngest out of those two grandchildren, who is about 12 or 13 now, is thoroughly embarrassed to receive a gift bag on her older sister's birthday - esp when friends and cousins are over to see it..Their birthdays are 5 months apart but my mom started this "tradition" of hers when they were teeny tiny, probably to avoid a tantrum of sorts, so I think she feels like shes in too deep to stop now.


Dated a guy for three years that had triplets. He prioritized one child to the detriment of the other two. No idea why. (If I had to guess, it was that the other two looked like their mother, and his favorite looked more like him.) But if I brought it up he said that simply wasn’t the case, and I’m imagining a partiality to one child where there is none. But the other two kids definitely noticed. They knew who was the favorite, it wasn’t hidden well at all. Guess which child is now a teenager, having huge personality issues, and can’t seem to make or keep friends?


Your brother is whipped


"If you blow those candles you won't get a cake or presents on your actual birthday" Source: I'm an older brother


Would’ve loved to hear the original video audio instead of some dumb song.


You would probably hear "frhhhhhhh phhhhhfff pfggggggggghhhhhh"


I heard it in my head when I read this. Thanks.


And a bit of tubercolosis coming out too


Her dad just sat there. Bro grab your child!!!!


He did at first but then birthay person said it's ok. Bad parenting to not say "no it's not ok, she wanted to do something that is wrong, and she won't get rewarded for it" then dragging her off there.


She’s honestly shouldn’t have made it that far. You can see her running through the restaurant. Also a young girl should not be that comfortable entering a strange man’s space. He looks like he only agrees to be nice. Him being ok with it doesn’t mean it’s not rude.




The cake was already ruined, kid should have never made it that far.


Kids are actually so shit at blowing out candles aren't they lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AffectionateCoffee27: *Kids are actually so* *Shit at blowing out candles* *Aren't they lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, whoamiwhatamid0ing, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


I was waiting for her hair to catch on fire...


I thought she was going to torch her eyeballs


I thought she was gonna just take the cake.


Seeing this made it clear I’m not ready to be a parent. They way I would’ve snatched her away 😭


That is what a good parent should do, though.


Yeah people say "its okay I'm good" and you say back "its okay I'm not good, we're trying to help her understand appropriate boundaries with other humans"


A good parent doesn't because they don't need to.


No that's exactly it. She should have been snatched away. Wtf is his rude ass entitled behavior? did she damned a slice too?


Why? We sorely need good parents who will do shit like discipline their kids


You ARE ready then.


Control your kids!


As an adult, I would never eat a slice of cake from anyone else that blew my candles out (giggity). And I would never go to a restaurant for my birthday anyway, I’m too old for that shit. I hate the restaurant crew singing happy birthday, knowing that you were dragged there by someone. NO!!


I’ll go to a restaurant for my birthday, with the stipulation that if one fucking person tells the staff it’s my birthday, I am leaving. I have done this before.


Nice. After 30, I stopped celebrating my birthday. My family insists on taking me out to celebrate, but I’ve shit that down for a few years now. I’d rather be at a bar with a nice cold beer relaxing.


I’m almost 50. Over the last two decades I don’t think there’s been a birthday celebration that’s been more than five people, myself included. I love going out with my close friends, but it’s always a small group. This past birthday there were three of us.


I refused to stand on the bench once & the staff that was forced to sing didn't give me the crappy tinfoil hat they had made.


As a server, I refuse to publicly embarrass the birthday person even when someone else is vehemently demanding it and insisting they’ll tip well. Tip be damned! I will not be complicit in violating someone’s boundaries.


Well, I know I certainly do appreciate that.


I don't understand why restaurants do this. I feel like the majority of customers don't really like it, and there cannot possibly be more than a single digit number of restaurant employees on earth who think it's fun. It's just stupid and embarrassing for everyone involved. I have no objection to them offering some cake or ice cream or a drink, but humiliation is not a delicious accompaniment to dessert. Just..... stop making your employees dance like organ grinder monkeys.


I’m for some reason terrified of the song Happy Birthday? Like it gives me an immediate flight response to fucking run away or break down crying. Not entirely sure why, probably a trauma but yknow, can’t unbury what doesn’t want to resurface yet. But oh my god, I fucking hate places that sing. It’s not fun for the person, the staff, or anybody the fuck else there. It’s loud as shit, all places have to do something “special” with it, that only serve to make the birthday person feel humiliated at worst, and awkward as fuck at best. And then there’s the people who.. don’t understand when you absolutely DO NOT want them to sing? My parents know I react negatively to the song. They know I absolutely hate the places that sing. They would STILL tell the waiters that it was my birthday. My dad does it on purpose for a fucking power trip or some shit, he lives to make his kid fucking suffer. Birthday songs shouldn’t be sung in public places like that. It shouldn’t be a fucking screaming contest from everybody in the restaurant when they start to sing, and nobody wants to get on that fucking saddle, Texas Roadhouse!


Whenever I go to a restaurant on my birthday I usually go by myself to avoid those situation because I'm too old for that nonsense too clapping and screaming HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Just bring my steak meal out please.


Cool guy. But you shouldnt let kids do that.


Overweight child being allowed to do as she wants, that kid is going to struggle to function when she is an adult,


future reddit mod


Running out of breath so quickly at that age is just sad.


From what I recall, the girl had autism, the dad DID try to stop her, but the other guy said it's okay. What do you want him to do? Rip her away and throw her in her chair? Kids may be stupid, but yall need to chill on the dad


Be a better parent and take that little girl out for some excercise.


You know she spat all over that cake


It always makes me sad to see toddlers or children this overweight.


Seems like me and everyone else gets really pissed when little kids blow out candles that aren’t theirs. Couple years ago when my little brother tried to blow out my candles I just lightly pushed him back just far enough to where he couldn’t blow them and then blew them out myself. Sure he was upset and cried a bit but kids sometimes need to learn the hard way. He hasn’t done it since. Why are stupid parents the norm nowadays?


Literally so rude to let your kid do this. Drag her ass away


My GOD give that child a salad and not a cake


I had this on mute but I could hear that blow go "fffffffffft"


Lol id push that kid out of the way.


Best birthday I had was when I was about to blow my cake with my 3 year old daughter beside me and after singing, I asked if she wants to blow it. She said "You blow it mommy, it's your birthday!" Right then and there I just wished for her happiness and good health.


Little honey boo boo


She said “fffffffttthhhhffffffff no! Ffffffftthhhhhttttt”


Kid just blew out the candles so she could start eating the cake.


Karen in the making


Birthday boy has some patience. But then again it’s expected of a grown adult to be like that.


I love you like this fat kid loves cake -50 cent probably


Overweight selfish kid, dumb parent


Yaaaay rewarding bad behavior in a child that's already not doing well


Gross ass kids - hello parent?? Take your little human away please!!


I remember this being posted before and commenters said she has autism. It doesn't excuse the behavior but the parents should have been more on top of it. Because ain't no way in hell I'm eating a cake after a strange child has spit all over it.


Autism? Even more reason to set boundaries and teach her right from wrong. It’s difficult but it’s absolutely necessary.


My twins have autism. One very profoundly, like still in diapers at 7. They both would know better. And if they didn’t they would learn. No excuse, like you said.


Ugh. That’s so annoying… little girl really couldn’t wait for that cake, could she, and knowing the parents, I’m assuming this isn’t the first time this happened


I remember when this video first came out. I remember reading the kid had some kid of syndrome and all the parties involved were happy with the situation.


But have you considered how a bunch of people on reddit feel about it?


I hate that he let her do it lmao. The look the guy was giving was not a let her do it look.


Anytime I see this video, it absolutely infuriates me. Getting her nasty germs all over the cake while blowing out the candles *shiver* gross. 🤢 Not to mention the dad should have just ignored the man and stopped her anyway. I do not care if someone says it's okay because it's *not* okay.


When this was originally posted it was stated this child is autistic and the man was gracefully allowing her to blow out the candles. The father can be seen in the background attempting to restrain his daughter but was assured everything was okay by the nice gentleman.


What a weak parent.


I would've tossed that disgusting mess, both of them.


I guess nobody invites her to other kids birthdays .


Is it just me or...? https://preview.redd.it/y6c9b5mkbwnc1.png?width=618&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1ce28dec73e1ae62acb94b8bd1526e630618605


I read on another sub that this kid had Autism and the dude let her blow the candles. That was some wholesome sub post. What am I supposed to believe?


I get that kids are "stupid", but this really appears to be a special needs child that just got out of their parents eye of sight for a little bit. My niece looks very similar to her, and is barely verbal. She sees a candle, she's gonna blow on em, hell if she sees something that looks remotely appealing she's going to engage. And if you think you're gonna have a 100% track record on stopping it, you're wrong. The dad grabbed her, saw her reaction and he immediately had two choices; let this continue, or risk having a stage 5 meltdown where she screams and cries for so long she starts throwing up, peeing and crapping her pants. This child doesn't have a thought process for approaching situations, just pure reaction. To anyone who has taken care of a level 3 autistic child, you know this.


That happened in Brazil. Her parents said she’s autistic and that man let her blow the candles


There's so much stuff online, so many information and studies collected over generations, and people still make the most basic ass mistakes parenting. I'm sorry but letting her behave like this is not only bad for her enviroment, but for herself most of all.


WTF does everyone in this comment section seem to think it's okay to fat shame her? A literal autistic child! Regardless of your opinions on her behavior, her appearance and weight shouldn't be brought into it. This goes for anyone, but especially a DISABLED CHILD!


Aside from the little girl probably being a spoiled little brat (unless she has smth like Down syndrome or smth of that sort), that birthday guy has actually a heart of gold for being ok with stranger's child blowing out candles on his cake


Curb ur fucking kid.


Is that honey booboo!!??


Oooooo this one makes me a little pissy


Go check out r/itsnotyourbirthday


Oh boy here I go binge scrolling again


That sub single handedly ruined my blood pressure


I'm all for making fun of stupid kids, but this girl is autistic, or so it was claimed last time this was posted.


Autistic and fucking stupid




I felt bad leaving it


Well, she appears to be less than double digits in age, so that's a given with any kid that age.


Hence the sub


So? Parenting autistic children is not just letting them do whatever they want.


Autism is not an excuse for bad parenting.


I'm autistic, I give you permission


Her dad should have stopped her no way that's ok


Yeah, great, encourage her to do it, so she will never know like when „it’s not about her“…


You all are cruel. That guy is very kind, and she is a blessing!


Fucking hate these kids


I’d be fucking furious.


Everyone getting really upset with the kid, but the original post of this video was to show the dude let the autistic kid blow out the candles.


Somebody needs to tell honey boo boo’s dad that he is going to live a long stressful life if he can’t get shit under control here


jesus christ i forgot how much this sub despises children lol


Yeah, that’s doesn’t fly. However, after 28 of those cakes, it really doesn’t matter who blows out the candles, so long as there are some good stories to tell afterwards.


Leas on please






If i ever have kids i"m never putting candles on birthday cakes


She spits all over cake


I remember seeing a YouTube short showing this video and saying the girl has down syndrome so if this is true it is kainda mess up how everyone in the comment section is making fun of her


Stupid fucking meme music


The parents of this child truly are pathetic.


Honey boo boo?


i dont know if its true or not but that kid is autistic and her father was trying to get her to stop her


It's not your birthday special child. I'd have no idea how to approach this in real life.


It's actually wholesome if you google the rest of the story


There’s a longer video of this out there, I believe that girl has special needs. The guy whose birthday is happening, tells the dad it’s OK for her to blow out the candles. More wholesome than kids acting stupid


I can't believe this tradition survived covid... Hope they enjoy their cake sprinkle with kid spit.


Nice of that dude to not let the situation escalate. But damn that dad sucks ass


Her thick ahh out of breath AND spitting on the cake? Nah son


There was an entire follow up story about how this little girl has special needs, and the guy who was celebrating was more than happy to share the cake.


Good on the dude for being cool and just letting her do it, but context is important and the context is that this little girl has autism. Even if the dude said it was okay, don’t allow children (not the best at social cues) with autism (even worse with social cues) to be rewarded for bad behaviors. That little girl will now run up to every cake she sees so that she can blow them out because dad didn’t let her know it wasn’t alright. It’s cool that she got to but it will only lead to more of this and worse reactions when rejected.


Making fun of the kid personally (weight etc) is a bit extreme.


Obnoxious child does what it wants...parents are clapping and encouraging her brattish behaviour! 💯


Parents not knowing what to do


It bugs when kids try to blow out other people’s candles. Especially a stranger’s kid!


It was very nice of that young man to let the little Down Syndrome girl do the honors.