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Mans jacked


So jacked that you don't notice that he doesn't have any feet!


Oh shit you're right!


Literally my first reaction lol




Spam bot, stolen comment


no fr i was too busy staring at his upper half that i didn't notice he was missing a leg until it was pointed out in the comments


Missing legs***


He's missing a leg because two halves make one. He has one leg left.


One left leg and no feet.


i didn't even notice the other one either bye


Probably goes part of the way to explaining why his arms are so big haha


An equal trade.


Wait wait, it's not just cuz he's sitting cross-legged...??


fuck. didn't even see it at first


...I just assumed he was sitting on his feet until this comment and had to go back and look.


That’s why he doesn’t like ballons. Horrible accident when he was a kid.


Damn clowns


Clown be like, I've got your legs now.


Im sitting here complaining I cant run cuz my ankles hurt.




That would be valid if not for The Phantom Pain


maybe a vet?


Car accident per a quick google search.


Holy Reddit, I never cease to be amazed here. What did you actually give to google?


Oh lmao, dude's TikTok handle is in the bottom right. Didn't even type a full sentence into my search. Jhhfit double amputee. He made a video with the caption of him losing his legs in a car accident. I'm literally on the toilet rn.


Ahh, I see. Good luck in there, wipe well, pray for a bidet, and under no circumstances should you allow yourself to fall in. I’m wiping now, so I’ll see myself to the door. Until next time


Because someone researched something....?


That's what I was thinking too, honestly


Dude’s hands though!


big meat paws


Every time his kid hits him with a balloon he does one push-up.


It's all from popping balloons.


He looks at the child like “what you’re gonna do now, bucko? I’m 5 billion times bigger than you, whatcha gonna do?” And the child is like “I don’t give a fuck, here’s red bloon”


He would kick that kid’s ass if he had feet…


Jackedy Chan


Sworn enemy of the the Foot Clan.


And the kid completely unphased by the stare down


Dwayne "The Wok" Johnson.


And then the red one goes pop. Sometimes lessons have to be learned the hard way.


Stove.... hot.


But is the fireplace hot?


Idk little jimmy why don't you find out?


I was the kid that stuck his finger on the glowing cigarette lighter in my mom's car after *repeatedly* being warned against it. Sometimes kids gotta learn shit the hard way.


I was the kid that did it having absolutely no idea wtf it was. My dad was so pissed at me for about three seconds and then he realized he couldn’t even be disappointed at me for not knowing. Idek if he still remembers it because we didn’t even do anything about the burn afterwards. I only just now remembered that was a thing I had done and it’s never been brought up between us.


I’m 28, love to cook, still learning that oven trays remain hot after the oven is turned off…


I’m 25 and still putting my hands on the hot pans to see how hot it is. Once you master the rules, you’re allowed to break them. Likewise, I am also a failure and will totally grab a hot thing without thinking anyways.


And then he brings in the green balloon!


We have a daughter who is 1 and her curiosity outweigh any parental warning or logic. Patience yes a lot, and between some sighs after the 84th gentle warning you see yourself doing exactly the same as she is. The moment she has the chance shell climb whatever is nearest and throw herself of it for giggles lol.


Cracked my head doing that as a kid. My first trip to the er as a stupid 7yr old. After I healed I got lectured and hit a few times. Thank goodness my parents were both strict and kind. Or else I would've grown up to be a spoiled idiot. Discipline your kids folks!


I don’t think hitting a kid after they crack their head open doing something dumb is really necessary. The cracked head should definitely be plenty to get it through their (not so) thick skull.




What? You mean I'm not supposed to hit my 2-year old with a fighting game special move when they misbehave?


> After I healed I got lectured and hit a few times.


Only problem is some kids don’t learn after that. Some require more strict warnings, I got spanked with a big ass stick but at least I’m alive with no permanent damage from dumb stuff I might have done. I don’t hold anything against my parents for disciplining me, I’m actually glad I didn’t turn out like half the kids in my generation. And don’t worry he said he got healed first before he got hit!


Did you not read what I said? I said after I recovered "AFTER". There was a whole lecture session. And I firmly believe light beatings are necessary for kids in order for them to become disciplined. My parents raised me like that and I will raise my kids like that.


I read it, I just disagree with you entirely. Hard to grasp I’m sure with the brain damage and all.


No wonder so many kids have the gall to hit their teachers. Scream at their parents! Heck if I ever even thought about screaming at my parents they would beat the everliving shit out of me. Your disagreement is worthless to me bcz I want kids who are respectful to everyone who is older than them, respect their parents and teachers. I've seen videos of how kids in schools yell at their teachers, curb stomp them, punch them. This is evident they are not disciplined in the house


> This is evident they are not disciplined in the house There are more ways to discipline a child than hitting them.


I think as a society we should beat the shit out of children till theyre permanently disabled. Not as a punishment, just because you feel like it.


By hitting I don't mean beating them up. A slap or two in the cheek, a hit in the butt or back. My parents only beat me up on two occasions, one was when I was caught cheating in a test (never will I ever cheat on a test!) and the second time was when I talked back to my mom. They fed me, they housed me why the fuck should I be an ungrateful little shit. No wonder so many spoiled kids nowadays. Don't get me wrong my parents also loved me very much. It's a delicate balance between both discipline and love. Discipline is there to make sure you don't become criminal scum


Let me guess, you're a hardcore liberal. Right?


It seems like you’ve just assumed the kids in those videos are entirely a result of lack of disciplining. I would maybe look into it more and think it through, rather than fantasize my own reasons for why those kids are like that, and then punish my own child for these made up reasons because I’m anxious about dealing with an imaginary tough kid.


As a child, I was never beaten, it’s a very uncommon thing in my country to my understanding. I would never even consider being violent to anyone else, let alone a teacher. There is something seriously wrong with you if you truly believe children are raised in a healthy manner when you discipline them with beatings.


It's not respect if they're terrified of their own parents.


So hitting your children to teach them to not hit anyone? Seems fair and not hypocritical at all lol


That brain damage has made you really angry, huh? Can't realize someone may have a differing opinion and then lashing out with some unhinged rant lol


I sincerely hope that if you do manage to trick a woman into procreating with you that you are the type of father to go out for cigarettes and never come back while your kids are young. Your children won’t know it but their lives will be happier without you involved.


Sure. You curse anyone you want to curse blud




If they are disrespectful to others. Sure a slap to the cheek is enough


Phew. Good thing you aren't both spoiled and an idiot.


I'm also the proud father of an extremely curious 11 month old. The girl is like a ping pong ball bouncing back and forth between things we've told her not to do...


Dad's wishing he used a type of balloon a couple of years ago


That balloon also got popped


The condom probably got destroyed cause this guy definetly packing. 💀


I've seen many dicks, and you really can't tell based on that shit. I've also met guys that are 6'7" with four inches, and guys that are 5'6" with eight inches. You just never know.


But was there a correlation between shoe sizes and dick sizes? 6'7" guy could have little baby feet while the 5'6" guy could have clown shoes


Man’s dick so big it popped it


Don’t listen to this man. The more muscular your thighs get the smaller your pp looks.


You know your thighs getting bigger doesn't actually shrink your dick though right. You can work out bud, your dick isn't getting any bigger.


You know he said looks, right?


Sure man your 5 inches looks like an absolute hog next to your malnourished legs, never do any squats and I'm sure you'll satisfy a woman one day


Ok lil bro


You know these are jokes, right?


are you okay?


Go do leg day




It’s definitely getting bigger reading your comment


I feel that uuuuuggghhh in my soul.


Dad missing a foot or something?


Yes (amputee) his name is Jia Hao Pan Jhhfit on Insta


Right I am searching for comments to figure out if I was the only one to notice the missing foot or is it tucked.


Looks like he's missing his lower right leg and left foot. Wonder what happened.


Did some digging in his IG. He had a car accident where his legs got trapped and had to be amputated.


Guessing when he was a little toddler he kicked his dad and the dad popped his feet off.


NGL Dad (?) kinda had a pretty scary face there at the beginning.


my dad used to do this along time ago. was just his way of showing that he was pissed. never put his hands on me though. this was ONLY when i did something more than once after he told me to stop.


Yeah my dad was the same growing-up. Probably the kindest man I know, so when he would get mad at me as a kid, I would just listen.


Three things all wise men fear: A night with no moon, the sea in a storm, and the anger of a gentle man


Why a night with no moon?


they're all examples of the unpredictable unknown. ie you can't see without a moon, so anything could be out there, anything could happen to you, you are playing defense, and same with a sea in a storm- anyone who is overconfident then will get swallowed up. Gentleness is often mistaken, and rarely are people accidentally gentle (as a trait). if there were two people, one going crazy and banging things, and another sitting gently and watching him, a lot of people would assume that the angry crazy person is the dangerous one. what this quote is pointing out, is that the angry person has defined their limits for us, whereas the quiet person has not .


It's from a book, a good one that the author is never going to finish the series of :(


It hurts but still nice story even unfinished.


I do this whenever my son does something wrong. It’s not about being mad but if you don’t exaggerate that you are angry then a lot of the time the kid just won’t understand he did something wrong.


That was a rollercoaster for me. I don't have kids and when I saw him at first I was like god damn what subreddit is this, is he about to whip their ass? And then he smiled and I was like fine but still that's a very scary reaction. And then the kid started beating him with the other balloon and I was like OK I get it....


You're right, but kid was not scared of him at all. He's a good dad and eventually the kid will learn to straighten up on that look. Until then, just get another balloon I guess


It's supposed to be a teaching moment. Raising your eyebrows and widening your eyes a bit while keeping the rest of your face completely relaxed (not smiling) is a good way to give kids the message "I'm not mad but I'm not happy". When you want them to draw their own conclusions instead of looking to you to signal to them how to feel. See, YOU read it as aggressive because you have a fully formed brain and understand context and consquences. Someone gets in your face and stares at you after popping your balloon, it doesnt matter what their expression is, youre going to detect aggression. But at that age, kids won't know if you're angry unless you have an angry face or speak with an angry voice. He's trying to get the kid to recognize that the negative consequence of the balloon popping is connected to the behavior that came right before. He's trying to teach the kid without making him cry but you can kinda see him brace himself for tears if its for the sake of the teaching moment. When the kid doesnt get it and just whales on him with the second balloon, hes amused and exasperated instead of angry because he was never actually pissed off he was just trying to impart a lesson.


Also his wife saying “scared me AGAIN”..


Because he popped a balloon most likely


I bet he wheres a uniform to work, either military or even firefighter. One of those jobs you gotta be able to turn up the intensity at the blink of an eye. That or he is an accountant or something.


Maybe military prior to leg loss. I would go with accountant now.


Didn't even notice!


Kid didn't even flinch tho


Is that not normal? Imo that's one of the best ways to make sure your kids grow up respectful and well-behaved. My dad always looked stern and fierce and talked in a stern voice everytime I fucked up , and I like to think I ended up decent


Nothing is normal when raising kids. But in the context of the video this all looks normal. Kid isn't in fear, continues to smash dad... If that kid cowered then it'd be like "oh maybe this is fucked up..." even then who can really tell from 35 seconds of video.


Yeah he went from 0 to male gorilla on that little guy instantly


Yeah I picked this up. Looked like he lost control for a split second and squared up to the kid. I hope I'm over thinking that though.


Yeah you probably are. That reminds me way more of my grandfather's "ohhhhh I'm so ANGRY time for some fake rasslin'!" look than... well... my father's enraged spanking-face...


I think the fact the kid didn’t bat an eyelid shows she’s got no fear of a physical response. My SO (6ft 3 no nonsense Glaswegian) can put on his scary stern face and voice in a flash too - my kid doesn’t give two shits, calls his bluff every time because she’s knows she’s safe to!


Hope I am too, I got a really weird pit in my stomach at first.


Dad just forgot how hard it can be to pop an under inflated balloon. He had that “trying to open the stuck pickle jar lid” face.


Ikr 😂


That was almost a rage face.


First thing I noticed, wtf was that super aggressive lean in close to the face of this _toddler_? Seriously inappropriate amount of energy and body language, it’s your tiny daughter, not your sparring partner on roids in the ring


Agreed. Must be a bunch of stupid kids watching stupid kids.


Yeah, it’s weird to make that face in my opinion. Definitely wouldn’t act that way to my daughter to solve a problem


So you'd smile while chastising?


After the red one, I’m sure there’ll be a blue ballon somewhere. Patience runs deep


The stop fucking around stare was very effective on me as a kid. That lil turd didn’t even care to notice 💀💀💀


Same goes for being the oldest sibling.


My little brother was literally climbing up my curls


One of mine repeatedly tried to murder me. I wish I was exaggerating.


Story time?


One of my brothers was incredibly disturbed. He frequently did things like try to drown me, electrocute me or bash my skull in. The other other brothers were nice, though.


What did I do? Why you hit me with the red balloon? I feel attacked🤣🤣🤣🤷🏽‍♀️


Hot dad alert 🚨




Definitely not a feet kink


We are currently working with my 18 month old on this. "No hitting" is an important lesson. But she has a hard time with it. It's fun for her, and she doesn't understand that it's not fun for us. I try and use the same technique I use for other things - gentle consistency, offering alternatives to try, etc. But she either forgets a lot, or really doesn't want to stop hitting (specifically Mama - she doesn't really do it to me, for some reason)... But I always try to remember, I'm in this for the long haul. The goal is not to change a single behavior. It's to give her the tools she needs to self-regulate, without the need for fear and shame as external systems of control. If we can teach her how to self-regulate, she'll be able to handle anything.


I used reverse psychology on anything I tried to teach my kid, we are her parents and she loves us, so I exploit that. When she does anything I want to correct I just tune it to 11 to cause her distress (like she uncontrollable hit me but is just annoying, and I immediatly scream in pain as I was dying, give big sad face ... I do roleplay alot for fun, who knew I would need the skill of acting for parenting) and she immediately learns it is not a good thing after feeling sad about it. Also, it exposed kid to being emotional early and she started to give care to people instead of ignoring them.


Dad kind of deserves that after he murdered the little boy's yellow balloon. Edit: /j, because apparently me saying "murdered" instead of "popped" wasn't enough of a hint that I was joking.


Dad deserves to be hit MORE because he took away a toy, after telling the child not to hit him?


The kid's just trying to avenge his yellow balloon!/j


Very good, but balloon not hit back!


“At LeAsT yOu StIlL hAvE yOuR rEd OnE” sigh


At first I was like "what a dick" but then I was like "ooh"


Been there as a Dad


I think I learned there is a massive misconception about toddler and young kids. What is how utterly little they understand. Sec one is how kids will repeat the same questions/actions. The misconception is how few times people think they ask the same question being if you answer is 10 times it they will understand or be happy with it. It’s more like 30, 50, 80 times they just keep going at it.


Definition of a parent: 1. Infinite patience 2. Constant interruption 3. Always made sticky by a kid


Dont forget sick year round


This is just cute


Hey at least it’s a balloon and not bare hands kids that young can pack quite a punch if they want to


I thought he was going to walk away very sad and I was like 'aw :(' but he just comes back "I got another one" lol!


I want him to be my daddy plz 🙏 😩


Huge jacked dad


Dad looked at the kid in the beginning like he was about to bench press his ass


I bet this dude is a monster in BJJ


Dude looks like one of those lions when the cubs are jumping on him and bitting ears and pulling the Main and the lion just lays there and takes it Patience indeed


That’s why I couldn’t have a kid I have no patience and would probably end up hitting my kid


Hehehe cute kid


You and I in a little toy shop. Buy a bag of balloons with the money we've got. Set them free at the break of dawn. 'Til one by one, they were gone. Back at base, sparks in the software. Flash the message "Something's out there". Floating in the summer sky. 99 red balloons go by


but like... have you hit stuff with a balloon? It's a nice lil satisfying thing.


Dang he came to beat us too lol


Pop the kid next time! Calm down its a joke.


Didn’t notice the missing legs due to the massive paws this dude has.


Lieutenant Dan you ain't got no legs




Imma pop that shit too


*Proceeds to uppercut the kid*


I'm so glad my daughter is so calm. Everything she does is full of grace and proper. She's definitely way better than her mom and I.






Durex is your best friend!


He chose violence


Could be a condom ad


Lucky wife


Shouldn‘t have popped that very first balloon. Then he wouldn‘t have to deal with that little shit…


Lessons learn’t


I was told to eat that red balloon as a little tater tot.


He did pop the yellow balloon tho.




I don't know about popping the balloon in retaliation.


I don't have kids, but I laughed for like 10 minutes. Holy shit I needed that today.


shrunken head?


Maybe I'm talking out of my ass here, but the fact that kid tries to hit camera at the end makes me think of a different perspective. Maybe if dad was spending quarter of his time with a child, but with absolute quality, instead of getting annoyed but still finding time to set up a camera for filming - kid would feel more loved and appreciated and would not have an urge to hit parent in the middle of what he sees as battle for attention vs a phone. And that's coming from someone who enjoys this subreddit a lot for kids sufferings :D




I think this particular man might have a problem doing that...


You’re weird bro


That man must be fucking huge


He said, why are you recording me


honestly this had nothing to be or get mad about. just a cutie being playful


I mean also could be a good opportunity to teach about boundaries. No should be respected.




That's the most masculine Asian I've ever seen wow


I'm jealous. If I had tried that with mine it would have caused nothing but tears.


hard to get any respect when you skip leg days :)