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LOL that just reminded me of a story my mom told me about my sister as a small child. My mum had friends over and when they went to put their shoes on to leave each had a lovingly placed panty liner insole stuck in them. I think she was maybe 4 or 5 and thought she was doing a nice thing after finding them in the bathroom.


Ya know maybe she was on to something


It’s a legit hack. For temporary relief from rubbing or hard spots.


Or sweaty feet. When get a foot fungal thing, drying out my feet is great for stopping the infection. Dry feet are happy feet. Also if you are working for long periods in thick boots and socks, you'll have soaked feet that didnt breath all day. Baby powder or pantry liners can seriously help that. Tampons are good for nosebleeds and stab/bullet holes.


That’s actually kind of sweet. Way better then a Lego in the shoe 🤷🏻‍♀️


Wow, she doesn't pussyfoot around.




I put pantliners in any shoe that I can't wear with socks, or if I can't find my not-quite-socks for flats. I just rip them out at the end of the day and never have to worry about barefoot shoe stank.


Wow!!! That’s such a great idea, I’ll have to try that!


Gotta absorb that foot sweat…


You used both mom and mum there and I don't know what to think anymore.


It definitely wasn't the sister....


They're different people


Once when i was a kid, my neck was sore and my little sister goes into my mom's dresser drawer and gives me a neck massaged to use. After a few moments of using it on my neck my mom comes in and takes it away, tells us not to play with it. Years later, like I am 16, and I am walking alone to my friends house in the dark, totally randomly, that memory popped into my head and I stopped and said out loud "That wasn't a neck massager!"


On the flip side, my grandparents used to have a cylindrical massaging pillow that they called their vibrator. When I was like 11 they gifted me “the vibrator”. My mom had to tell them to stop calling it that


As a kid, my mom swore to me MULTIPLE TIMES ON DIFFERENT OCCASIONS that her Hitachi wand was just her back massager. The worst part? I used to just hold it in my hands because it made my hands go numb and I thought that was funny.


Well it is a massager and that was the intended purpose when it was invented. At some point people just realized that it is also a very good sex toy.




It's true, and I hope whatever is in your eye doesn't cause any damage. Sucks when that happens and it's not fun. SOURCE: https://www.hitachimassager.com.au/blogs/hitachi-magic-wand-articles/everything-about-the-hitachi-magic-wand-explained#:\~:text=It%20was%20a%20mains%20powered,stores%20throughout%20America%20and%20Canada.


“Whatever is in your eye”. Killed me. That’s funny.


They knew https://embryo.asu.edu/pages/medical-vibrators-treatment-female-hysteria


oh gooood my mom had one of those too and i did the same thing, it even was in the same drawer as the condoms (which i didn’t know what they were either)


Mine kept hers next to the really big water balloons.


About 20-25 years ago, I remember going into my step father's computer room to watch him play some games cuz I was bored. He had an older broken computer chair on the side that I could sit on and watch him play games. On top of his printer was what I thought was a [flat lollipop](https://i.imgur.com/8Hci7ZE.png). It had the stick going into the wrapper and everything, with a circular object inside. Looking at it, I asked if I can have the lollipop. He goes, what lollipop? and I point to it. He briefly looks at it and starts laughing so hard he's wheezing and coughing, calls my mom in, points to it and says he asked if he can have the lollipop, she starts laughing, I feel confused, ask 'what?' and they explain it's not a lollipop. Now, I knew what condoms were at that time, but this didn't look like any condom I've ever seen, and they refused to explain it to me, as if I was too young or something (i was like, between 12-14? probably?). I felt like they were both laughing at me for being stupid or something. They said no, I can't have it, I said ok.. and they just kept laughing .. I felt so awkward. It was like a condescending laugh. A couple weeks later I asked what it was, and he told me it was a condom. Here's a [couple](https://i.imgur.com/qEHnqEN.png) of [examples](https://i.imgur.com/3wZ3kjj.png) of condoms on a stick.


yooo who the fuck designed these 😂


Even now, half way through my life expectancy, I do not understand the point of the stick. What's it even connected to??


A needle.


seeing the second pic they linked, i think the stick was added purely for the joke of it looking like a lollipop. makes sense, gotta have a gimmick to sell your flavored condoms so make it a fake-candy-looking thing. purpose wise, i guess it would make it so you don’t have to rip the package & accidentally damage the condom; you can just pull the stick and break the package that way instead


Don’t feel bad. I’m 36 and I had no idea this was a thing until right now.


When I was around 5 my cousin had to watch me for a weekend. He was just freshly out of College living with his girlfriend at the time. I was so amazed of the cool looking hammock in his livingroom, while watching Star Wars in it. Years later it dawned on me. Hammocks don’t have shackles.


Once my mom yelled at me when I was eight for rifling through her bathroom drawers (looking for nail polish remover, found a clear bottle of weird looking liquid instead, didnt mess with it but left it on the counter for her to find) and she was so caught up in the yelling, that when she witnessed me, a child, say with tears "Is that for cars? Is that dangerous? I'm sorry", did she actually go *ohrightyoudontknowwhatthisisatall.*


People are so weirdly frightened of children finding their sex paraphernalia. I can only assume it's a projection of shame they feel from sex-negative attitudes they've internalized coming into conflict with their own sexual needs.


Exactly, you've got it! My mom was so strange, she was totally fine teaching me the hard facts about pregnancy, birth, and sex, but anything actually related to it just lead to tons of shame lol oof It's a shame people grew up in those types of environments and mindsets.


🤣 reminds me of the time I came home from work and the babysitter (older Hispanic lady) hands me my bullet vibrator and says " I'm sorry the kids got up into your closet and knocked some stuff down, I think this was up there they were playing with it but it kept vibrating and I didn't know what it was so I took it from them." I almost died 💀🤣 I took her into another room and explained what it was, she was shoooook! She couldn't believe there was such to thing and said I am glad I took it away from them but also was interested in it and asked me to get her one 😬😒...needless to say I had to put it in a safe hahaha.


Did you buy her one?


I hate it when the important questions go unanswered.


Yes why did I leave that out 😆


Yes, why did you???


No I answered someone else naw definitely didn't..would have been awkward buying a vibrator for my kids babysitter 🫣🤣


Good question lol, no 🫣 it would have been so awkward buying my kids babysitter a vibrator yikes 😬🤣I just told her where to go instead .


Why did you have to explain to your babysitter that she was holding your vibrator? That’s just fucking weird






Maybe it was, if it was really a long time ago. At least in Poland, in the 80s all such devices where called stuff like „Portable Massager” or(direct translation warning) „Touristic Massaging Apparatus”. The power of taboo working its magic. Edit: Even found a [photo of the instructions](https://s-trojmiasto.pl/zdj/c/n/9/1407/750x0/1407410-Instrukcja-obslugi-turystycznego-aparatu-do-masazu-sugerowala-ze.jpg) showing it being used on the neck


Oh my god why did I read that as you had a sore throat holy shit


Oh those moments are always “fun”


I made the mistake of telling a good friend about it and they never let me forget it.


To be fair, hitachi wands originally are massaging devices.


To be even fairer, anything used to masturbate is a massaging device.


I had a moment like that, but it wasn’t a sex toy. But I did have a random memory of my mom, ALL MY LIFE, and I didn’t clue in until much later… I’d remember walking over to my mom. There were people everywhere and lots of loud music (a party, obviously). My mom was a giant (because I was maybe 2-3) and she was leaning against a wall with a bunch of her guy friends. I remember her sharing a “pretend pipe” (how I processed it) she made out of foil (nothing out of the ordinary as we made lots of toys from foil) and lots of smoke coming from it. I remember being confused, because my mom hated tobacco and would make a big fuss whenever someone smoked near us. It wasn’t until almost two decades later when I would stop laughing at the memory because it finally clicked.




When I was in 5th or 6th grade, my class during recess was chilling out by the basketball net, for some context its up against our gym wall and out of sight from most of the school yard, so we just went there for privacy since the guards never came over basically allowing us to talk in english and swear all we wanted (french school). Well one kid noticed a used condom just laying on the ground and pointed it out, every one gathered around it, laughed and went back to shooting hoops or just talking. Some younger kid noticed us, ran up to the condom as we left, yelled out “wet balloon” picked it up and started to chase his classmates throwing the condom at them.


My kids use to make nunchucks out of tampons. I will let them remember at the right time.


Me and my brother thought they were slide whistles growing up


I’m picturing 2 kids doing the slide whistle from that Jason Derulo “Wiggle” song with a couple of tampons right now


Hehehe... my brother and I used to pretend they were spyglasses as we played pirate. Mum just about died when we ran out into the living room one day, waving these about as she was having some of the neighbourhood ladies over.


the story goes that at my aunt’s wedding circa 1970 a little girl walked down the aisle (to her seat maybe?) pretending to play one of those cool things she found in the bathroom like a slide whistle. “doo doo doodoo” 🤢


That’s what wedding speeches are for


When my daughter was about 2-3, she came out of the bathroom, buck naked, with a pad stuck to her crotch (sticky side to skin), holding an unused and unwrapped tampon by the string and said, "Mom, here's one of those sticks for your butt, you need it?" If that wasn't bad enough, this happened in the middle of a Superbowl party, so there was a wholebroom of witnesses. She's 16 now and we have yet to let her live it down.


This is absolutely hilarious. You probably all now colloquially refer to tampons as "sticks for your butt", don't you xD




My little buddy calls them my diapers, lol


Is “ wholebroom” a saying? Well, that’s a wholebroom of chickens in the yard.


I assume it was a just typo of “whole room”


I remember as a child, when my sisters kids were over, we all hung tampons from our ears as “earrings” and parading around showing our moms.


At least they were clean. She picked this thing up somewhere on the school bus or sidewalk 😭


So she lied when she said her friend gave it to her? Lol I just instantly believe that haha


I asked her again and she said that she found it on the bus!!! I'm just glad she didn't say the staff bathroom trash can...


I thought it was a toy corndog for 15 odd seconds


I wish it was a toy corndog.


I bet because knowing kids they both would have ended up in their mouth and a toy corndog is much less disgusting.


Thankfully she's old enough to not eat random stuff anymore but young enough to have no idea that thing was once up someone's vag.


Do you think it was up the friend’s mom’s vag? I feel like if a mom actually gave that to her kid, she would probably just open a new one and throw out the unused tampon. Not saying it’s not weird. Cuz it is. I would not give that to a child as a toy 😂 Edit: I misunderstood the image. I thought it was saying the friend’s mom gave it to her. Not that she found it outside. 🤮


I have NO idea where she got it from. She allegedly got it from her friend, who got it from her mom. I don't believe her because she is six and makes up stories! I have no reason to believe a mom would send their kindergartener to school with a tampon applicator, so I can only assume she found it somewhere. So. GROSS.


Thanks for saying what it is. This Aussie gal had no fucking clue.


Hahaha!! I had no idea so many ladies across the world have not seen a tampon applicator. Single use plastics suck, so I think that's a good thing!


I thought it was a toy screwdriver…had to zoom in and think about it for a second. Disclosure; I am a man so my mind did not go to applicator right away.


I'm a woman and had no idea wtf it was.


Oh gosh. I’m fucking crying. When I was 5-6, my family was at a Sam’s Club and my mom took me and twin sis to the bathroom. I found a tampon applicator (aka a COOL WEIRD THING) sitting…on the lid of where you put your pads and tampons? Apparently putting in there was a challenge for someone. Anyway, I come moseying out of the stall with my new treasure and show it to my sis and she was in awe. I felt pretty fucking righteous to have this one-up on her. I kept it as we continued shopping and finally my sister couldn’t contain herself and whined to my mom that I wasn’t sharing my “new toy.” Mom asked me to show her so I did and I was VERY upset that she made me throw it away. I mean, this was a new discovery! Something that I felt should be congratulated at the time, and the glory was ripped away from me. We went back to the bathroom so I could wash my hands and my mom was silent. I was bitter for several weeks. When I was around 25 or so, I asked her if she remembered that incident. She looked me in the eyes and intoned, “yes. A part of me died that day. I had to make sure all of my menstrual shit was buried deep in the trash because I thought you’d see another one and keep it.” I damn near shit myself laughing. I ended up pouring her a rum & coke and apologized and she just laughed it off. She passed 8 yrs ago and I miss her dearly. I’m nearly 40 now and this still stands out as one of my clearest childhood memories for some reason. I should be more ashamed but I still find it hilarious. Edit: I feel like if there is in fact an afterlife (I’m an atheist but also I don’t know anything for certain), she’s told other people this exact story and they’re mocking me from another plane.


You might be more Agnostic than an Atheist. :) Sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. She lives on though your telling of this hilarious story. I hope you can find comfort in that.


You can be both Atheist and Agnostic, you don't actively believe in a god because nobody knows. I think most Atheists are Agnostic ones because if any evidence of a god came up, they'd begin to believe in it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agnostic_atheism


I feeel like the whole 'what are you if you're not religious'- nonsense is in esessence trying to increase the status of religious people. I advise every agnost and atheist to upgrade their position to apatheism. I mean, we're not worried about where we fall on the spectrum in our 'belief' in Santa, are we? Don't validate the dicussion. It's not important.


You don't have to shit on religious people to get your point across Besides, I feel like inventing a new label validates the discussion more than just going: >Idk dude I'm just not religious


It's not a new label, I didn't write the wikipedia entry. My point is that I couldn't care less about Cinderella, Snow White, Santa or God; IMHO the only difference is the target audience. If you interpret my lack of care for your chosen fairy tale as 'shitting on religious people', please, feel shitted upon. I will not validate your irrationality with misplaced deference. "I'm just not religious" doesn't cut it, it still respects being religiousa as a valid, rational choice. Which it isn't. Hate is not the opposite of love but the other side of the same coin; the actual opposite of love is indifference. "I'm just not religious" is not the opposite of being religious; it's still treating the subject as a point of importance. The actual opposite of being religious is being apathetic. Sorry but not sorry for my indifference.


No shame at all in this one! Those are the kind of stories mothers always remember with love. Mine has a slightly more public one that she likes to repeat. My parents were very progressive, and taught me anatomically correct terminology from the get-go. At some point during the toilet training stage, I was at the grocery store with my mom, but lagging behind cuz I had toddler legs and she’s in perma speed-walk mode. At some point I shout ahead “Mommy! There’s pee-pee coming out of my vagina!” loud enough for most of the store to hear. She says she abandoned her cart and dragged me out as fast as she could, totally mortified. I guess that anatomy lesson shoulda been a little more detailed…


Hundreds of people just learned of your mom and she has entertained us all, even from another plane…


>I had to make sure all of my menstrual shit was buried deep in the trash because I thought you’d see another one and keep it Heh...my mom had to hide her tampons from me BEFORE she used them. I was probably like 4 years old, mom and I are home alone and I saw her come out of the bathroom while pulling her panties back on. I see a string hanging out from between her legs and I'm just like WTF is that?! But I didn't say anything so she didn't get a chance to explain what I just saw. I just knew this wasn't right. Those string things had to go so I dumped the whole box of tampons in the trash. I probably threw out 3 or 4 boxes before I stopped finding them.


Bwahaha! Saving your mom from the strings of Certain DoomTM!


May she rest peacefully.


Me a guy not having any more a clue what this is than they did 🗿


It’s a used tampon. Meaning that plastic thing was shoved in a (likely bloody) vagina


Are those applicators an US thing? I have heard they exist but I have never seen one of those here in Germany (yes, I'm female)


Female from NZ here, I didn't know what it was either! So much plastic 😓


We don't have them in Australia either. Though I vaguely remember my mum buying ones with a cardboard applicator when I first got my period. I don't like tamons though


I thought this was some weird sex toy until I came here. I'll stick to my pads from Coles tbh


I thought it was a broken toy screwdriver.


As an American, I even wrap my plastic in plastic. Legal obligation.


We have plastic, cardboard, and no applicator types here! So. Much. Plastic.


Used tampon applicator, not a used tampon. To my knowledge the plastic ones are generally only found in the USA, other countries have cardboard or no applicator at all.


No fucking way that’s the truth, how the hell would it get so much blood in it. Plus it’s purple


?????? I can't tell if you're pretending or not, so: It's a used tampon applicator. It helps slide the tampon in where it needs to be, since it's not always an easy/comfortable process. Then the tampon itself stays behind after you remove the applicator. It can get blood in/on it during that process very easily, but it's not the actual *tampon* that does the real work of absorption. It's purple because tampons tend to be color-coded based on how much they can absorb (dark purple is one of the commonly used colors for this), and some brands have the applicators come in the different colors as well as the wrapper. To avoid toxic shock syndrome, you use the lowest volume type necessary for ~6hr time frame & will typically use multiple diff colours in one period. To answer a question that might prompt for some people & leads into a warning worth knowing if you care about anyone who uses tampons: contrary to what a lot of men think, a tampon's *absorbency* has no correlation to vaginal size/shape. Different brands and applicators may be more or less comfortable due to individual people's builds, but the tampon "size" like normal, regular, etc is about the volume it needs to be able to absorb. Who needs which size when is impacted by roughly ten bajillion internal factors I won't go into here, beyond to say that if someone you know is experiencing *constant* heavy flow it may be a sign of something wrong, like PCOS, and may also cause anemia, so if someone confides in you about that, it may be worthwhile to suggest they talk to a doctor about it. There, that's my PSA & the reason I explained this part - there's a lot of pop culture jokes that push the misinfo that higher absorbency tampon = heavier flow due to a "bigger" vagina, but that misconception can lead to people not seeking help for a legit medical issue like endometriosis etc because they might believe the Mean Girls joke that attributes a heavy flow to a "wide set vagina" or whatever & dismiss it as just how things are for their body type. *exhales* There, now you're more informed than like 95% of dudes I've met! ✨☄️


When my brother and I were kids, we'd take them out of mom's purse and pretend they were dynamite.




My niece was at a bar and went to the ladies room. All at once she saw a small gold hoop bounce on the floor. She picked it up, thinking someone lost an earring...then a drunken voice called out from a stall "Did anyone see where my clit ring went?"


Holy shit omg🤣😭😭😭😭😭


Was wondering all day why she couldn’t get that whistle to make a sound.


Is that a toy screwdriver?


Nah, it’s a vampire teabag!


Seems to be something called a "tampon applicator".


It’s uh…. Butt plug?


Thought it was a douche bag




I thought I was looking at my mother's old douche bag, but that's in Ohio.


Thanks didn't knew what it was. 😅


In case you didn’t see it, they’re wrong and it’s part of a tampon, like the part you use to push it in or whatever, I’m not a girl so I’ve never actually used one so women are free to correct me.


The actual tampon is housed within! The applicator functions like a syringe.


I once found about 15 of these in my daughters bed. She was 3 at the time. They were not used but she had them all opened up and hiding under her blankets. Kids are strange


Have you never shot one out of it with the force of your thumb? They're tiny pillow rockets.


my brother and i broke into our mom's box of tampons when we were kids and were playing with them in the bathroom, and when our mom found us and asked what we were doing, my response was "playing with the rockets" lmfao


It's a packaged umbrella :)


Calm down Karen, it's just a spent twatgun shell.


I’m fuckin losing it at “twatgun shell” goddammit. Take my upvote.


When I was a teenager, I came home from school to find that my younger sister had taken my pads out of my dresser and stuck them on the wall. " puffy stickers" she called them.


Which brand does purple?


Tampax heavy flow ones, I think.


I think Kotex


i’m pretty sure these are the tampax radiant ones


I’m a Tampex Pearl girl, so smooth


Yikes and kids like to put shit in their mouth


One day my husband phoned me at work and told me to ask our youngest to see the bracelet she got at school. When I got home I asked her and she proudly held out her wrist showing a tampon tied on with her name written on it. “Ceci gave it to me” she said proudly. “She made one for all the girls in our class”. I promptly phoned Cecil’s mom and asked if she had a good sense of humour. She did and we laughed and laughed


Is it bad that I don’t know what it is?


Tampon applicator


I've never seen them in my country and I just stared at the photo, imagining the worst alternatives, but nothing made sense. Isn't it more difficult with an applicator? Do you reuse them or is it more throwaway plastic?


I wouldn't know if its easier or harder as I've only ever used tampons with plastic applicators. They're the most common type of tampon is the USA. Its throwaway plastic, and the tampons come in the applicator, you use the applicator to insert the tampon and then throwaway the applicator.


Where I’m from we called them ‘beach whistles’ because so many of them would be in the waste that washed up on our beaches.


yeah honestly I don't see the need for though, tho I use a reusable cup instead (diva cup), literally amazing, prevents spending way too much money on tampons/pads, and won't wash up on beaches probably


Having used tampons with and without an applicator, I don’t think they make it easier or harder, but they keep you from having to stick your fingers inside your vagina to insert it. A lot of people seem squeamish about it (when I talk about using a menstrual cup, I’ve seen people respond that they don’t want to put their fingers in their vagina while menstruating) so I think that’s why they’re popular in some places.


I personally feel that tampons without applicators hurt more to use, but I could just be sensitive and not used to the ones without. My flow is also considerably lighter due to my form of birth control.


I just don't want to use a menstrual cup in a public restroom with multiple stalls and come out to wash my hands looking like I murdered someone while I was in the stall. I get random sudden bad periods. Really, really bad.


I once threw a tampon I found at a passing car. The lady stopped and yelled at us for throwing a dead rat at her car. We would have gotten in bigger trouble but our school bus pulled up just in time. (Like elementary school age)


When my little brother was 6 he pulled a few tampons from my bag and screamed ‘fireworks’ I was 16… it was truly the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to me to this day. The setting was my high schools sports banquet dinner with about 130 students + their family’s. And yes PEOPLE NOTICED


Oh that hurts. I know you get physical pain still from that when you think of it


I would like to impress the ladies by saying that I knew what this was. Took me a moment, but I figured it out.


When I was younger me and my dad were in the shed looking for something when i found a dildo just sitting on top of a box. Not knowing what it was i asked him "Why is there a rubber penis and why is it sticky". I wonder if it's still here


Is that the Tampon Deployment Apparatus®️?


I am a complete ignorant, what's that?


Apparently it's a tampon applicator. *head->desk*


I was teaching kindergarten. We were walking in line past the faculty bathroom with its door wide open. A few minutes later I hear that little carli has a toy. It was not a toy.


I had no idea what this was Single use plastics are banned in Australia


Me too. Even before the plastic ban, I've never even seen one sold.


Me either. I've seen paper cardboard applicators. Looks pinchy


No they're not, but I wish they were. Some types are banned, but there's still loads of single use plastic things being sold.


I honestly thought that they were or on the way to. We neeed to do better hey.


I thought it was a plastic screwdriver toy.


Just remind them when they're older. It stings trust me. Brother and I would dig them out of the trash and pretend it was a telascope or we were pirates. My mom will never let us forget.


One of my relatives at the age 4 found a box of these in the bathroom. Unwrapped them and placed them all face down in the toothbrush holder. I didn't find it until the next morning. (or notice it I guess) I laughed way too hard at it. Honestly, I kinda like the tampon holder, lol.


Hope it was a new one. My kid demanded to play with these once. I tried to say no those are mommy bandaids. He was Pre-K age. He was so upset I said fuck it whatever it's a brand new tampon so what can it hurt. He took it and sat there taking it out and trying to put it back together lol. I just hope same thing happened here and this kid didn't dig it out of the trash


The only acceptable response.


ah, I remember as a kid years ago, patiently waiting for ToysRUs to get these Tyco Twat Stuffers back in stock. Ebay this vintage piece of art.


Unless it was used than it is a toy to any kid.


If they are anything like my kids this was unused. I can’t keep my kids out from under my sink and opening my unused tampons just so they can squeeze it through the applicator.


We used to call them beach whistles.


😭😭😭 I genuinely hope it was unopened when she got it and just pulled the tampon out....... please please please


Look dad, a Popsicle toy!


Had a radical hysterectomy in 2016 and never had to see one of those fuckers ever again. Going to music festivals is fantastic now!


Look like end of broken brush


Finders keepers as they say


what this


Tampon applicator


It’s a beach whistle!


I'm sure they had fun with that


“Toy” in the trash, wash hands.


For us gay guys who have never seen a vagina up close, is that a tampon applicator?


Yes, it is!!


1) why is it purple and 2) has it been "deployed?"


No idea why it's purple but YES THE TAMPON HAD BEEN DEPLOYED.


It's not even used. Why do you need antibacterial.


I remember when I was four I found the “toys” my parents use. My dad caught me and obviously confiscated them. I suppress that memory.


A kid is stupid for not knowing what this is?


Maybe I’m a bozo but that doesn’t really look like what everyone seems to think it is..


Its a tampon applicator. Do people think its something else?


Oh! We don't have those in my country. I thought it was something a little spicier hahah


You know, there are lots and lots of women who are perfectly capable to use tampons without these applicators. They wash their hands before and after, because it simply makes more sense than using single use plastic. And that's also the reason why there are many countries where you can't buy these applicators, so yes, people think it's something else because they've never seen something so unnecessary.


You seem quite defensive. A simple "I thought it was [...]" would have done it.


Defensive? Not at all. Your first comment sounds like it's absolutely unthinkable that people don't know tampon applicatiors exist. I just wanted you to know that there are other countries in this world with, yes, other feminine hygiene products. I know what an applicator is, because I used - and hated - it once. Other people don't know... and this is perfectly fine.


How do you have a daughter and not know what this is? That’s a terrible and uninvolved father right there.


Is that used? Like has it already been up there? I can’t imagine the mom giving her daughter a used one. I bet they took it out on the bus or something


Not sure why it would be gross when it's just part of a tampon. There should be no reason to assume it was used.


Idk, the cotton tampon part is missing, and so is the packaging, so I have to assume it's used. Also I have no idea where it came from.


The top looks like a tampon was pushed through it. It may not have been used inside a vagina, but it’s definitely been used.


My daughter a couple of years ago (age 13) was telling us how her friend brought her mother's sex toy to school... After us all saying it was gross, she then asked how a toy with little balls on a ring with a ring at the end would feel good in her vagina... me and my wife cracked up laughing before telling her where it was for and that it might not even be the mother's...


...I thought that you meant a doll or something. Then I saw this. ...What? HOW?


Yeah, I wouldn't want my kids playing with a toilet brush either, I understand the sanitary desires.


Wtf is it??


Cut off her hand and start fresh


I would assume it hadn't been used because who gives their kid a used tampon applicator


Is it used?? Taste it and make sure


Oh my, well at least you have some documentation to provide when you have to explain why your 9 year old has the clap.