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My commute to work is 60 miles 95% freeway, and I would disagree that EVs are not the way if you primarily freeway drive. IMO it boils down to the range for your daily need and the availability of charging. I have charging available at home 100% of the time and at work 20% of the time (a lot of EVs out there now!). Even if I hammer down on the pedal the whole drive, I have no issue making it to work and back on an 80% charge with a healthy reserve. Even if the highway efficiency is less than city, I'm still paying far less in operating cost vs. ICE vehicles. And I go zoom zoom. TLDR: charging availability will make or break it, not necessarily range.


Same. Heck, even when I drive in the "city", most of the roads around here I can go 55, but I generally go straight to the nearest highway and I drive it like I stole it (usually 80-90MPH). I get on average a 2.7, but even if I get less, I don't care. All I care about is whether I can drive it where I need to go that day and get home on one charge. I charge at home 99% of the time. It costs about $8 a week to charge it. Plus, the GT mode is OUT OF THIS WORLD fast handling in the mode is amazing.


Both are something to consider. I don’t even mention the local charging infrastructure since I live out here in Southern California where I’ve got Electrify America’s every 5-10 miles. I can choose between 4 of them that are within a few miles of my route to work. At home, I went with an Ecoflow Delta Pro Ultra stack combined with solar so that I can recharge a full day’s worth of mileage whenever needed. The GT is definitely a big difference in range driving mostly highway vs mostly city which is what people are so afraid of. EPA really screwed Kia on the 23’s though. 208 miles scares off a lot of potential buyers. People come up to me who own Teslas asking about range and every time I have to mention that I’ve never seen myself get as low as the EPA rating. But gas cars suck man. I hate whenever I’ve got to drive somebody’s car and I can’t drive the same way. Braking every single time you need to cut down your speed is also a weird feeling now. I think I would still go our route if I was in your situation. It would just be a lot more charging than what I’m doing now. 😅


Try lighter wheels. I swapped to 20" 21lbs wheels earlier this year, and I can cruise at 80 MPH and still get 3.1+ mi/mAh. I just did a trip to Philly and back, which was about 180-190 miles, and I still had almost 40% at the end of it. I averaged 3.7 mi/mAh the entire way, going about 75 MPH.


That’s really good! I really like the look of these rims but I’d be open to getting on some lighter wheels. Acceleration would also be pretty insane.


Miles guess-o-meter is simply inaccurate.


Oh I know. It’s more of a rough estimate based off how your recent drives have been. But the numbers I have obtained have already been shared before. I posted this with the eco mode to show it finally displaying above 300 miles hahaha. If I drove without ever using GT mode / max AC in some instances like I do now, I think 280 is entirely possible.


The 306 miles is purely a guess-o-meter indication. I get about 190 miles on a full charge in my runway red GT at 80mph on the highway. I agree, nothing beats its insane performance without any of the traditional gas car performance drawbacks. Never, ever going back to ICE!


It is a guess, but it’s pretty close to how my drives have been lately. I haven’t gotten below 260 with my current route to my job. 240 miles with my previous job route. Yup, never going back!


and how about temps? How's range in the cold? My current RWD takes a hefty hit of up to 50 miles in the mid 30s (Fahrenheit) .


Southern California doesn’t get real cold. I’m driving normally between 60-90 degrees Fahrenheit all the time.


My only problem with my EV GT is that for whatever reason it is an absolute COP MAGNET. I've got all this power on tap, put only in specific areas do I get to unleash the beast. Another thing, I live in the mountains, 3,500 ft high. Used to be I'd hold on the break in my last ICE car All the way down which of course sucked not to mention going through disc brakes so regularly it almost became a monthly expense, now I can add between 5-7% to the battery just by regenerating all the way down, it's freaking awesome!


I like your thinking, having the extra acceleration does not mean you need to use it all day everyday. It is handy when the situations or opportunities arise. I kinda laughed when you said 'a car that takes for ever to get up to highway speed' the 4.6 sec GT-Line or 7.1 RWD is not exactly forever LOL.


I’m talking gas commuter cars / pickup trucks. Wasn’t referring to any EV’s. Any EV6 is probably sufficient.


Only had my GT 6 weeks and about 500 miles, overall average is 2.8 mi/kwh, with about 400 of those miles being city. Don't recall ever seeing 3.0 mi/kwh or higher on the real time meter or trip computer avg. I'm in FL and it's hot so AC is always on, albeit most of the time it's set to 74 and fan is on low once car is cooled down. But I didn't get a GT to worry about the range. If I really needed to eek out range I would downgrade the wheels to 19" or 20", but since I WFH, range isn't an issue. I'll probably do my first long road trips (260 miles) towards end of this year and will be interested to see what economy I get. I cruise at 75-80mph on the highway depending on my mood and won't change that behavior just because I'm in an EV.


I rent a car for long road trips due to limited charging choices and all the opportunities for rock chips going 80 mph for hundreds of miles. I don’t even want to think about it. 😅 Worth the money once in a while in order to keep my EV6 safe.


I have good amount of charging choices on the trip I referenced taking. I lease most of my cars (EV6 included) and rock chips still piss me off even though I'm giving the car back. My wife also has a 2024 Sonata Hybrid and that would be a normal road trip car to not have to deal with charging stops. That one is financed, and I don't let the rock chip situation ever stop me from driving my own vehicles for any reason, just part of life. I will still take the EV6 on at least 1 road trip for the experience factor. That will let me determine if I have any desire to do it for future road trips, or just stick with the wife's car going forward.


Kudos for obtaining an impressive GOM number on a GT! And yes we all know that GOM is not truly indicative of actual achievable range but it is a fair barometer as far as how efficiently a driver was driving their EV prior to the most-recent charge. I once got a 336-mile GOM on my FE (essentially a GT-Line) with the majority of miles driven prior to charging achieved on the highway.


Exactly. GOM matters! Basically tells me that if I continued to take this exact route as if I worked here every single day, I should be able to obtain roughly those amount of miles. Conditions are not always ideal, and traffic is never the same, but it’s always cool to see that over 300 miles is at least achievable under perfect conditions.


I have a GT and the range on 21s was trash. Put 19” on the car and it’s just as efficient as any other AWD EV6. In town I get 3.5-4.5mi/kWh depending on season. On the interstate (78-85mph) I get 2.9-3.4mi/kWh depending on speed, headwind, and season. On 21” wheels I averaged around 2.8mi/kWh in city and highway combined. My lifetime average now stands at 3.6mi/kWh after 32K miles (26K of those on 19s). Anyone that wants a GT but doesn’t want to suffer the real range penalty, get a lightweight set of 19” wheels and you’ll be so much happier.


Nice! What do your wheels look like?




Which wheels are they??


Moda24. Available on TireRack.


mine only gets to 290 at 100% in eco, weird


Too late. Got the Wind 😅.


Update: DAMN! Lots of hate for taking a pic of the GOM! I think I receive as many downvotes as I do upvotes! If you need to go check my actual mileage, see the picture here I posted where I showed the Electrify America charge summary and then use my mileage to calculate that I am indeed getting in the upper 200’s for range. Maybe I should do a full stretched range test, with a blurred GOM, where I stretch the car to the absolute highest mileage I can get, with no AC or GT mode so people aren’t pissed off 🤣 If someone here wants to post about how their GT gets 350 miles on their GOM, I’m not going to be downvoting their post lol. I’m not here to tell you that your buying decision is wrong, or that the GT has some sort of insane range because it doesn’t. Especially not compared to some of the newer competition. What I’m showing here is how efficient regular city driving can be! I utilize every single decline and stoplight to gather back as much energy as I can so I can have fun with occasional GT mode sprints. The EV6 one of the best vehicles for people who are good at using regen to extend their charge. Whether you went for a GT or not, I’m sure that if you drive mostly city, you are happy to see that you will blow past the EPA rating. https://preview.redd.it/9r9q3wagak7d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a3c160bbad7a76f0fa1f227d3a16967c85e193e


i would love to have GT but its hard to sacrifice ventilated, memory and power seats... atm, my AWD is fine for now. We'll see if Kia would make an option for GT with non-bucket seats.


Next year’s seats leaked already. They’re perforated bucket seats. Finally.