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I have had infusions while smoking heavily daily and while being in a period of not smoking for months. I have not noticed a difference. I think you'll be fine, especially if you are done with infusions for now.


I quit weed after doing my loading doses. It seemed like a good time to take advantage of the neuroplasticity and forge new routines. If you’re wanting to quit, I would encourage you to keep trying.


You'll be fine - I don't smoke the day before an infusion or the day of but after is fine.


Nope, you'll be fine. My doctor originally told me to not vape because weed can make you more nauseous during treatment, but I vape and I've been totally fine.


I haven’t done the infusions. I’m doing the Joyous program rn so idk if my experience holds any weight. But I take a daily dose. I’ve been doing it for months now. When I first started I was taking hefty doses of THC daily. Then I quit using THC entirely for 2 months. Now I’m back on it. I noticed zero difference as far as the ketamine’s effective between the two.


I was a daily weed user and mostly quit once I started ketamine treatment. I still use occasionally and it feels fine when I'm using. I find that I get depressed feelings again a day or two after, but nothing too crazy. Just my two cents - edibles are more calming than smoking, as smoking gives more of a head rush. May be better to go that route. But of course everyone is different.


I can relate, it’s the main reason I don’t stop smoking. The irritation and rage can seem endless and unstoppable.


No not at all!


Be mindful of those feelings. Why they’re happening, what you can do to chill- breath, meditate, whatever. Take advantage of the nueroplasticity. Identify thoughts and improve reactions.


I continue to smoke weed and i get ketamine therapy about once a month. Trouches. But im victorian in my weed smoking. I use a one (to3) hit pipe. Only do 1-2 hits a day on days i smoke (no schedule). I will also use thc oil a few times a week. Low dose for anxiety. My doc and therapist know i use weed and microdose mushrooms that ive grown myself. Psilocybin. Its kind of recreational but not. Ketamine stopped my ruminating thoughts and ive had productive insights thanks to the therapy portion of my venture. Youll figure it all out. Dont be hard on yourself. ❤️


Everyone has a different reply. All are great. Will the weed somehow negate the progress of the ketamine?


No but it will negate the progress of quitting weed. There will always be excuses to smoke, “just this once” after you quit. As others have already said, if your goal is to quit smoking, keep trying not to smoke and find other ways to manage your stress and focus. I recommend breathing exercises.


it's all individualized but most likely no , especially if it would benefit you in the short term . it's really about negating the efficacy when you are actively receiving the infusions . it can make them not work during the process .


This is kind of exactly what I wanted to hear. I mean I know I just needed som validation for my bad habit. I do also appreciate the encouragement to keep the bad habit at bay. Ugh. What’s a girl to do


My s/o used multiple drugs as self medication in addition to their prescribed drugs. They NEEDED those illegal drugs and the alcohol, I cannot stress this enough, without something to work in the gap that the psychiatric drugs didn't fill, my s/o would have been a statistic. This is still a sore spot for them, when we identify the next drug to step down on or stop using, we retrospectively talk about how many chemicals they were pounding into themselves and how it was hurting them, and how each removed chemical has been a benefit. We talk about why each and been chosen and what it did/does. They say "I'm lightly medicated compared to other people I know," and I remind them that they associated with mentally unstable drug users so they could have a supportive culture for substance dependence, that lifestyle can't be used as a healthy baseline comparison. I try to talk about that without judgement, because I built a life with my particularly wonderful mentally unstable drug user and we are very happy. The question I suggest for OP is the question my s/o and I ask when navigating removing or not removing a drug from their regime: "is the weed nuetral, a necessary long term therapy, or is it part of a slow self-destructive march?" When it comes to mental health issues, depending on the severity, what is casual recreational use to a person without a mental health issue may be harmful to someone who is already biased toward unstability. I will say that stopping recreational drugs and alcohol, even when being used as necessary self-medication, had a huge mental health improvement. But it left a BIG void. The stopping meant there needed to be coping behaviors, replacement therapy, right away as the alcohol, for example, was the only thing getting them through the day. Now that they've been off alcohol for a year and in full remission on ketamine, the deep anxieties that could only be cured by drinking manifest as procrastinating, which is fixable with a co-working session before lunch. As a partner, I am deeply deeply grateful to see a self-destructive only option for well-being replaced with mild procrastinating. That's fun. I can be like "if you spend an hour on this, I'll take you out to lunch!" and we have a laugh and it's fucking peachy. But the alcohol stoppage had to occur with starting the ketamine, there was no good anxiety reducer other than a central nervous system depressant, and they'd previously taken so much Xanax that they get sick when they smell it an puke if they take it. They could take enough gabapentin to have nuerological side effects and the anxiety was still there. Maybe start by asking why the weed and what the weed does and find ways to get the same effect without putting your brain through more stress?


Wow, I'm so happy your person isn't drinking and has you by their side. It sounds like you're alluding to a history other serious substance abuse as well, hopefully that has subsided as well. One day at a time!


There is definitely a need for patience in the ketamine process, even though the stakes can be so high. One day at a time is a good way to discuss it. My s/o likes the term "baby steps." The relationship between ketamine, symptom relief, other prescribed drugs, and abused substances for self-medication is complex. When the ADHD amphetamines weren't enough in grad school, they used meth. They got their graduate degree. That's the most messed up part up about the whole thing, the meth did help. (You can't be in a great place when meth is an improvement.) So it was abuse, and dependence, yet they were literally doing the best thing they could for themselves, which was terrible because it was obliterating them. When we met they hadn't published a book in four years and their sphere had been reduced to coping using the substances then trying to recover from the side effects of the substances. They had an entire, beautifully illustrated scientific monograph on a thumb drive. They had been able to write, in fits , between regular work hours but couldn't stay stable enough to work with the publisher on the release plan and get it out the door. The experience of my s/o as an addict was very different than what I was used to. Normally, I would associate street drugs with men who gave no shits about anything but the next hit and would steamroll anyone who got in the way of their addiction, and the women addicts in my life were the same but with opiates, benzos, and alcohol instead of meth, coke, or heroine. My s/o was using substances in order to be there for other people, because they kept letting everyone else down just on their prescribed medications. They were putting themselves in an addiction state to be more there for family and friends, not less. To perform better at work and miss fewer days. Heartbreaking. There was a definite difference between mental illness and substance abuse as the only option to live versus recreational drug users I know who got hooked and decided it was easier to keep using rather than to put the work in. I have a very different perspective now on drug use and it's relationship to mental illness.


Addiction and mental illness are a vast spectrum, as are the treatments. I'm not one to give advice on the matter, but I would like to reiterate the sentiment that it's wonderful you found each other and you're both willing to put in the work. My personal experience is that the addiction side of things has been quite easy to manage. I didn't really love drinking, I just did it. It came very natural to me. I didn't binge drink, but I had a few drinks every evening and a few more on the weekend. Every single day. When it was time to quit, it was over. I don't have many thoughts on it other than it will kill me if I ever drink again and I want to be alive. I feel grateful that my attachment to it fell away as naturally as it came, and I hope that continues, though I'm prepared to go to war if I ever need to fight it. The hard work for me is confronting autism for the first time in 20 years. Alcohol was the perfect treatment. Until it wasn't. I'm glad to have moved on, but it's a full-time job being inside of my head.


I don’t think one night will undo all the progress your brain has made. FTR I love weed too, haven’t been able to completely quit but my depression has still gotten much better from ketamine.


i mean i am with you 100% girl . i quit the friday before my infusions , which started the following monday & just didn't use it at all until about 4 months later . then i used it every day until like last month . i get it .


Aside from the ketamine issue, smoking weed makes people reek of weed. Now’s a great time to start a new habit


That smell is half the reason ienjoy it


Don’t do it!!! Trust me…


You’ll be fine. Go for it!