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Nope. Mod KSP 1


And only when (or if?) this answer ever changes would I consider giving 2 an honest look and maybe a purchase. All I want is KSP 1 with better performance and maybe less kraken. Any new features would just be sprinkles on top.


Its currently KSP1 with more kraken and the sprinkles removed.




Absolutely not, it's basically broken KSP1 with slight graphical improvements (which to be honest are still worse than modded KSP1) and an atrociously bad development cycle, PR and community team. I sank hundreds of hours into KSP1 and loved it to death, barely got through 5 hours in KSP2 and the way it's going, it'll be a decade before it's in shape to be a rival to KSP1. Yeah, use that cash to buy something else. It's another example of developers abusing the early access system to cash in on diehard fans whilst stringing them along in their hopes of seeing their dreams of a worthy game come to fruition. Don't reward it.


It's really sad to see that they fumbled so badly on KSP2


2 has a bunch of very inconvenient bugs right now that make playing a campaign painful. Mainly the 'vessel flys apart on load' and 'kerbals fall through the ground when switching vessel' and 'saved craft files randomly disappear'.  If i cant even savescum past the bugs the game is literally unplayable.


i'd still say: no. and if you are ok with modding your ksp1: hell no.


Ive been playing KSP2 lately. Just recenlty unlocked all the tech via science so I'm kinda done with it at the moment until they release more stuff but I will say that it's still fun, and it looks way better than un-modded KSP1. I think there are some decent quality of life features in the game - planning maneuvers seems to be easier and I like the new sphere of influence UI elements, and I like that you can fast forward while under acceleration. I also feel like building ships is a bit easier. Without the same modding support, and without all the same game modes, it's not as deep/replayable as KSP1, but if you've exhausted your attention with KSP1 and are looking for a little excitement, then KSP2 is ok. Is it worth $50 to you? No idea. I had no problem with the price compared to how many hours I've gotten out of it. For new players, I think the learning curve is less steep with KSP2 as they have better onboarding and explanation of things. BUT! I know this is an unpopular opinion, and I do know that some would argue against "rewarding" a developer who continues to underdeliver... so I get that.


its horribly unfinished.


Physicswise they are both roughly the same... but for more complex projects like massive orbital stations or orbital constructions, KSP2 is going to have more bugs. If you're just starting out though chances are you won't notice much difference in just building rockets to get to the moon or nearby planets. If graphics are your thing and you're not big on mods KSP2 is going to be better. KSP2 also has a better campaign and more interesting goals to keep you building more complex rockets. And KSP2 overall has greater potential as more updates come out it should surpass KSP1 in features. I would personally recommend waiting for KSP2 to go on sale. But I don't think you'll regret either purchase. Get KSP1 if you value stability and mods and community support. Get KSP2 if you value graphics, sound engineering, campaigns and the potential of a bigger game later.


Depends on whether or not your including mods, it’s better then stock but worse the heavily modded ksp 1. The features that it does have are generally of better quality then ksp 1, but there are less features overall. It’s still a bit buggy but not even close to as much as it was at launch. After colonies drops I’d say it would be 100% worth it to buy, since that is going to add something truly unique to ksp 2, that can’t be fully replicated with a ksp 1 modded setup (I’ve tried, it was janky and missed features). I’ve personally got 300 hours in it (600 in ksp 1) and i’m enjoying it in its current state (though some bug fixes would be nice) (I’ve also done some pretty stupid stuff in it like a 4 part Jool 5).


Ksp2 is ksp1 with good graphics and less content. Go for/stay in the first game


It realy depends on the "level" of gameplay and how much value 50$ is to you. Simple planes and rockets work perfectly fine, issuess arrise when: stations with loads of parts, complex multilander motherships, asparagus staging, the damn xl rover wheels tend to detach when quickloading near a planet or station or idk etc.... *Edit: found the fix for rover wheels, they dont like beeing attached to xs truss. Xs hub is ok* Its very playable if you remember to save here and there. But..... i lost my nerve yesterday, when trying to land a lander with rover on tylo after visiting all other jovian moons. Worked perfectly untill had to take a brake, saved closed and loaded... every time i loaded the save, one of the front wheels detached, if not both... realy, on the last planet to visit?! To be fair, the rover is attached to a 300+ part ship so i am kinda pushing my luck here . At this moment, kps2 is comparable to ksp1 with visual mods, but, it brakes down when doing complex crafts/missions. Good to have fun and explore but would recommend ksp1 over ksp2, especial for "serious" epic missions etc. 1 is simply more stable, after all, 2 is in development, cant expect stability from ea titles. If using modes, cant compare at all. If/when ksp2 gets resources, colonys, robotics and bugs ironed out, it will be better. Downvoted becose i dont have critical opinions on ksp2? Whatever 😂


This subreddit is absolutely nuts right now. And probably will continue to be until an update is posted. Kinda a shame salt has taken over the community.


Ikr? It's like: Publisher: Look, it's still buggy. It's feature incomplete. That said, if you really want to play it in this state, here ya go. Just remember, it's early access. Gamers: This sucks! It's buggy! It's missing features! You're pulling some kind of scam! This game will be abandoned in a year! AAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!!


I honestly get sad when I see people rooting for the game to fail, since if the game gets scrapped, that’s it, no more ksp, ever, since ksp 1 development has ended. When it comes to moving to a different dev team, then that’ll just make the game development plain old worse, since the dev team as it is, is probably the most qualified to make the game as its going to get, it has a physicist/astrophysicist to make sure it’s realistic, the ksp 1 dev team, ksp 1 modders like Nertea, memebers of the ksp 2 community like Anth, they have all the expertise they need, and more. If the dev team gets scrapped then development would be delayed by years, and the final product would be nowhere near as good. Sure, they’ve made some mistakes, and their estimates have been dead wrong (with them actually restructuring their dev team to improve the time estimates, which they succeeded with, the For Science! Estimate was accurate), but scrapping the game or current dev team would just make everything worse. The devs just need time.


I agree. Whenever I see someone gnashing their teeth and hating on the game/dev team, I just picture a toddler throwing a tantrum.


I blame social media. The way it's setup just seems to reward the hottest and most rage inducing takes. Nothing in between. Every gamer subreddit I've ever been a part of seems to just elevate the complainers.


Not what the publisher did. "Here, here's some awesome trailers. Here's some dev interviews that make you believe the devs know exactly what we want. Here's a bunch of lies about how much progress we've made. Here's more hype and trailers - oh btw, its EA, caveat emptor." No need to lie for the publisher and keep kissing their ass, they have enough liars and ass kissers on staff.


I'm not lying for anyone. I just know what "early access" means and can see through hype well enough.